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Introduction of CAD & CAM

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Introduction of CAD & CAM




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Application of CAD/CAM

 High Productivity

 High Accuracy

 Easy to Modify

 Reduction of time

 Cutting of man power

 Easy Quality Control

 Documentation

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CAD: CAD is the use of computers for designing in simple language. It is also known as CADD, which stands for
computer aided design and drafting. In CAD, a wide range of computer based tools are used to assist engineers,
architects and other design professionals in their design activities.

Originally CAD referred to computer aided drafting as it was a replacement of traditional drafting board. But today it is
called designing to reflect the fact that much more can be done with the help of computers besides just drafting. CAD is
usually employed when simple drafting is not able to do the job such as in design of automobiles, airplanes, ships and
other industrial designs.

CAM: CAM is the use of computer based tools that assist engineers, tool and die makers and CNC machinists in the
manufacture and prototyping of product components. While CAD has many functions that do not necessarily involve
CAM, the same cannot be said about CAM, and in general, CAM is heavily dependent upon CAD.

Difference between CAD and CAM: CAD and CAM are both part of an over all important process that is referred to as
computer aided engineering (CAE). CADS and CAM have similar advantages and they render items in 2D or 3D. Both
CAD and CAM help in quick processing and production of any design that is conceptualized by a scientist. Most of the
CAM machines have inbuilt CAD software

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What is CAD?

CAD if often defined in a variety of ways and includes a large range of activities. Very broadly it can be said to be the
integration of computer science (or software) techniques in engineering design. At one end when we talk of modeling, it
encompasses the following:

 Use of computers (hardware & software) for designing products

 Numerical method, optimizations etc.

 2D/3D drafting

 3D modeling for visualization

 Modeling curves, surfaces, solids, mechanism, assemblies, etc.

The models thus developed are first visualized on display monitors using avariety of techniques including wire frame
display, shaded image display, hidden surface removed display and so on. Once the designer is satisfied, these models
are then used for various types of analysis / applications. thus, at the other end it includes a number of analysis
activities. These could be:

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What is CAM?

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is an application technology that uses computer software and machinery to
facilitate and automate manufacturing processes. CAM is the successor of computer-aided engineering (CAE) and is
often used in tandem with computer-aided design (CAD).

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of software to control machine tools and related ones in the
manufacturing of work-pieces. This is not the only definition for CAM, but it is the most common, CAM may also refer to
the use of a computer to assist in all operations of a manufacturing plant, including planning, management,
transportation and storage. Its primary purpose is to create a faster production process and components and tooling
with more precise dimensions and material consistency, which in some cases, uses only the required amount of raw
material (thus minimizing waste), while simultaneously reducing energy consumption. CAM is now a system used in
schools and lower educational purposes. CAM is a subsequent computer-aided process after computer-aided design
(CAD) and sometimes computer-aided engineering (CAE), as the model generated in CAD and verified in CAE can be
input into CAM software, which then controls the machine tool. CAM is used in many schools alongside Computer
Aided Design (CAD) to create objects.

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CAD work station

Graphic packages-types and features

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CAD Hardware: There are basically two types of devices that constitute CAD hardware, A brief description follows

1. Input devices

2. Output devices

CAD Platform: In general, we can run CAD software on three different CAD platforms: Mainframe,
Workstation, and PC. When the CAD programs first became available, they could only be run on a
mainframe computer. However, as the PCs have become faster and cheaper, almost all the CAD vendors
have introduced a version of their CAD software that will effectively run on a Pentium or higher computer.
Currently, the most popular platforms are PCs and Workstations. Popularity of Workstations stems from
their ability to network easily with other computers, and also, due to their large memory storage capability.
However, PC platform is still the most preferred medium for most engineers. Increasing popularity of the
PC platform can be attributed to several factors, including, total user control, the speed, capability of storing
large memory, ease of hardware upgrading and maintenance, and the overall reasonable cost.

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The workstation is the interface between computer and user in the CAD system. The design of the CAD
workstation and its available features have an important influence on the convenience, productivity, and
quality of the user´s output. The workstation must include a digital computer with a high-speed control
processing unit(CPU). It contains require a and logic/arithmetic section for the system. The most
widely used secondary storage medium in CAD/CAM is the hard disk, floppy diskette, or a combination
of both.

A workstation is a personal computer that is used for high end applications such as graphic design, video
editing, CAD, 3-D design, or other CPU and RAM intensive programs. A workstation typically has a top of the
line, fast processor, multiple hard drives, and a lot of RAM memory. A workstation may also have special
audio, video, or processing cards for special editing work. A workstation is marketed by computer
manufacturers to professional users, while the server is more of a utility device.

 Operating systems is Unix, Linux, Windows workstation

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CAD Platform: In general, we can run CAD software on three different CAD platforms: Mainframe,
Workstation, and PC.

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Input Devices: These are the devices that we use for communicating with computer, and providing our
input in the form of text and graphics. The text input is mainly provided through keyboard. For graphic
input, there are several devices available and used according to the work environment. A brief description
of these devices is given here.

 Mouse: This is a potentiometric device, which contains several variable resistors that send signals to the
computer. The functions of a mouse include locating a point on the screen, sketching, dragging an
object, entering values, accepting a software command, etc. Joystick and trackballs are analogous to a
mouse device, and operate on the same principle.

 Digitizers: Digitizers are used to trace a sketch or other 2-D entities by moving a cursor over a flat
surface (which contains the sketch). The position of the cursor provides a feedback to the computer
connected with the device. There are electrical wires embedded in orthogonal directions that receive and
pass signals between the device and the computer. The device is basically a free moving puck or pen
shaped stylus, connected to a tablet.

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 Light Pens: Lockheed’s CADAM software utilized this device to carry out the graphic input. A light pen looks like a
pen and contains a photocell, which emits an electronic signal. When the pen is pointed at the monitor screen, it
senses light, which is converted to a signal. The signal is sent to the computer, for determination of the exact location
of the pen on the monitor screen

 Touch Sensitive Screens: This device is embedded in the monitor screens, usually, in the form of an overlay. The
screen senses the physical contact of the user. The new generation of the Laptop computers is a good example of
this device.

