Cinematic Studio Strings
Cinematic Studio Strings
Cinematic Studio Strings
Sample Library
Cinematic Samples
take arefreshingly
simple approach
to the Hollywood
orchestral sound.
Nick Magnus
October 2016 / w w w . s o u n d o n s o u n d . c o m
Cinematic Studio
Strings 316
Exceptional sound quality.
Highly expressive.
Easy to use, with aminimal learning curve.
Very effective legato and portamento.
No aleatoric effects.
An initial release CC2related bug which
the developers are attending to.
CSS is an extremely expressive library,
oozing quality with aHollywood flavour.
It has all the essential elements for
creating detailed, realisticsounding string
arrangements, and is very quick to learn and
easy to use.
Eat My Shorts
Short note articulations (staccato,
pizzicato, measured tremolo) all operate
polyphonically, with dynamics controlled by
key velocity. Staccato and pizzicato both
present further articulations: the right side
Legato sustain, including legato
repetition and portamento.
Bartok snaps.
Col legno.
Trills (half and whole tone).
Measured tremolo (tempo sync and
Marcato/fast runs.
Con sordino emulation (whole library).
w w w . s o u n d o n s o u n d . c o m / October 2016
on test
C i n e m at i c S t u d i o S t r i n g s
Joinedup Writing
CSSs Instruments browser includes an
additional folder, Classic Legato Patches,
containing the same complement of
patches as those in the main list: these
emulate the original type of legato used
Cinematic Strings 2 enjoys alush symphonic
sound, easy operation similar to CSS,
aunique method of performing fast runs,
but covering slightly fewer articulations. NI
Symphony Series String Ensemble includes
aleatoric effects, an autodivisi system and
configurable section sizes. Cinesamples
Cinestrings Core features polyphonic legato
transitions, and has asibling expansion
library, Cinestrings Runs.
October 2016 / w w w . s o u n d o n s o u n d . c o m
Each section has faders for three mixable
mic perspectives: Close, Main and Room,
The Configuration pane; the default MIDI CC assignments can be customised here. Note that
Portamento volume can be lowered using CC5 useful for exposed passages where the effect
may need to be alittle more subtle.
CSS has all the essential elements needed
to produce expansive, expressive string
arrangements with adistinctive Hollywood
flavour. The refreshingly uncluttered GUI
and simple operation applies across the
whole library once youve learned how
w w w . s o u n d o n s o u n d . c o m / October 2016
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