Grade 6 Week-3

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A. Content Standard  Demostrates understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
 Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various text
 Demonstrates understanding of the research process to write a variety of texts
 Demonstrates understanding that different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purposes
 Demonstrates understanding of verbal and non-verbal elements of communication to respond back
B. Performance Standard  Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context.
 Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts
 Uses diction (choice of words) to accurately analyze author’s tone, mood, and point of view
 Drafts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
 Uses a variety of strategies to provide appropriate feedback
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Study Strategies/Research Writing Composition Attitude

Infer meaning of borrowed Distinguish text types Organize information from Revise writing for clarity Show tactfulness when
words using context clues according to purpose and secondary sources in -punctuation mark communicating with others
language features preparation for writing,
reporting and similar
academic tasks in
collaboration with others
Write the LC code for each. EN6V-IIIc-12.3.3 EN6RC-IIIc-3.2.7 EN6SS-IIIc-4 EN6WC-IIIc-1.8.2 EN6WC-IIIc-1.8.3
EN6V-IIIc-12.4.3 EN6WC-IIIc-1.8.1
II. CONTENT Inferring Meaning of Borrowed Distinguishing Text Types Organizing Information from Revising/Writing for Clarity Showing Tactfulness When
Words According to Purpose and Secondary Sources Communicating with Others
Language Feature
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide/Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages Enjoying Language ; First Quarter ;pp:17-23
Integrated English for Effective Communication ; First quarter pp:4-10,77-88,Third quarter; pp:19-30, Fourth quarter: pp: 63-72
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource picture
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Identify the meaning of the What are the examples of What are the purposes of How do we show the How do we organize
presenting the new lesson underlined word in the borrowed words that we informational text? similarities and differences of information from secondary
sentence. studied yesterday? things? sources in preparation for
1. The council was made up of Structures of an writing, reporting and similar
men chosen from twelve of the Battalion, ballet, adobe, Informational Text One of the things to consider academic tasks in
most ancient Greek tribes. They opera, tempo, calendar, 1. Description – It gives in giving similarities and collaboration with others?
met each twice each year. kimono details about the topic with differences is through the
a. athletes the use of descriptive usage of signal/transitional
b. members adjectives. devices.
c. lawmakers 2. Problem- solution – It tells
2. When Apollo first saw the the readers about an
valley of Olympia he exclaimed, existing problem and how it
“ Here will I make me a fair is solved through the
temple to be an oracle for solution provided.
men.” 3. Time – order or sequence
a. shrine – The information is
b. magic arranged in a specific or
c. prophecy chronological order.
3. The ancient stadium was 4. Comparison and Contrast
erected in the valley in which – It tells us about the
the victors of the games were similarities and differences
given wreaths of wild olive. of the given items in the
a. laurel topic.
b. plants 5. Cause and Effect – It
c. medals aims to provide a reason or
an explanation for an event.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Read the selection entitled What reading material do Listening to a telephone Read the sentence below.
lesson “The President of the you have at home? conversation
Philippines” Thank you ...
Minda: Hello, Luz. How are I am happy.....
Adapted sources: -newspapers you? I mean it -magazine Luz: I’m fine. Thank you. And
/gov/exec/ -books you? What comes into your mind Are newspapers good to Minda: I’m fine too., What’s when you read these
1987/07/25/executive-order- read? new? messages?
no-292/ Luz:Will you be busy this
-a serial publication Sunday?
containing news, other Minda: No, I won’t be. Why?
informative articles Luz: My cousins will celebrate
their town fiesta in Bulacan.
Would you like to go with my
Minda: Oh! I’d love to! It must
be fun to go there.
Luz: Yes. You and I have
been working hard these
We deserve a break.
Minda: You’re right. I’ll be
happy to be part of the
Just don’t forget to talk to my
Luz: Please relax. I’ll take
care of you. Good-bye.
Minda: Thank you for the
C. Presenting examples/Instances Present examples of borrowed What kind of a leader would The teacher will group the Let the pupils play the game Class our lesson for today is
of the new lesson words used in a sentence you like to lead the country? class into 5; each group will “Simon Says” about showing tactfulness
read an article and they will when communicating with
1. There is a heavy traffic in the write the important facts Following directions. others
metropolis every day. from it which will be use for
( GREEK ) writing or reporting.
2. Jesus Christ is known by
Catholics as the Messiah.
3. The doctor advised the man
to take the capsule once a day.
4. Toasted bread tastes good
with strawberry marmalade.
5. You will have bad karma if
you keep on doing bad things.
D. Discussing new concepts and Explain the meaning of What are the different The teacher will discuss on Discuss the kinds of The teacher will discuss the