 Other Graphic Input Devices: In addition to the devices described above, some CAD software will accept input via
Image Scanners, which can copy a drawing or schematic with a camera and light beam assembly and convert it into a
pictorial database. The devices just described are, in general, independent of the CAD package being used. All
commercial CAD software packages contain the device drivers for the most commonly used input devices. The
device drivers facilitate a smooth interaction between our input, the software, and the computer. An input
device is evaluated on the basis of the following factors

a) Resolution b) Accuracy c) Repeatability d) Linearity

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Output Devices: After creating a CAD model, we often need a hard copy, using an output device. Plotters, display and
printers are used for this purpose. A plotter is often used to produce large size drawings and assemblies, whereas, a
laser jet printer is adequate to provide a 3-D view of a model. Most CAD software requires a plotter for producing a
shaded or a rendered view.

CAD Software: CAD software is written in FORTRAN and C languages. FORTRAN provides the number crunching,
whereas, C language provides the visual images. Early CAD packages were turnkey systems, i.e., the CAD packages
were sold as an integrated software and hardware package, with no flexibility for using second vendor hardware.

Third party software can be used to augment the basic CAD package. Most popular CAD package will facilitate
integration of the Finite Element Analysis and other CAD software from more than one vendor. For example, IDEAS
preprocessor can work with almost all the FEA packages for pre and post analyses.

Networking is an important consideration in applications of CAD software. A model created by one engineer must be
readily accessible to others in an organization, which is linked by a LAN or other means. The designer, analyst,
management, marketing, vendor, and others generally share a model. This is the concurrent engineering in action,
mentioned earlier.

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CAD Evaluation Criteria: In the current CAD market, ProE and AutoCAD are arguably the most dominating CAD
software. AutoCAD is basically a 2-D program, with some capability to create 3-D models, whereas, ProE is a truly 3-D
CAD package. No one CAD package is suitable for all the CAD users in the world. The product we are designing dictates
the type of CAD package we need. A good CAD package includes good software, as well as, a compatible hardware.
Following is a brief description of the general criteria for evaluating a CAD package.

Hardware: Most desirable features in a good hardware are

 Open architecture

 High speed, large storage

 Compact size

 Inexpensive components

 Inexpensive upgrading

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Software: In general, the most comprehensive software are written to satisfy almost all the modeling
needs of a modeler, consequently, the software tend to be very complex and hard to learn. To create a
simple model, we go through several unnecessary steps, and lack the intuitiveness of a simple,
straightforward program. ProE is a good example, where we have to go through several layers of menus to
create a simple solid. On the other hand, if we were to use a simpler CAD program, the same solid can be
created by only a few simple commands. There are several other factors that we should consider when
evaluating software. Following is a brief description of these factors.

 Operating System: UNIX, Linux or Windows/NT. PCs in general use Microsoft Windows, whereas,
operating system for Workstations is Unix. For a large organization, Workstations are preferable.

 User Interface: Most popular CAD software have menu driven commands, which is preferable to the old
system of non-menu driven, where user interface was completely by responding to software commands.
The most popular CAD programs work with menu driven interface, with some input/action required
through command prompts.

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 Documentation and Support: Learning software can be very difficult if the software lacks good
documentation. Documentation usually comes in the form of a user’s manual, a tutorial book, and
commands manual and on-line help. The recent trend is to provide access to the above-mentioned
documentation through the Internet, or provide the manuals on a CD ROM. Some CAD vendors provide
additional technical support help through phone – ProE is a very good example of this type of support.

 Maintenance: Cost of the hardware and software upgrades can significantly impact the small and
medium size companies’ decision to choose one software over the others. Most CAD vendors go through
an upgrade, on the average, every two years. Usually, hardware upgrade is not as frequent.

 Modeling Capabilities: In, general, a CAD software can be classified as either a 2-D or a 3-D program. If
we were basically involved in 2-D drawings, any well established 2-D software, similar to AutoCAD would
suffice our needs. On the other hand, if we need to create 3-D models and assemblies, we will be better
off with a 3-D molder – ProE, SOLIDWORKS, etc.

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 Ease of Modeling: As a rule-of-thumb, general, all-purpose type CAD software is much more complex

and difficult to learn than a special purpose CAD package.

 Interface with other CAD Packages and Data Transferability: A CAD package is used to create models

that will be used for analysis, manufacturing, or some other applications. Therefore, CAD software

should be capable of transferring and accepting files from other CAD or CAM programs, without

this provision, the CAD program has only a very limited use.

 Design Documentation: Besides creating a model, the software should be capable of creating

drawings, assemblies, dimensioning, various views (isometric, orthogonal, etc.), labels and

attributes, etc.

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Computer Graphics: Computer graphics is the computer-to-user communication medium used in computer-
aided design and drafting systems. An object's definition is primarily geometric; it is convenient to be able to
display the geometry of the part on a computer screen or from any given viewing angle in a variety of sizes. This
section explains techniques for 2-D and 3-D graphics and realistic image generation.

Interactive Graphics :- Interactive computer graphics is used in five different areas: (1) to modify the display,
i.e., to change the view, type of projection, or object attributes and such as color, line type line style, surface type,
rotation angle (2) for data entry and data modification (3)In command and monitoring (4) for simulation and (5) for

Graphics in CAD: - Every problem in computer graphics and, therefore, in has three major parts an application,
hardware and software.

 An application: Is a; software program written by user write specific purpose mind. One application would
computer-aided drafting. Another application may be finite-element analysis or circuit design. In any
case, the application is specific to the particular use intended for the graphics system or for the computer-
aided design system.
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 Hardware: Modern computer graphics displays are simple in construction. They consist of basically
three components.

1- Monitor

2- Digital Memory

3- Display Controller

Most of the computer graphics displays use CRT which is a matrix of discrete cells each of which can be
made bright. A graphic entity like line or circle is represented as a series of "points or dots" on the screen.

