Questions On Scientific Investigations

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Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019


1. Read the following extract and study the table that follows.

Investigating deforestation in East Africa

An investigation was conducted to analyse the influence of different factors on
deforestation patterns in East Africa in the time period from the 1980's to the
2000's. The depletion of forests could destroy the habitats of endangered plants
and animals and cause biodiversity loss.
Satellite image data were used to map deforestation in three countries. The study
areas focused on the forests near Nairobi, the largest and most populated city in
East Africa, as well as Mount Kilimanjaro, a cultivated area in Tanzania.
Kilimanjaro is an important water catchment resource for both Kenya and
According to the results, obvious deforestation occurred during the study period
in Mau forest, located northwest of Nairobi, the forest in Mount Kilimanjaro and
Gatamaiyo forest close to Nairobi city. In East Africa the expansion of farming and
population growth were the major reasons for deforestation.

[Adapted from:]

The table below shows the pattern of deforestation identified by satellite images.
Landmark Decreasing forest area (km2)
Gatamaiyo forest 285
Mount Kilimanjaro 288
Mau forest 1189
Shompole conservancy 99
Ngorongoro conservation area 195

1.1 Formulate an investigative question for this study. (2)

1.2 Name the dependent variable for this investigation. (1)
1.3 Draw a bar graph to show the decreasing forest areas of the three landmarks with the most
deforestation. (7)


1.1 What is the influence of different factors on deforestation patterns in East Africa from the
1980's to 2000's?  (2)
1.2 Deforestation pattern/Decreasing forest area (1)

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Criteria for marking the graph

Title of the graph (both variables) 1

Bar graph is drawn (Type) 1

Correct labels for X- and Y-axes + correct unit 1
Appropriate scale for both axes 1
Only the correct 3 areas have been represented
Plotting of the graph 1 to 2 bars drawn correctly: 1
All 3 bars drawn correctly: 2

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019

2. Lesego, a learner in Grade 12, is investigating the effect of plant hormones on growth. The
following method was used.

 She uses two shoots, which she labels Shoot A and B.
 She cuts off the tip of Shoot A.
 She cuts the tip off Shoot B and then puts it back again.
 She leaves the apparatus for a few days.
 After a few days she observes the result of Shoot A and Shoot B, as shown in the diagram

2.1 Identify the independent variable. (1)

2.2 Identify the dependent variable (1)

2.3 Suggest ONE way in which Lesego could improve the reliability of her investigation. (1)

2.4 Give TWO ways in which she could ensure that her results are valid. (2)

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2.1 Presence of the shoot tip that contains the hormone

2.2 Growth of the shoot

2.3 Repeat the investigation

Use a larger sample/more shoots

2.4 Use the same type/species plants

Use the same soil in the pots
Give the same amount of water to the shoots
The same environmental conditions/sunlight/humidity
The same nutrients

3. Read the extract below.

Brine shrimp are small arthropods found in saltwater lakes. During favourable conditions
female shrimps produce eggs that hatch into live young. However, when conditions are
unfavourable, the shrimp produce cysts. Each cyst contains the embryo covered with a hard,
protective covering. In this state the embryo stops growing and is said to be dormant. The
embryo can remain in this dormant state for many years and the cyst will only hatch at the
optimum salt concentration.

Scientists wanted to investigate which salt concentration resulted in the highest

percentage of hatched cysts.

They did the following:

 Prepared salt solutions of different concentrations: 0%, 0,5%, 1%, 1,5% and 2%
 Placed 30 mℓ of each solution into one of five beakers
 Took samples of brine shrimp cysts using a dropper
 Counted the number of cysts in each sample
 Recorded this as the initial number of cysts
 Placed the samples into each of the five beakers
 Left the beakers at room temperature for 48 hours
 Recorded the number of cysts that hatched in each beaker
 Calculated the percentage of cysts that hatched

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019

The results are shown in the table below.

3.1 State TWO planning steps to consider before collecting the samples. (2)

3.2 State the independent variable (1)

3.3 State the dependent variable (1)

3.4 Calculate the value of X in the table. Show ALL working. (3)

3.5 State THREE factors that were kept constant in order to ensure the validity of this
investigation. (3)


3.1 Obtain permission from the relevant authority

Plan when to do the investigation
Get all the equipment
Decide where to obtain shrimp cysts
Decide on the different concentrations of solution to use
Decide on how to record the data
Decide on where to do the investigation

3.2 Salt concentration

3.3 Number of cysts that hatched/ percentage of cysts hatched

3.4 % Hatched = 1/53 X 100 = 1,9%

3.5 Room temperatureP

The volume of solution usedP/30ml solution was used
The amount of timeP/ left the beakers for 48 hours
Cysts from the same type of shrimpP

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019

4. A scientific investigation was conducted with 20 cyclists to determine whether caffeine can
increase stamina.

The procedure was as follows:

 The group of cyclists was given the first cup of coffee, containing no caffeine, to drink.
 The group then had to cycle for as long as possible at the same speed.
 They cycled around a 400 m track on level ground.
 The group was given a second cup of coffee, containing caffeine, to drink before cycling for the
second time.

