Question 75: Basic Consolidation: Profit For The Year 9,000 3,000
Question 75: Basic Consolidation: Profit For The Year 9,000 3,000
Question 75: Basic Consolidation: Profit For The Year 9,000 3,000
On 1 April 2008, Pedantic acquired 60% of the equity share capital of Sophistic in a share
exchange of two shares in Pedantic for three shares in Sophistic. The issue of shares has not yet
been recorded by Pedantic. At the date of acquisition shares in Pedantic had a market value of $6
each. Below are the summarized draft financial statements of both companies.
(ii) Sales from Sophistic to Pedantic in the post acquisition period were $8 million. Sophistic
made a mark up on cost of 40% on these sales. Pedantic had sold $5·2 million (at cost to
Pedantic) of these goods by 30 September 2008.
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Basic Consolidation Question 75
(iii) Other than where indicated, SPL items are deemed to accrue evenly on a time basis.
(iv) Sophistic’s trade receivables at 30 September 2008 include $600,000 due from Pedantic
which did not agree with Pedantic’s corresponding trade payable. This was due to cash in
transit of $200,000 from Pedantic to Sophistic. Both companies have positive bank
(v) Pedantic has a policy of accounting for any non-controlling interest at fair value. Fair value
of the non-controlling interest at the acquisition date was $5.9 million. Consolidated goodwill
was impaired by $1 million at 30 September 2008.
(a) Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss for Pedantic for the year ended
30 September 2008. (7 marks)
(b) Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for Pedantic as at 30
September 2008. (13 marks)
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Basic Consolidation Question 75
Pedantic Group
Consolidated Statement of profit or loss
30 September 2008
Pedantic Sophistic x 6/12 Group
$000 $000 $000
Sales revenue 85,000 21,000 (8,000 J4) 98,000
Cost of Sales (63,000) (16,000+ 200 J3 + 800 J5) 8,000 J4 (72,000)
Gross Profit 22,000 4,000 26,000
Operating costs (8,300) (2,800 + 1,000 J7) (12,100)
Profit before tax 13,700 200 13,900
Taxation (4,700) (700) (5,400)
Profit after tax 9,000 (500) 8,500
NCI share of loss $500 x 40% 200
Profit attributable to owners of Parent 8,700
Pedantic Group
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As at 30 September 2008
Assets $000 $000
Goodwill W3 3,500
PPE $40,600+12,600+2,000J2 – 200J3 55,000 58,500
Equity shares of $1 each $10,000+1,600J1 11,600
Share premium J1 8,000
Retained earnings W6 35,100
Non Controlling Interest W5 5,700 60,400
Sophistic Subsidiary Acquisition date:1 Apr 2008 Group = 60% NCI 40%
InvestmentJ1 9,600
Less: 11,000 W2 x 60%W1 (6,600)
Fair value of NCI β 5,900
Less: 11,000 W2 x 40%W1 (4,400)
GIVEN 1,500
J7 (1,000)
Parent reserves 35,400
- -
(500) W4 x 60% W1 (300)
$ 000
Dr. Cr.
PPE 2,000
(i) 2
Reserves Pre (S) 2,000
Fair value adjustment
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Basic Consolidation Question 75
Revenue 8,000
(ii) 4
COS 8,000
Intra group sales and purchase eliminated
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