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 Software: Includes the programs necessary to receive-graphical data and put the required image on the
screen. The image may be as simple as a 2-D wireframe, or as complex as 3-D. The graphics software
in the program receives geometric primitives such as lines, points, and surfaces and paints them
on the screen or on the output device according to the object attributes. The result of this three-step
process (application, hardware, and software) is graphical output

Layers of CAD Graphics Program

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 Two-Dimensional Graphics: - In order to draw 2-D images on the display, there must be at least two
functions or subroutines available in the basic graphics package. The first is a MOVE (X.Y) subroutine,
which moves the pen to an (x, y) location without drawing (with the pen up case of the plotter, or the
beam off in the case of a CRT). The second command is the LINE(X,Y) subroutine, which moves the beam
to an (x, y) location with the pen down, thus drawing a line. Alternative specific instances of these
commands appear in various graphics packages.

 Three-Dimensional Graphics: - In the case of three-dimensional graphics, a z coordinate is added to all

points. Rotations must deal with angles around the x, y, and z axes instead of just the z axis. The
following sections will discuss operations necessary to start with a three-dimensionally fined object,
place it in space in the correct location, and draw it on a two-dimensional output device. The
concepts involve three-dimensional transformations, perspective and orthographic projections, viewing
transforms, and window-to-viewport mapping, all in three dimensions.

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 A graphics package is an application that can be used to create and manipulate images on a
computer. OR Graphic artists use graphic packages to complete computer-generated artwork. These
necessary kits provide tools for painting, drawing and editing photographs with the use of a computer.
Most graphic packages are designed for performing one specific type of artwork.

 There are two types of computer graphics: raster graphics, where each pixel is separately defined
(as in a digital photograph), and vector graphics, where mathematical formulas are used to draw
lines and shapes, which are then interpreted at the viewer's end to produce the graphic.

 There are two main types of graphics package:

 painting packages

 drawing packages

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 Painting packages:

 A painting package produces images by changing the colour of pixels on the screen.

 These are coded as a pattern of bits to create a bitmapped graphics file.

 Bitmapped graphics are used for images such as scanned photographs or pictures taken with a digital camera.

 Advantages: The main advantage offered by this type of graphic is that individual pixels can be changed which
makes very detailed editing possible.

 Disadvantages of painting packages

 Individual parts of an image cannot be resized;

 only the whole picture can be increased or decreased in size.

 Information has to be stored about every pixel in an image which produces files that use large amounts of backing
storage space.

Examples of graphics packages that produce bitmapped images include:- MS Paint, PC Paintbrush, Adobe Photoshop
and JASC’s Paint Shop Pro.
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 Drawing packages
 A drawing package produces images that are made up from coloured lines and shapes such as
circles, squares and rectangles.
 When an image is saved it is stored in a vector graphics file as a series of instructions, which can be
used to recreate it.
 Main advantages of vector graphics are:
 They use less storage space than bitmap graphics;
 Each part of an image is treated as a separate object, which means that individual parts can be easily
 Disadvantages of drawing packages

 They don’t look as realistic as bitmap graphics.

Examples of drawing graphics packages include CorelDraw, Micrographix Designer and computer aided
design (CAD) packages such as AutoCAD.

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Mechanical Engineering Applications of CAD: Following is a brief description of the applications of

CAD in mechanical engineering

 Two Dimensional Drafting: This is the most common use of a CAD package. 2-D drawings are used for
manufacturing a product.

 Report Generating: To generate reports and bill of materials. Spreadsheets and word-processors can be
linked to provide a report writing facility.

 3-D Modeling: To create the wireframe, surface and solid models. The 3-D models are for concept
verification, manufacturing, FEA, etc.

 Finite Element Analysis: FEA package is used for pre-processing, analysis, and post-analysis of
structures. For this application, a CAD package contains both the modeling and analysis modules.

 Manufacturing: manufacturing software is usually called CAM, and contains CAD software as one of the
components. CAM software provides capabilities of carrying out 2 and 3-axes machining.

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Practice Problems
1. CAD workstation is a…………………………….Platform
A) User Control B) Non-User Control C) Both User Control & Non-User Control D) None
2. CAD workstation is run on?
A) MS office B) Ubuntu C) Unix D) others
3. Data storage capacity of CAD workstation is generally?
A) Very High B) less C) Very Less D) Medium
4. Which one of the following is the input devoice?
A) Light Pens B) Plotters C) printers D) None
5. Which one of the following is the output devoice?
A) Light Pens B) Plotters C) Touch Sensitive Screens D) Digitizers
6. The number of pixels stored in the frame buffer of a graphics system is known as
A) Resolution B) Depth C) A & B D) None

1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A & 5-B, 6-A

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CAD Geometric modeling

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Introduction: Product development activity starts with the design of the product. This is a very critical activity which
will influence the cost, performance, service life, quality, manufacturability, maintainability etc. The challenges before the
product designers today are listed below:

 Higher customer quality expectations

 Need to have innovation and originality in design

 Need for global collaboration across and beyond the enterprise among designers, customers and vendors to reduce
development lead times

 Need to evaluate feasibility throughout the design process

 Ability to react quickly to design changes as and when change requests are made

 Ability to express the design intent in terms of shape and function using the tools available as well as the ability of
the tools to transfer data back and forth seamlessly.

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Geometric modeling: Product development activity starts with the design of the product. This is a very
critical activity which Manufacturing of machine parts and components is carried out with the help of
drawings. Drawings are also required for process planning, tool design, production planning, and CNC
programming, inspection, assembly, costing and vendor development. Thus, drawings are essential
documents for product development as well as for regular production.

GEOMETRIC MODELING: Computer representation of the geometry of a component using software is

called a geometric model. Geometric modeling is done in three principal ways mentioned below

1. Wire frame modeling

2. Surface modeling

3. Solid modeling

These modeling methods have distinct features and applications.

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1. Wire frame modeling: In wire frame modeling the object is represented by its edges. In the initial stages of
CAD, wire frame models were in 2-D. Subsequently 3-D wire frame modeling software was introduced.

Though this type of modeling may not provide unambiguous understanding of the object, this has been the method
traditionally used in the 2-D representation of the object, where orthographic views like plan, elevation, end
view etc are used to describe the object graphically.

