Contemporary Arts Daily Lesson Log

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Daily Learning in Understanding Culture, Society & Politics

Teacher: HARLYN MARIE P. DATO-ON Grade Level: 11

Teaching Dates: Sections:
I. Objectives Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
A. Content Standards 1.The learners demonstrate an understanding of cultural, social, and political institutions as sets of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to major social interests.
2. The learners demonstrate an understanding of social stratification as the ranking of individuals according to wealth, power & prestige.
3. The learners demonstrate an understanding of social and political inequalities as features of societies and the global community.
B. Performance Standards 1. The learners analyze aspects of social organization
2. The learners identify one’s role in social groups and institutions
3. The learners recognize other forms of economic transaction such as sharing, gift exchange, and redistribution in his/her own society.
C. Learning Competencies
1. The learners traces kinship ties and social networks.
2. The learners describe the organized nature of social life and rules governing behavior.
3. The learners compare different social forms of social organization according to their manifest and latent functions.

Code: UCSP/11HSO-IIi-20
II. Content

IV. Objectives At the end of the session, students should: At the end of the session, students should: At the end of the session, students should: At the end of the session, students should:

a. Defined what organization is a. Defined what organization is a. Describe the economic institution a. Describe the economic institution
b. Described the different political b. Described the different political b. Analyze the economic institution and its b. Analyze the economic institution
organizations in society. organizations in society. impact on the lives of people in society. and its impact on the lives of people in
c. Identified the different types of Identified the different types of legitimizing authority c. Identified the major players in the society.
legitimizing authority in organizations in organizations and the bigger society. economic institution. c. Identified the major players in the
and the bigger society. economic institution.

V. Learning Resources
A. References
Understanding Culture, Society & Politics Understanding Culture, Society & Politics Understanding Culture, Society & Politics Understanding Culture, Society & Politics
1. Teacher’s Guide (Phoenix Publishing House) (Phoenix Publishing House) (Phoenix Publishing House) (Phoenix Publishing House)
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning UCSP-AS-v1.0.pdf
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
VI. Procedures
A. Reviewing of the Using the PowerPoint presentation, start the Review the class regarding the previous Using a PowerPoint presentation, show a video of Review the class regarding the previous
previous lesson or class with video about Political organization in lesson. the economic status of the Philippines during the lesson:
presenting the new lesson. the Philippines during Marcos Era. Marcos era.
(Localization) Ask: Economic institutions
Compare the economy of the Philippines during Reciprocity
Marcos time and Duterte’s administration. Transfer
(Localization) Redistribution
A. Establishing a
purpose for the CONCEPT MAP Using the PowerPoint presentation, start the class Using a PowerPoint presentation, flash the
lesson with video about the different political structures in following pictures regarding our country’s present
Organization the world. economy:
Or Political Dynasties in the Philippines 1. Excise tax
(Localization) 2. Common goods
3. Jeepney modernization, etc.
4. Payment Center

Why are political organizations important in Ask: How important are the economic institutions
society? in the lives of the people in society?
(question will be answered at the end of the
B. Presenting Unlocking of Difficulties
examples/ instances Present a video of the development of political = continuation of the lesson=  Bank Accounts
of the new lesson structure in the Philippines.  Consumption
(localization)  Economic institutions
 Loans =Continuation of the lesson =
 Market
 Production
 Reciprocity
 Redistribution

C. Discussing new Unlocking of Difficulties: Using a PowerPoint presentation, discuss the Using a PowerPoint presentation, discuss the Using the PowerPoint presentation,
concepts and following: following: discuss the following:
practicing new skills Politics –
#1 Government – CHIEFDOM ORGANIZATION - a form of ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS – durable systems of MARKET TRANSACTIONS - the
established and embedded social rules that create
Band – hierarchical political organization in non- system of exchange in a market. It is
a structure for social interactions (Hodgson, 2001)
Tribe – industrial societies usually based on kinship. when goods and service are traded
State – RECIPROCITY - a form of gift exchange and bartered amongst individuals
Political Party – STATE ORGANIZATION – an autonomous between two parties wherein return is expected within their market and society.
Authority – political unit encompassing many communities after product or gift giving (Parry, 1986).
Charisma – within its territory and having a centralized PURCHASES – is the most common
Charismatic Party – government with the power to collect taxes. TRANSFER & REDISTRIBUTION – known as amongst all kinds of transactions. A
Rational Party - “government transfer” or “transfer payment”. buyer and a seller interact with one
AUTHORITY AND LEGITIMACY - a person or another to exchange goods for an
 Transfer – are payments that are made
organization having power or control in a amount of money.
without any good or service being received in
particular, typically political or administrative, return.
sphere.  Redistribution – the process of transferring LOANS - sum of money that a person
income and wealth (money, physical property) may borrow. The borrowed money will
be returned to where the person
loaned it from with added interest.
D. Discussing the new Through a PowerPoint presentation,
concepts and discuss the following: THREE TYPES OF LEGITIMATE RULE BANK ACCOUNTS – “ transaction
practicing new skills ( Max Weber) account”
Political Organization – any entity that is 1. TRADITIONAL AUTHORITY- - These accounts are deposits in a
2. CHARISMATIC AUTHORITY – bank or any other financial institution
involved in the political process.
3. RATIONAL AUTHORITY – that allow individuals available
access to money through cash
Bands - composed of fairly small and FORMS OF LEGITIMIZING GOVERNMENT withdrawals, checks and debit.
nomadic groups of people.
a. Output legitimacy MARKET – is a system of private
Tribal Organization – distinct people, b. Input legitimacy ownership and enterprise that acts based
dependent on their land for their livelihood, c. Who analyzes legitimacy on their own private and self- interest.
who are largely self-sufficient, and not
integrated into the national society. STATE – governing body of the society –
it is the political world (the Polis) if the

1. Developing Mastery Ask: Let the students watch a video about “ What is Ask:
Federalism”  How important are the economic Ask:
1. What does it take to be a good leader? Ask: institutions in the lives of the people
2. Why do people need government? in society? What learning have you gained about
the role of economic institution in the
1. Do you think we really need to change our  If you will be given a chance to talk
1987 Constitution into Federalism? society?
with President Duterte, what
2. If you will be given a chance to be the
President of the Philippines, would you rather
question are you going to raise esp
pursue federalism type of government? What the economic crisis that we are
are benefits of this type of government? experiencing right now?
( contextualization) (contextualization)
2. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills
in daily living

3. Making Ask: Ask: Ask: Ask:

generalizations and 1. Define what government is. 1. Enumerate the different political 1. Define economic institution.
abstractions about 2. Enumerate the different structures. 2. Define reciprocity 1. Compare market transactions
the lesson organizations learned and define 2. What are the forms in legitimizing the 3. Compare transfer from redistribution. from purchases.
it. 2. Is it necessary to apply for a
loan through banks only?

4. Evaluating learning
Paper & Pen Test CHAPTER TEST End the class with a saying: CHAPTER TEST
“ Power is not of a man. Wealth does not center
True/False Identification in the person of the wealthy. Celebrity is not True/False
Identification Essay inherent in any personality. To be celebrated, to be Matching Type
wealthy, to have power requires access to major Multiple Choice

- C Wright Mills
5. Additional activities
for application or
VII. Remarks

VIII. Reflection

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher Subject Group Head Asst. School Principal II,SHS

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