Chest DZ: Multiple Choice Questions

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Chest Dz

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Recurrent or severe bacterial pneumonia does NOT usually complicate which one
of the following conditions:
A Complement C3 deficiency.
B Primary antibody deficiencies
C Secondary immunodeficiency.
D Splenectomy.
E Immunosuppression following renal transplantation.
Question 2. Which one of the following statements about bronchial eosinophilia due to
Aspergillus fumigatus is true?
A Patients usually have chronic asthma.
B The fungus is nearly always seen on chest X-ray.
C Serum IgE levels are usually low or normal.
D Precipitating antibodies to Aspergillus fumigatus are rarely found.
E Eosinophils are never found in mucus plugs.
Question 3. The presence of which one of the following cell types defines a granuloma on
routine histology:
A T lymphocytes
B Basophils
C Erythrocytes
D Epithelioid cells
E Giant cells
Question 4. Which one of the following statements about idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis
(cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis) is true?
A Patients are usually young.
B Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies are positive in 90% of patients at presentation.
C A chest X-ray can show a ‘ground-glass’ appearance.
D 50% of patients die within 6 months of diagnosis.
E Lung transplantation is never effective in such patients.
Question 5. Sarcoidosis is characteristically associated with a positive Mantoux test.
A True
B False

Question 6. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis [EAA] is characteristically caused by

exposure to an organic dust.
A True
B False
Question 7. Kawasaki's disease often causes aortic aneurysms:
A True
B False
Question 8. Hypercalcaemia in sarcoidosis, due to abnormal vitamin D metabolism, is a
common feature.
A True
B False
Question 9. The Churg-Strauss syndrome is associated with peripheral blood eosinophilia.
A True
B False
Question 10. A first line treatment in granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly Wegener's
granulomatosis) is cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids.
A True
B False
Question 11. Which one of the following statements about Th responses is FALSE?
A Th2 cells produce cytokines that favour the production of IgE
B Th1 cells can be found in atopic eczema lesions.
C Th2 cells characteristically express the Foxp3 gene product
D Th2 cells produce IL-4.
E Th1 cells are associated with the transcription factor T-bet.
Question 12. Mast cells are not found in which one of the following sites?
A Dermis
B Gastrointestinal mucosa
C Epidermis
D Muscles
E Respiratory mucosa
Question 13. Which one of the following statements about skin prick testing is FALSE?
A A useful diagnostic test for respiratory allergy
B Is good for food allergy
C Can cause an anaphylactic reaction
D Is more reliable than specific IgE tests for hypersensitivity to an allergen
E Detects type I hypersensitivity reactions

Question 14. Which one of the following statements is NOT thought to be involved in asthma?

A Activation of Th1cells
B Epithelial cell activation occurs
C Upregulation of VCAM-1 results in infiltration of eosinophils
D Adrenaline is always used to reverse bronchoconstriction in mild asthmatics
E Blocking activation of mast cells with a monoclonal antibody to IgE can give clinical benefit

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