Ambiguity in Wire Frame Modeling

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1. Wire frame modeling: A comparison between 2-D and 3-D models is given below:

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2. SURFACE MODELING: In this approach, a component is represented by its surfaces which in turn are
represented by their vertices and edges. For example, eight surfaces are put together to create a box, as shown in
Fig. Surface modeling has been very popular in aerospace product design and automotive design. Surface modeling
has been particularly useful in the development of manufacturing codes for automobile panels and the complex doubly
curved shapes of aerospace structures and dies and moulds. It can also be created by surface modeling
techniques like B-splines or NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-splines).

Surface Representation

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3. SOLID MODELING: The representation of solid models uses the fundamental idea that a physical object divides
the 3-D Euclidean space into two regions, one exterior and one interior, separated by the boundary of the solid. Solid
models are:

 Bounded

 Homogeneously three dimensional

 Finite

There are six common representations in solid modeling

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There are six common representations in solid modeling

i. Spatial Enumeration: In this simplest form of 3D volumetric raster model, a section of 3D space is described by a
matrix of evenly spaced cubic volume elements called voxels.

ii. Cell Decomposition: This is a hierarchical adaptation of spatial enumeration. 3D space is sub-divided into cells.
Cells could be of different sizes. These simple cells are glued together to describe a solid object.

iii. Boundary Representation: The solid is represented by its boundary which consists of a set of faces, a set of edges
and a set of vertices as well as their topological relations.

iv. Sweep Methods: In this technique a planar shape is moved along a curve. Translational sweep can be used to
create prismatic objects and rotational sweep could be used for axisymmetric components.

v. Primitive Instancing: This modeling scheme provides a set of possible object shapes which are described by a set
of parameters. Instances of object shape can be created by varying these parameters.

vi. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG): Primitive instances are combined using Boolean set operations to create
complex objects.

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 In most of the modeling packages, the approach used for modeling uses any one of the following three techniques:

1. Constructive solid geometry (CSG or C-Rep)

2. Boundary representation (B-Rep)

3. Hybrid method which is a combination of B-Rep and CSG.

1. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG): In a CSG model, physical objects are created by combining basic elementary
shapes known as primitives like blocks, cylinders, cones, pyramids and spheres. The Boolean operations like union (∪),
difference (–) and intersection (∩) are used to carry out this task. For example, let us assume that we are using two
primitives, a block and a cylinder which are located in space as shown in Fig.

A “union” operation (A ∪ B) will

combine the two to convert them
into a new solid.(Fig.c) The
difference operation (A – B) will
create a block with a hole (Fig. D).
An intersection operation (A ∩ B)
will yield the portion common to the
two primitives. (Fig.E)
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2. Boundary Representation: Boundary representation is built on the concept that a physical object is enclosed
by a set of faces which themselves are closed and orientable surfaces. Fig. shows a B-rep model of an object. In this
model, face is bounded by edges and each edge is bounded by vertices. The entities which constitute a B-rep model are:

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A solid model is a 3-D representation of an object. It is an accurate geometric description which includes not only the
external surfaces of part, but also the part’s internal structure. A solid model allows the designer to determine information
like the object’s mass properties, interferences, and internal cross sections. Solid models differ from wire frame and
surface models in the kind of geometric information they provide. Wire frame models only show the edge geometry of an
object. They say nothing about what is inside an object. Surface models provide surface information, but they too lack
information about an object’s internal structure. Solid models provide complete geometric descriptions of objects, apart
from geometric information provide important data such as volume, mass, mass properties and centre of gravity.





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1. FEATURE-BASED DESIGN: In typical solid modeling software the designer can create a feature in two basic ways.
One is to sketch a section of the shape to be added and then extrude, revolve, or sweep it to create the shape. Another
type of feature is the pick-and-place feature. Here the designer simply performs an engineering operation such as
placing a hole, chamfering or rounding a set of edges, or shelling out the model. In this drawing a picture of the part,
working with the feature-based solid modeling method is more like sculpting designs from solid material.

Features available in typical solid modeling software are:

Feature-based modeling refers to the construction of

geometries as a combination of form features. The designer
specifies features in engineering terms such as holes, slots, or
bosses rather than geometric terms such as circles or boxes.
Features can also store nongraphic information as well. This
information can be used in activities such as drafting, NC,
finite-element analysis, and kinematic analysis. Furthermore,
feature-based packages frequently record the geometric
construction and modification sequences used in building the

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2. MODELING TOOLS: When a 3-D model is built the designer describes the features that make up a part. Parts are
put together to make an assembly, and then documentation is made.

 Sketching

 Creating Parts

 Building Assemblies

 Documenting Designs

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3. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOLID MODELING PACKAGES: Several important characteristics of solid modeler make
them capable of creating designs faster. These include parametric design, the ability to establish relations and the
ability to build assemblies

 Parametric Design

 Relations and Relationships

 Behaviour Modeling

 Smart models:

 Engineering objective based design:

 Open extensible environment:

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Practice Problems
1. Which two disciplines are tied by a common database?

a) documentation and geometric modeling b) CAD and CAM c) drafting and documentation d) none of the

2. Which of the following geometric modelling is not a three dimensional modelling

a) Wireframe modelling b) Surface modelling c) Drafting d) Solid modelling

3. In the following geometric primitives which is not the solid entity of CGS Modelling

a) Box b) Cone c) Cylinder d) Circle

4. In which of following geometric modelling techniques which of the following can not be use for Finite element analysis

a) Wireframe modelling b) Surface modelling c) Surface modelling d) none

5. The basic geometric building blocks provided in a CAD/CAM package are

a) Points b) lines c) circles d) all of the mentioned

1-A, 2-C, 3-D, 4-D, 5-D

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Various CAD software's

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What is CAD Software: In general, 3D design software falls into two categories. The first is CAD software and the
second is 3D modeling software. Even though this is general, CAD software is usually used when creating industrial objects
such as mechanical objects. On the other hand, 3D modeling software allows more artistic freedom as designs do not need to
work mechanically, be functional or fit to a real world device. Historically, 3D modeling software has been used in film animations
and video games to make organic designs. However, it can also be used to create 3D printable models. CAD or Computer Aided
Design software was introduced in the late 1960's to expedite engineering drawing process. While CAD is used mainly in
engineering drawing and construction architecture, it can also used for other purposes. There are various flavours of CAD
available today and there are different methods of classifying them.

