Energy Conversion and Management: G.K. Singh, A. Senthil Kumar, R.P. Saini

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Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx

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Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase

self-excited induction generator for stand-alone renewable energy generation
G.K. Singh a,⇑, A. Senthil Kumar a, R.P. Saini b
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247 667, India
Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247 667, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper describes a new generalized and efficient model for performance analysis of a six-phase self-
Received 10 July 2009 excited induction generator (SPSEIG) with three capacitor excitation topologies; simple shunt, short
Received in revised form 16 February 2010 shunt and long shunt. Mathematical model of SPSEIG is formulated using nodal admittance method
Accepted 15 October 2010
based on graph theory. Attention is focused on the influence of the different capacitor connections on
Available online xxxx
the generator overload and output power capabilities. The generator voltage with simple shunt excitation
connection collapses when it is overloaded while with either the short shunt or long shunt excitation
connection; generator is able to sustain the load at a lower operating voltage and larger load current.
Renewable energy
Hydro power plant
The matrix equation developed by nodal admittance method is solved by Genetic Algorithm (GA) tech-
Self-excited induction generator nique to predetermine the steady-state performance of SPSEIG. The experimental and theoretical results
Six-phase self-excited induction generator are found to be in good agreement.
Graph theory Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Genetic Algorithm

1. Introduction power per phase is halved, thus enabling utilization of power semi-
conductors of smaller rating, when compared to the three-phase
In recent years, multi-phase induction machines (with more case.
than three-phases on stator) have attracted a considerable atten- While the research in multi-phase variable-speed drives area is
tion in relation to variable-speed electric drive applications, due at an advanced stage, the same cannot be said for multi-phase ma-
to the certain advantages that they have when compared to their chine applications in renewable electric energy generation. The re-
three-phase counterpart [1]. Asymmetrical six-phase or split- search in this area is still at an early stage although the findings
phase induction machines are a particular case of multi-phase reported in the available literatures indicate general feasibility of
induction machine consisting of two identical three-phase stator multi-phase machines for various generating systems. The genera-
windings sharing the same magnetic circuit. They are built by tor scheme presented by Ojo and Davidson [7] is based on the dual
splitting the phase belt of a conventional three-phase machine into stator-winding induction machine, with spatially displaced power
two groups, which are displaced from each other by 30 electrical and control three-phase windings, wound for same number of
degrees [2], giving rise to an asymmetrical structure since the poles and aimed at a stand-alone application. One set of windings
angular displacement between any two adjacent phases is not is responsible for electromechanical power conversion (i.e. for sup-
the same [3]. Literature surveys on multi-phase machines and plying the load) while the second one is used for purposes of exci-
drives, reported in [4], have shown that asymmetrical six-phase tation and control. This scheme underutilizes the full generating
machines are the most frequently considered multi-phase machine capability of the dual stator-winding induction generator, as the
type for variable-speed drives. Improved reliability, reduced mag- output of only one set of three-phase windings is available for
neto-motive force spatial harmonic content, torque pulsation end use. Basic et al. [8] has presented the theoretical, simulation
reduction [5,6] and possibilities for devising fault-tolerant strate- and experimental study of the brushless doubly fed twin stator
gies for post-fault operation are the advantages due to which six- induction generator dynamics under vector control based on the
phase induction motors are beginning to be a widely acceptable orientation on the power machine stator flux. They have used
alternative in high power applications. A further advantage in high two back-to-back connected slip ring machines with extended
power applications is that, for any given output power, required rotor common to both the machine. Output of the twin stator
machine is three-phase. A poly-phase/single-phase rotary
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 1332 285070; fax: +91 1332 273560. induction machine with double-stator windings, one fixed and
E-mail address: [email protected] (G.K. Singh). the other able to be manually adjusted and positioned to match

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
2 G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx


F, u per unit frequency and speed respectively Xlo1, Xlo2 series capacitive reactance due to Clo1 and Clo2 at rated
Rs1, Rs2 stator resistance per phase of stator winding set abc and frequency of stator winding set abc and xyz in long
xyz shunt configuration
Xs1, Xs2 stator leakage reactance per phase of stator winding set RL1, RL2 load resistance per phase on winding set abc and xyz
abc and xyz Vt1, Vt2 terminal voltage per phase of winding set abc and xyz
Rr rotor resistance per phase referred to stator IL1, IL2 load current per phase of winding set abc and xyz
Xr rotor leakage reactance per phase referred to stator Eg air gap voltage
Xm magnetizing reactance per phase at rated frequency Is1, Is2 stator current per phase of stator winding set abc and
Xls common mutual leakage reactance between the two xyz
stator winding sets Ir rotor current per phase referred to stator
Xc1, Xc2 capacitive reactance due to C1 and C2 at rated frequency Pout1, Pout2 output power of winding set abc and xyz respectively
of stator winding set abc and xyz var1, var2 reactive power of winding set abc and xyz
Xse1, Xse2 series capacitive reactance due to Cse1 and Cse2 at rated Vb, Ib, Zb base voltage, current, and impedance respectively
frequency of stator winding set abc and xyz in short- fb, Nb base frequency and speed in Hz and rpm respectively
shunt configuration VL, IL load voltage and load current respectively

