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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015
excited generator is, f=1/(2πCXm) and ω=2πf where C is self- phase machine by subdividing the phase groups into two,
exciting capacitance. three, four subgroups respectively.
A self excited induction generator operating in six phase mode
has two stator winding sets namely abc and xyz , whose
magnetic axes are displaced by an angle α[7]. The windings
of each three-phase set are distributed and the axes are
displaced 1200 apart from each other. The three-phase rotor
windings ar, br, cr a s s h o w n i n F i g . 1 are also
sinusoidally distributed and has axes have an separation of
Fig1.Stable operation of a self-excited induction generator
Machines having more than three phases as in a conventional
machine are referred to as a high phase order machine on
multiphase machines [4, 5, 6]. Multiphase machines have
certain advantages over the conventional three phase machines
such as capability to start and run even one or two of its stator
phase open or short circuited, lower current per phase without
increasing voltage per phase, increased power in the same
frame, for a given machine output power utilization of more
than three phase enables splitting of power across larger
number of inverter legs. Additional number of phase added to
the machine also brings additional freedom for improvements
in the system. Basically a multiphase induction machine can
have two different types of configurations.
a) Split phase electrical machines-Split phase electrical
Fig.2.Phasor diagram representation of stator and rotor
machines consists of two similar stator winding sharing
windings of induction generator operating in six phase
the same magnetic circuit. Such a construction has made
it possible to extend the power range by sharing the total
power into two parts. Usually a split phase machine is The equations for the self excited induction generator
built by splitting the phase belt of a conventional three operating in six phase mode, describes the behavior of a
phase machine into two equal parts with phase separation multi-phase machine, it is assumed that the neutral of both
of 30ᵒ electrical. By using this arrangement for the same the stator winding sets are separate so that if a fault occurs in
air gap flux, the inverter voltage can be reduced by half one set of the stator windings it does not propagate to the
as compared to the three phase machines since the other set. The following voltage equations are written for a
number of turns is reduced. multi- phase induction machine [8, 9]
b) Dual stator electrical machines-This type of electrical where,
machines consists of two separate independent stator
winding sharing the same magnetic circuit,A six different
voltage magnitudes could be used for each winding
group.One set of the stator winding is used for vd1=-r1id1+ωkλq1+pλd1
electromechanical power conversion while the second (2)
set of stator winding can be used for excitation
purpose.In a dual stator electrical machines, the power vq2=-r2iq2+ωkλq2+pλq2
can be extended without the need to use multilevel (3)
conveters. vd2=-r2id2+ωkλd1+pλd2
In a conventional three phase machine ,the conductors are (4)
distributed in slots symmetrically for each phase group and rriqr+(ωk-ωr) λdr-p λqr=0
the conductors belonging to each phase group are series (5)
whereas in a multiphase induction machine we subdivide each
phase group of a usual three phase machine into equal rridr+(ωk-ωr) λqr-p λdr=0
subgroups by disconnecting the series connection of the (6)
conductors. More number of three phase groups can be The speed of the frame taken for reference, ωk, differentiation
obtained from the same machine. In this way multiphase with respect to time is denoted by p,the rotor speed is denoted
machine such as six-phases, nine- phases, twelve- phases, by ωr. Here the rotor winding magnitudes are referred to stator
fifteen-phases, eighteen-phases can be produced from a three windings.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015
The values for stator windings and rotor winding linkages are λqr =∫[-(ɷk- ɷr) λdr–(rr /L1r)( λqr-λmq)]
as follows (19)
Lm(iqr -iq1-iq2) -Ll1iq1-Llm(iq1+iq2)=λq1 λdr =∫[-(ɷk- ɷr) λqr–(rr /L1r)( λdr-λmd)]
(7) (20)
Lm(idr -id1-id2) -Ll1id1-Llm(id1+id2)= λd1 where,
λmq=A[(Ll2λq1+Ll1λq2)/(L)+(λqr/ Llr)]
Lm(iqr -iq1-iq2) -Ll1iq2-Llm(iq1+iq2)=λq2
λmd= A [(Ll2 λd1+Ll1λd2)/(L) + (λdr / Llr)]
Lm(+idr -id1-id2) -Ll1id2-Llm(id1+id2) =λd1
(10) The torque magnitude of the six-phase induction generator is
expressed as
Lm(iqr -iq1-iq2) -L1riqr=λqr
(11) Tem = (P/2) (Lm /Lr) (3/2) [(iq1 + iq2) λdr - (id1 +id2)λqr]
Lm(idr -id1-id2) -L1ridr=λdr
(12) The dynamics of the rotor of the induction generator is given
(N1/N2)Llm =Llm' (ωr/ωb)=[(1/ωb)(P/2)(1/J)(Tem–Tsh)](1/p)
Where N1 and N2 are the number of turns in the two sets of Where
stator winding Mutual leakage inductance is Llm between the the shaft torque is Tsh
stator winding sets of stator andLm is the mutual inductance the number of poles is diven by P
between the stator and rotor the moment of inertia is J
The base speed is wb
Llm=Llaxcosα+Llaycos(α+2π/3)+Llazcos(α-2π/3) Lr=Llr+Lm
(14) (23)
The magnitude of Lm depends on saturation
The magnetizing current Im, is expressed by
Im=√ [(-iq1-iq2+iqr)2+(-id1-id2+idr)2]
Shunt Capacitor for excitation of the machine
The current and voltage equations of the capacitor are as
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015
The magnitude of current in the series connected capacitor iq1 – iq1L= iq1c,
Cse1 and Cse2 respectively are same as the load current. The
voltage across the series capacitor is met by the load current. id1 – id1L= id1c
∫( iq1L /Cse1)= vq1se
iq2 – iq2L= iq2c,
∫( id1L /Cse1)= vd1se id2 – id2L= id2c
Modeling of Load
∫( iq2L /Cse2)= vq2se
vq1=∫[ (iq1/Csh1) –(vq1/(R1Csh1)) – ωbvd1]
(32) (42)
∫( iq2L /Cse2)= vq2se
vd1=∫[(id1/Csh1) –(vd1/(R1Csh1)) + ωb vq1]
(33) (43)
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015
Fig.4.Matlab Simulink model of a stand alone six-phase induction generator for power generation
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015
The authors are thankful to All India council of Technical
Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development
(MHRD), Govt. of India for providing financial assistants to do
the research work.
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The parameters of the six phase self-excited induction
generator used are as follow:
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