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Types of CAD Software

1. 2-Dimensional CAD (2D CAD): 2D CAD is the pioneer of CAD software, and was developed in the early 70s. At that
time, major automobile, aerospace and other engineering companies developed in-house tools to automate repetitive
drafting requirements. 2D CAD relies on basic geometric shapes like lines, rectangles, circles, etc. to produce flat
drawings. These types of software's have been first developed way back in 1970’s.

AutoDesk is one of the pioneering companies that has played a significant role in developing CAD software.

2. Dimensional CAD (3D CAD): 3D CAD is a step up from the 2D CAD software of yesteryears. As the processing
power of computers increased and the graphic display capabilities improved, 3D CAD has become an increasingly
popular design tool. 3D CAD allows creation of 3D images that are realistic. These images are called 3D models as
they can be viewed and rotated in any direction – X, Y or Z. You can also display views from a 3D model, such as
isometrics or perspectives, from any angle using 3D CAD. 3D CAD tools were introduced in 1980’s by a partnership
between IBM-Dassults. 3D CAD quickly became popular because of enhanced visual capability.

The rapid advancement of 3D software today has helped quick turnaround in product design, giving birth to the concept
for product lifecycle management (PLM). A few of today’s leading 3D CAD software includes SolidEdge and SolidWorks.
Of course, with the vast array of tools, professional training is needed to master these tools

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There is yet another way of classifying CAD software - In terms of their operating parameters. Once you
understand these parameters, you can optimize the CAD software properly.

Single-file-mode systems - This type of CAD software allows only a single user to work on a single file at a time.

Referenced-file-mode systems - In this type of CAD software, users can work on their own files with the files of other
users attached as a background. This enables users to leverage other users' work as background data.

Collaborative-mode systems - These CAD systems take the referenced-mode system to the next level. They allow a
team of users to collaboratively work with each other's data and see the changes other users make to the data as they go.
And of course, the giants in this field (for example AutoCAD) can be used in different modes of a operation.

3D CAD can be further classified as:

Wire-frame models – they create skeleton like models with lines and arcs. Since they appear to be made of wires, and
everything in the background is visible, they are called wire-frame models. They are not very popular anymore.

Surface models – unlike wire frames, these models are created by joining 3D surfaces. Since nothing in the background
is visible, the surface models are quite realistic.

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Solid models – they are considered to be the most useful CAD models. Although they appear to be the same as surface
models, they also have additional properties like weight, volume and density, just like actual physical objects. These
models are commonly used as prototypes to study engineering designs.

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Some CAD software in recent Use

1. Tinkercad: This is an online 3D design app geared towards complete beginners coming from Autodesk.
A browser-based 3D CAD modeling tool that is appropriate for nearly any skill level, Tinkercad suits
product engineering students and seasoned professionals. Many product engineers also turn to Tinkercad
when they need a 3D printing solution.

Key Features:

 3D design and modeling tool for all

 Part of the 123D family of free apps

 Complete designs and models in mere minutes

 Click-to-3D print

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2. AutoCAD: Autodesk offers some of the most popular 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software and services
available today. Their AutoCAD software is a powerful 3D CAD tool that enables product engineers to design every detail
and work with Trusted DWG technology, collaborate across desktop, cloud, and mobile, and access the AutoCAD
mobile app for working on the go.

Key Features:

 Innovative 3D design for creating and communicating almost any design with 3D modeling and visualization tools

 Customize AutoCAD to increase productivity and enforce CAD standards

 Share and use data from PDF and DGN files, Navisworks, Bing Maps, and the AutoCAD mobile app

 PDF import enhancements, external file references, object selection, text to Mtext enhancements, and more

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3. Solidworks: SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD software is available in three editions to ensure product engineers have the
functionality needed to hasten the design process and be as productive as possible. All three editions have 3D
design capabilities, but SOLIDWORKS Professional and SOLIDWORKS Premium are built for collaboration with
powerful design and modeling features.

Published by Dassault Systèmes

Key Features:

 SOLIDWORKS Standard – Powerful 3D design for rapidly creating parts, assemblies, and 2D drawings

 SOLIDWORKS Professional – File management tools, advanced photorealistic rendering, automated cost estimation, eDrawings
Professional collaboration capabilities, automated design and drawing checking, and more

 SOLIDWORKS Premium – Comprehensive 3D design solution with powerful simulation and design validation in addition to
ECAD/MCAD collaboration, reverse engineering, and advanced wire and pipe routing functionality

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4. CATIA : From Dassault Aviation’s, the 3DEXPERIENCE company, CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE is a leading solution for
product design and experience. Product engineers choose this 3D CAD software tool to develop products people around
the world use every day.

Key Features:

 Model any product and do so in the context of its real-life behavior to enable design in the age of experience

 Define, imagine, and shape the connected world

 Social design environment accessed via powerful 3D dashboards to drive business intelligence, real-time concurrent
design, and collaboration across all stakeholders and mobile workers

 World-class 3D modeling and simulation capabilities to optimize the effectiveness of every user

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5. Creo Elements/Direct: Creo Elements/Direct is a 3D CAD modeling software tool for product engineers who prefer to
take a direct modeling approach. With this tool, you quickly and easily can create designs or radically repurpose
existing designs even if you are unaware of how they were made. PTC offers three Creo Elements/Direct options: Creo
Elements/Direct Modeling, Creo Elements/Direct Drafting, and Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager.

Key Features:

 Shorten time-to-market

 Meet customer demands

 Satisfy increasingly complex customer requirements

 Make changes to geometry quickly and easily

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6. FreeCAD: An open source software tool, FreeCAD is specifically designed for mechanical engineering and
product design. FreeCAD is a parametric 3D CAD modeler appropriate for designing real-life objects of any size and
includes tools similar to SOLIDWORKS. FreeCAD is open-source and multi-platform and reads and writes several open
file formats including STEP, IGES, STL, SVG, DXF, LBJ, IFC, DAE, and others.

