DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W6
DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W6
DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W6
A .Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding that Demonstrated understanding of Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of verbal
various non-verbal elements in words are composed of different writing styles to comprehend the research process to write a variety of and non-verbal elements of
orally communicating parts to know that their meaning author’s message texts communication to respond back
information changes depending in context
B. Performance Standards Orally communicates Uses strategies to decode correctly Uses diction (choice of words) to Uses a variety of research strategies to Uses a variety of strategies to provide
information, opinions, and ideas the meaning of words in isolation accurately analyze author’s tone, effectively write a variety of texts for appropriate feedback
effectively to and in context mood, and point of view various audiences and purposes
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Present a coherent , Infer meaning of content specific Observe accuracy, appropriate Organize information from secondary Show tactfulness when communicating
Write the LC code for each comprehensive report on terms using context clues-affixes and rate and proper expressions in a sources in preparation for writing, with others
differing viewpoints on an issue roots and other strategies dialogs reporting and similar academic tasks in
collaboration with others
Write for the LC code for each EN6OL-IIIh-1.9 EN6V-IIIh- EN6F-IIIh-3.2, EN6F-IIIh-3.6 EN6SS-IIIh-4 EN6A-IIIh-17
II. CONTENT - Composing clear and coherent -Inferring meaning of content - Observing accuracy, appropriate - . Organizing information from -Showing tactfulness when
report on differing viewpoints on specific terms using context rate and proper expressions in a secondary sources in preparation for communicating with others
an issue clues-affixes and roots and other dialogs writing, reporting and similar academic
strategies tasks in collaboration with others
B. Other Learning Resources Charts/paragraph Charts, pictures Charts, pictures Charts,newspaper,strips Charts,
of cartolina
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Read the following sentences. How do we compose clear and How do we infer meaning of How will you observe accuracy, How do we organize information from
presenting the new lesson Then, pick out all the words with coherent report on differing content specific terms using appropriate rate and proper secondary sources in preparation for
prefix. viewpoint? context clues-affixes and roots expressions in writing, reporting and similar academic
and other strategies? Dialog? tasks in collaboration with others?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson What is your favourite teleserye in What reading material do you have at Setting the stage
If you belong to a family that plays the evening? home? Read the sentence below.
favouritism, what would you feel? How do the actresses and actors I didn’t mean it. My mistake
Why would you feel that way? deliver their dialog? oops...that’s not what i mean,
. -newspapers I’m sorry ...
-magazine My fault.....
-books I didn’t mean it
Are newspapers good to read?
What comes into your mind when you
-a serial publication containing news, read this messages?
other informative articles
C. Presenting examples / instances of the Explaining the Student What to Explaining the Student What to Do? Explaining the Student What to Explaining the Student What to Do? Explaining the Student What to Do?
new lesson Do? Present the “Parable of Division” in a Do? The teacher will group the class into
Say: Class our lesson for today is Manila Paper Today, we will learn how to 4;each group will read an article and Class our lesson for today is about
about Composing clear and observe accurate, appropriate they will write the important facts from showing tactfulness when
coherent report on differing Vocabulary Words rate and proper expressions in it which will be use for writing or communicating with others
view points on an issue Evolved dialog reporting. Original File Submitted and
guarantee Class this activity has something to do Formatted by DepEd Club Member
equitable Fur Coat for Sale with our lesson for today which is - visit depedclub.com for more
appellation Adapted from messenger of St. organizing information from secondary
disappointed Anthony sources in preparation for writing,
eddied out reporting and similar academic tasks in
accosted The two were surprised were collaboration with others.
surprised to see other animals
coming from different directions.
They met, faced each and talked
about their skin being made into
fur coats.
“Nenita, turn on the lights
outside”her sister
summoned.Lights were turn on
and every animal walked towards
the gate.People from the
apartment were now awaken
there was a commotion in their
store and Mr. De Vera came out
with his gun on his hand.
“Shut the gate, they are
leaving”he cried out loud.
“Ana the animals took on the coat
s on display!” he said.Mr. de Vera
said”Look at what they’re doing
!They got back their own
skins!People were shouting.
“My tiger Skin!”
“My wolf blanket!”
“My leopard Coat!
My mink coat!”The animals wore
back their skin and slowly walked
down the street.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Modeling Modeling Modeling Modeling Modeling
new skills #1 Read the paragraph below and “The Parable of Division “ The young Jesus, you startled me. I wasn’t The teacher will show the class on how Read the tactless blunt and more
answer the questions after the boy and his older brother were expecting you here. to get the important points in writing tactful in the graphic organizer.
paragraph taught by their parents to divide It’s been a real day for report. Tactless:
materials things equally and fairly. expectations. Where were you? -stupid! Later. i cant understand!