practicing new skills # 1 borrowed words structures of an the class on how to get the sentences by giving specific difference between tactless
informational text? important points in writing examples. and tactful.
Structures of an Declarative Sentence
Informational Text My cousins are inviting us to Ask:
1. Description – It gives their town fiesta. 1. What is the difference
details about the topic with between tactless and
the use of descriptive Interrogative Sentence tactful
adjectives. Would you like to go with us? communicator?
2. Problem- solution – It tells 2. Do you think there is
the readers about an Imperative Sentence a careful
existing problem and how it Wait for me on Monday. consideration of the
is solved through the Exclamatory Sentence feelings and values of
solution provided. It must be exciting to go another in a tactful
3. Time – order or sequence there! communication?
– The information is
arranged in a specific or
chronological order.
4. Comparison and Contrast
– It tells us about the
similarities and differences
of the given items in the
5. Cause and Effect – It
aims to provide a reason or
an explanation
E. Discussing new concepts and Present a creative role play Read the following Guided Practice Work By Pairs Guided Practice
practicing new skills # 2 about one of the given three informational text and
scenarios. Use loan words in complete the chart Arrange the ff. Sentences to Read the sentences below. ”Think before you speak “ Its
your dialogues. Republic of the Philippines form a report. Follow the Write the correct punctuation your test day but you need to
Official Gazette format below. mark. go to province to attend your
Scenario 1: This Web site is run by the 1. It’s wonderful to see how grandparent burial, how are
You received an e-mail from a Presidential According to a March 14, the chicks grow fast you going to ask permission
French language learning Communications 1988 news article in the 2. I am happy to see how from your teacher?
center.The letter confirms that Development and Strategic Houston Post, "Deaf healthy they are Explain your answer.
you have been Planning Office (PCDSPO). President Named," the 3. I can see how well you
Granted a six month We believe than an selection of Gallaudet take care of them
scholarship to learn basic informed, empowered, and University President I. King 4. I have always loved poultry
French in Paris. The letter vocal citizenry is the heart of Jordan was a joyous event – raising
states that the scholarship will democratic society. for the campus community, 5. Will you see them in them
also allow you to learn more While it is the citizens’ which had long sought a in the market
about French culture, history, responsibility to keep deaf university president for
cuisine and arts. However, you informed about the the college.
find some parts of the letter government, how it works,
unclear. You do not know how and who runs it, it is the In addition to Jordan's
to reply. government’s duty to make appointment, Gallaudet
Scenario 2. sure this knowledge base is
Your friend from Italy came to available at their fingertips. University Board of Trustees
Manila for a short vacation. He Public documents and laws, member Phillip W. Bravin,
still craves for Italian food so the latest announcements one of four deaf board
he invited you to have dinner and data, policies and members, was selected to
with some friends in a fancy projects, must be made replace Chair Jane Bassett
Italian restaurant. The main easily and immediately Spilman. Spilman resigned
problem is that you do not like accessible. from her position after
Italian food , and you are not We encourage you-the criticism from protestors.
quite familiar with Italian citizen, employee, student, According to Bravin, the
cuisine. The idea of looking at business practitioner, trustees will establish a
the menu terrifies you. professional, or even committee to ensure that the
Scenario 3: potential visitor to the board has a majority of deaf
Your language teacher asked Philippines-to tell us what members. Bravin also said
you to write an essay about you want to see on this Web that none of the
Spanish pop culture, you decide site. demonstrators will be
to watch a Spanish This Website, the national penalized for participating in
lifestyle/travel magazine show government portal, is one of the protest.
in the cable channel. The hosts the ways we’re making sure
of the show are speaking in this happens. We want to Jordan had at one point
English. However, there are still make sure that this Web site during the protest supported
some Spanish words that they houses, or will lead you to the selection of Elizabeth
use in their conversations. As a any sort of government- Ann Zinser, a hearing
result, you are having a difficult related information. The woman originally chosen by
time understanding some of the Official Gazette was the Board of Trustees as
dialogues. launched online in 2010 and Gallaudet University
has been constantly under President. However, Jordan
development ever since. reversed his position the
Lately, we’ve added more next day in support of the
features to make it easier for protest
site users to sends us
Title__________________ __________
Give the purpose Introduction:____________
of launching the Main
What is Points:________________
the __
When 1.____________________
was this __
Who 2.___________________
site 3.__________________
can can
launched Conclusion
be seen
access in 1.______________
? 2._______________
Web site

