Name of The Subject: Organisation Behavior Class: Fybba Semester: Ii Semester Unit Number: UNIT 3 - Leadership
Name of The Subject: Organisation Behavior Class: Fybba Semester: Ii Semester Unit Number: UNIT 3 - Leadership
Name of The Subject: Organisation Behavior Class: Fybba Semester: Ii Semester Unit Number: UNIT 3 - Leadership
Class: FYBBA
It is leadership that unleashes the potential of an organisation and transform it to a great one.
Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right. – Professor
Warren G. Bennis
The word "leadership" can bring to mind a variety of images. For example:
• An explorer, cutting a path through the jungle for the rest of his group to follow.
• An executive, developing her company's strategy to beat the competition.
Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring
vision, and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to
"win" as a team or an organization; and it is dynamic, exciting, and inspiring.
Yet, while leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills to guide their people to
the right destination, in a smooth and efficient way.
In this article, we'll focus on the process of leadership. In particular, we'll discuss the
"transformational leadership" model, first proposed by James MacGregor Burns and then
developed by Bernard Bass. This model highlights visionary thinking and bringing about change,
instead of management processes that are designed to maintain and steadily improve current
In business, a vision is a realistic, convincing and attractive depiction of where you want to be in
the future. Vision provides direction, sets priorities, and provides a marker, so that you can tell
that you've achieved what you wanted to achieve.
Therefore, leadership is proactive – problem solving, looking ahead, and not being satisfied with
things as they are.
Once they have developed their visions, leaders must make them compelling and convincing. A
compelling vision is one that people can see, feel, understand, and embrace. Effective leaders
provide a rich picture of what the future will look like when their visions have been realized.
They tell inspirong stories , and explain their visions in ways that everyone can relate to.
Here, leadership combines the analytical side of vision creation with the passion of shared
values, creating something that's really meaningful to the people being led.
One of the key ways they do this is through expactancy theory . Effective leaders link together
two different expectations:
This motivates people to work hard to achieve success, because they expect to enjoy rewards –
both intrinsic and extrinsic – as a result.
Other approaches include restating the vision in terms of the benefits it will bring to the team's
customers, and taking frequent opportunities to communicate the vision in an attractive and
engaging way.
What's particularly helpful here is when leaders have expert power . People admire and believe
in these leaders because they are expert in what they do. They have credibility, and they've
earned the right to ask people to listen to them and follow them. This makes it much easier for
these leaders to motivate and inspire the people they lead.
Leaders can also motivate and influence people through their natural charisma and appeal, and
through other sources of power , such as the power to pay bonuses or assign tasks to people.
However, good leaders don't rely too much on these types of power to motivate and inspire
To do this, team members need performance goals that are linked to the team's overall vision.
Key Performance Indicator explains one way of doing this, and our project management section
explains another. And, for day-to-day management of delivering the vision, the mangement by
wandering around approach helps to ensure that what should happen, really happens.
Leaders also need to make sure they manage change effectively. This helps to ensure that the
changes needed to deliver the vision are implemented smoothly and thoroughly, with the support
and backing of the people affected.
Individual and team development are important activities carried out by transformational leaders.
To develop a team, leaders must first understand team dynamics. Several well-established and
popular models. and Bruce Tuckman's forming norming storming .
A leader will then ensure that team members have the necessary skills and abilities to do their job
and achieve the vision. They do this by giving and receiving fedback regularly, and by training
and coaching people to improve individual and team performance.
Leadership also includes looking for leadership potential in others. By developing leadership
skills within your team, you create an environment where you can continue success in the long
term. And that's a true measure of great leadership
The words "leader" and "leadership" are often used incorrectly to describe people who are
actually managing. These individuals may be highly skilled, good at their jobs, and valuable to
their organizations – but that just makes them excellent managers, not leaders.
So, be careful how you use the terms, and don't assume that people with "leader" in their job
titles, people who describe themselves as "leaders," or even groups called "leadership teams" are
actually creating and delivering transformational change.
