Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of The MOV Presented Annotations

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Annotation Template for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers

Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations

1. Applied knowledge of content  Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet Classroom observation tool
within and across curriculum and/or inter-observer agreement form about (COT) rating sheet and/or
teaching areas. knowledge of content within and across curriculum inter-observer agreement
teaching areas form about knowledge of
content within and across
curriculum teaching areas
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs developed highlighting Lesson plans/modified DLLs
integration of content knowledge within and across developed highlighting
subject areas integration of content
knowledge within and across
subject areas
 Instructional materials highlighting mastery of Placement Activity This activity give the teacher the opportunity to
content and its integration in other subject areas motivate learners to investigate the content
area to expand their knowledge and satisfy
their natural curiosity tapping their knowledge
on Physical Science and Personal
 Performance tasks/test material(s) highlighting Performance tasks/test
integration of content knowledge within and across material(s) highlighting
subject areas integration of content
knowledge within and across
subject areas
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
2. Used a range of teaching  Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet  Classroom observation
strategies that enhance learner and/or inter-observer agreement form about tool (COT) rating sheet
achievement in literacy and teaching strategies that enhance learner and/or inter-observer
numeracy skills. achievement in literacy and numeracy skills agreement form about
teaching strategies that
enhance learner
achievement in literacy
and numeracy skills

 Lesson plans/modified DLLs used in teaching Lesson plans/modified

highlighting learner-centered strategies that DLLs used in teaching
promote literacy and/or numeracy skills highlighting learner-
centered strategies that
Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations
promote literacy and/or
numeracy skills
 Instructional materials highlighting learner-centered Instructional materials
strategies that promote literacy and/or numeracy highlighting learner-
skills centered strategies that
promote literacy and/or
numeracy skills
 Performance tasks/test material(s) used in teaching Performance tasks/test
material(s) used in
 Results of assessment used in teaching Results of assessment
used in teaching
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
3. Applied a range of teaching  Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet Classroom observation tool
strategies to develop critical and and/or inter-observer agreement form about (COT) rating sheet and/or
creative thinking, as well as other teaching strategies to develop critical and creative inter-observer agreement
higher-order thinking skills. thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills form about

 Lesson plans/modified DLLs used in teaching Lesson plans/modified DLLs

highlighting different teaching strategies that used in teaching highlighting
develop critical and creative thinking and/or other different teaching strategies
HOTS that develop critical and
creative thinking and/or other
 Instructional materials highlighting different Instructional materials
teaching strategies that develop critical and creative highlighting different teaching
thinking and/or other HOTS strategies that develop
critical and creative thinking
and/or other HOTS
 Performance tasks/test material(s) used in Performance tasks/test
demonstration teaching material(s) used in
demonstration teaching
 Results of assessment used in teaching Results of assessment used
in teaching
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
4. Managed classroom structure  Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet Classroom observation tool
to engage learners, individually or and/or inter-observer agreement form about (COT) rating sheet and/or

Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations
in groups, in meaningful managing classroom structure that engages inter-observer agreement
exploration, discovery and hands- learners in various activities form about managing
on activities within a range of classroom structure that
physical learning environments. engages learners in various
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting various Lesson plans/modified DLLs
classroom management strategies that engage highlighting various
learners in activities/tasks in different physical classroom management
learning environments strategies that engage
learners in activities/tasks in
different physical learning
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations) Photo The photo shows a structure for a classroom with
armchairs inside. In this photo, the teacher
established a routine for learners to silently move
their armchairs from the traditional set-up to
another set up as shown in the picture. Learners
started to organize themselves after the teacher
mentioned “Everyone, please go quietly to your
5. Managed learner behavior  Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet Photos These photos showed the teacher using the
constructively by applying positive and/or inter-observer agreement form about teacher following strategies to manage learner behavior:
and non-violent discipline to management of learner behavior using the following 1. Allowing learners to express their
ensure learning-focused strategies: ideas/opinions
environments. 1. Providing motivation 2. Ensuring learners’ active participation
2. Praising the learners/Giving positive feedback
3. Setting house rules/guidelines
4. Ensuring learners’ active participation
5. Allowing learners to express their ideas/opinions
6. Giving equal opportunities to learners
7. Encouraging learners to ask questions
8. Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
6. Used differentiated,  Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet Classroom observation
developmentally appropriate and/or inter-observer agreement form about using tool (COT) rating sheet
learning experiences to address differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning and/or inter-observer
learners’ gender, needs, experiences agreement form about
strengths, interests and using differentiated,
Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations
experiences. developmentally
appropriate learning
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs developed Lesson plans/modified
highlighting differentiation in content, product, DLLs developed
process, learning environment or others according highlighting
to learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and differentiation in content,
experiences product, process,
learning environment or
others according to
learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and
 Instructional materials developed highlighting Instructional materials
differentiation in content, product, process, learning developed highlighting
environment or others according to learners’ differentiation in content,
gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences product, process,
learning environment or
others according to
learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
7. Planned, managed and  Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet  Classroom observation
implemented developmentally and/or inter-observer agreement form about using tool (COT) rating sheet
sequenced teaching and learning developmentally sequenced teaching and learning and/or inter-observer
processes to meet curriculum process agreement form about
requirements and varied teaching using developmentally
contexts. sequenced teaching and
learning process

 Lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting Lesson plans/modified

developmentally sequenced instruction that meet DLLs highlighting
curriculum goals and varied teaching contexts developmentally
sequenced instruction
that meet curriculum
goals and varied
teaching contexts
Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations
 Instructional materials used to implement Instructional materials
developmentally sequenced teaching and learning used to implement
process to meet curriculum requirements and developmentally
varied teaching contexts sequenced teaching and
learning process to meet
curriculum requirements
and varied teaching
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
8. Participated in collegial  Personal notes of teachers on
discussions that use teacher and LACs/FGDs/meetings with proof of attendance
learner feedback to enrich  Minutes of LAC/FGD sessions on use of teacher Minutes of LAC/FGD
teaching practice. and learner feedback to enrich teaching practice sessions on use of teacher
with proof of attendance and learner feedback to
enrich teaching practice with
proof of attendance
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations) 1. Photo showing Mrs. Petronila G. Salili, Master Teacher I coached
COACHING the Ratee the easy way to incorporate 4As in
SESSION between making Detailed Lesson Plan for her Class
the rater and the Observation for the 4th Quarter and to self-reflect on
evaluated employee her teaching practice in an instructional coaching
and personal notes lesson.
from the Ratee after
the session.

2. Personal Note The Ratee notes the day and her preview on the
collaboration between her subject in Agricrops
Production NC-I and Filipino sa Piling Larangan
(Tech Voc)

3. Screenshots of FB Aside from formal and structured modes of collegial

messages between discussion, I presented similar informal professional
the Ratee and her conversations between me and my co-teachers who
colleagues seeks advice about their problems in finalizing their
class list in the Learners’ Information System
through a social media platform-FB Messenger.
9. Selected, developed, organized  Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet  Classroom observation 
and used appropriate teaching and/or inter-observer agreement form about using tool (COT) rating sheet
Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations
and learning resources, including appropriate teaching and learning resources, and/or inter-observer
ICT, to address learning goals. including ICT agreement form about
Examples: using appropriate
 Activity sheets/task sheets/work sheets teaching and learning
 PowerPoint presentations resources, including ICT
 Video clips  Activity sheets/task
 Module sheets/work sheets
 SIMs-Strategic Intervention Materials  PowerPoint
 Others presentations
 Kahoot.com for online
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs with appropriate Lesson plans/modified
instructional materials appended DLLs with appropriate
instructional materials
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
10. Designed, selected, organized  Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet Classroom observation tool
and used diagnostic, formative and/or inter-observer agreement form about using (COT) rating sheet and/or
and summative assessment diagnostic, formative and summative assessment inter-observer agreement
strategies consistent with strategies form about using diagnostic,
curriculum requirements. formative and summative
assessment strategies
 Prepared lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting Prepared lesson
appropriate use of formative assessment strategies plans/modified DLLs
highlighting appropriate use
of formative assessment
 Developed diagnostic tests: (a) with TOS reviewed Developed diagnostic tests:
by superior; (b) with sample accomplished (a) with TOS reviewed by
questionnaire/answer sheets superior; (b) with sample
questionnaire/answer sheets
 Developed summative tests: (a) with TOS reviewed Developed summative tests:
by superior; (b) with sample accomplished (a) with TOS reviewed by
questionnaire/answer sheets superior; (b) with sample
questionnaire/answer sheets

Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations
Developed performance tasks: (a) with rubrics Developed performance
reviewed by superior; (b) with sample accomplished tasks with sample
rubrics accomplished rubrics
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
11. Monitored and evaluated  Compilation of a learner’s written work with Compilation of a learner’s
learner progress and achievement summary of results and with signature of parents written work with summary of
using learner attainment data. results and with signature of
 Formative/summative assessment tools with TOS Formative/summative
and frequency of errors with identified least assessment tools with TOS
mastered skills and frequency of errors with
identified least mastered
skills for 4 quarters
 Class records/grading sheets Class records/grading sheets
for 4 quarters
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs showing index of Lesson plans/modified DLLs
mastery showing index of mastery
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations) SF 5 This school form presents the learners’ status and
learning progress and achievement based on their
general average.

Summary of SF 9 and SF 10 This document summarizes if a certain student is a

submitted to the Registrar’s COMPLETER, CONDITIONALLY PROMOTED or
office FAILED during the SY 2019-2020 as well as the list
of Back Subjects.
12. Communicated promptly and  At least 3 samples of corrected test papers of the At least 3 samples of
clearly the learners’ needs, same 3 learners in the same learning area with corrected test papers of the
progress and achievement to key parents’ or guardians’ signature and date of receipt same 3 learners in the same
stakeholders, including learning area with parents’ or
parents/guardians. guardians’ signature and
date of receipt
 Minutes of PTA meetings or Parent-Teacher Minutes of PTA meetings or
conferences in all quarters with proof of Parent-Teacher conferences
parent’s/guardian’s attendance in all quarters with proof of
attendance with photos

Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations
 Report cards with parent’s or guardian’s signature Report cards with parent’s or
in all quarters supported by minutes of meeting guardian’s signature in all
quarters supported by
minutes of meeting
 Communication with parents/guardians using 1. Home Visitation
various modalities forms with parents’
signature on the
Certificate of
2. Monthly letter to
parents updating
and informing them
of the minutes of
meetings and
upcoming activities
in school.
3. A parent’s letter in
response to my text
message regarding
confiscation of her
son’s phone.
4. Parents’ Consent
5. Academic concern
 Anecdotal record showing entries per quarter 1. Learner’s needs,
progress, and
achievement cardex
2. Parents/Guradians
 Other documents showing learner needs, progress 1. Work Immersion This shows student’s achievement/ grade for his
and achievement submitted to other stakeholders Performance apprenticeship. The ratings came from the partner
Appraisal institution-JB Nature Farm.
2. Certificate of This shows student’s achievement in completing a
Completion certain short-course related to his specialization.
3. Ranking of Honors

Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations
for the 4th Quarter
13. Performed various related  Certificate of Recognition or Participation 1. Awareness Campaign
works/activities that contribute to on National Anti-Drug
the teaching-learning process. Plan of Action and
Policy Guidelines on
Tobacco Control
2. 2019 Division Integrated
Student Activities (TLE)
3. Pedagogical Retooling
of Secondary Teachers
Across Learning Areas
cum Developing Critical
and Creative Thinking
and Other Higher Order
Thinking Skills
 Certificate of Training 1. Trainers
Certificate I
 Certificate of Speakership 1. Christmas Message
Speaker at Zabdi
(Tubod) and
2. Zarkity Amelioration
Clinic (Badas)
 Committee involvement 1. Lei, Ribbon and
2. General Cleaning
3. Masters of
 Advisorship of Co-curricular activities 1. Class Adviser of
Grade 11-
2. TESDA Liaison
officer of Tubod
 Book or Journal Authorship/Co-
Objectives Means of Verification (MOV) Description of the MOV Annotations
 Coordinatorship/Chairpersonship 1. Grade 11
 Coaching and mentoring learners in competitions
 Mentoring pre-service/in-service teachers 1. Classroom
Observation Rating
Sheet for ELSEAN
(pre-service teacher
from SSCT)
2. Observation Notes
3. Rubric for Pre-
Service Teacher’s
Actual Teaching
from SSCT
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations) Samples of corrected DLP This serves as proof/evidence that we spent time
running through the details to improve his DLP


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