F. Developing mastery (leads to Let the pupils use the borrowed What are the traits of a good Independent Practice What are the different . Independent Practice
Formative Assessment ) words in their own examples. leader that you would like to One a whole sheet of paper punctuation marks we use in What can you say
emulate? arrange the sentence into a writing sentences? about this situation?
news report. Different punctuation mark
Traits of a good leader are: a. Declarative Sentence (.) Supposing your teacher
Confident and humble, 1.Elián's father wants to period criticises your work, what
committed, positive attitude, return with his son to Cuba, b. Interrogative Sentence (?) would be your immediate
having a clear vision, he or their native home. U.S. question mark reaction? Would you accept it?
she is able to to strategic Attorney General Janet c. Imperative Sentence (.) Or would you become
planning and the ability to Reno says Elián should be period defensive? Or get frustrated?
get everyone working able to go back to Cuba. d. Exclamatory Sentence (!)
together. exclamation point
2.After five months of
separation, Elián Gonzalez
was reunited with his father,
Juan Miguel Gonzalez.

3.In the early morning of

April 22, U.S. immigration
officials took 6-year-old Elián
out of his relatives' house in
Miami. Elián was flown to
Andrews Air Force Base
near Washington, D.C.,
where his father was

4.For now, Elián will remain

in the U.S. with his father
until the court decides
whether or not he can ask
for political asylum, or
protection, from Cuba. He
could then stay in the U.S

5.On their first day together,

Elián and his father played
baseball and went for a

6.Elián's Miami relatives

want Elián to stay in the U.S.
They disagree with the
Communist leadership of
Cuba, saying it limits
people's personal freedoms.
Elián's relatives have asked
a U.S. federal court to keep
Elián in the U.S.

G. Finding practical application of Imagine that you were in a If you were the president of Let pupils group organize Write a letter to your parents How tactful are you?
concepts and skills in daily German restaurant, how would the Philippines, how would the given ideas from news using the four kinds of Use this scale to describe your
living you take your orders using you lead the country? clippings. sentences. tactfulness.
German language? 5-I always do this
4-I often do this
3-I sometimes do this
2-I seldom do this
1-I never do this

a. I recognize that how I

say something is just
as important as what i
b. I analyze my
communication style
to determine what
non verbal message i
c. I make a genuine
effort to listen to
ideas with which I
don’t agree
d. I look for ways to
improve my listening
e. I always listen to the
H. Making generalizations and Why do we need to use Enumerate the different Closure Describe the most beautiful Closure
abstractions about the lesson borrowed words in our daily structures of an you have ever seen using the What is the meaning of the
living? informational text and its text What are the points to four kinds of sentences. word tact?
features. remember in writing reports? Tact is the ability to deliver a
1. Understanding the difficult message in a way that
1. Description – It gives report considers other people’s
details about the topic with 2. Gathering and feelings and preserves
the use of descriptive selecting relationships. It encompasses
adjectives. information many things such as emotional
2. Problem- solution – It tells 3. Organizing intelligence, discretion,
the readers about an materials compassion, honesty and
existing problem and how it 4. Analyzing your courtesy.
is solved through the materials
solution provided.
3. Time – order or sequence
– The information is
arranged in a specific or
chronological order.
4. Comparison and Contrast
– It tells us about the
similarities and differences
of the given items in the
5. Cause and Effect – It
aims to provide a reason or
an explanation for an event.
I. Evaluating learning Read the sentences below. Identify the type of On one whole sheet of Write the correct punctuation
Then choose your answer on informational text. paper arrange and write the mark in the text below. Identify the sentences whether
the words listed below. 1. The man who killed the sentences into news report. tactful or tactless.
Ninja driver was put to jail. Lisa had just gotten out of the 1. “It’s good to see
yoga 2. Ana’s mother left the car and was heading around you.”
house to work abroad to 1. Mateo directed the the corner of the garage 2. “I’m trying to
support them. schools to involve when she ran into Brian__ study”
3. Orange is a good source police officers and 3. “It’ your lost.”
of vitamin C but malunggay __Jesus, you startled me__ I 4. “Stop talking to
tea local government units
is more nutritious. wasn’t expecting you here__
Shiatsu 4. Mt. Everest is the highest
to initiate anti-illegal __
bungalow drug lectures to 5. “I’m so sorry”
Bamboo 5. In 1998, she won a children His face looked sort of pale
dimsum national award and in time and pinched__
she won an international 2. Mateo said parents
1. My father cut down some award. He’s found out__ she
_________ to build a flooring and guardians play a thought__
for our home. key role in helping
2. Ryu is a ____________ who control the spread of I finally broke it off__ but I
was trained as a martial artist was too late__
unverified information
and secret agent.
3. Celine practices __________
on bomb scares.
thrice a week for her physical
and mental well being. 3. NCRPO Regional
4. The country is home to many Director Chief Supt.
_______ whose businesses Oscar Albayalde met
incur huge profits. with DepEd Asec.
5. I want to build a ________ Jesus Mateo last Friday
for my elderly parents for ease and both agreed to
of living. establish a protocol on
6. After the earthquake , a how to report, in a fast
___________ warning was
and easy way, concerns
issued to residents near the
from the schools to the
7. It has been a habit of my authorities.
grandmother to drink ________
after meals. 4. "Teachers must
8. The ______ is a beast of report first to
burden that is immensely authorities before
helpful in farming. sending out information
9. John frequents a restaurant to parents," Mateo said.
that offers a wide selection of
________. 5. "Parents should stay
10. After a day’s hardwork,
calm when told of any
Richard usually gets a
_________ massage situation so we can all
. address the threat fast
in the correct and
appropriate manner.
Principals were also
reminded on the
sending kids to school-
protocol. Everybody is
encouraged to report
immediately the
information, suspicious
things such as
unattended bags, boxes,
or new things to the
police and not open it,"
he added.

J. Additional activities for Write the meaning of each Look for other notable Read a newspaper. Read the paragraph carefully.
application or remediation word. personalities here in our Write a brief report about Look for examples of the four
1. aide-de-camp country and abroad that the article. kinds of sentences. Write
2. manservant showed exceptional them under the proper
3. tsunami leadership skills. headings.
4. physician
5. mosque
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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