Key Features:

 Parametric modeling for easily modifying designs by going back into model history and changing parameters

 Highly customizable, scriptable, and extensible

 Appropriate for experienced CAD users who identify with the tools and workflow that are similar to other commercial
CAD and BIM modeling software

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7. TurboCAD 2016 Deluxe: TurboCAD 2016 Deluxe is a complete, powerful 2D/3D CAD software tool with tools for
drawing, modifying, dimensioning, and annotating. Product engineers appreciate the materials, lighting, and
photorealistic rendering offered by TurboCAD 2016 Deluxe and the fact that they easily can share their work with
AutoCAD and SketchUP or print in 3D.

Key Features:

 Easy to learn and use

 Complete 2D drafting and 3D modeling in one software tool

 Customizable UI, time-saving wizards, XREF support, and more

 Mechanical tools tailored to engineers such as 2D/3D Boolean operations, revolve, extrude, sweeps, and chain

 Improved mirror copy tool for 3D objects

 Slot tools, improved conceptual selector, new highlighting of 3D objects and parts of 3D objects, and much more

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8. OpenSCAD: A combination of OpenSCAD and JavaScripts, OpenJSCAD provides a unique programmers’ approach to
developing 3D models. Product engineers can create more precise models for 3D printing with OpenJSCA

Key Features:

 Support for OpenSCAD source-code

 Use JavaScript programming concepts and libraries

 Create and manipulate 3D shapes in addition to 2D shapes

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9. Fusion 360: A cloud-powered 3D CAD software tool for product engineers, Fusion 360 is a 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE
tool in a league of its own. Fusion 360 connects the entire product development process in a single cloud-based
platform that works on Macs and PCs.

Key Features:

 Design, test, and fabricate in a single tool

 Work anywhere, any time

 Collaborate with anyone

 Quickly iterate with sculpting tools to explore form and modeling tools to create finishing features

 Test fit and motion, perform simulations, create assemblies, make photorealistic renderings, and animations while you
engineer and simulate with Fusion 360

 Collaborate and manage – Create tool paths to machine your components or use the 3D printing workflow to create a

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10 Rhino: Rhino , for Windows and Mac, helps product engineers create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and
translate NURBS curves, surfaces, and solids, point clouds, and polygon meshes. One of the most versatile 3D modelers
available, Rhino virtually eliminates limits on complexity, degree, and size.

Key Features:

 Affordable, uninhibited freeform 3D modeling tools for modeling any shape you can imagine

 Accuracy for designing, prototyping, engineering, analyzing, and manufacturing nearly anything

 Compatible with other design, drafting, CAM, engineering, analysis, rendering, animation, and illustration software

 Fast and does not require any special hardware

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Practice Problems

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Introduction to CNC machines, Advantages, Types &


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After the Second World War(1 Sep 1939 – 2 Sep 1945)

Numerical Control Machine: Numerical control (NC) was developed in early 50’s to meet the critical requirements of
aerospace Industry. Many components used in aircraft and space vehicles are machined from solid raw materials, often
involving removal of considerable stock and requiring several hundred positioning movements of the machine tool
slides. Manual operation under these circumstances is not only tedious but also less efficient and unproductive. Often
the part after several hours of machining is liable to be rejected due to machining errors.

Digital technology developed for communication purposes became very handy for designers of control of machine tools.
Since the information required to actuate and control slides was coded numerically, this technology came to be known as
numerical control.

Early numerically controlled machines were fully hardwired machines as the entire control logic was implemented in
hardware. This posed several difficulties in the operation of NC machines apart from serious limitations on reliability of
operation. The designers of NC machines achieved a major breakthrough during mid-six tees when they could integrate a
NC machine tool with a mini-computer. The technology was then renamed as computer numerical control (CNC). The
integration of computers with NC machine tools resulted in the following advantages:

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NC machine tools resulted in the following advantages:

 Better control of the tool motion under optimum

cutting conditions.

 Improved part quality and repeatability.

 Reduced tooling costs, tool wear, and job setup


 Reduced time to manufacture parts.

 Reduced scrap.

 Better production planning and

 placement of machining operations in the hand

of engineering.

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Example: Numerically Controlled Machine Tool

In order to carry out the milling operation on the work piece the
coordinate information (X, and Y coordinates) of the starting
point and the ending point has to be coded in the NC program.
Similarly, the information regarding the direction of rotation
and speed of the spindle, use of coolant, and the feed rate is
also coded suitably. The CNC controller decodes the positioning
information coded in the NC program and the slide is moved to
the programmed position at the required feed rate. Each slide is
fitted with a feedback transducer, which continuously monitors
the slide position and compares with the programmed position
as well as the feed rate. The feedback transducer is mounted
either on the slide or on the servomotor and measures the
displacement or position of the slide.

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Numerical The integration of computers with NC machine tools resulted in the following advantages: CNC

Compared to other metalworking techniques, CNC machining is capable of meeting the tightest tolerances, and
producing the most accurate, precise products over and over again.

 Increase in the memory for part program processing

 Increase in capacity for storing large part programs

 Easy editing of part programs on the control console

 Realization of control logic through software

 Significant improvement in the reliability of operation of the machines

 Integration of N.C. machines in the manufacturing system as a whole.

Further developments in large scale integration resulted in the development of microprocessors around which
computers could be designed. This naturally led to the development of CNC systems based on microprocessors.
Today all CNC machines are microprocessor based and both NC and CNC mean computer numerical control.

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Computer Numerical Control (CNC):

 Computer numerical control (CNC) is the numerical control system in which a dedicated computer is built into the
control to perform basic and advanced NC functions.

 CNC controls are also referred to as softwared NC systems because most of their control functions are implemented
by the control software programs.

 CNC is a computer assisted process to control general purpose machines from instructions generated by a
processor and stored in a memory system.