the mechanical and electrical power when used as a generator or a modeling and analysis of six-phase self-excited generator is pre-
motor is analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of such a sented. Authors in [16–18] have presented the performance analy-
hydro/wind generator are discussed by Levy in [9]. In this scheme, sis of six-phase self-excited induction generator as simple shunt.
the double-stator induction machine consists of a fixed stator and Works reported in [19,20] deals with the steady-state modeling
an adjustable stator. The rotor is an extended squirrel cage com- and analysis of the six-phase self-excited induction generator.
mon to both stators and output of this system is three-phase. All the above works reported on six-phase induction generator
Wang et al. in [10] have presented a novel stand-alone dual-sta- are focused on induction generator operation as simple shunt.
tor-winding induction generator with static excitation regulation. Therefore, the attempt in this paper is made to study the steady-
In this generator, there are two sets of windings to be embedded state performance of SPSEIG in all the three configurations as sim-
in the stator slots. One, referred to as 12-phase power winding, ple shunt, short shunt and long shunt for stand-alone renewable
supplies power to the dc load via a 12-phase bridge rectifier, and energy generation in conjunction with a hydro power plant. The
the other, called the three-phase excitation winding, is connected model developed using nodal admittance method based on graph
to a PWM voltage source static excitation regulator. All the four theory is in matrix form, which is convenient for computer simula-
cases discussed above do not truly represent the true six-phase tion. Advantages of the model are that the effect of mutual cou-
induction machine. pling between the two three-phase stator set and the core loss
In recent times, because of inherent advantageous features of component can be included or easily eliminated from the model.
multi-phase machine, interest in the use of multi-phase generators Also the leakage reactance of stator and rotor may be handled sep-
has emerged, in conjunction with renewable electric-energy gener- arately if required by avoiding the assumptions of stator and rotor
ating sources. It needs to be emphasized though that there is no leakage reactance being equal without any modification in the
evidence at present of any industrial uptake of such solutions. Per- model. The matrix equations developed by nodal admittance
manent-magnet synchronous multi-phase generators [11,12] may method are solved by Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique to deter-
become a viable solution for the direct-driven applications in mine the steady-state performance of SPSEIG in all the configura-
wind-powered plants. In last 5 years, Singh et al. have reported tion of SPSEIG as simple shunt, short shunt and long shunt.
some works on six-phase self-excited induction generator for Method developed is suitable for both the type of shunt capacitor
stand-alone renewable energy generation. In [13–15], transient connections such as: (i) shunt capacitor connected to only one

Rs1 /F jX s 1

jX ls jX r
I s1
Rs2 /F jX s 2

I s2
R L2 /F -jX C2 /F2 E g/F jX m R r /F-u
R L1 /F
-jX C1 /F2

Fig. 1. Per phase equivalent circuit representation of six-phase self-excited induction generator with simple shunt configuration under load condition.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 3

5 three-phase winding set, and (ii) shunt capacitor connected to both

the three-phase winding sets. The theoretical predictions obtained
from the proposed model have been verified experimentally.

3 1 2. Mathematical model
2.1. Per-phase equivalent circuit of simple shunt configuration

The detailed mathematical modeling for transient analysis of

C six-phase self-excited induction generator leading to per-phase
equivalent circuit is given in [15]. In developing the equations,
Fig. 2. (a) Oriented graph with nodes. (b) Tree and cotree with cutset.
which describes the behavior of a six-phase induction machine, it
is assumed that there is no physical fault propagation from one
three-phase set to other three-phase set as neutral of both the sta-
Table 1
tor winding sets are separate. An asymmetrical six-phase machine
Cutset matrix. with a single star point allows the flow of the triplen harmonics of
the order 3n as well. This is another reason why star points of the
Tree branch voltage Branches
two three-phase windings are kept isolated. Fig. 1 shows per-phase
1 2 3 4 5 equivalent circuit of a six-phase SEIG referred to base frequency
e2 1 1 0 0 1 [15]. The parameters F and u are per unit self-excited electrical fre-
e4 0 0 1 1 1 quency and rotor speed respectively. When the SPSEIG is driven by
a regulated turbine in which the shaft speed is maintained con-

-jX se 1/F2 Rs1 /F jX s 1

jX ls jX r
I s1
-jX se 2/F2 Rs2 /F jX s 2

I s2
R L2 /F -jX C2 /F2 E g /F jX m R r /F-u
R L1 /F
-jX C1 /F 2

Fig. 3. Per phase equivalent circuit representation of six-phase self-excited induction generator with short-shunt configuration under load condition.

