LAC Session Reflection

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao del Sur
Balasiao, Kiblawan, Davao del Sur


Teacher’s Reflection

Name of Teacher: Aries Roy S. Aungon Position: Teacher III

School Year: 2021 - 2022 Quarter: 1

Topic: Demo Teaching
Date: October 26, 2021 (Tuesday)
Venue: GNDLSNHS Grade 11 Diamond GAS Classroom
Resource Speaker/s: Mrs. Agustina M. Tamala, MAEd

Teachers’ documents were checked by the Master teacher. The submission of
forms and the lacking documents submitted by the teacher had also been discussed
and settled.
Then, after setting agreements, the assigned teachers conducted Demo
Teaching for the School Year’s first set of Class Observation. Due to the pandemic
limitations, the demonstration teaching was done during the LAC Session with the co-
teachers attending as the learners and the Master Teacher observing and checking the
plan and delivery of the lesson.

I learned in my first demonstration teaching during LAC Session that when a
teacher knows how to maximize technology, especially Information Communication
Technology (ICT) in teaching, whether in a conventional or in a pandemic modality,
learners would be able to learn at their best. The essential lessons would reach the
learners and would be grasped, and would be applied more effectively, whether in face-
to-face or in distance learning if technology will be utilized both by the teacher and the
learners properly.
Yet, no matter how advanced and helpful these tools are, if we don’t pursue to
make the most out of ourselves in our profession and our responsibility as teachers, we
would be left behind. Like Bill Gates said, “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting
the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”

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