Converting Tree Diameter Measured at Root Collar T
Converting Tree Diameter Measured at Root Collar T
Converting Tree Diameter Measured at Root Collar T
24 262
2 authors, including:
Paul C. Rogers
Utah State University
All content following this page was uploaded by Paul C. Rogers on 20 November 2020.
•/4,0 = + 10.5'+ 6,1'
= 12,8
drc --•
' Utahjunipe•
--V 18.6' + 8J•' X ß PinYOnpine (4):
=,. 20.5 'x •ambeloak
Figure 1. Diameter for multiple-stem juniper and other shrub-like
trees is often measured atthe root collar (drc) and then calculated
from individual stem measurements. Likewise, diameter at breast Figure2. Diameter data were collectedat 17 locationsin western
height (dbh) can be calculated from individual stem Colorado. A single specieswes measured et each Iocetion, but in
measurements. some cases different species were sampled close together.
14 WJAF14(1)1999
drc) and multiple-stemgrowth forms were sampledsepa- tiple-stem
rately.PinyonandGambeloakweresampledwithoutspecial byusinga singlemodelwithdummyvariables toaccount
regardfor growthform, and somemultiple-stemtreeswere dissimilarities. This was done because the 95% confidence
includedaccordingto naturaloccurrenceat samplesites. intervalsof meanpredictedvaluesfor separate
A total of 224 trees were measured for diameter, total tionsmostlyoverlapped with oneanother,indicatinglittle
height,andcrowndiameter(Table 1). Treesrangedin size supportfor separatemodels.
from 2.5 to morethan40 cm at drc. About half thejuniper Includingheightand crowndiameterin the regression
diameterclasseshad a single stemat drc, but more than modelslightlyimprovedmodelfit butnotenoughtowarrant
half of theseforkedat dbh.Most pinyonpineandGambel theiradditionto themodel.Also,heightandcrownvariables
oak had a single stem at drc, but abouthalf of the larger are not widely measuredso includingthem would limit
pinyon branchedto multiple stemsat dbh. Most Gambel modelapplicationin somecases.
oak maintaineda singlestemat bothdrc anddbh. Residualgraphswereusedto "finetune"a finalmodelfit
We calculateddiametersdrcanddbh(Figure1) to normal- from the data.The final model (Table 2) includedintercept
lze multiple- and single-stem trees in a similar metric ([•0)andslope([•1)parameters commonfor all species, anda
(MeeuwigandBudy 1981,Batcheler1985):
Gambel oak 2.5-10 34 5.9 100 1.0 3.7 85 1.1 2.9 1.4
10-20 20 14.8 100 1.0 12.4 90 1.2 6.4 2.9
20-40 4 26.9 75 1.3 23.5 50 1.5 6.1 3.9
WJAF14(1)1999 15
Table2 Parametersand equationI to convertdrcto dbh for pinyonpine,Utah juniper,and Gambeloak
Measurement Parameter estimates No. of Fit statistics
1 Conversion
dbh = diameter at 1.3m above groundlineof all live and dead stems 2.5 cm and larger (cm or in.)
drc = diameter at root collar above groundlineof all live and dead stems 2.5 cm and larger (cm or in.)
diameter =
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16 WJAF14(1)1999
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