The table below shows the average time the group of cyclists was able to pedal after drinking
decaffeinated coffee (coffee without caffeine) and drinking coffee with caffeine.

4.1 State the question that the scientists were trying to answer through this investigation. (2)

4.2 Identify the independent variable (1)

4.3 Identify the dependent variable and how it was measured (2)

4.4 What is the relationship between caffeine consumption and the stamina of the cyclists? (2)

4.5 Explain the purpose of giving the cyclists decaffeinated coffee to drink during the
investigation. (2)

4.6 The cyclists were NOT told whether or not the coffee they drank contained caffeine.
Explain why the cyclists were NOT given this information. (2)


4.1 Does drinking coffee containing caffeine increase stamina? 

4.2 Amount of caffeine/Presence or absence of caffeine
4.3 Stamina - By measuring the average duration of cycling
4.4 The average cycling time of the cyclists increased with the use of caffeine
4.5 Decaffeinated coffee serves as a control to eliminate any other factor that
may cause an increase in stamina.
4.6 Knowing whether caffeine is taken or not may subconsciously influence
the performance of the participants.
The participants may think they have more stamina if they know that they are
taking caffeine and this may influence their performance

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019


1. Lees die volgende uittreksel en bestudeer die tabel wat volg.

Ondersoek na ontbossing in Oos-Afrika

'n Ondersoek is gedoen om die invloed van verskillende faktore op
ontbossingspatrone in Oos-Afrika in die tydperk tussen die 1980's en 2000's
te analiseer. Die verkleining van woude kan die habitatte van bedreigde plante
en diere vernietig en 'n verlies aan biodiversiteit veroorsaak.
Satellietbeeldata is gebruik om die ontbossing in drie lande aan te teken. Die
studiegebiede het gefokus op die woude naby Nairobi, die grootste en mees
bevolkte stad in Oos-Afrika, asook Berg Kilimanjaro, 'n gevestigde gebied in
Tanzanië. Kilimanjaro 'n belangrike wateropvangs-bron vir beide Kenia en
Volgens die resultate het ooglopende ontbossing gedurende die studietydperk
plaasgevind in die Mau-woud, noordwes van Nairobi, die woud in Berg
Kilimanjaro en Gatamaiyo-woud naby Nairobi. In Oos-Afrika was die
uitbreiding van landbou en bevolkingsgroei die belangrikste redes vir

Die tabel hieronder toon die patroon van ontbossing wat deur satellietbeelde
geïdentifiseer is.

1.1 Formuleer 'n ondersoekende vraag vir hierdie studie. (2)

1.2 Noem die afhanklike veranderlike vir hierdie ondersoek. (1)
1.3 Teken 'n staafgrafiek om die afnemende woudgebiede van die drie landmerke met die meeste
ontbossing, aan te toon. (7)


1.1 Wat is die invloed van verskillende faktore op ontbossingspatrone in Oos-Afrika van die 1980's
tot 2000's? 

1.2 Ontbossingspatroon /Afnemende woudgebied

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019


Kriteria vir die nasien van die grafiek

Titel van die grafiek (beide veranderlikes) 1

Staafgrafiek word geteken (Tipe) 1

Korrekte byskrif vir X- en Y-asse + korrekte 1
Toepaslike skaal vir beide asse 1
Slegs die 3 korrekte areas word
verteenwoordig 1
Teken van die grafiek 1 tot 2 stawe korrek geteken: 1
Al 3 stawe korrek geteken: 2

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019

2. Lesego, ʼn Graad 12 leerder, ondersoek die effek van planthormone op groei. Die volgende
metode is gebruik.

 Sy gebruik twee lote, wat sy loot A en B merk.
 Sy sny die punt van Loot A af.
 Sy sny die punt van Loot B af en sit dit weer terug.
 Sy los die apparaat vir ʼn paar dae.
 Na ʼn paar dae neem sy die resultate van Loot A en Loot B waar, soos getoon in die
onderstaande diagram.

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019

2.1 Identifiseer die onafhanklike veranderlike (1)

2.2 Identifiseer die afhanklike veranderlike (1)

2.3 Stel EEN manier voor hoe Lesego die betroubaarheid van die ondersoek kan
verbeter. (1)

2.4 Gee TWEE redes hoe sy kan verseker dat haar ondersoek geldig is. (2)


2.1 Teenwoordigheid van die loot se punt wat die hormoon bevat

2.2 Groei van die loot 

2.3 Herhaal die eksperiment verskeie kere

Vergroot die monstergrootte/meer lote

2.4 Gebruik dieselfde tipe / spesie plant

Gebruik dieselfde grond in die potte
Dieselfde hoeveelheid water moet vir die lote gegee word 
Dieselfde omgewingstoestande/ sonlig / humiditeit
Diesefde nutriente / voedingstowwe

3. Lees die uittreksel hieronder.

Pekelgarnale is klein artropodes (geleedpotiges) wat in soutwatermere gevind

word. Gedurende gunstige toestande produseer vroulike garnale eiers wat
uitbroei en lewende kleintjies voortbring. Wanneer toestande egter ongunstig is,
produseer die garnale siste. Elke sist bevat die embrio wat met 'n harde,
beskermende omhulsel bedek word. In hierdie toestand hou die embrio op groei
en word dit dormant genoem. Die embrio kan vir baie jare in hierdie dormante
toestand bly en die sist sal slegs uitbroei by die optimum soutkonsentrasie.

