Stateless firewalls watch network traffic and restrict or block packets based on source
and destination addresses or other static values. They're not 'aware' of traffic patterns or
data flows. A stateless firewall uses simple rule-sets that do not account for the
possibility that a packet might be received by the firewall 'pretending' to be something
you asked for.A stateless firewall filter, also known as an access control list (ACL),
does not statefully inspect traffic. Instead, it evaluates packet contents statically and
does not keep track of the state of network connections.
Firewall rules:
The basic rule of a stateless firewall filter is to enhance security through the use of
packet filtering. Packet filtering enables you to inspect the components of incoming or
outgoing packets and then perform the actions you specify on packets that match the
criteria you specify.
The typical use of a stateless firewall filter is to protect the Routing Engine processes
and resources from malicious or untrusted packets.
stateless firewalls use packet filtering rules that specify certain match conditions. If
match conditions are met, stateless firewall filters will then use a set of preapproved
actions to guide packets into the network. If match conditions are not met,
unidentified or malicious packets will be blocked.
Due to the inherent ability to manipulate a packets header in the protocol stack is where the
ability to perform malicious attacks such as:
MiTM – Where a malicious user intercepts a legitimate communication between two parties.
The injected, malicious host then controls the transmission flow and can eliminate or alter the
information within the data stream without the knowledge of the original sender or recipient.
In this scenario, the attacker fools the victim into disclosing confidential information by
“spoofing” the original sender’s address / identity.
DoS / DDoS – Since some malicious users are only concerned with consuming resources and
bandwidth, they attempt to “flood” the victim network with large volumes of traffic to
consume system resources. In order to maintain the effectiveness of the attack, the attacker
will “spoof” the source IP addresses to make stopping and tracing of the attack as difficult as
possible. This is amplified when multiple compromised hosts all have “spoofed” addresses
and are participating in the attack.
In the stateful case, we can also identify a third type of anomalies, hereinafter denoted
as intra-state protocol anomalies, in the sense of misconfiguration that may put in risk
the inner 5 logic of transport layer protocol states. For instance, in protocols like TCP,
we may distinguish the following operations for the establishment of a connection
between a server and a client:
– the client sends a SYN packet to a server (i.e., a packet with the SYN flag set);
Then, it comes a phase of data transfer. Finally, the connection ends with a termination
phase. When the client leads the termination phase, the following handshake takes
place (still, assuming the case of TCP):
– the client sends a FIN packet to a server (i.e., a packet with the FIN flag set);
require the server to retain the save the status and session
The Stateless protocol design the design of server very complex and
Stateless Protocols works better Stateful Protocol does not work better
at the time of crash because there at the time of crash because stateful
a failed server can simply restart the status and session details of the
Application Proxy
Application proxies provide one of the most secure types of access you can have in a security
gateway. An application proxy sits between the protected network and the network you want
to be protected from. Every time an application makes a request, the application intercepts the
request to the destination system. The application proxy initiates its own request, as opposed
to actually passing the client's initial request.
Refined Control
Application proxies also provide the opportunity to fine tune exactly what you will let into
your protected network, and, depending on the design of the firewall, what you will allow
out. A reverse proxy handles controlling the outgoing of information. Reverse proxies can
play a very important role in high security environments by examining the contents of
outgoing packets for sensitive information.
Application Proxy firewalls are not compatible with all network protocols. A new
proxy agent must be developed for each new application or protocol to pass through the
firewall. If the proxy product you choose does not provide support for a needed protocol,
you may have to settle for a generic proxy. In some cases, even generic proxies may not
work if the protocol is nonstandard.
A reduction of performance occurs due to the additional processing requests required
for application services. There is no such thing as a free lunch. The extra overhead
implied by setting up two connections for every conversation, combined with the time
needed to validate requests at the application layer, adds up to slower performance. In
some cases, this can be balanced by choosing higher-end servers to run your proxy.
However, for some extremely high-bandwidth networks, a proxy firewall may become a
performance bottleneck.
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) may not function through a proxy firewall. As will
be discussed further in Chapter 7, "Virtual Private Networks," VPN packet
authentication will fail if the IP address of the sender is modified during the
transmission. Although this is normally thought of as an issue with Network Address
Translation, the same issue occurs with proxy firewalls. Of course, if the VPN endpoint
is the firewall, this will not be a problem.
The configuration of proxy firewalls can be more difficult than other firewall
technologies. Especially when using older proxies, it can be difficult to properly install
and configure the set of proxies necessary for your network.