Rate Analysis of Aanatoli
Rate Analysis of Aanatoli
Rate Analysis of Aanatoli
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Far Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Irrigation Development Sub-Division
Name of the Project:- Aanatoli Irrigation Project
Location :- Aanatoli NP-2, Dadeldhura F.Y. 2074/075
1 Man Power rate of Dadeldhura District
S.N. Item Unit Rate(Rs) Remarks
1 Unskilled Labour MD 550.00
2 Skilled Labour MD 898.00
3 Driver (Heavy) MD 582.63 15890/30
4 Driver (Light) MD 537.90 14670/30
5 Plumber MD 772.00
6 Survey Helper MD 550.00
7 Chaukidar MD 550.00
8 Porter MD 550.00
9 Superviser MD 550.00
Rate Analysis
Name of the Project : Aanatoli Irrigation Project
Location: Aanatoli NP-2, Dadeldhura F.Y. 2074/075
Labour Construction Materials Tools& Plants Total of mat. OH Cost Rate Incl OH
S.N. Description of works Unit & Cost Remarks
Class No. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Rate Amount 15%
1 Dry foundation excavation in hard gravel mixed labours(Rs)
soils (dia<10cm) for drain,pipeline etc.
incl.disposal upto10 m & 15 m lift. Ref-2.21 m3 Unskl 1.36 550.00 748.00 - - - - - 3% 22.44 770.44 115.56 886.00
2 Excavation for foundation,drain,pipeline etc in
boulder mixed soils, disposal upto 10m lead &
1.5m lift.Ref-2.14 m3 Unskl 1.59 550.00 874.50 - - - - - 3% 26.23 900.73 135.10 1035.83
3 Excavation in fractured & soft rocks, disposal
(upto 10m lead 1.5m lift.).Ref-2.10 m3 Unskl 2.50 550.00 1375.00 - - - - - 3% 41.25 1416.25 212.43 1628.68
4 Excavation of hard rocks without blasting without
chiselling, disposal (Upto 10 m lead & 1.5 m lift).
Ref- 2.6a m3 Unskl 5.00 550.00 2750.00 - - - - - 3% 82.50 2832.50 424.87 3257.37
5 Excavation of hard rocks without blasting with
chiselling, disposal (Upto 10 m lead & 1.5 m lift).
Ref- 2.6b m3 Unskl 24.20 550.00 13310.00 - - - - - 3% 399.30 13709.30 2056.39 15765.69
6 Excavation of soft clay & silty soils including
disposal (Upto 10m lead & 1.5m lift.). Ref-2.1
m3 Unskl 0.70 550.00 385.00 - - - - - 3% 11.55 396.55 59.48 456.03
7 Excavation of hard clay & soil mixed with soft
moorum stones(upto 30cm size) including
disposal (upto 10m lead,1.5m lift.).Ref-2.2
m3 Unskl 0.80 550.00 440.00 - - - - - 3% 13.20 453.20 67.98 521.18
8 Back filling of structures with excavated soils in
15 cm thick layers and hand compaction without
sprinkling water including initial lead of 10m.
m3 Unskl 0.25 550.00 137.50 - - - - - 3% 4.12 141.62 21.24 162.86
9 Rubble masonry works incl. supply of hard stone
blocks,preraring cement mortar & connstruction
of walls upto 5 m high incl.haulage dist. upto10
Cement mortar 1:6 . Ref-6.1(c) skl 1.50 898.00 1347.00 Cement MT 0.106 32475.00 3442.35
unskl 5.00 550.00 2750.00 Sand m3 0.47 4031.50 1894.80
7.2(d) P.C.C.1:2:4 skl 1.00 898.00 898.00 Cement MT 0.32 32475.00 10392.00
unskl 4.00 550.00 2200.00 Aggrts(20-40 m m3 0.85 3723.50 3164.97
Sand m3 0.445 4031.50 1794.01
total : 3098.00 total : 15350.98 - - 18448.98 2767.34 21216.32
7.2(c) P.C.C.1:3:6 skl 1.00 898.00 898.00 Cement MT 0.22 32475.00 7144.50
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Far Western Regional Irrigation Directorate
Far Western Irrigation Development Sub-Division No.-2, Dadeldhura
Quantity Estimate and Abstract of Cost
Name of work:- Construction of aqueduct at CH. 0+400 & 0+500 Number of Aqueduct = 2 Nos.