Let us read the selection about This they tried to follow . A system I’ve been waiting here for an hour. Got to be in
the lentent season .Ash was evolved, in which one does the You didn’t leave a note or— Adapted from Pambata Magazine It’s your fault, you did not proper read
Wednesday: Marks the beginning dividing and the other gets the I wasn’t planning on going my latest text
of the Lenten season. selecting first. This guaranteed an anywhere— Rolly, the boy who is used to watch to
Palm Sunday: The Sunday before equitable cutting. Otherwise, the I can see that. Where’s your coat? watch TV every hour of the day felt Tactful
Easter, Palm Sunday one who divided would be in the I left the house in a hurry. I… very disappointed when he woke up _I should understand it, as there is no
commemorates Jesus's losing end. One day the two boys um… my mother… one Saturday morning and there was confusing word in this letter, could you
triumphant entrance into had a pair of fish for lunch. One big The hospital reached you? God, no electric power. explain it once again?
Jerusalem. On that day the fish and the other a small one. The I’m sorry. That’s why— -Sometimes my words are not precise
crowd put palm branches on the young boy thought that his older The hospital? He could not listen to the musical radio can you explain it once again?
ground beneath the feet of the brother will give in. “magparaya”to They called me when they program or watch his favourite TV
donkey Jesus was riding. . him a younger and weaker brother , couldn’t get you. program. “Rolly , eat breakfast here in
Maundy Thursday: Also known as please go ahead and make a best I don’t understand. the kitchen” his mother said .He saw Ask:
Holy Thursday, this day focuses choice”. Your mother. You said — breakfast on the table but he was 1. What is the difference
on the last supper Jesus had with The older brother got the bigger fish I ran out to buy some flowers for looking for some fruits. He opened the between tactless and tactful
his disciples, before he was . The younger boy was disappointed her. She’s been so down. refrigerator and found a slice of communicator?
arrested. Good Friday: Also to get the smaller fish.” If i were you For three hours you’ve been papaya. He smiled pulled the chair and 2. Do you think there is a
known as Black Friday, this day said the older brother, I would have buying flowers? sat quietly. He ate fast and got ready careful consideration of the
commemorates the crucifixion taken the smaller fish. What are you And then I drove around. I’ve to bathe. He hoped that after an hour feelings and values of
and Jesus's death. On this day, complaining about?” answered the had… a lot on my mind. But I’m the power would be back. another in a tactful
many Christians will also do old boy. “You got what you want”. fine now. Fine. communication?
the Stations of the Cross, which Next time around the two boy had to You didn’t go by the hospital?
includes 14 prayers and share a bottle of soft drink. They No. Look, I’m freezing. Let’s go
moments of reflection regarding were in the rice field with no glasses inside. Why did the hospital call?
14 events leading up to Jesus's or containers available. “Let us just Does the doctor need my
death. drink directly from the bottle ”Be signature for more tests?
Easter Sunday: This day sure it is exactly half. We have to go to the hospital.
recognizes the resurrection of Questions I’ve had a terrible—
Jesus Christ and is a triumphant We have to go to the hospital.
day for Christians, serving as a 1. What good value have the Now. The rest of your family is
reminder of the Christ's parents of the two boys already there.
conquering of death and the taught?
forgiveness of sins.
2. Why did the younger Oh. Oh, God. Mom’s all right, isn’t
brother drink all the she? Oh, Christ, she isn’t. I’m
. contents of the whole being punished… she’s dead.
Questions: bottle?
3. Would you agree with
What marks the beginning of what the younger brother
Lenten season? did? 1. Who was in the hurry to
What prayer reflects regarding reach the hospital?
the suffering and death of Jesus? 2. Who were already in
What is the report all about? the hospital before he
3. Who died in the
The teacher will explain
how the words are
properly pronounced,
read. She will also
explain the proper and
accurate expression
when reading the dialog.
I. Evaluating learning Arrange the following sentences Determine the meaning of each The teacher will give an envelope On one whole sheet of paper arrange Identify the sentences whether tactful
to make a coherent report. word. to each group containing task card and write the sentences into news or tactless.
1.Even small animals as bear, and the student will present it in report. 1. Corner them later and tell
cats, and skunks have a difficult given situation. them off
time finding homes. Group1-Choral singing 2. I apologizeand set a reminder
2. Everyday there are more Group II-Reader theatre 1.President Rodrigo Duterte wants the on my phine
people on earth. Group III-Echo Reading fight with the Abu Sayyaf to end in the 3. Change the subject. Maybe
3. They are building more and bandit group’s annihilation that he is I’ve bored her.
more homes. even willing to hire fearless hatchet 4. It”s fine were friend right?
4. Thousand of kilometers of men or mercenaries to make this 5. I don’t like it!
roads are being built. happen, according to a ranking Cabinet
5.Trees are cut in the forest. official.
2. Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel
Piñol said in a Facebook post on
Sunday that during a meeting with
security officials and some Cabinet
members that started Saturday evening
and ended about 4 a.m. on 3.Sunday,
1.uncomfortable Duterte was so furious at the Abu
2. irregular Sayyaf’s terror attacks, especially in the
3.unconfident wake of the bomb attack here on
4.disrespect Friday.
5.respectfully 4. There’s no other option. These
people are like germs, which must be
eliminated,” 5.Piñol quoted the
President as saying about the Abu
J. Additional activities for application or Make 2 sentences using prefix,3 Read a newspaper
remediation sentences using suffix and 1 Write a brief report about what you
sentence using the context clue. read from the article.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on this
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I used/discover which I wish to share
with other teacher?