Calculate FW Kinematic OpenmanipulatorX
Calculate FW Kinematic OpenmanipulatorX
Calculate FW Kinematic OpenmanipulatorX
Han Zhong Ting1 , Mohd Hairi Mohd Zaman2 , Mohd Faisal Ibrahim3 , Asraf Mohamed Moubark4
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract—Many small and large industries use robot arms This study aims to develop a suitable methodology for
to establish a range of tasks such as picking and placing, and solving the forward and inverse kinematic problem for a 4-DoF
painting in today’s world. However, to complete these tasks, one articulated robotic manipulator with relative ease. A kinematic
of the most critical problems is to obtain the desire position model with an accurate correlation between the forward and
of the robot arm’s end-effector. There are two methods for inverse kinematics of a 4-DoF articulated robotic manipulator
analyzing the robot arm: forward kinematic analysis and inverse
kinematic analysis. This study aims to model the forward and
is developed using MATLAB software. The performance of
inverse kinematic of an open-source 4 degrees of freedom (DoF) the developed kinematic model is assessed and evaluated in
articulated robotic arm. A kinematic model is designed and Robot Operating System (ROS) on Ubuntu. The robot arm
further evaluated all the joint parameters to calculate the end- assessed in this research is the OpenMANIPULATOR-X robot
effector’s desired position. Forward kinematic is simple to design, arm manufactured by Robotis, which is an open-source robotic
but as for the inverse kinematic, a closed-form solution is needed. platform.
The developed kinematic model’s performance is assessed on a
simulated robot arm, and the results were analyzed if the errors A. Kinematic Modeling
were produced within the accepted range. At the end of this study,
forward kinematic and inverse kinematic solutions of a 4-DoF Kinematic is a branch of mechanics that studies the motion
articulated robot arm are successfully modeled, which provides of bodies and structures without taking force into account.
the theoretical basis for the subsequent analysis and research of Geometry is used to research the movement of multi-DoF
the robot arm. kinematic chains that make up the robot arm’s structure. The
Keywords—Robot arm; kinematic analysis; forward kinematic; relationship between the robot arm’s linkages and its position,
inverse kinematic; open-source orientation, and acceleration is studied in robot kinematics.
Kinematic analysis is an effective method when planning the
robot arm’s trajectory can be divided into two types: forward
I. I NTRODUCTION kinematic and inverse kinematic.
A robot arm is made up of a movable chain of links Forward kinematic refers to using the kinematic equa-
that are linked together by joints. A hand or end-effector tions of a robot arm to compute the position of the end-
that can move freely in space is typically connected to one effector’s frame and joint variables relationship. Meanwhile,
end, which is fixed to the ground. Robot arms are capable of inverse kinematic is the reverse process that calculates the
performing repetitive tasks at speeds and precision well above joint parameters that achieve an end-effector’s position. The
those of human operators. Robot arms are used in various fields reverse operation, on the other hand, is much more challenging
requiring high precision, for instance medical, industry, and in general. The reverse operation is, in general, much more
some hazardous places. However, controlling the robot arm challenging. Forward kinematic has a simple and straightfor-
has been challenging with a higher degrees of freedom (DoF). ward solution if compared with the inverse kinematic solution,
Position analysis and trajectory planning of robot arm is an which has many equations with a highly complex form to be
essential step in design and control. solved [10].
Robotics research has gotten much traction over the years, In robotics, the inverse kinematic approach uses the kine-
thanks to advances in robot technology and the growing matic equations to find the joint parameters that give each
use of robotics in various fields. The robotics researchers of the robot arm’s end-effectors the desired configuration
have been focusing on more current configurations, intelligent (position and rotation). Motion planning determines the robot
actions, autonomous robotics, and high-level intelligence. All arm’s movement so that its end-effectors move from an initial
of these areas are related to robot kinematic, both forward and configuration to the desired configuration. Inverse kinematic
inverse. However, there are no excellent universal algorithms transforms the motion plan into joint actuator trajectories
for producing the forward and inverse kinematic of a robot for the robot arm. Forward kinematic measures the chain’s
arm, especially finding the correlation between both kinematic configuration using joint parameters, while inverse kinematic
models. The problem involves an error in achieving an accurate reverses this calculation to find the joint parameters that
correlation between the forward and the inverse kinematic of achieve the desired configuration [11].
a robot arm [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]. To plan
an accurate robot arm’s movement, we have to understand the B. Mechanism of Robot Arm
relationship between the forward and inverse kinematic of the
actuators to control the robot’s resulting position in an accurate A robot arm can be either serial configuration with an
manner. Hence, there remains a scope to investigate further and open-loop structure or parallel configuration with a closed-
work towards finding better solutions. loop structure. The joint type for an industrial robot arm can 768 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 6, 2021
Some considerations should be emphasized to ensure the
robot arm can maneuver correctly, including its software and
hardware. Accordingly, software should be stable and easy to
use to prevent difficulties. Furthermore, hardware plays a role
in forming a solid robot arm and able to move as planned. The
MATLAB software (MathWorks) has been used to develop the
algorithm in this study.