A particular danger in these situations is that people or organizations that are being managed by
such an individual or group think they're being led; but they're not. There may actually be no
leadership at all, with no one setting a vision and no one being inspired. This can cause serious
problems in the long term.
The process of influencing and supporting others to work enthusiastically towards acheiving
Characteristics of a leader:
A great deal of research has been carried out to find out physical,intellectual and personality
characteristics that distinguish leader from non-leaderand sucessful leaders from unsucessful leaders.
. Though it may not necessarily be a metric in employee evaluations, integrity is essential for the
individual and the organization. It’s especially important for top-level executives who are charting the
organization’s course and making countless other significant decisions. Our research show that integrity
may actually be a potential blind spot for organizations. Make sure your organization reinforces the
importance of integrity to leaders at various levels.
Ability to Delegate
Delegating is one of the core responsibilities of a leader, but it can be tricky to delegate effectively. — it’s
also to enable your direct reports, facilitate teamwork, provide autonomy, lead to better decision-making,
and help your direct reports grow. In order to delegate well, you also need to build trust with your team.
Effective leadership and effective communication are intertwined. You need to be able to communicate in
a variety of ways, from transmitting information to coaching your people. And you must be able to
communicate with a range of people across roles,social identities, and more.
Though it may not necessarily be a metric in employee evaluations, integrity is essential for the
individual and the organization. It’s especially important for top-level executives who are charting the
organization’s course and making countless other significant decisions. Our research show that integrity
may actually be a potential blind spot for organizations. Make sure your organization reinforces the
importance of integrity to leaders at various levels.
Ability to Delegate
Delegating is one of the core responsibilities of a leader, but it can be tricky to delegate effectively. The
goal isnt just to free yourself up— it’s also to enable your direct reports, facilitate teamwork, provide
autonomy, lead to better decision-making, and help your direct reports grow. In order to delegate well,
you also need to buld trust in your team.
Effective leadership and effective communication are intertwined. You need to be able to communicate in
a variety of ways, from transmitting information to coaching your people. And you must be able to
communicate with a range of people across roles, and more.
While this is a more inwardly focused skill, self-awareness is paramount for leadership. The better you
understand yourself, the more effective you can be. Do you know how other people view you, or how you
show up at work?
Gratitude will actually make you a better leader. Gratitude can lead to higher self-esteem, reduced
depression and anxiety, and even better sleep. Few people regularly say “thank you” at work, even though
most people say they’d be willing to work harder for an appreciative boss. Follow these tips for giving
thanks and practicing more gratitude.
Learning Agility
Learning agility is the ability to know what to do when you don’t know what to do. If you’re a “quick
study” or are able to excel in unfamiliar circumstances, you might already be learning agile. But anybody
can foster learning agility through practice, experience, and effort.
For some people, “influence” feels like a dirty word. But being able to convince people through logical,
emotional, or cooperative appeals is a component of being an inspiring, effective leader. Influence is quite
different from manipulation, and it needs to be done authentically and transparently. It requires emotional
intelligence and trust-building.
Empathy is correlated with job performance. If you show more empathy towards your direct reports, our
research shows you’re more likely to be viewed as a better performer by your boss. Empathy can be
learned, and in addition to making you more effective, it will also improve work for you and those around
It can be hard to speak up at work, whether you want to voice a new idea, provide feedback to a direct
report, or flag a concern for someone above you. That’s part of the reason courage is a key skill for good
leaders. Rather than avoiding problems or allowing conflicts to fester, courage enables leaders to step up
and move things in the right direction.
Treating people with respect on a daily basis is one of the most important things a leader can do. It will
ease tensions and conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness. Respect is more than the absence of
disrespect, and it can be shown in many different ways.
Gratitude will actually make you a better leader. Gratitude can lead to higher self-esteem, reduced
depression and anxiety, and even better sleep. Few people regularly say “thank you” at work, even though
most people say they’d be willing to work harder for an appreciative boss. Follow these tips for giving
thanks and practicing more gratitude.
