Acoustic Principles
Acoustic Principles
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Acoustic principles
A crash course in room acoustics by Frederick Norén
Nothing affects the sound from your speakers more than the room acoustics. The variation in level between two different bass
frequencies can easily exceed ±10 dB in an untreated room. Some bass frequencies – called standing waves – will have a
prolonged reverberation time and thus create a bass energy build-up in the room.
Hard reflections off the walls, floor, and ceiling will affect your listening experience more than you think. Your brain will try to
separate the hard reflections from the direct sound, but it can’t, because the reflections arrive with a very short time delay. This has
a fatiguing effect on your brain, making you less creative and unable to fully enjoy your sound system.
The use of a digital “room correction” system might help iron out the most prominent bass frequencies in the listening position, but
unfortunately it can't do anything about the prolonged reverberation time of the standing waves. How could it? By capturing the
sound once it has left the speakers?
As soon as you walk into a room, you are subconsciously affected by its acoustic properties. If the acoustics are too busy – like in a
modern café with hard surfaces and no acoustic treatment – you feel uneasy and stressed.
If the acoustics are too damped, with curtains and thick absorbers, you will most likely get the feeling of the walls moving in on you.
Either way, the acoustics will affect your sense of space in a room – for the better or for the worse.
However, there are some very fundamental ways to get started. Read on!
Hard reflections
Sound waves will bounce off a hard surface is the same way light
reflects in a mirror.
The green arrows represent the direct sound from the speakers.
The other arrows represent hard reflections bombarding the
listener. 1/10
28/2/2019 Acoustic Principles
Attach a Cinema Round Premium panel at each marked position, and the hard reflections will be absorbed by the panel. Use double-sided
adhesive tape or two small brads or nails without heads. If you use tape, the panel will eventually fall down, because it’s taped. But it’s
useful for experimenting with different placement. When you have found a good spot for the absorber, use two nails/brads, nail them
halfway into the wall, then push the Cinema Round Premium onto the nails. The proper way to do it, is of course to use Flexi Glue –
instructions on how to use it are available on our webpage.
Basically there are two given positions for diffusers in a room – on the back wall at ear height and in the ceiling in the middle of the room.
Start by positioning a small table or chest of drawers close to the back wall, then put four to six Multifuser DC2 on the table. As long as they
are standing firmly on the table, it’s okay to stack them. Normally DC2s are nailed or glued to the wall – and for ceiling placement, the
easiest way is to use glue in conjunction with a screw and a washer, the latter will keep the panel in place, until the glue has dried. 2/10
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The panels absorb the first hard reflections off the walls and ceiling. 3/10
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Standing waves
The wavelength of bass frequencies ranges from about 1.7 meter at 200Hz to about 17 meters at 20Hz. In a room with parallel walls, this
will result in a phenomena called standing waves. Based on the dimensions of the room, certain bass frequencies will “stand” between the
walls, ceiling and floor.
Low air pressure in the middle of the room, but high air pressure at the first octave 4/10
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X-axis shows the frequency between 20–400 Hz, Y-axis is level and Z-axis is time (up to 1.5 seconds)
In this cellar room with stone walls, the reverberation time around 32Hz is much longer than the rest of the bass frequencies – producing a
sub bass heavy sound. Then there’s another resonance at 55Hz that “rings” longer than the rest of the bass frequencies.
Installing four to eight Super Bass Extreme panels in a room will have a great effect on the reverberation time in the low-end, making it
shorter and thus help your speakers produce a more dynamic low-end. Tightening up the low-end will also bring clarity to the mid-range
and treble. It’s psychoacoustics!
Due to its revolutionary design, the Super Bass Extreme is much more efficient compared to just putting foam or mineral wool in the
An efficient bass trap like Super Bass Extreme will calm down the low-end of the audio spectrum and make your speakers sound punchier
and more open. 5/10
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A cross section of the Super Bass Extreme reveals the wooden membrane and the two layers of high density foam. A box of Super Bass
Extreme contains two bass traps, the dimensions of a Super Bass Extreme is 595 x 595 x 155 mm. When positioned in a corner is builds
430 mm from the corner and onto the wall.
The bass traps can also be positioned in the rear corners with equally great results 6/10
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By rotating the wooded top and extending or shortening the length
of the bass trap – the bass frequency changes accordingly.
Checking the frequency scale on the side, reveals which
frequency the bass trap is tuned to.
Vari Bass works most efficiently when positioned where the air
pressure is maximum – usually in the front or back corners of the
Tune all Vari Bass to the same frequency and listen to some well-
recorded drums at close to loud volume. Then quickly remove all
Vari Bass from the room and listen to the same drums. Does the
kick drum sound more “boomy” without the bass traps, then you’re
probably identified a problematic bass frequency. If you can’t hear
much difference or if the low-end sound less punchy, try another
frequency and repeat the test.
In a normal sized room, you need four to six Vari Bass. Several
Vari Bass can be stacker onto each other using the optional Vari
Bass Stacker.
Vicoustic offers a whole range of different absorbers, all designed
for a purpose, but the best-selling and most efficient absorber is
the Cinema Round Premium.
It’s available in eight different colors and three sizes. It offers full
absorption from 300 Hz and up, but still absorb pretty well at 200
Hz. One box of Cinema Round Premium contains eight panels.
The dimensions of a panel are 595 x 595 x 75 mm.
It efficiently absorbs from 300Hz and up. The wooden front starts
scattering sound waves in different directions from around 1000
Hz and up. About 40% of the upper mid-range and treble is
diffused and reflected back into the room. This helps maintain the
natural room ambience, yet defeat flutter echoes and hard
reflections. 7/10
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The Multifuser DC2 is a bi-dimensional diffusion panel made of
high quality expanded polystyrene – making it both efficient and
light-weight. Perfect for both wall and ceiling placement.
One box contains six panels and one panel is 590 x 590 x 147
One box contains a single panel divided into sections that can be
hung on a wall, using screws and screw anchors.
One box contains eight panels and one panel is 595 x 595 x 60
Wavewood Diffuser 60
Wavewood Diffuser 60 is the wooden version and suitable for wall
So you’re using a digital “room correction” system and it doesn’t really work?
That’s because it’s impossible for digital processing to combat hard reflections, long reverberation time and excessive bass energy build-up
in the room. All it does, is to change the tonal balance of the speakers, often to the worse, leaving a slight artificial taste in your mouth. It’s
much better to properly treat the room acoustics. 8/10
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For more information about our products, please visit
For questions regarding room acoustics and how to acoustically treat your room or space from Music&Broadcast, HiFi&HomeCinema to
Building&Contruction, please contact our product specialist or acoustical consultants at [email protected] .
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