Workspace and Singularities of Parallel Robots For Rehabilitation Therapy
Workspace and Singularities of Parallel Robots For Rehabilitation Therapy
Workspace and Singularities of Parallel Robots For Rehabilitation Therapy
While we can agree that there is a need for such rehabilitation robots, the truth
is that the robotics market is driven by industrial application rather than medical
ones, although bio-engineering and bio-robotics have seen an increase in recent
years. In light of that, most robots used for physical therapy are actually
industrial robots re-programmed to perform tasks that may aid the injured
individual into a faster recovery. For example, a robot can perform a certain
exercise routine guiding the injured limb and also gather data about the
performance and send it to be analysed by the doctors.
2. Singularities
A robot singularity is a configuration in which the robot’s end effector becomes
stuck in certain directions. When we want to move a robot in a Cartesian space,
we only specify the desired end effector position and the robot must calculate
all the joint positions and velocities to get there. Singularities arise when the
mathematical equation that needs to be solved for a certain end effector position
cannot be solved (for example, because of division by 0). When it reaches a
singularity, the robot loses one or more degrees of freedom.
Where A and B are the Jacobian matrices of the closed-loop mechanism. There
can be different types of singularities depending on whether A, B, or both are
singular. [5]
Because of its simple structure and high flexibility, we can use a 6 DoF parallel
robot as a method for lower limb rehabilitation. In the study I am citing, the
team has investigated the capability of a 6 DoF parallel robot (similar to a
Stewart platform) to perform various lower limb rehabilitation exercises. In
order to do this, they have analysed the foot trajectories of 20 healthy
participants in a gait lab using 12 Vicon cameras. They then used this data to
evaluate the robot’s capability during four rehabilitation exercises using a
Kinect camera as a depth motion sensor.
Kinematic analysis
First they investigated the kinematics and dynamics of the parallel robot and
they designed and simulated the CAD model of the robot. In order to calculate
the length of actuators with respect to the reference foot trajectories, the inverse
kinematic of the 6 DoF parallel robot has been investigated. Considering a
single leg, it is composed of 2 links connected to each other by a cylindrical
joint and connected to the top and base by two universal joints. The same
kinematical behaviour can be obtained with a prismatic joint (substituting the
cylindrical joint) and a spherical joint (substituting the top universal joint). Thus
we can observe that the parallel robot used for this application is kinematically
equivalent to a Stewart platform.
In order to find the initial position of the joints connected to the moving
platform and the fixed base, the team has designed the 3D CAD model of the
robot. They assigned the coordinate systems O = (X, Y, Z) to the centre of the
base platform and o = (x, y, z) to the centre of the top platform, as shown in
figure 4.
Where Pi = [ XTi, YTi, ZTi] represents the position of the top joints with respect to
the base and pi = [xTi, yTi, zTi] represents the position of the top joints with
respect to the end effector’s coordinate reference and i represents the number of
actuators. The lengths of the actuators are calculated using the following
Where (Xbi, Ybi, Zbi) shows the position of the i-th connection point to the base.
Dynamics Analysis
The actuator forces during different motions have been calculated based on the
inverse dynamic and Newton-Euler formulation. The unit vector along the
actuator was calculated by the following equation:
The profile of force applied by the foot during different exercises was measured
by the force plate in the gait lab and was used as the external force in
calculating the actuator force. By calculating the magnitude of actuator forces
(F = [F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6]T) the resultant force (R) and momentum (M) for the
system have been calculated through the following equations:
Where bi is the i-th connection point at the base. The output force has been
related to the input forces by the following equation:
When H is singular, an extra load will be created on the platform that cannot be
supported by the actuator forces. The singularities were identified while the
value of determination of the matrix H was 0. The static singularity will appear
Robot analysis
The prototype for this robot uses six servo actuators with a stroke size of 150
mm connected to the top and base by 12 universal joints.
Gait analysis
Twenty healthy people participated in this study: 10 males with the average age
of 35.23 ± 3.02 years, height of 175.2 ± 4.34 cm and weight of 82.764 ± 4.89 kg
and 10 females with an average age of 33.75 ± 2.34 years, height of 168.23 ±
3.43 cm and weight of 59.453 ± 5.563 kg. They were all selected based on the
following criteria: able bodied with no lower limb disabilities; weight less than
100 kg; ability to perform functional movements like stair climbing and normal
They were all asked to perform 4 exercises barefoot while their foot trajectory
was recorded by 12 Vicon cameras and the forces they exhibited were analysed
by two force plates. The exercises were: hip flexion/extension; ankle
dorsiflexion/plantar flexion; stair climbing and marching. Each participant had
to perform the exercise 6 times with each leg. Figure 5 exemplifies the
Figure 5- rehabilitation exercises performed by healthy subjects: (a)- hip flexion/extension; (b)- ankle
dorsiflexion/plantar flexion; (c)- stair climbing; (d)- marching
After the foot trajectories were determined by a Matlab program, the physical
model movement was analysed in comparison with the results obtained by
linking the CAD model to the Matlab program. The team has done this using
two Kinect cameras that followed the movement of a skeleton model of a lower
limb that was attached to the platform. For the Kinect to be able to analyse the
movements, blue, red and green markers were placed on anatomical landmarks
on the model as is shown in figure 6.
Figure 6 – skeleton model
The foot trajectories and the robot trajectories recorded were compared and the
maximum and minimum position errors were measured to be 34.15 mm and
10.75 mm.
Figure 8- Trajectory comparison (a)- ankle exercise; (b)- hip exercise; (c)- marching; (d)- stair climbing
Because the errors are small and the robot followed all the trajectories without
encountering any singularity points, the conclusion of this study is that there is a
real capability exhibited by this robot to perform various lower limb
rehabilitation exercises for patients with lower limb disabilities.
VI. Resources
4. Napper, S. A., & Seaman, R. L. (1989). Applications of robots in
rehabilitation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 5(3), 227–239.
5. Guilin Yang, I-Ming Chen, Wei Lin, and Jorge Angeles, Singularity
Analysis of Three-Legged Parallel Robots Based on Passive-Joint
6. Alireza Rastegarpanah, Mozafar Saadat, Alberto Borboni, Parallel Robot
for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exercises, Applied Bionics and
Biomechanics, volume 2016, article ID 8584735