Learning Agility
Learning agility is the ability to know what to do when you don’t know what to do. If you’re a “quick
study” or are able to excel in unfamiliar circumstances, you might already be learning agile. But anybody
can foster learning agility through practice, experience, and effort. .
For some people, “influence” feels like a dirty word. But being able to convince people through logical,
emotional, or cooperative appeals is a component of being an inspiring, effective leader. Influence is quite
different from manipulation, and it needs to be done authentically and transparently. It requires emotional
intelligence and trust-building.
Empathy is correlated with job performance. If you show more empathy towards your direct reports, our
research shows you’re more likely to be viewed as a better performer by your boss. Empathy can be
learned, and in addition to making you more effective, it will also improve work for you and those around
It can be hard to speak up at work, whether you want to voice a new idea, provide feedback to a direct
report, or flag a concern for someone above you. That’s part of the reason courage is a key skill for good
leaders. Rather than avoiding problems or allowing conflicts to fester, courage enables leaders to step up
and move things in the right direction. .
Treating people with respect on a daily basis is one of the most important things a leader can do. It will
ease tensions and conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness. Respect is more than the absence of
disrespect, and it can be shown in many different ways.
Research findings indicate that sucessful leader posess the following charateristics:
1) Drive: This includes drive for achievement ,ambition,high energy, tenacity and initiative.
2) Intelligence: Leaders are generally more intelligent than followers.It was found that leaders
3) Energy Level and stress tolerance: Leaders are very energetic and have a ability to
tolerate stress. These qualities enable the leader to deal with role conflicts and
4) Optimistic:Most leaders are highly optimistic .they always look at brighter side of
life for them ,the glass is rather half-full than half-empty.Even in worst situation
5) Emotional Maturity: Leaders are emotionally mature and stable. They are not
self-centered and have great self-control ,they donot get easily upset or excited.
Emotional maturity help the leaders to maintain co-operative and good relations with
subordinates ,peers and superior.
6) Honesty and Integrity: Leaders are trustworthy , reliable and open .they are not hypocrates
7) Leadership motivation: This is the desire to influence and lead others but not to seek power
for its own sake .Leaders exercise influence to reach shared goals.
8) Self-Confidence: They have faith in their own abilities and believe in themselves .They are
9) Cognitive Ability: Leaders have high ability to integrate and interpret large amount of data.
10) Knowledge of business: leaders are well-informed about the industry and other technical
11) Creativity: Leaders have original and innovative ideas .They are able to think out of box.
12) Flexibility: Leaders have ability to adapt to the needs of the followers and requirement of
the situation .they are able to make timely and appropriate changes.
13) Understanding of Human nature: Leaders are able to give leaders sense of personal wealth.
14) Social Distance: Leader maintain certain degree of social and psychological distance
For Eg: the skills learnt by an engineer ,surgeon and accountant etc.Technical skills
involve things.
2) Interpersonal Skills: Interpersonal skills refer to ability to work with understand and motivate
other employees both individually and in group.It is ability to maintain co-operative
relationship with people. Interpersonal relationship are concerned with people at work.
3) Conceptual Skills: Conceptual skills are concerned with ability to analyse and diagnose
complex situation .It is the ability to process and interpret information perceive trends
Aleader has to perform many function.The functions are different roles that leader has to
1) Policy Maker: The important function of a leader of any social group is to plan out the group goals ,
objectives and policies.
2) Planner: The leader also functions as a planner.He decides the ways and means that are
3) Executive: Setting goals and drawing plans is of no use unless they are implemented, In
his executive function ,leader has to ensure that plans are executed.
4) External group representatives: The leader has to assume the role of representatives
of the group in its external relations, all incoming and outgoing communications are
5) Controller of internal group relationship: The leader uses the power to give rewards and punishment to
motivate ,discipline and control groups .He rewards members to contribute
6) Controller of reward and punishment: The leader uses the power to give reward and punishment to
motivate,discipline and control group, He reward members to contribute and work towards attainment of
7) Arbitrator and Meditator: the leader acts as a arbitrator and meditator ,when there are conflicts and
differences in the group, he must resolve disputes in fair and just manner.