-jX lo 1 /F2 Rs 1/F jX s 1

jX ls jX r
I s1
-jX lo 2/F2 Rs 2/F jX s 2

Is 2
RL 2/F E g /F jX m R r /F-u
R L1 /F -jX C2 /F2
-jX C1 /F2

Fig. 4. Per phase equivalent circuit representation of six-phase self-excited induction generator with long shunt configuration under load condition.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
4 G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx

stant, u is fixed but both F and Xm vary with the load and hence point where two or more branches are meeting is referred as node.
they must be taken as variables for a given load and excitation Here A and B are the principal node and C is reference node. If the
capacitance condition. The parameters of equivalent circuit are direction or orientations are shown in the graph then it is referred
given below: to oriented graph. Forming the tree and cotree from the oriented
graph. A tree or twigs is a connected subgraph containing all the
Rs1 Rs2
Z1 ¼ þ jX s1 ; Z 2 ¼ þ jX s2 ; Z m ¼ jX m ; Z ls ¼ jX ls ; nodes of the original graph with out forming loops. Remaining part
F F of the branches of the subgraph is referred as links or cotree [21].
jX RL1 RL2 Z L1  Z c1
Z c1 ¼  2c1 ; Z L1 ¼ ; Z L2 ¼ ; Z Lc1 ¼ ; Tree and cotree with cutset is shown in Fig. 2b. The cutset matrix
F F F Z L1 þ Z c1 can be formed as shown in Table 1.
Z L2  Z c2 Rr Number of branches (b) = 5, Number of Nodes (n) = 2.
Z Lc2 ¼ ; Z rr ¼ þ jX r
Z L2 þ Z c2 Fu Number of tree branches or Number of cutset = n  1 = 2.
If in the equivalent circuit of the SPSEIG, all the elements such as Number of cotree = b  n + 1 = 3.
resistor, inductor, and capacitor are simply replaced by line seg-
ment with circle or dots at both ends, then such representation be- The equilibrium equation in matrix form on node basis can ex-
comes graph of the equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 2a. A junction pressed as


Read the SEIG circuit

parameter and its
magnetization curve

Randomly generated initial population

chromosome =[ Xm,F ]

Evaluate the fitness function

Current Generation No

Max. yes
Crossover Generation


New Generation

Obtain SEIG performance


Fig. 5. Flowchart of GA optimization for steady-state performance analysis.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 5

f½D½Y b ½DT ½E ¼ ½D½IS   ½Y b ½V s g ð1Þ 2.2. Per-phase equivalent circuit of short-shunt configuration

where [D] is the cutset matrix, [Yb] is the branch admittance matrix,
Fig. 3 shows the per-phase equivalent circuit of a short shunt,
[D]T is the transposed matrix of [D], [Vs] is the voltage source matrix,
six-phase self-excited induction generator. The capacitive reac-
[Zb] is the branch impedance matrix, [Is] is the current source ma-
tance for self excitation is connected across stator terminals. The
trix, and [E] is the independent tree branch voltage column matrix.
series capacitive reactance is connected in series with load imped-
Since, the circuit does not contain any emf source or current
ance. The parameters of equivalent circuit are given below:
source, [Vs] = 0 and [Is] = 0. Therefore, equilibrium equation re-
duced to Rs1 Rs2 RL1 jX se1
Z1 ¼ þ jX s1 ; Z 2 ¼ þ jX s2 ; Z 3 ¼  2 ;
f½D½Y b ½DT g½E ¼ 0 ð2Þ
  RL2 jX se2 jX c1 jX c2 Z5  Z3
1 1 0 0 1 Z4 ¼  2 ; Z5 ¼  2 ; Z6 ¼  2 ; Z7 ¼ ;
where ½D ¼ F F F F Z5 þ Z3
0 0 1 1 1
Z4  Z6 Rr
½Y b  ¼ ½Z b 1 ¼ diag1=Z m ; 1=Z rr ; 1=Z LC1 þ Z 1 ; 1=Z LC2 þ Z 2 ; 1=Z ls Z8 ¼ ; Z m ¼ jX m ; Z ls ¼ jX ls ; Z rr ¼ þ jX r
Z4 þ Z6 Fu
and [E] = [e2, e4]T.
Same procedure is followed as discussed in case of simple shunt
Substituting the value of [D], [D]T, [Yb] and [E] in Eq. (2), final
configuration; therefore, final form of admittance matrix is given
solution is given as below:
" 1
þ Z1rr þ Z1 1
Z ls e2 0
¼ ð3Þ
Z ls Z LC1 þZ 1
þ ZLC21þZ2 þ Z1 e4 0

Cseries a

Six phase
Vb Va Vc

x a 1:1:1 T/F IL
z Excitation capacitor A
c D

Vy Vx Vz

Prime Mover Cseries

Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the induction generator system employing a SPSEIG.

Fig. 7. Semi closed-loop SHP test rig with cross-flow turbine.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
6 G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Effect of excitation capacitance.

