1 BoardCompanion Physics PDF
1 BoardCompanion Physics PDF
1 BoardCompanion Physics PDF
Chapter Name Page No.
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Theory .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Exercise-1 .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Exercise-2 .............................................................................................................................................................. 43
Answer key ........................................................................................................................................................... 47
NCERT Extract
2. Second, in bringing the charge q from R to P, we
We use electric energy for running our DVD player,
computer, ACs etc. here we will discuss work and apply an external force Fext just enough to counter
energy of the forces generated from interaction of
the repulsive electric force FE (i.e,Fext FE). This
electric charges. Along with this we will be discussing
means that there is no net force on or acceleration of
some components like capacitors that use the concept the charge q when it is brought from R to P, i.e., it is
of potential for their application.
brought with infinitesimally slow constant speed.
Therefore, we can define electric potential energy The external force at every point of the path is to be
difference between two points as the work required equal and opposite to the electrostatic force on the
to be done by an external force in moving (without test charge at that point.
accelerating) charge q from one point to another for
electric field of any arbitrary charge configuration.
(i) We can see from the Equation U U P U R WRP Note
that the work done by an electrostatic field in moving (i) The above function is a scalar quantity .
a charge from one point to another depends only on
(ii) The unit of electric potential is joule/coulomb,
the initial and the final points and is independent of
which is also known as volt (V). Its dimensional
the path taken to go from one point to the other. This
is the fundamental characteristic of a conservative formula is M1L2T-3A–1.
force. (iii) The electric field at infinite distance due to a
(ii) Also from the same equation we get potential energy finite charge distribution will be zero.
difference in terms of the physically meaningful (iv) One can obtain the function (V) for all points
quantity work. Here, potential energy so defined is in the field, which is defined as the static electric
undetermined to within an additive constant. Thus here potential of the respective points, with respect to
we need to understand that the actual value of potential
the infinite position.
energy is not physically significant; it is only the
difference of potential energy that is significant. We
can always add an arbitrary constant to potential
Electric Potentials due to Different Types of Charge
energy at every point, since this will not change the
potential energy difference:
As already discussed, electrostatic potential at a point
(U P ) (U R ) U P U R can be taken as the amount of work done by an
Now we have a freedom in choosing the point where external force, in bringing a unit positive charge from
potential energy is zero. A convenient choice is to infinity to that point; without any change in its kinetic
have electrostatic potential energy zero at infinity. energy.
With this choice, if we take the point R at infinity, we Let us now discuss the Electric Potential for some
get WP U P U U P . This equation provides us specific charged systems:
Potential due to a point charge
with a definition of potential energy of a charge q at
any point. Potential at a point with position vector r due to a
Potential Energy of charge in the presence of point charge Q placed at the origin is given by
external charge Field 1 Q
Potential energy of charge q at a point (in the presence 40 r (For relative permittivity =1)
of field due to any charge configuration) is the work
done by the external force (equal and opposite to the Y
electric force) in bringing the charge q from infinity
to that point. A
Electrostatic potential (V)
Work done by an external force in bringing a unit X
positive charge from infinity to a point = electrostatic
potential (V) at that point. SI unit of potential is volt or joule/coulomb.
In other words, the electrostatic potential (V) at any Note: Potential at a point is arbitrary (within an
point in a region with electrostatic field is the work additive constant), and it is the potential difference
done in bringing a unit positive charge (without between two points, which is physically significant.
acceleration) from infinity to that point.
Conditions Derivation of potential charge due to a point
To obtain the work done per unit test charge, we should charge
take an infinitesimal test charge q, obtain the work Consider a point charge Q at the origin (as shown in
done W in bringing it from infinity to the point and figure). For definition, take Q to be positive. We wish
to determine the potential at any point P with position
determine the ratio W/ q.
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
the work done by the field, electrostatic potential also The electric potential of a dipole is then given by
follows the superposition principle. Thus, potential
1 p · rˆ
due to the dipole is the sum of potentials due to the V (r >> a) (7)
4 0 r 2
charges q and –q:
The above Equation (7) is, as indicated,
P approximately true only for distances large compared
r1 to the size of the dipole, so that higher order terms in
a/r are negligible. For a point dipole p at the origin.
Eq. (7) is, however, exact.
Potential on the dipole axis ( = 0, ) is given by
2a 1 p
p O V (8)
40 r 2
(Positive sign for =0, negative sign for .) The
–q potential in the equatorial plane () is zero.
Quantities involved in the calculation of
potential due to dipole Note
– +
V = +30 V
V = +50 V
V = +70 V
(a) For a point charge, concentric spheres centred at the location of the charge are equipotential surface as shown in the figure
above. The arrows represent the field lines. Note : The voltage have been given arbitrary value (b) Equipotential surface for a
uniform electric field (c) Some equipotential surfaces for field of a dipole
Vb Va E.dr Consider charges q1 and q2 initially at infinity and
determine the work done by an external agency in
bringing the charges to the given locations.