8) Exampler: The leader serves as a role model as a member of the group.He has to be source
of psychological and moral support to the organisation. He serves as an example for others to
set and follow high standards.
9) Father figure: The leader has to sometime play an emotional role of the father figure for members of
the group. He has to be source of psychological and moral support to the followers.
10) Scape Goat: the leader is accountable for the performance of the group ,Hence when the group does
well the leader has lot of credit for it , when the group performs poorly or fail ,
11) Entreprenuer: The leader has to be on constant lookout for new oppurtinities.
He keeps a watchful eye on the external enviornment and initiates plan for development
of new project.
Leadership Styles :
1) Autocratic/ Authoritarian Leader : The leader expects a complete obidience from subordinates for all
decision making .Decision -making is centralised. Autocratic leadership is a form of management style in
which one leader or member of the organisation takes decisions on behalf of the company. This type of
leadership style is seen mostly in businesses which are relatively small with fewer employees.
This type of leadership style is only effective in organisations where the nature of work requires quick
decision-making. The sole responsibility of the decision and the outcome is with the leader. It is
considered to be a flexible leadership style but some would argue that it is outdated now.
However, there are certain characteristics of autocratic leadership such as - no inputs from other group
members are taken, group leader(s) dictate all the tasks or distribute responsibilities among other
employees, and no reward or recognition is given to employees to boost morale.
Some experts argue that this type of leadership style can be damaging rather than rewarding in the long
run as it resembles that of a dictator. It leads to low employee morale, which in turn may lead to attrition
in many cases.
2) laissez fair : maximum freedom is allowed to subordinates for decision-making and policy.
The laissez-faire style of leadership is often dismissed as one that leads to poor group outcomes, but it
can be appropriate and effective in a variety of situations. In a setting where group members are highly
skilled and motivated, it can actually produce excellent results. Because team members get to exercise a
great deal of freedom free from excessive micromanaging, they often feel more inspired and creative.
If you tend to be more of a laissez-faire leader, you may find it helpful to think about the sort of
situations where you might excel in a leadership role. In settings where the group needs more oversight
or direction, you may find that you need to consciously focus on adopting a more authoritarian or
democratic approach.7 By examining your own style, you can hone your skills and become a better
2) self-confidence
suggestion to leaders.
Democratic Leadership, also known as Participative Leadership, is where individuals who would typically
be considered unequal by hierarchal standards have shared power in making decisions.
Democratic leaders emphasize collaboration and the free-flow of ideas.
While these leaders do allow shared participation in decision-making, they often decide who is a part of
the group or committee tasked with making decisions.
Responsibility is shared among all members of staff with the leader present to offer guidance and keep
discussions balanced and controlled.
Participative leadership instill mutual respect among those involved that create candid and open
Democratic leaders can often be seen in positions in nonprofit organizations, school boards, and
forward-thinking companies.
4) Willing acceptance.
Initiating Structure:
b) More motivated.
Taking a personal interest in the needs of employees and accepting individual differences among
Production oriented leaders are ones who emphasise technical or task aspect of the job.
The theort is an organisational theory, and says that there is no best way to organise a
2) Based on 2 dimensions:
that gets the job done and with interest in satisfying and motivating people,
Co-ordinate (9,1)
1)Task-oriented: This kind of manager is autocratic and has strict work rule policies and procedure.
3) The approach can drive impressive production results at first,but low team
1) Middle of the road or status quo manager tries to balance results and people
3)leader is diplomatic
Country club
2) This results in work environment that is relaxed and fun ,but where productivity suffers
Team management is most effective leadership style .It reflects a leader who is
Passionate for his work and who do the best he can for the people who work with.
TRAIT theory:
There are certain qualities and trait which are essential to be a successful leader
Important traits:
1) Intelligence
2)psychological factors
3) Emotional stability
7) Empathy
8) fairness
9)Technical skill
1)Lack of uniformity