S. no. Single three-phase winding set abc is excited Both the winding sets abc and xyz are excited
C1 (lF) GA method C1 = C2 (lF) GA method
Vt (p.u) Speed (p.u) Vt (p.u) Speed (p.u)
1 25 0.1151 0.9908 15 0.5025 0.9917
2 30 0.6187 0.9915 20 0.899 0.9931
3 35 0.8644 0.9924 25 0.9949 0.9949
6 41 0.9989 0.9972 41 0.9275 1.0048
7 55 1.0592 0.9988 45 0.8993 1.0084
8 60 1.0506 1.0013 50 0.8652 1.0138
9 65 1.0363 1.0041 55 0.8345 1.0201
10 70 1.0198 1.0074 60 0.8072 1.0277
11 80 0.9824 1.0112 65 0.7825 1.0371
12 90 0.9474 1.0155 70 0.7614 1.0482

" 1
þ Z1rr þ Z1  Z1 e2 0 tors such as reproduction, crossover, and mutation to evolve the
ls ls
¼ ð4Þ solutions to find the fittest one(s). The GA uses three main types
 Z1 1
Z 7 þZ 1
þ Z8 þZ þ Z1 e4 0
ls 2 ls
of rules at each step to create the next generation from the current
population [22].
2.3. Per-phase equivalent circuit of long shunt configuration Genetic Algorithm is becoming a popular method for optimiza-
tion, because it has several advantages over other optimization
Fig. 4 shows the per-phase equivalent circuit of a long shunt, methods. It is robust, able to find global minimum, and does not re-
six-phase self-excited induction generator. The capacitive reac- quire accurate initial estimates. The flowchart describing the GA
tance for self excitation is connected across stator terminals. In optimization system implemented in this application is shown in
long shunt configuration of SPSEIG, series capacitance is placed be- Fig. 5. The two unknowns Xm and F are determined by optimiz-
tween the generator terminals and the shunt capacitance as shown ing/minimizing the objective function, i.e. total admittance.
in Fig. 4. The parameters of equivalent circuit are given below:
Rs1 jX Rs2 jX 4. Description of experimental set-up and machine parameter
Z1 ¼ þ jX s1  lo1 ; Z2 ¼ þ jX s2  lo2 ;
F F2 F F2
jX jX RL1 To test the validity of the proposed method of analysis, and to
Z 3 ¼  2c1 ; Z 4 ¼  2c2 ; Z ls ¼ jX ls Z 5 ¼ ;
F F F investigate the performance characteristics of SPSEIG, a three-
RL2 Z3  Z5 Z4  Z6 phase, 6-pole, 36-slots, 1.0 kW, 400 V, 3.5 A, 50 Hz, 950 rpm squir-
Z6 ¼ ; Z7 ¼ ; Z8 ¼ ;
F Z3 þ Z5 Z4 þ Z6 rel cage induction machine was utilized as a basis. All the 72 stator
Rr terminals were taken out to the terminal box mounted on the top
Z rr ¼ þ jX r ; Z m ¼ jX m of the machine casing, so that various winding schemes for differ-
ent number of poles and phases can be realized. The six-pole, six-
Just like simple shunt configuration, final form of admittance matrix phase connection was obtained by employing phase belt splitting.
is given by The six stator phases are divided into two star-connected three-
" #   
þ Z1rr þ Z1  Z1 e2 0 phase sets (winding set abc and xyz), with magnetic axis of the
Zm ls ls
¼ ð5Þ two three-phase sets displaced by an angle of 30° electrical. Neu-
 Z1 1 1
þ Z8 þZ þ Z1 e4 0
ls Z 7 þZ 1 2 ls tral point of the two three-phase sets are kept isolated in order
Eqs. (3)–(5) can be shown in the standard form as to prevent physical fault propagation from one three-phase set to
other one, and to prevent the flow of triplen harmonics.
½Y½E ¼ ½0 The test machine was coupled to a semi closed-loop small hy-
dro power (SHP) test rig, installed at Alternate Hydro Energy Cen-
Since [E] – 0, it implies that det [Y] = 0. This can be solved using GA
technique and unknown independent variables Xm and F or Xm and
u can be obtained. 300
3. Genetic Algorithm 250
terminal voltage (V)

Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a stochastic global search method 200
that mimics some aspects of natural biological evolution. The GA
150 C1=32 µF
operates on a population of potential solutions by applying the
principle of survival of the fittest to converge to an optimal solu-
tion. At each generation (generation is one iteration of the GA), a 100
new set of approximations is created by the processes of selecting
individuals according to their level of fitness in the problem do- 50
main and breeding them together using operators borrowed from
natural genetics. This natural selection leads to the evolution of
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
populations of individuals that are better suited to their environ-
prime mover speed (rpm)
ment than the individuals that they were created from. In GA,
the problem is represented as a genome or chromosome. The GA Fig. 8a. Open circuit characteristics, when capacitor bank is connected to winding
then creates a population of solutions and applies genetic opera- set abc and other winding set xyz is kept open.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 7

300 tre. The complete scheme is shown in Fig. 6. The SHP test rig shown
C1 =C2 =25µF in Fig. 7, consists of two identical service pumps, each having 150 l
250 per second discharge capacity at the head of 10 m, connected to a
terminal voltage (V)

