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1. Identify the plants shown in figure and select the incorrect 3. Read the given statements and select the incorrect ones.
statement. (i) In angiosperms, sporophylls are aggregated to form
(ii) Embryo sac of angiosperms have a three celled egg
(iii) In angiosperms, size ranges from almost microscopic
Wolffia to tall tree of Eucalyptus.
(iv) In angiosperms, synergids and antipodals degenerate
before fertilisation.
(v) In angiosperms, embryo sac formation is preceded by
(a) Plant A is Chara, which is fixed to the substratum by (a) (ii) and (v) (b) (i) and (iv)
means of highly branched multicellular rhizoids. (c) (v) only (d) (iv) only
(b) Plant B is Polysiphonia, in which female sex organ
remains attached to the plant and forms a structure 4. Read the given statements and select the correct options.
called carposporophyte. Statement A : In Spirogyra, some cells in one of the two
(c) Plant C is Fucus, in which phycocolloids are sulphated filaments become empty after conjugation.
mucopolysaccharides. Statement B : In cells of Spirogyra, aplanogametes pass
(d) Plant D is Ectocarpus, in which isomorphic alternation through conjugation tube into cells of other filament.
of generations occur. (a) Both statements A and B are correct and statement B
2. Match column I with column II and select the correct option is the correct explanation of statement A.
from the codes given below. (b) Both statements A and B are correct but statement B is
Column I Column II not the correct explanation of statement A.
A. Alginic acid (i) Rhodomela (c) Statement A is correct but statement B is incorrect.
B. Bromine (ii) Gracilearia (d) Both statements A and B are incorrect.
C. Agar (iii) Chlamydomonas 5. Select the mismatched pair.
D. Sewage oxidation (iv) Polysiphonia (a) Selaginella - Club moss
(v) Gelidium (b) Dryopteris - Maiden hair fern
(vi) Laminaria (c) Ophioglossum reticulatum - Adders tongue fern
(vii) Scenedesmus (d) Equisetum - Horsetail
(viii) Sargassum
6. In which of the following options, do all listed genera belong
(a) A-(ii, v) , B-(iii, iv), C-(i, viii), D-(vi, vii)
to the same class of pteridophytes?
(b) A-(vi, viii), B-(i, iv), C-(ii, v), D-(iii, vii)
(a) Lycopodium, Psilotum, Selaginella, Rhynia
(c) A-(vi, iii) , B-(ii, v), C-(i, viii), D-(iv, vii)
(b) Rhynia, Cooksonia, Psilotum, Tmesipterus
(d) A-(vi, viii), B-(vii, iv), C-(ii, v), D-(i, iii)

(c) Selaginella, Lycopodium, Equisetum, Dryopteris A B C D
(d) Psilotum, Adiantum, Lycopodium, Equisetum (a) Chlorophyll Mannitol Chlorophyll a,d, Floridean
7. Consider the following statements and select the correct option a, c, fuco- phycoerythrin starch
stating which one is true (T) and which one is false (F). xanthin
(i) Both stem and leaves of Funaria are sporophytic structures. (b) Chlorophyll Floridean Chlorophyll a, c, Mannitol
(ii) Coralloid roots are irregular, negatively geotropic, a,d, fuco- starch phycoerythrin
dichotomously branched coral like root, which possess xanthin
root hairs and root caps. (c) Chlorophyll Mannitol Chlorophyll a,c, Floridean
(iii) Ginkgo biloba has not changed for the several millions a,d, phyco- fucoxanthin starch
of years since its appearance in triassic period. erythrin
(iv) In seedless vascular plants, the gametophyte must (d) Chlorophyll Floridean Chlorophyll a,d, Mannitol
develop on moist soil with a thin sheet of water. a, c, phyco- starch fucoxanthin
(v) Ophioglossum reticulatum has maximum number of erythrin
chromosomes. 10. Following are the differences between liverworts and mosses.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Liverworts Mosses
(a) F T T F T
(b) T F F T F (i) Branching is generally Branching is lateral and
(c) F T F T F dichotomous. extra-axillary.
(d) F F T T T (ii) Seta develops rapidly Seta grows slowly over
8. Complete the following flow chart by selecting the correct towards the maturity of a long period and fully
option. spores. develops before the
spores mature.
(iii) Elaters are absent. Capsule often possesses
(iv) Peristome teeth are Peristome teeth occur
A B C D absent. towards the apical region
(a) Carpogonium Cystocarp Tetrasporo- Tetraspore of the capsule.
phyte (v) Capsule contains a Columella is generally
(b) Cystocarp Carpo- Tetrasporo- Tetraspore sterile columella. absent.
gonium phyte
(c) Tetrasporo- Cystocarp Carpogonium Tetraspore Select the option with correct pair of differences.
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(c) (ii), (iii) and (v) (d) (i), (ii) and (v)
(d) Cystocarp Carpo- Tetraspore Tetrasporo-
gonium phyte 11. Fill the blanks in the given statements and select the correct
9. Fill up the blank spaces in the table below by selecting the (i) ____ are peculiar to Selaginella.
correct option. (ii) The sperms of ____ are the largest in the biological
Classes Major Stored Cell wall world.
pigments food (iii) In Marchantia, two types of ____ are anchoring
smooth walled and capillary conducting tuberculate.
Chlorophyceae Chlorophyll Starch Cellulose (iv) ____ causes red rust of tea.
a, b A B C D
Phaeophyceae A B Cellulose (a) Rhizome Cycas Roots Cephaleuros
and algin (b) Rhizophore Cycas Rhizoids Cephaleuros
(c) Rhizophore Eucalyptus Rhizoids Scendesmus
Rhodophyceae C D Cellulose, (d) Rhizophore Eucalyptus Rhizoids Scendesmus
pectin 12. If the leaf cells of Funaria have 24 chromosomes. What will
and poly- be the number of chromosomes in its seta?
sulphate (a) 12 (b) 24
esters (c) 48 (d) 36