The primary hardware utilized in this study is the
OpenMANIPULATOR-X robot arm manufactured by Robotis.
The OpenMANIPULATOR-X robot arm is made up of pieces
from the DYNAMIXEL-X series and 3D printing. The daisy
chain method is adopted by DYNAMIXEL, which has a
modular design. It enables users to add or remove joints
for their own use easily. Fig. 3 shows the structure of the
OpenMANIPULATOR-X robot arm [18].
px py Quadrant θ1
c(θ3 ) −s(θ3 ) 0 a3 c(θ3 )
+ + 1 θ1
2 s(θ3 ) c(θ3 ) 0 a3 s(θ3 )
T3 = (5)
0 0 1 0 - + 2 θ1 + 180◦
0 0 0 1
- - 3 θ1 − 180◦
+ 1 4 θ1
c(θ4 ) −s(θ4 ) 0 a4 c(θ4 )
3 s(θ4 ) c(θ4 ) 0 a4 s(θ4 )
T4 = 0 0 1 0 (6) The second process involves calculating the angles for
0 0 0 1 joints 2, 3, and 4 (θ2 , θ3 , and θ4 ). For obtaining the solution
for θ2 , θ3 , and θ4 , the 3-dimensional (3D) space which is
consisting of the x, y, and z coordinate axes, is simplified
After obtaining values for T10 , T21 , T32 and T43 , the next
to a 2-dimensional (2D) surface. The x and y-axis are merged
step is to combine them in a sequence to simplify them.
as a new axis and known as the r-axis, as shown in Fig. 7.
T41 = T21 · T42 (8) pr
z3 = pz − d1 (15) r2 2 + z2 2 − a2 2 + a3 2
θ3 = ± cos−1 (20)
2 a2 a3
a4 (r3 , z3 )
z2 = a2 sin θ2 + a3 sin (θ2 + θ3 ) (22)
r2 = cos θ2 (a2 + a3 cos θ3 ) − sin θ2 (a3 sin θ3 ) (23)
r2 r (a2 + a3 cos θ3 ) r2 + (a3 sin θ3 ) z2
cos θ2 = (25)
Fig. 8. Projection of the r − z Surface for the Movement of the Robot Arm.
r2 2 + z2 2
−1 sin θ2
θ2 = tan (27)
cos θ2
θ4 = φ − (θ2 + θ3 ) (28)
The next step is to calculate and form a smooth trajectory. 4 -22 34 -21 53 0.2804 -0.1133 0.2733
This process runs the trajectory process and uses the points 5 48 8 -65 32 0.2125 0.236 -0.0963
configured in the previous step. Trajectory planning is one of
the critical processes in robots, where it involves the smooth 6 11 70 -8 -67 0.2512 0.0488 0.2966
movement of the end-effector from the initial position to the 7 166 42 -35 -40 -0.3407 0.0849 0.0918
target position [18]. When an arbitrary endpoint is given, the
algorithm computes the optimal feasible path for the robot 8 82 38 -58 36 0.0632 0.3583 0.1246
arm’s movement based on the kinematic constraints. 9 -158 56 -79 14 -0.3158 -0.1276 0.0965
The final process involves performing inverse kinematic 10 -54 75 -37 9 0.1465 -0.2017 0.3691
of the points found on the robot arm workspace. There are
six values in the weight vector. The first three values are for
rotational purposes, and the last three values are for transition B. Modeling of Inverse Kinematic
purposes. Then, the algorithm configures a number greater
than the number of points previously configured to ensure the Fig. 12 shows the flowchart of the inverse kinematic model-
robot arm’s smooth movement. After that, it uses a kinematic ing algorithm. The coordinates of the end-effector are entered
solver for each end-effector position and uses the previous into the algorithm to obtain the joint angles that achieve a
configuration to make an initial guess. After completing all particular end-effector position. Next, the angle value for joint
the processes, the movement of the robot arm is simulated. 1 is calculated, followed by calculating the angle values for 773 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 6, 2021
joints 2, 3, and 4. Finally, all solution sets for the joint angles decimal point for the joint angles, as shown in Table V.
are obtained.
This work was financially supported by Universiti Ke-
bangsaan Malaysia (grant no. GGPM-2019-051 and GUP-
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