C1 =C2 =30µF 5 kW cross-flow turbine of efficiency 56% through pipe line net-
works. The turbine is fitted with 24 blades around its shaft and
150 has the runner diameter of 300 mm. Control valves installed at
the pipe line and the turbine are used to vary the head and dis-
100 charge of water for controlling the speed of the turbine shaft.
The head and discharge are measured with the help of a calibrated
C1 =C2 =20µF
50 rectangular weir and a precise digital pressure gauge. This regu-
lated hydraulic cross-flow turbine serves as prime mover through
belt coupling in order to achieve desired speed with smooth con-
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
trol throughout the operation.
prime mover speed (rpm)
The empirical formulae used for head and discharge calculation
Fig. 8b. Open circuit characteristics when capacitor bank is connected to both the are as below:
three-phase winding sets abc and xyz.
H ¼ 10  Pa ð6Þ
Q ¼ 1:8ðL  0:2  hÞ  h ð7Þ

a 1.2
VL (Comp)
1 VL (exp) a 1.2
load voltage (p.u)

VL (comp)
0.8 1 VL (exp)

0.6 load voltage (p.u) 0.8


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0
output power (p.u) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
output power (p.u)
b 0.5
IL (Comp)
b 0.8
0.4 IL (exp)
load current (p.u)

load current (p.u)

0.2 0.4

IL (comp)
0 0.1 IL (exp)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
output power (p.u) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
output power (p.u)
c 1.1
F (Comp)
F (exp)
c 1.2

frequency (p.u)

frequency (p.u)



0.2 F (comp)
F (exp)
0.5 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
output power (p.u) output power (p.u)

Fig. 9. Variation of load voltage (a), load current (b), and frequency (c) of six-phase Fig. 10. Variation of load voltage (a), load current (b), and frequency (c) of six-phase
SEIG as function of output power when winding set abc is connected as simple SEIG as function of output power when both the winding sets abc and xyz connected
shunt configuration (C1 = 41 lF) and subjected to resistive loading with winding set as simple shunt configuration (C1 = C2 = 25 lF), and are subjected to independent
xyz kept open. resistive loading.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
8 G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx

where H is the water head in metre, Q the discharge of water, Pa the winding set are excited with no load condition, connection of
water pressure at turbine inlet measured by pressure gauge (in Pas- purely resistive load with simple shunt connection, short shunt
cal), h the height of water level over the tip of rectangular weir (in connection and long shunt connection under various modes of
metre), L is the length of weir aperture (in metre). operation are elaborated and measured steady state characteristics
The hydraulic turbine exploits and converts the available for various load and/or capacitor bank configuration. Fluke 43-B
hydropower into mechanical power by taking its efficiency into ac- Power Quality Analyzer was used for measurements and for
count as follows recording of various waveforms.

Pmech ¼ gt gHQ N m=s ð8Þ

4.1. Parameter Identification through zero output tests
where gt is the efficiency of hydro turbine, g is the acceleration due
No-load and blocked rotor tests were conducted to determine
to gravity.
the parameters of the test machine. The measured parameters of
If gg is the efficiency of the induction generator, the overall effi-
the test machine in p.u are:
ciency of the system can be expressed as
Stator resistance Rs1 = Rs2 = 0.1198, Stator leakage reactance
P elect Xs1 = Xs2 = 0.1987.
gSHP ¼ gt  gg ¼ ð9Þ Rotor resistance Rr = 0.2576, Rotor leakage reactance Xr =
P mech
0.3985, Xls = 0.00973.
System startup is carried out through the induction generator Magnetizing reactance Xm = 4.62.
self-excitation process, which is the result of the interaction be- Further ‘synchronous speed test’ was conducted by driving the
tween the voltage provided by test motor residual magnetic flux rotor at synchronous speed corresponding to base frequency using
and the three-phase capacitor bank used for excitation. a dc drive. Input current as well as power were recorded at differ-
In this work, the entire tests were conducted on prototype ent input voltage across the stator terminals. The magnetizing
SPSEIG reconfigured for six-pole, six-phase as well as six-pole, reactance Lm, deduced by regression analysis using curve-fitting
three-phase operation. The power generation was achieved by tool is found to be a non-linear function of magnetizing current.
driving the induction generator at different speeds through a The measured per-unit variations of the air gap voltage Eg/F with
smooth manual control over hydraulic turbine operation, as the Xm is
voltage is induced due to capacitor self excitation. A micron make
speed transducer (model: 2176) and digital encoder (range: 60– Eg =F ¼ K 1 X 3m þ K 2 X 2m  K 3 X m þ K 4
9999 rpm) unit, installed suitably to the SPSEIG system, senses
and displays the speed in revolution per minute (rpm). The set- where K1 = 0.0002, K2 = 0.0657, K3 = 8.0427, K4 = 550.81.
up was instrumented to monitor the voltage, current, power and Now knowing the machine parameters and steady-state value
frequency at the desired locations of network. In addition to the of Xm and F at a given speed, load and capacitances (shunt and ser-
three-phase lamp load, a Y-connected three-phase purely resistive ies), performance of the SPSEIG can be computed from equivalent
and inductive load banks were also used to load the prototype circuit.
As shown in Fig. 6, there is a provision of combining the two 5. Results and discussion
three-phase outputs of the six-phase generator to supply a single
three-phase load. For this purpose, a 5 kVA, 415–415/415 V 5.1. Selection of capacitors
Y  D/Y six-phase to three-phase transformer is used in the exper-
imental set-up. Primary side star and delta input terminals of the Appropriate value of simple shunt and series capacitance for the
transformer receive the two three-phase outputs of the SPSEIG given machine is determined for self excitation and for desired
and provide a three-phase output for the load through a star con- voltage regulation. Under no load condition, series capacitance is
nected winding at secondary side. Experiments were carried out ineffective and, therefore, no load voltage is only dependent on
with the delta connected capacitors banks connected to: (i) one simple shunt capacitance, while series capacitance contributes to
set of three-phase winding is excited; (ii) both the three-phase the voltage on load. Thus the value of simple shunt capacitance