13. Below is given the unorganised arrangement of reproductive (v) Ginkgo biloba (vi) Zamia pygmia
structures of gymnosperm. Identify the correct sequence of (vii) Cedrus (viii) Picea
arrangements and select the correct option. (ix) Abies (x) Juniperus
(i) Spores (ii) Sporangia (a) (i), (iii) and (v) (b) (ii), (iv) and (v)
(iii) Strobili (iv) Sporophylls (c) (iii) and (v) (d) (iii), (iv) and (v)
(a) (i) → (iii) → (ii) → (iv)
22. Select the incorrect statement
(b) (i) → (ii) → (iv) → (iii)
about the given figure?
(c) (i) → (ii) → (iii) → (iv)
(a) A is nucule and B is
(d) (ii) → (i) → (iv) → (iii)
14. In which of the following plants stomata are not found in (b) Both A and B have
dominant stage of life cycle? multicellular coverings.
(a) Marchantia (b) Riccia
(c) A represents male reproductive organ while B
(c) Funaria (d) Equisetum represents female reproductive organ.
15. Which of the following plants have ligule? (d) Both A and B are borne on the branches of limited
(a) Selaginella (b) Lycopodium growth.
(c) Pinus (d) Cycas 23. Which of the following character represents the affinities of
16. Leaves of ferns are covered with Gnetum with angiosperms and differences with Cycas and
(a) ramenta (b) spores Pinus?
(c) indusicum (d) wax. (a) Presence of vessel cells
(b) Two integuments
17. Read the given statements and select the incorrect ones. (c) Embryo development
(i) A coenobium is a colony having definite number of (d) Absence of resin duct
cells in multiples of two in the adult stage. 24. In angiosperms, each embryo sac has a three celled egg
(ii) All algae are autotrophic. apparatus, one egg cell and two (i) , three (ii) cells and
(iii) Heterotrichy means having branches modified into two (iii) .
leaves and air bladders. (a) (i)-synergids, (ii)-antipodal cells, (iii)-polar nuclei
(iv) In Volvox, asexual reproduction occurs through (b) (i)-antipodal cells, (ii)-synergids, (iii)-polar nuclei
formation of palmella stage. (c) (i)-polar nuclei, (ii)-synergids, (iii)-antipodal cells
(d) (i)-synergids, (ii)-polar nuclei, (iii)-antipodal cells
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv) (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iv) 25. Select the plant in which dominant phase is sporophyte.
(i) Pinus (ii) Riccia
18. In which of the following plant stem is jointed and ribbed (iii) Gnetum (iv) Marchantia
with leaves and branches borne in whorls? (v) Marsilea (vi) Anthoceros
(a) Equisetum (b) Selaginella (vii) Sphagnum (viii) Funaria
(c) Lycopodium (d) Cooksonia (ix) Polytrichum (x) Ephedra
19. The development of gametophyte is endosporic and (a) (i), (iii), (v) and (x) (b) (iii), (v) and (x)
precocious in (c) (ii), (iv) and (x) (d) (x), (v), (iii) and (i)
(a) Marchantia (b) Lycopodium 26. Match column I with column II and select the correct option
(c) Selaginella (d) Azolla. from the codes given below.
20. Conifers differ from grasses in the Column I Column II
(a) formation of endosperm before fertilisation A. Natural system of (i) Carolus Linnaeus
(b) production of seeds from ovules classification
B. Phylogenetic system (ii) Takhtajan
(c) lack of xylem tracheids
of classification
(d) absence of pollen tube.
C. Artificial system (iii) Bentham and Hooker
21. Select the plants categorised in living fossil. of classification
(i) Gnetum (ii) Ephedra (a) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i) (b) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(i)
(iii) Cycas (iv) Pinus (c) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iii) (d) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii)

