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Starter... Recapping- Diversity Index Task 1: Effect of farming

A journalist concluded that this investigation showed that farming
reduces species diversity.

The scientists collected insects at sites chosen at random. Explain

Calculate the index of diversity of plants in the forest [2] the importance of choosing at random. (1)

The forest was cleared to make more land available for Without carrying out any calculations, estimate whether the index
agriculture. After the forest was cleared the species diversity of diversity for the wheat field would be higher or lower than for
of insects in the area decreased. Explain why. [3] the wood. Explain how you arrived at your answer. (2)

Calculate the index of diversity (2)

Task 2: Agricultural Practice Evaluate this conclusion. (2)

Explain the difference in biodiversity between a forest and a

farmed field. Complete the spider diagram of how biodiversity is Farmers were offered grants by the government to plant hedges
affected. around their fields. Explain the effect planting hedges could have
on the index of diversity for animals. (2)

Task 3: Deforestation
1. What do you use the trees for?

2. Why is this important?

Explain how deforestation affects biodiversity.
3. Is there an alternative source?

4. What effect does this have on the environment?

Considering Conservation

Task 4: Sampling Methods

1. Why are samples taken?

2. What is a representative sample?

3. What can be used to sample areas?

4. What is the species density?

5. How could you improve accuracy?

6. How are the quadrats used?

7. What other techniques are used?

How do we measure distribution…

Write a method of how you could use…
Random sampling Systematic sampling Transects
Describe how to estimate the number of daisies Describe how you would investigate how the species
growing in a field… change across the stream, from one bank to the

Task 5: Species Richness

This is a measure of the number or different species in a
particular ecosystem. It takes no account of the relative numbers
of each species or where they are distributed. Samples were
taken from three randomly located positions in a freshwater
pond. The results are shown in the table below.

1. Calculate the mean number of each species present.

2. Calculate the value of D for this pond.

3. Suggest how the random sampling positions might have

been determined.

4. Discuss how the data might have been different had the sampling not been random.

5. Dragonfly nymphs were counted together and not as separate species. Suggest how this might have influenced the value of D that
you have calculated.

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