Table 3
Comparative performance evaluation of six-phase self-excited induction generator with simple shunt configuration in different mode of operation for resistive loading [18].

Operating modes of SPSEIG Performance indices variation from no load to full load Poutput %
(maximum) Efficiency
% Vt (terminal % Im (machine % VL (load %
voltage) current) voltage) Frequency
Delta capacitor bank Csh = 41 lF connected to winding set abc only
SPSEIG in simple shunt mode, resistive load on abc winding and other 35 27 32 5 0.41 62
three-phase xyz winding set kept open
SPSEIG in simple shunt mode, resistive load on xyz winding and other 24 21 18 7.4 0.46 64
three-phase winding set abc kept open
SPSEIG in simple shunt mode, resistive load on both the winding sets abc 38 25 37 10 0.6 74
and xyz for equal loading condition
SPSEIG in simple shunt mode, resistive load on both the winding sets abc 42 38 38 11 0.56 65
and xyz for unequal loading condition
Delta capacitor bank Csh = 25 lF connected to both the three-phase winding sets abc and xyz
SPSEIG in simple shunt mode, resistive load on abc winding and other 29 36 30 8 0.45 65
three-phase xyz winding set kept open
SPSEIG in simple shunt mode, resistive load on both the winding sets abc 32 41 30 10 0.93 81
and xyz for equal loading condition
SPSEIG in simple shunt mode, resistive load on both the winding sets abc 37 44 39 12 0.82 76
and xyz for unequal loading condition

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 9

must be chosen to yield the desired no load voltage at the given abc is excited and other winding set xyz is kept open is shown in
speed. Value of series capacitance can be selected from the range Fig. 8a. Fig. 8b shows the no load characteristics of six-phase SEIG
of values thus obtained depending upon the desired voltage regu- in terms of terminal voltage as function of prime mover speed for
lation and other operating constraints [23,24]. varied excitation capacitance C1 and C2 when capacitor bank is
As depicted in Table 2, with the change in value of excitation connected across both the winding sets of abc and xyz. In both
capacitance, speed and terminal voltage both change. If only one the cases, it is observed that for a given no load terminal voltage,
three-phase winding set (say abc) is excited, the value of excitation value of excitation capacitance has to be increased with the de-
capacitance is C1 = 41 lF, and when both the winding sets abc and crease in speed.
xyz are excited, the value of excitation capacitance is found to be Fig. 9 shows the analytical and experimental variations of load
25 lF. Results given in Table 2 show that in both the cases, termi- voltage, load current and frequency as function of output power
nal voltage and speed is approximately equal to 1 p.u as desired. when excitation capacitance (C1 = 41 lF) is connected to winding
set abc only and is subjected to resistive loading. Winding set xyz
5.2. Performance characteristics is kept open. It can be noted that the load voltage and frequency
decreases as the load increases, while the load current increases.
Performance characteristics of SPSEIG were determined under Total power developed in this case is 0.41 kW at full load with
no load and loaded condition for simple shunt, short shunt and the efficiency approximately 62%.
long shunt configuration, and are summarized as follows: Though the operational frequency depends primarily upon rotor
speed, but it is affected by load, while the load voltage is mainly
decided by capacitive reactance at operational frequency. Results
5.2.1. Steady-state performance analysis of simple shunt configuration depicting the variation of terminal voltage, load current, and fre-
Variation of open circuit terminal voltage as a function of prime
mover speed for varied excitation capacitance C1 when winding set

a 1.2
a 1.5
load voltage (p.u)
load voltage (p.u)


0.4 VL (comp)
VL (exp) VL (exp)
VL (comp)

0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
output power (p.u)
output power (p.u)

b 0.48 b 1
0.4 0.8
load current (p.u)
load current (p.u)


0.24 0.5
IL (comp)
0.16 IL (exp) 0.3
IL (comp) 0.2 IL (exp)
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

output power (p.u) output power (p.u)

c 1.1 c 1.2

1 1
frequency (p.u)
frequency (p.u)