Wetenskaplikes wou ondersoek watter soutkonsentrasie die hoogste persentasie uitgebroeide

siste tot gevolg gehad het.

Hulle het die volgende gedoen:

 Soutoplossings van verskillende konsentrasies voorberei: 0%, 0,5%, 1%, 1,5% en 2%

 30 mℓ van elke oplossing in een van vyf bekers geplaas
 Monsters van pekelgarnaalsiste met behulp van 'n drupper versamel
 Die getal siste in elke monster getel
 Dit as die aanvanklike getal siste aangeteken
 Die monsters in elk van die vyf bekers geplaas
 Die bekers vir 48 uur by kamertemperatuur geplaas
Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019

 Die getal siste wat in elke beker uitgebroei het, aangeteken

 Die persentasie siste wat uitgebroei het, bereken

Die resultate word in die tabel hieronder getoon.

3.1 Noem TWEE beplanningstappe om in ag te neem voordat die monsters versamel word. (2)

3.2 Noem die onafhanklike veranderlike (1)

3.3 Noem die afhanklike veranderlike (1)

3.4 Bereken die waarde van X in die tabel. Toon ALLE bewerkings. (3)

3.5 Noem DRIE faktore wat konstant gehou is om die geldigheid van hierdie ondersoek te
verseker. (3)


3.1 Beplan wanneer om die ondersoek te doenP

Kry al die toerustingP
Besluit waar om garnaal siste te kryP
Besluit op die verskillende konsentrasies van die oplossing om te
Besluit hoe om die data aan te tekenP
Besluit waar om die ondersoek te doenP

3.2 SoutkonsentrasieP

3.3 Persentasie van siste wat uitgebroei hetP

3.4 % Uitgebroei = 1/53 X 100 = 1,9%

3.5 KamertemperatuurP
Die volume oplossing gebruikP/30ml oplossing is gebruik
TydsduurP/ los die bekers vir 48uur
Siste van dieselfde tipe garnaalP

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019

4. 'n Wetenskaplike ondersoek is met 20 fietsryers uitgevoer om te bepaal of kafeïen

uithouvermoë kan verhoog.

Die prosedure was soos volg:

 Die groep fietsryers het die eerste koppie koffie, wat geen kafeïen bevat het nie, gekry om te
 Die groep moes toe vir so lank as moontlik teen dieselfde spoed fietsry.
 Hulle het om 'n 400 m baan op gelyke grond gery.
 Die groep het toe 'n tweede koppie koffie, wat kafeïen bevat het, gekry om te drink voordat
hulle vir die tweede maal fietsgery het.

Die tabel hieronder toon die gemiddelde tyd wat die groep fietsryers kon ry nadat hulle die
kafeïenvrye koffie (koffie sonder kafeïen) en die koffie met kafeïen gedrink het.


FIETSRY (minute)
Kafeïenvrye koffie (250 mℓ met geen kafeïen nie) 82
Koffie met kafeïen (250 mℓ met kafeïen) 123

4.1 Noem die vraag wat die wetenskaplikes met hierdie ondersoek probeer beantwoord het. (2)

4.2 Identifiseer die onafhanklike veranderlike. (1)

4.3 Identifiseer die afhanklike veranderlike. (1)

4.4 Wat is die verwantskap tussen die fietsryers se kafeïenverbruik en hul uithouvermoë? (2)

4.5 Verduidelik die doel daarvan om tydens die ondersoek vir die fietsryers kafeïenvrye koffie te
gee om te drink. (2)

4.6 Die fietsryers is NIE gesê of die koffie wat hulle gedrink het, kafeïen bevat het, of NIE.
Verduidelik waarom die fietsryers NIE hierdie inligting gekry het NIE. (2)


4.1 Sal die drink van koffie wat kafeïen bevat die uithouvermoë verhoog?
4.2 Hoeveelheid kafeïen/Aan- of afwesigheid van kafeïen
4.3 Uithouvermoë  - deur die gemiddelde tyd van die fietsry te meet
4.4 Die gemiddelde tyd van die fietsry verhoog wanneer kafeïen gebruik word
4.5 Kafeïenvrye koffie dien as 'n kontrole
Om enige ander faktor uit te skakel wat 'n styging in die uithouvermoë kan verhoog

4.6 As jy weet wanneer kafeïen ingeneem is of nie

kan onbewustelik die prestasie van die deelnemers verhoog
Die deelnemers kan dink dat hulle 'n groter uithouvermoë het as hulle weet dat

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12 2019

hulle kafeïen ingeneem het en

Dit kan hulle prestasie beïnvloed


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