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Components of modern CNC systems:

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Advantages of CNC systems:

 CNC machines can be used continuously and only need to be switched off for occasional maintenance. These
machines require less skilled people to operate unlike manual lathes/milling machines etc.
 CNC machines can be updated by improving the software used to drive the machines.
 Training for the use of CNC machines can be done through the use of “virtual software”.
 The manufacturing process can be simulated virtually and no need to make a prototype or a model. This saves
time and money.
 Once programmed, these machines can be left and do not require any human intervention, except for work
loading and unloading.
 These machines can manufacture several components to the required accuracy without any fatigue as in the
case of manually operated machines.
 Savings in time that could be achieved with the CNC machines are quite significant.
Disadvantages of CNC systems
 CNC machines are generally more expensive than manually operated machines.
 Increase in electrical maintenance, high initial investment and high per hour operating costs than the traditional
 Skilled person for maintenance

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Application of CNC Machine Tools: The machines controlled by CNC can be classified into the following categories:

 CNC mills and machining centres

 CNC lathes and turning centres

 CNC electrical discharge machining (EDM)

 CNC grinding machines

 CNC cutting machines (laser, plasma, electron, or flame)

 CNC fabrication machines (sheet metal punch press, bending machine, or press brake)

 CNC welding machines

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Classification of CNC Machines:

1. Classification based on the motion type.

2. Classification based on the control loops.

3. Classification based on the number of axes.

4. Classification based on the power supply.

Classification based on the motion type

 Point-to-Point Systems.
 Contouring Systems (Continuous Path Systems)

Based on Control Loop

 Open Loop Systems

 Closed Loop Systems

Based on No of axis

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Practice Problems
1. Which of the following is not the advantage of CNC machines?
a) Higher flexibility b) Improved quality c) Reduced scrap rate d) Improved strength of the components
2. In how many ways CNC machine tool systems can be classified?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
3.. Point-to-point systems are used for _____
a) Reaming b) parting c) grooving d) facing

4. For CNC machining skilled part programmers are needed.

a) True b) False c) None

5. An absolute NC system is one in which all position coordinates are referred to one fixed origin called the zero point.

a) True b) False c) None

6. CNC machine is find widest application in field of :

a) Small size & Mass production b) Nonconventional machine c) High precision production d) Both A & C

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Practice Problems
1. Answer: d Explanation: CNC machines offer the following advantages in manufacturing:
• Higher flexibility, Increased productivity, Improved quality, Reduced scrap rate, Reliable and Safe operation, Smaller footprint.
2. Answer: b Explanation: CNC machine tool systems can be classified in various ways such as:
• Point-to-point or contouring: depending on whether the machine cuts metal while the workpiece moves relative to the tool
• Incremental or absolute: depending on the type of coordinate system adopted to parameterise the motion commands
• Open-loop or closed-loop: depending on the control system adopted for axis motion control.

3. Answer: a Explanation: Such systems are used, typically, to perform hole operations such as drilling, boring, reaming, tapping and
punching. In a PTP system, the path of the cutting tool and its feed rate while traveling from one point to the next are not significant,
since, the tool is not cutting while there is motion.

4. Answer: a Explanation: The main disadvantages of NC systems are:

• Relatively higher cost compared to manual versions, More complicated maintenance due to the complex nature of the technologies &
Need for skilled part programmers

5. Answer: a Explanation: An absolute NC system is one in which all position coordinates are referred to one fixed origin called the zero
point. The zero point may be defined at any suitable point within the limits of the machine tool table and can be redefined from time to

6. Answer: d Small size because this machine have very high tolerance limit, accurate for repetition and once programmed can worked to
day by day

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Constructional, features, working of CNC & Automatic

tool changer (ATC) and Automatic pallet changer (APC)

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Constructional of CNC Machines: Main Parts of CNC Machine

(1) Input Device

(2) Machine control unit (MCU)

(3) Machine Tool

(4) Driving system

(5) Feedback system

(6) Display Unit

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(1) Input Device: These are the devices which are used to input the part program in the CNC machine. There are
three commonly used input devices and these are punch tape reader, magnetic tape reader and computer via RS-
232-C communication.

(2) Machine Control Unit (MCU): It is the heart of the CNC machine. It performs all the controlling action of the CNC
machine, the various functions performed by the MCU are

 It reads the coded instructions fed into it.

 It decodes the coded instruction.

 It implements interpolation ( linear, circular and helical ) to generate axis motion commands.

 It feeds the axis motion commands to the amplifier circuits for driving the axis mechanisms.

 It receives the feedback signals of position and speed for each drive axis.

 It implements the auxiliary control functions such as coolant or spindle on/off and tool change.

(3) Machine Tool: A CNC machine tool always has a slide table and a spindle to control of the position and speed. The
machine table is controlled in X and Y axis direction and the spindle is controlled in the Z axis direction.

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(4) Driving System: The driving system of a CNC machine consists of amplifier circuits, drive motors
and ball lead screw. The MCU feeds the signals (i.e. of position and speed) of each axis to the amplifier
circuits. The control signals are than augmented (increased) to actuate the drive motors. And the actuated
drive motors rotate the ball lead screw to position the machine table.

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(5) Feedback System: This system consists of transducers that act as sensors. It is also called a
measuring system. It contains position and speed transducers that continuously monitor the position
and speed of the cutting tool located at any instant. The MCU receives the signals from these
transducers and it uses the difference between the reference signals and feedback signals to generate the
control signals for correcting the position and speed errors.

(6) Display Unit: A monitor is used to display the programs, commands and other useful data of CNC

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Different Control units in CNC Machines (MCU): A CNC control system basically consists of the following

(1) Central processing unit (CPU)

Machine Control Unit (MCU)
(2) Servo control unit

(3) Operator control panel

Central Servo control Operator Machine Programmab Other
processing unit control control panel le logic peripheral
(4) Machine control panel
unit (CPU) panel controller devices.

(5) Programmable logic controller

(6) Other peripheral devices.

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(1) Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is the heart of a CNC system. It accepts the information stored in the
memory as part program. This data is decoded and transformed into specific position control and velocity signals.
It also oversees the movement of the control axis or spindle and whenever this does not match with the
programmed values, a corrective action as taken. All the compensation required for machine acquires (like
lead screw pitch error, tool wear out, backlashes.) are calculated by CPU depending upon the
corresponding inputs made available to the system. The same will be taken care of during the generation of
control signals for the axis movement. Also, some basic safety checks are built into the system through this unit
and continuous necessary corrective actions will be provided by CPU unit. Whenever the situation goes beyond
control of the CPU, it takes the final action of shutting down the system and in turn the machine.