0.9 0.8

0.8 0.6

0.7 0.4
F (exp) Freq (comp)
0.6 F (comp) 0.2
Freq (exp)

0.5 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
output power (p.u) output power (p.u)

Fig. 11. Variation of load voltage (a), load current (b) and frequency (c) of six-phase Fig. 12. Variation of load voltage (a), load current (b) and frequency (c) of six-phase
SEIG with output power when winding set abc is connected as short-shunt SEIG with output power when both the winding sets abc and xyz are connected as
configuration(C1 = 41 lF and Cse1 = 200 lF) and subjected to resistive load while short-shunt configuration (C1 = C2 = 25 lF and Cse1 = Cse2 = 150 lF), and both the
winding set xyz is kept open. winding sets are subjected to independent resistive load.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
10 G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx

Table 4
Comparative performance evaluation of six-phase self-excited induction generator with short-shunt configuration in different mode of operation on resistive loading [18].

Operating modes of SPSEIG Performance indices variation from no load to full load
Cse = 150 lF Cse = 200 lF Cse = 250 lF
%VL %Im %gmax %VL %Im %gmax %VL %Im %gmax
Series compensation (short shunt) provided to set abc only. Resistive loading is on set 23 18 53 14 10.8 63 37 28 60
abc and winding set xyz is kept open. Csh = 41 lF
Series compensation provided to set xyz only. Resistive loading is on winding set xyz 29 36 46 28 32 50 31 36 46
and winding set abc is kept open. Csh = 41 lF is connected to winding set abc
Series compensation (short shunt) provided to set abc only. Resistive loading is 44 40 55 28 22 75 40 36 60
switched on both the winding sets abc and xyz for equal loading condition.
Csh = 41 lF
Series compensation (short shunt) provided to set abc only. Resistive loading is 46 40 52 31 28 72 44 40 56
switched on both the winding sets abc and xyz for unequal loading condition.
Csh = 41 lF
Cse = 100 lF Cse = 125 lF Cse = 150 lF
Both the three-phase winding abc and xyz is connected with short shunt connection 30 27 71 28 24.3 75 21 14 76
with independent equal resistive loading. Csh = 25 lF
Both the three-phase winding abc and xyz is connected with short shunt connection 29 12 64 30 14 66 24 16 71
with independent unequal resistive loading. Csh = 25 lF

quency with output power at constant speed are given in Fig. 10

when both the winding sets abc and xyz are connected as simple
a 0.8 shunt (C1 = C2 = 25 lF) and subjected to resistive loading. In this
0.7 mode of operation, SPSEIG is able to deliver maximum output
load voltage (p.u)


a 0.9
0.8 VL (comp)
0.4 VL (exp)
load voltage (p.u)

0.2 0.5
V (exp) 0.4
0.1 V (comp)
0 0.3
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.2
output power (p.u) 0.1
b 0.25 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
output power (p.u)
b 0.7
load current (p.u)

load current (p.u)


0.1 0.4

IL (exp) 0.2
IL (comp) IL (comp)
0.1 IL (exp)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0
output power (p.u) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
output power (p.u)
1 c 1
frequency (p.u)

frequency (p.u)

F (exp)
F (comp) 0.3 F (comp)
F (exp)
0 0.1
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
output power (p.u) output power (p.u)

Fig. 13. Variation of load voltage (a), load current (b) and frequency (c) of six-phase Fig. 14. variation of load voltage (a), load current (b) and frequency (c) of six-phase
SEIG with output power when only one winding set abc is connected as long shunt SEIG with output power when both the winding sets abc and xyz are connected as
configuration (C1 = 41 lF and Clo1 = 300 lF) and subjected to pure resistive load long shunt configuration (C1 = C2 = 25 lF and Clo1 = Clo2 = 250 lF) and both the
while winding set xyz is kept open. winding sets are subjected to pure resistive load.

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 11

Table 5
Comparative performance evaluation of long shunt six-phase self-excited induction generator configuration in different mode of operation on resistive loading [18].

Operating modes of SPSEIG Performance indices variation from no load to full load
Clong = 250 lF Clong = 300 lF Clong = 324 lF
%Vt %Im %VL %gmax %Vt %Im %VL %gmax %Vt %Im %VL %gmax
One three-phase winding set abc is connected as long-shunt 10.5 10.3 8 46 20 19 18.6 44 31.6 19 38 46
(Csh = 41 lF) and subjected to resistive loading, where as
winding set xyz is kept open
One three-phase winding set abc is connected as long-shunt 30.7 27.2 27 50 28 26 25 58 32.2 28 26 57
(Csh = 41 lF), and both the winding sets abc and xyz are
subjected to resistive loading
Clong = 150 lF Clong = 200 lF Clong = 250 lF
Both the winding sets abc and xyz are connected as long shunt 34.3 5 34 62 27 7 27.1 60 24 10 24 65
(Csh = 25 lF), and are subjected to independent equal resistive