27. Select the incorrect pair. (v) Gemma cup of Marchantia
(a) Cladistic taxonomy - Common phylogeny (vi) Ovum of a liverwort
(b) Numerical taxonomy - All observable characteristics (vii) Zygote of a fern
(c) Chemotaxonomy - Chromosome structure and (viii) Meristem cell of monocot
number (a) (i), (ii), (iv), (v) and (vi) (b) (i), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi)
(d) Cytotaxonomy - Cytological information (c) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii) (iii), (iv) and (v)
28. Refer the given figure of sexual 32. Which of the following is a living member of sphenopsida?
organs of gymnosperms and (a) Equisetum (b) Marsilea
angiosperms. (c) Selaginella (d) Lycopodium
Select the incorrect 33. Circinate vernation in ferns refers to
statement regarding given (a) uncoiling of young leaves from the base towards the
figure. apex
(a) In figure A megasporo- (b) system of leaf gaps in the stem
phyll is unrolled. (c) acropetally arranged fronds
(b) In figure B megasporophyll is delicate and rolled to (d) presence of sori on the leaf surface.
produce carpel.
(c) In figure A seeds develop inside the ovary and matures 34. Amphiphloic siphonostele is present in the rhizome of
into a fruit. (a) Pteris (b) Marsilea
(d) In figure B seeds develop inside the ovary. (c) Lycopodium (d) Psilotum.
29. Identify the plant shown 35. Read the following statements and select the incorrect ones.
in the given figure and select (i) The pollen tube in Cycas is of haustorial nature.
the incorrect statement (ii) In Cycas antherozoids are motile.
regarding this plant. (iii) The upper fertile portion of the microsporophyll of
(a) An adaxial outgrowth Cycas is called apophysis.
from the base of the (iv) The archegonium of Cycas lacks neck canal cell.
leaves in given plant is
(v) The secondary wood of Cycas is pycnoxylic.
called ligule.
(a) (ii) and (v) (b) (iii) and (v)
(b) Stele in stem of given plant is protostele.
(c) (i) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)
(c) In given plant development of female gametophyte is
exosporic. 36. Consider the following statements and select the correct
(d) In given plant, the antherzoids are biflagellate. option, stating which one is true (T) and which one is
false (F).
30. Identify the plant shown in the
given figure and select the correct (i) In Pinus branches are dimorphic.
statement regarding this plant. (ii) In Pinus pollination is anemophilous.
(a) In given plant, spores (iii) Roots of Pinus are of two types normal and coralloid.
germinate and gives rise (iv) Sexually Pinus is dioecious with distict male and female
to protonema which bears plants.
archegonia and antheridia. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(b) In given plant, stem and leaves are gametophytic (a) T F T F
structures. (b) F T T F
(c) In given plant, antherozoids are flagellated with no (c) T T F F
coiling. (d) T T T F
(d) In given plant, stomata are present in seta. 37. Which of the following gives us fuel?
31. Select the haploid structures from the given list. (a) Sphagnum (b) Marchantia
(i) Protonemal cell (c) Marsilea (d) Adiantum
(ii) Primary endosperm nucleus of dicot 38. Which of the following genera have fungal association in
(iii) Leaf cell of moss form of mycorrhiza?
(a) Pinus (b) Cycas
(iv) Prothallus cell of fern
(c) Cedrus (d) Sequoia

39. The leaves of ferns are 40. Which of the following is leaf like photosynthetic organ/
(a) macrophylls (b) microphylls organs in brown algae?
(c) protonema (d) gemmae. (a) Frond (b) Stipe
(c) Holdfast (d) Both (a) and (b).

41. Refer the following figures regarding division Bryophyta. (c) Group P have a great adaptive advantage over Q and
as a result P have become the dominant vegetation on
the earth.
(d) In group T, vascular system is composed of xylem and
43. Identify the life cycle pattern and select the incorrect
statement regarding this given life cycle pattern.

Select the incorrect statement regarding the given figure.
(i) A is sporophyte of Riccia in which sporophyte is divided
into foot, seta and capsule.
(ii) B is sporophyte of Marchantia in which sporophyte is
represented by capsule only.
(iii) In sporophyte of plant A, capsule bears elaters which
assists dispersal of spore.
(iv) Both A and B are completely dependent upon
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iii) (d) (i) and (iv) (i) The plants which possess this life cycle patterns are
42. Refer to given flowchart regarding different groups of bryophytes and pteridophytes.
Kingdom Plantae. (ii) In this life cycle pattern the reduction division takes
No place at the time of the formation of gametes.
These are cryptogams Endosperm produced No
before fertilisation P (iii) In plants which represent this life cycle pattern, possess
Yes embryo which is formed after fertilisation.
(iv) In plants which possess this pattern of life cycle,
Zygote divides and No
forms embryo R Q sporophyte generation is represented by one-celled
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iv)
Sporophyte is (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (iii) and (iv)
independent S
44. Refer the given figure and select the incorrect statement
No regarding the figure.