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(2) Servo Control Unit: The decoded position and velocity control signals, generated by the CPU for the axis
movement forms the input to the servo control unit. This unit in turn generates suitable signals as command
values. The command values are converted by the servo drive units which are interfaced with the axes and the
spindle motors. The servo control unit receives the position feedback signals for the actual movement of
the machine tool axes from the feedback devices (like linear scales, rotary encoders, revolvers, etc.)

Stepper vs Servo: The basic difference between a traditional stepper and a servo-based system is the type of motor and how
it is controlled. Steppers typically use 50 to 100 pole brushless motors while typical servo motors have only 4 to 12 poles. A pole
is an area of a motor where a North or South magnetic pole is generated either by a permanet magnet or by passing current
through the coils of a winding. Steppers don't require encoders since they can accurately move between their many poles whereas
servos, with few poles, require an encoder to keep track of their position. Steppers simply move incrementally using pulses [open
loop] while servo's read the difference between the motors encoder and the commanded position [closed loop], and adjust the
current required to move.

To summarize, stepper motors are good solutions for applications with low speed, low acceleration, and low accuracy
requirements. Stepper motors also tend to be compact and inexpensive. ... Servo motors are a better choice for systems
requiring high speed, high acceleration, and high accuracy

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(2) Servo Control Unit: Applications

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(3) Operator Control Panel: The Operator Control Panel provides control panel provides the user interface to facilitate a two way
communication between the user, CNC system and the machine tool. This consists of two parts are Video display unit and Keyboard.

(4) Machine Control Panel: It is the direct interface between the operator and the NC system, enabling the operation of the machine
through the CNC system. During program execution, the CNC controls the axis the motion, spindle function or tool function on a machine
tool, depending upon the part program stored in the memory. Prior to the starting of the machining process, machine should first be
prepared with some specific takes like, establishing a correct reference point, loading the system memory with the required part program,
loading and

(5) Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): A PLC matches the NC to the machine. PLC’s were basically as replacement for hard wired
relay control panels. They were basically introduced as replacement for hard wired relay panels. They developed to be re-programmed
without hardware changes when requirements were altered and thus are re-usable. PLC’s are now available with increased
functions, more memory and larger input/output capabilities. In the CPU, all the decisions are made relative to controlling a machine
or a process. The CPU receives input data, performs logical decisions based upon stored programs and drives the output connection to a
computer for hierarchical control are done through CPU.

(6) Other Peripheral Devices: These include sensor interface, provision for communication equipment, programming units, printer, tape
reader interface, etc.

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Automatic tool changer (ATC): A simple CNC machine will be made to work with a single tool. More complex
machines are capable of working with larger numbers of tools. However, for a machine to use more tools an ATC must
be provided. The array of tools are stored within a magazine which allows the machine to access a wider variety of them
without the need for an operator.

An automatic tool changer often referred to as an ATC, is used to improve both the production and the tool carrying
capacity of a computerized numerical control or CNC machine tool. It does this by allowing the machine to work with
various different tools. As such it is part of the process to achieve full automation.

An automatic tool changer is generally comprised of a base, arms with a gripper, a tool holder and a support arm
as well as the tool magazines. An ATC is capable of increasing the speed and accuracy as well as the reliability of
a CNC machine but it does have certain requirements. Some of these include the need for the tools to be easy to centre
as well as simple for the grabber arm to hold as well as easy to automatically disengage. To provide this, tools used in
an ATC are usually held by specially designed tool holders.

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Different Types of Automatic Tool Changer: ATCs come in two variants depending on the magazine’s shape.
Some are on rotary holders on a turn table type setup with claws holding each tool in its own location. Some are
straight static racks of tools that are mechanically much simple.

Automatic Tool Changer Mechanism: First the automatic tool changing command is given. The tool that is going
to be changed moves into the tool change position. The ATC arm then moves into the position so it can pick up the
tool. One gripper arm moves the new tool to the turret while a second removes the old tool.

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Automatic pallet changer (APC): It's something like a tool changer but instead of the tools you change the
machine bed. This allows multiple fixtures on the bed and you can build a setup or fill the clamps on one pallet
while the other is being machined. This is extremely efficient, for example you have a few vises on one pallet where a
big number of parts need to be made. The local paperboy will fill the machine at night. While on another pallet, you have
a big and complex product that requires several days of work. Now the machine can run series production at night
or while programming and you can work on the big part when you need. Automatic pallet changer(APC) is used in CNC
machines which is used for production machine ,the main work of APC is to hold the job in 2 station 1 in which
machining will happen and another is outside part in which you can clamp other work piece.

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Advantages of CNC Machine (Features of CNC)

(a) High Repeatability and Precision, e.g. Aircraft parts.

(b) Volume of production is very high.

(c) Complex contours/surfaces need to be machined, e.g. Turbines.

(d) Flexibility in job change, automatic tool settings, less scrap.

(e) Safer, higher productivity, better quality.

(f) Less paper work, faster prototype production, reduction in lead times.

(g) Easier to program.

(h) Easy storage of existing programs.

(i) Avoids human errors.

(j) Usually generates closer tolerances than manual machines.

(k) Program editing at the machine tool.

(l) Control systems upgrades possible.

(m) Option -resident CAM system at machine tool.

(n) Tool path verification.

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Practice Problems
1. In CNC systems multiple microprocessors and programmable logic controllers work ______
A) in series B) in parallel C) for 80% of the total machining time D) one after the other
2. Which unit of PIC undergo the process of converting mains ac voltage to low dc voltage required for the circuits and the input-
output interfacing modules ?
A) Power Supply Unit B) Input/output Unit C) Memory Unit D) Processing Unit
3. Automatic pallet changer (APC) used in CNC for…
A) To change the tools B) to change the work piece C) to change work raw material and finish products D) None
4. Automatic tool changer (ATC) used in CNC for…
A) To change the tools B) to change the work piece C) to change tool holder D) None
5. One of the basic requirements of a servomotor is that it must produce high torque at all :
A) loads B) frequencies C) speeds D) voltages

1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-A & 5- B

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