Span of Aqueduct = 10.0 m Designed Canal Breadth = 0.40 Height = 0.40 m
Height of side beam (Overall)= 0.72 Deck slab thickness= 0.12
Width of side beam= 0.25 Deck slab width= 0.40
S.N. Description of Work No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Total 5.73 m3
Total Quantity for = 2 Nos. Aqueduct 11.46 m3 21216.32 243122.05
S.N. Description of Work No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Total 3.38 m3
Total Quantity for = 3 Nos. Aqueduct 10.14 m3 21216.32 215108.03
S.N. Description of Work No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Total 2.66 m3
Total Quantity for = 1 Nos. Aqueduct 2.66 m3 21216.32 56511.79
Quantity Estimate
Name of Project:- Anamukh Bhandar Irrigation Project, Devaldivyapur V.D.C.
Name of work:- Construction of R.C.C. Coverd canal from CH.0+000 to 0+080
Total 24.25 m3
3 P.C.C.(1:2:4) work.
bed of canal from CH. 0+000 to 0+080 1 150.00 0.70 0.10 10.50
Side wall of canal from CH. 0+000 to 0+080 2 150.00 0.10 0.60 18.00
Total 39.00 m3
12m.m.ø main bars @ 15cm c/c=80/.15 1001 1.80 0.89 kg/m 1603.60
10m.m.ø main bars @ 15cm c/c=80/.15 1001 0.55 0.62 kg/m 341.34
Total 3167.44 kg
Total 480.00 m2
6 Back filling in the portion of canal lining 1 150.00 0.20 0.60 18.00 m3
1st & 2nd step of side protection 2 93.00 1.50 0.75 209.25
Total 334.80 m3
Abstract of Cost
S.N. Details of Work Quantity Unit Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 E/W excavation in G.B.M. soil 135.00 m3 886.00 119610.00
2 E/W excavation in hard rock with chiegling 24.25 m3 15765.69 382317.98
3 E/W for back filling 18.00 m3 162.86 2931.48
4 P.C.C. (1:2:4) work. 39.00 m3 21216.32 827436.48
5 Reinforcement steel bars. 3167.44 kg 162.94 516103.16
6 Form work. 480.00 m2 627.80 301344.00
7 Supply & weaving of 10 gauge medium coated G.I.wire
of different size having rectangular mash size 1785.600 m2 244.23 436097.09
(15cm*15cm) double knotted all complete.
