ABBREV. Description: //tango/01053/Training/Courses/Course Library/K-Chief 700/7.3/Basic/Abbreviation List
ABBREV. Description: //tango/01053/Training/Courses/Course Library/K-Chief 700/7.3/Basic/Abbreviation List
ABBREV. Description: //tango/01053/Training/Courses/Course Library/K-Chief 700/7.3/Basic/Abbreviation List
ABBREV. Description
1oo2 One out of two (redundancy)
ABB Asea Brown Boveri
ABC Automatic Boiler Control
ABC Automatic Broadcast Control
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
ABV Annulus Bleed Valve
AC AutoChief
ACC Acceleration
ACC Automatic Combustion Control
ADP Albatross Dynamic Positioning system (=SDP)
AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam
AI Analogue Input
AIM Advanced (Albatross) Integrated Multifunction
AK Albatross Kernel
AMV Annulus Master Valve
AO Analogue Output
AOM Analogue Output Module
API American Petroleum Institute
APM Albatross Position Mooring system (=SPM)
APS Abandon Platform Shutdown
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ASC Anti Surge Control
ASCII American Standards Committee for Information Interchange
ASSETT Advanced Simulations Studies Engineering Training Tool
ASSSV Annulus SubSurface Safety Valve
ASV Annulus Safety Valve (SikkerhetsVentil)
ASV Anti Surge Valve
ATC Albatross Thrusters Control system (=STC)
AVM Albatross Vessel Management system (= SVC)
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
AVS Abandon Vessel Shutdown
B&G Brann & Gass
BCCO Ballast Control Console Operator
BCS Ballast Control System
BGB Boiler Gauge Board
BN Bentley Nevada
BNP Burner Operation Panel
BOG Boil Off Gas
BOP Blow Out Preventer (sikkerhetsventil)
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Abbreviation list July 08 Page 2 of 12
BS Brannsentral
BSV Brønn SikkerhetsVentil
BUCR Back Up Control Room
BV Brønn Ventil
C&E Cause & Effect
CAN Controller Area Network
CAP Critical Alarm/Action Panel
CCC Compressor Controls Corporation (triple C)
CCR Cargo Control Room
CCR Central Control Room
CCTV Closed Circuit TeleVision
CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure
CENELEC European Committee for Electro technical Standardisation
CER Central Equipment Room
CH Choke
CIDV Chemical Injection Dosing Valve
CIV Chemical Injection Valve
CL Choke Lukket
CM Central Machine
CM Control Module
CMB Control Module Base
CMTS Control Module Test Stand
CO Carbon monoxide
CO Choke Open
CondMon Condition Monitoring
COS Common Operator Station
COV Change Over Valve
COVHP Change Over Valve High Pressure
COVLP Change Over Valve Low Pressure
CPM Central Processor Module
CPM CPU and Power Module
CPU Central Processor Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSBD Cargo Switch Board
CSU Critical Safety Unavailability
CTS Custody Transfer System
CVM Central Vibration Monitor
CWCS Cement Well Completion System
D&ID Ducting Instrument Diagram
DA Disable Alarm
DA Display Active
DARPS Differential Absolute and Relative Positioning System
DAT Disable Alarm on Terminal
DC DataChief
DCDA Drilling Control and Data Acquisition
DCM Dummy Control Module
DCOM Distributed Control Object Module
DCR Drilling Control Room
DCS Drilling Control System
DCSS Distributed Control and Safety System
DDCC Dual Drilling Control Cabin
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
DDG Diesel Driven Generator
DEC Deceleration - Nedbremsing
DG Diesel Generator
DH DownHole
DHI DownHole Interface
DI Digital Input
DI Disable Input
DLE Dry Low Emission
DMS Document Management System
DnV Det Norske Veritas
DO Diesel Oil
DO Digital Output
DO Disable Output
DP Differential Pressure
DP Display Passive
DP Dynamic Positioning
DPU Distributed Processing Unit
DPVOA DP Vessel’s Owners Association
DRP Drillers Repeat Panels
DSL Direct Shuttle Loading
DSN Data Source Name
DWS Drilling Work Station
E0 Engine Zero (Engine room in an unmanned state)
ECR Engine Control Room
EDS Electrical Data System
EF Earth Fault
EFD Earth Fault Detection
HT Heater
HT High Temperature
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTP Hydraulic Test Panel
HUB Network Centre (Fibre Optic Concentrator)
HV High Voltage
HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Condition
HW HardWare (physical objects)
HWLT Hardware Loop Typical
I/O Input/Output
IAS Integrated Automation System (=SVC)
IAT Internal Acceptance Test
ICG code International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk
ICMS Integrated Control and Monitoring Systems
ICS Integrated Control Systems
IEC International Electro technical Commission
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IGV Inlet Guide Vane
IMCA International Marine Contractors Association
IMO International Maritime Organisation
IMS Information Management System
IP Ingress Protection
IP Internet Protocol
IR Infra Red
IS Intrinsically Safe (EX) (Egensikker)
ISP Internet Service Provider (eg. Telenor)
IUMV Injection Upper Master Valve
IWV Injection Wing Valve
KFDD Kongsberg Functional Design Document
KM Kongsberg Maritime (earlier Kongsberg Simrad)
KOS Kongsberg OffShore (now FMC)
KS Kongsberg Simrad
KT KraftTurbin
L Low (alarm indikator)
LAN Local Area Network
LCC Life Cycle Cost
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LD Low Duty
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEL Lower Explosion Limit
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