Which of the following is incorrect regarding P, Q, R, S and  T?

(a) Examples of group S includes, Marsilea, Azolla and
(b) In group S archegonium has neck canal cells and they
are absent in Q.

(a) Figure A represents Pogonatum and labelled part P has (d) Figure B is the life cycle pattern in Marchantia in which
several layered wall with stomata on its epidermis. the zygote remains single celled, it does not multiply
(b) Figure B represents Adiantum and labelled part Q is itself.
pinnules. 47. Read the following differences between plant A and plant  B.
(c) Figure C represents ovuliferous scale of Pinus and
labelled part R is bitegmic structure. Plant A Plant B
(d) Figure D represents flower of angiosperms and labelled (i) It is fresh water It is marine filamentous
part S represents female reproductive organ. filamentous alga alga
45. Read the given paragraph. (ii) Phycobilins are present Phycobilins are absent
Sporophyte of moss plant has embedded foot, an elongated (iii) Reserve food is Reserve food is laminarin
curved seta and a terminal pyriform asymmetrical capsule. floridean starch
Capsule has three parts basal photosynthetic columella (iv) Cell wall contains Cell wall contains
with central non photosynthetic apophysis, middle spore cellulose and sulphated cellulose and non
producing theca and upper lid operculum separated from phycocolloids sulphated phycocolloids
theca by large celled annulus on the innerside and peristome
Select the correct option regarding plant A and plant B.
on the outside. Peristome consists of 16 cellular teeth
(a) Plant A is Batrachospermum while plant B is Ectocarpus.
arranged in two whorls outer hygroscopic and inner non-
(b) In plant A thylakoids occur in groups of three while in
plant B thylakoids are unstacked.
Some of the words have been italicised in the paragraph. (c) In plant A motile stage is present while in plant B
Select the option which is correct regarding them. motile stage is absent.
(i) Sporophyte should be replaced by gametophyte. (d) Plant A is Batrachospermum while plant B is
(ii) Foot and seta should be interchanged. Polysiphonia.
(iii) Columella and apophysis should be interchanged.
(iv) Innerside and outside should be interchanged. 48. Refer to the given figure.
(v) 16 cellular teeth should be replaced by 32 acellular Which of the following
teeth. statement is incorrect
(vi) Hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic should be for plant A and plant  B?
interchanged. (a) Plant A bears
(a) (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) (b) (ii), (iii) and (v) s p o r o c a r p
(c) (i), (iv) and (v) (d) (iii), (iv) and (v) sympodi-ally and
sporocarps are
46. Refer to the given figures. sporangia bearing
(b) In plant A, gametophytes are of two types and both are
specialised to perform their function.
(c) In plant B oosphere gives rise to an embryo which
grows to form new plant.
(d) In plant B leaflets and leaves having sori or sporangia
are called sporophylls.
49. Read the differences between plant A and plant B.
Select the correct statement regarding them.
Plant A Plant B
(a) Figure A is life cycle pattern in Fucus in which
sporophytic generation is dominant and dependent (i) Plant body is Plant body is
while gametophytic generation is highly reduced and gametophyte. sporophyte.
independent. (ii) Sporophyte is parasitic Both sporophyte and
(b) Figure B is life cycle pattern in Dictyota in which clear over gametophyte. gametophyte are
alternation of generation between a haploid gamete independent.
producing gametophyte and a diploid spore producing (iii) Rhizoids are present Roots are present.
(iv) Antheridium is stalked. Antheridium is sessile.
(c) Figure A is life cycle pattern in Cladophora in which
zygote remains single celled and protoplast of the (v) Archegonium is Archegonium is
zygote cleaves into meiospores. commonly exposed. partially embedded.

(vi) Neck of archegonium Neck of archegonium (a) In alga A, asexual reproduction occurs through
is formed of 5-6 rows has four rows of cells. aplanospores and zoospores.
of cells. (b) In alga B, asexual reproduction occurs through
Select the correct statement regarding plant A and plant B. hypnospores and zoospores.
(a) In plant B water is not required for fertilisation. (c) In alga C, asexual reproduction occurs through
(b) In plant B true stem and leaves are absent. hypnospore.
(c) Plant A is Polytrichum while plant B is Pteridium. (d) In alga D, asexual reproduction occurs through
(d) Plant A shows heteromorphic alternation of generation zoospores.
while plant B shows isomorphic alternation of ANSWER KEY
generation. 1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b)
50. Select the incorrect statement regarding the given figures. 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (a)
16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (a)
26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (b)
36. (c) 37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (d)
46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (c)


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