8 Supply of boulder & filling in gabion box 334.80 m3 4180.82 1399738.54
Quantity Estimate
Name of work:- Construction of Side escape at CH. 0+100
S.N. Description of Work No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
E/W in excavation in G.M. soil
10 Supply, fitting, & fixing of steel gate (size m*0.60m) 2 2.00 no 20000.00 40000.00
Total= 328580.02
Abstract of Cost
Name of work:- Construction of Side escape at CH. 0+100
S.N. Details of Work Quantity Unit Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 E/W in excavation in G.B.M. soil for foundation. 15.18 m3 886.00 13448.59
2 E/W for back filling 10.61 m3 162.86 1727.94
3 P.C.C. (1:2:4) work. 2.97 m3 21216.32 62911.69
4 Reinforcement steel bars. 4.28 kg 162.94 697.95
5 R.R. stone masonary (1:4)C.M. work. 12.16 m3 15100.30 183619.65
7 12.5mm thick (1:4) cement sand plaster work. 26.04 m2 493.72 12856.47
8 Supply & weaving of 10 gauge medium coated G.I.wire
of different size having rectangular mash size
(15cm*15cm) double knotted all complete. 7.92 m2 244.23 1934.30
9 Supply of boulder & filling in gabion box 1.08 m3
4180.82 4515.29
10 Supply, fitting & fixing of steel gate 2.00 no. 20000 40000.00
Quantity Estimate
Name of Project:- Anamukh Bhandar Irrigation Project, Devaldivyapur V.D.C.-2
Name of work:- Construction of aqueduct 6m span at CH. 0+360
Abstract of Cost
S.N. Details of Work Quantity Unit Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 E/W excavation in G.B.M.soil 50.76 m3 886.00 44973.36
8 12.5 mm thick (1:4) cement sand plaster work. 33.84 m2 493.72 16707.48
Name of work:- Construction of Super passage 6m.span at CH. 1+600
Total:- 483405.35
Name of work:- Construction of Super passage 10m. span at CH. 2+150
Total:- 618116.89
Name of work:- Construction of Super passage 15m. span at CH. 0+450
Total:- 716914.65
Quantity Estimate
Name of Project:- Anamukh Bhandar Irrigation Project, Devaldivyapur V.D.C.-2
Name of work:- Construction of R.C.C. lining in work in main canal from CH. 0+080 to 0+840 & 1+720 to 1+880
Abstract of Cost
S.N. Details of Work Quantity Unit Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 E/W excavation in foundation in
a G.B.M.soil 91.86 m3 886.00 81387.96
b soft rock cutting 38.28 m3 1628.68 62337.73
c Hardm rock cutting without chiseling 22.97 m3 3257.37 74805.50
2 E/W for back filling 171.00 m3 162.86 27849.06
3 P.C.C. (1:2:4) work. 151.80 m3 21216.32 3220637.38
4 Reinforcement steel bars 9843.03 kg 162.94 1603822.71
5 Form work. 2046.50 m2 627.80 1284792.70
Quantity Estimate
Name of Project:- Anamukh Bhandar Irrigation Project, Devaldivyapur V.D.C.
Name of work:- Construction of R.C.C. lining in branch canal from CH. 0+400 to 0+430, 0+750 to 0+850
Abstract of Cost
S.N. Details of Work Quantity Unit Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 E/W excavation in foundation in
a G.B.M.soil 5.46 m3 886.00 4837.56
b soft rock cutting 2.28 m3 1628.68 3713.39
c Hardm rock cutting without chiseling 1.36 m3 3257.37 4430.02
2 E/W for back filling 2.08 m3 162.86 338.75
3 P.C.C. (1:2:4) 16.90 m3 21216.32 358555.81
4 Reinforcement steel bars 1101.84 kg 162.94 179534.46
5 Form work. 234.00 m2 627.80 146905.20
Quantity Estimate
Name of Project:- Anamukh Bhandar Irrigation Project, Bhageswor V.D.C.
Name of work:- Pipe Line for second branch from CH. 1+850 of Manin canal
Abstract of Cost
Rate Amount
S.N. Details of Work Quantity Unit Remarks
(NRs.) (NRs.)
1 E/W excavation in foundation in GBM Soil 112.00 m3 #REF! #REF!
2 E/W for back filling in pipe line 107.66 m3 162.86 17533.91
3 Stone soling in bed of chamber 0.87 m3 4180.82 3624.77
4 P.C.C. (1:2:4) 1.16 m3 21216.32 24526.07
5 Reinforcement steel bars 55.06 kg 162.94 8970.82
6 Form work 4.40 m² 627.80 2762.32
7 Stone masonry in 1:4 cement sand mortar 3.78 m³ 15100.30 57079.13
8 12.5 mm thick cement plaster in 1:4 cement sand mort 8.00 m2 493.72 3949.76
S.No. Description of work No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs) Remarks