Lesson Plan Transición

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Date: Jun 12th

Director teacher: Guery Ludh Piñeros

Student teacher: Adriana Alvarez

School: Superior Normal School

Topic: the parts of the body

Basic learning right: Describes some physical characteristics, through

the use of rehearsed words or pharases.

Basic standards of competencies: I sing children’s songs and I

demostrate through expressions and movements.


Being: Respects his/her classmates and his/her teacher

Knowing: Identifies the parts of the body

Doing: Pronuncies and points out the parts of the body in English

Function: to sing and per from the song

Situational context: Student bodies

Teaching aids: A song and a written exercise

Content topic

Grammar content:

I sing We sing
You sing You sing
He/She/It sing They sing
Lexical content:

Head shoulders, knees and toes

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose

Pronunciation context:

Head:[hɛd] Eyes: [aɪz]

Shoulders:[´ꭍoʊldərz] Ears: [Irz]

knees: [niz] Mouth: [maʊθ]

Toes: [toʊs] N ose: [noʊz]

Methodological activies

Presentation Speech

I will introduce myself Good morning, students, my name is

Kelly Galindo, I am your english

I will present the topic through a Today we will learn the parts of the
song body through a song
Pay attention and look at me and
listen to me
Head shoulders, knees and toes
Head shoulders, knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head shoulders, knees and toes

Ok. Now repeat after me, please.

(Head shoulders, knees and toes...)

I will ask the students to look at Now, pay attention

the video and sing the song Look at the video and sing the song

Head shoulders, knees and toes

Head shoulders, knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head shoulders, knees and toes.


I will ask the students to Fill in the blanks

describe themselves by filling in
the blanks

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