Problems Example: All These Example Are Real Cases
Problems Example: All These Example Are Real Cases
Problems Example: All These Example Are Real Cases
Grouping of IP addresses, groups of sources or destinations
Within a domain
Across daomians
Network, sub-network, ranges, lists
Static or dynamic
A Group is the grouping of users
A set is the grouping of protocols or services
Does Network partitioning satisfy everyone
Network partitioning makes network managers & NOC (Network Operations Center)
unhappy in most cases
They don’t want filters on network devices
They don’t want to worry about security
They are afraid of the move to user-based security at the network layer
Network managers & NOC must adapt
They must support QoS, id flow selection, idaccess-lists
QoS ACLs are much more complex than just allow/deny
Network manager & NOC already know ACLs
Routing ACLs
Existing IP filtering
A domain is a piece of the network
Set of sub networks
LAN(s) or WAN(s)
Virtual network (VLAN)
Mostly static
The policy will be enforced between domains
There is no policy enforcement within a domain
Future of network partitioning
X.509 certificates to replace IP addresses for device & hosts identification & authentication
The same as IP sec
User-based access control
Filter based on user X.509 certificates
Recall: in existing network devices: at network layer
How user-based filtering works
The first network device that a host tries to cross authenticates the user
The network device applies the user profile
The user only sees a virtual network with the specific hosts and service he needs access.
Network partitioning & Intrusion Detection System
Affects many system and application adnimistrators Affects the Network architecture department & the
in many place Network Operation Center
Complex to implement with available tool. Example: Simple to implement with available tool. Example:
Axent ESM solsoft Net partioner
Complexity can lead to security holes Complexity becomes hidden bo policy simplicity
Network security policy requires authentication of
Hosts & Network devices
Hosts & Network device authentication
Today : only indentification with IP address
Tomorrow : X.509 cetificate
Key management with PKI
Solves the scalability issue of authentication
The PKI could become the security policy Decision Point
The network is a Distributed Policy Enforcement Point for the Security Policy
Many Policies