power of 0.93 kW with the efficiency approximately 81%. These re- utilized. It is noticed that a short circuit across the load will not
sults are in very close agreement with the results reported in [18] cause de-excitation of the machine, because under this condition
and depicted in Table 3. the series capacitance is still effective in supplying the magnetizing
reactive power. Fig. 13 shows the computed and experimental var-
5.2.2. Steady-state performance analysis of short-shunt configuration iation of load voltage, load current and frequency as a function of
In order to avoid the loss of excitation after load connection and output power when only one three-phase winding set abc is con-
improve the voltage regulation, it is possible to apply short shunt nected as long shunt configuration (C1 = 41 lF and Clo1 = 300 lF)
connection. The steady-state performance characteristics of and subjected to resistive load with winding set xyz kept open. It
short-shunt configuration for pure resistive load can be analyzed is noticed that the load voltage decreases with increment in load.
using Eq. (4) along with Genetic Algorithm discussed in Section Maximum power developed in this mode of operation is 0.28 kW
3. Capacitors inserted in series with load may be used to compen- and subsequent efficiency is 44%.
sate for the increasing demand of reactive power for the generator Fig. 14 depicts the experimental and computed result for varia-
at an increasing load current. The simple shunt capacitor and series tion of load voltage, load current and frequency as a function of
capacitor combination is considered to provide self excitation and output power when both the three-phase winding set abc and
self regulation. Proper value of series capacitance can be selected xyz are connected as long shunt (C1 = C2 = 25 lF and Clo1 = -
from the range of values thus obtained depending upon the desired Clo2 = 250 lF) and subjected to equal resistive loading. In this case
voltage regulation and other operating constraints. it is observed that the load voltage decreases rapidly with the in-
In first case, single three-phase winding set abc is connected as crease in load. Maximum power developed in this mode of opera-
short-shunt configuration (C1 = 41 lF and Cse1 = 200 lF), and is tion is 0.66 kW and maximum efficiency 65%. These results are in
subjected to pure resistive load with winding set xyz kept open. very close proximity to the results reported earlier in [18] and gi-
Fig. 11 shows the computed and experimental variation of load ven in Table 5.
voltage, load current and frequency as function of output power.
From Fig. 11a, it is observed that the load voltage decreases with 6. Conclusion
increase in load. Fig. 11b illustrates the load current for winding
set abc as function of output power. As shown in Fig. 11c, 8% fre- In this paper, a generalized mathematical model for steady-
quency drop is recorded from no load to full load condition. Max- state performance evaluation of SPSEIG as simple shunt, short
imum power developed in this mode of operation is 0.47 kW and shunt and long shunt for stand-alone renewable energy generation
efficiency is 63%. in conjunction with a hydro power plant is presented. The model
Experimental and computed result for variation of load voltage, developed using nodal admittance method based on graph theory
load current and frequency as function of output power when both is in matrix form, which is convenient for computer simulation.
the winding sets abc and xyz are connected as short shunt This proposed method is systematic, fast as compared to other
(C1 = C2 = 25 lF and Cse1 = Cse2 = 150 lF) and subjected to equal solution techniques such as Newton Raphson method and Fuzzy
resistive loading are given in Fig. 12. The effect of series capaci- based techniques, and is easily realized with the aid of digital com-
tance (in short shunt mode) on load voltage for both sets is shown puter program. Good agreement between computed and experi-
in Fig. 12a. It is observed that the load voltage decreases with in- mental results is obtained which in general, verifies the accuracy
crease in load. Fig. 12b shows the variation of load current as func- of the proposed model and solution techniques. Analysis shows
tion output power. Fig. 12c depicts that the frequency reduction that the SPSEIG can be self excited without any problem using a
from no load to full load condition is 10%. Maximum power devel- single three-phase capacitor bank. This means that, in normal
oped in this mode of operation is 0.76 kW and efficiency is 76%. operation, loss of excitation at one of the three-phase windings
Theoretical and practical results obtained in this work are same can be sustained and operation continued. It is also shown that
as the results published in [18] and given in Table 4 for ready the SPSEIG can be used to supply two different and independent
comparison. loads. While the interaction between the two winding is inevitable
and variation of load at one winding changes the operating condi-
5.2.3. Steady-state performance analysis of long shunt configuration tions at other winding, the situation is still satisfactory for a wide
Series capacitors in long shunt configuration needs to be rated range of rural resistive loads. Further, a single generator is able to
for high current, as they carry machine line current, where as in deliver power to two independent loads/customers and generation
short-shunt configuration they carry only load current. To compute process can continue even when only one capacitor bank at one of
the steady-state performance of a SPSEIG in long shunt configura- the three-phase winding is operational. The specific observations
tion, Eq. (5) along with GA algorithm discussed in Section 3 can be made on the basis of analytical and test results are:

Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032
12 G.K. Singh et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2010) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Singh GK et al. Performance analysis of a simple shunt and series compensated six-phase self-excited induction gener-
ator for stand-alone renewable energy generation. Energy Convers Manage (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.10.032

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