Suppose, first the charges q1 is brought form infinity
b b
dV E.dr (3) to the position r1 . There is no external field against
a a which work needs to be done, so work done in
bringing q1 from infinity to r1 is zero.
or dV E.dr (4)
The charge q1 produces a potential in space given
We can also write this as
+ dV = – Ex dx – Ey dy – Ez dz (5)
1 q1
Using partial derivatives this gives us V1
40 r1P
Ex , Ey , Ez (6) Where r1P is the distance of a point P in space from
x y z
the location of q1. From the definition of potential,
In terms of unit vector we have
work done in bringing charge q2 from infinity to the
E i j k (7)
position r2 is q2 times the potential at r2 due to q1.
x y z
1 q1q 2
Equations (6) and (7) give the relation between V Work done on q2 =
4 0 r12
and E
Where r12 is the distance between points 1 and 2.
Partial derivative is not a part of the CBSE syllabus Since electrostatic force is conservative, this work
hence the analysis (using calculus) is only useful gets stored in the form of potential energy of the
in cases of uniform field. system. Thus, the potential energy of a system of two
charges q1 and q2 is
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Potential Energy in an Uniform Electric field
Fig. Potential energy of a system of charges q1and q 2is Potential Energy of a single charge
directly proportional to the product of charges and
inversely to the distance between them. When a charge q is placed at some point P, with
position vector r relative to some origin, in an
(b) Potential Energy of system of three charges
external field E (such that q has no significant effect
Let us consider three charges q1 , q2 and q3 located at on this external field) then the potential energy of q
r1 , r2 , r3 respectively. To bring q1 first from infinity at is given as; U( r ) = q V ( r ) where V ( r ) is the
to r1 , no work is required. Next we bring q2 from external potential at the point r .
Note: The distribution of V ( r ) depends on the
infinity to r2 . As before, work done in this step is
distribution of external electric field .
1 q1q 2
q 2 V1 (r2 ) (1)
4 0 r12 Potential Energy of two charges
When charges q1 and q2 are placed at points with
The charges q1 and q2 produce a potential, at any
position vectors r1 and r2 (relative to some origin)
point P is given by
respectively, in an external field E (such that the
1 q1 q 2 two charges have no significant effect on this external
4 0 r1P r2P (2)
field) then the potential energy of two charges at r1
Work done next in bringing q3 from infinity to the
and r2 is given as
position r3 is q3 times V1, 2 at r3 .
q 1 q 2 (where V(r) is the
U q 1 V(r1 ) q 2 V (r2 )
1 q1q3 q 2 q3 40 r
q3 V1,2 (r3 )
40 r13 r23 external potential at the point r .)
q q2 The distribution of V( r ) depends on the distribution
of external electric field.
r13 Here the total potential energy is due to the External
field E and also due to the mutual interaction
q between the two charges.
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Properties in a nutshell
Properties for a conductor placed in an electric field:
+ +
+ ++
1. Electrostatic field E is zero in the interior of a
+ +++
+ +++ conductor.
+ +
+ + 2. Outside the surface of a charged conductor, E is normal
+ +
++ +
++ + + +
+ + + + ++
to the surface given by E n where n is the unit vector
along the outward normal to the surface and is the
surface charge density.
Direction of field at the surface of the conductor. 3.` Charges on a conductor can reside only at its surface.
4. Potential is constant within and on the surface of a
Since the electric charges are stationary the direction conductor.
of electric field will be perpendicular to the surface
of the conductors (which is also shown in figure (b) Dielectrics and Polarization
Polar and non-polar molecules
and its magnitude will be . The molecules of a substance may be polar or non-
0 polar.
In order to understand the above fact, let us consider Non-Polar - In a non-polar molecule, the centres of
a Pill box shaped Gaussian surface on the surface of positive and negative charges coincide. The molecule
the conductor. The charge enclosed by the Gaussian then has no permanent (or intrinsic) dipole moment.
surface =A. Examples of non-polar molecules are
The total flux passing through this surface EA oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2) molecules which,
because of their symmetry, have no dipole moment.
As per Gaussian’s Theorem, EA Polar Molecule - On the other hand, a polar molecule
0 is one in which the centres of positive and negative
charges are separated (even when there is no external
0 field). Such molecules have a permanent dipole
moment. An ionic molecule such as HCl or a molecule
If is not uniform along the surface, then we will of water (H2O) are examples of polar molecules.
have to substitute the corresponding value of at
respective points in order to calculate E.
Non-polar H H C O
Field and charge distribution when charge is
placed in the cavity of conductor H2 CO2
As shown in the figure (c), a positive electric charge
is placed in the cavity (hollow region) of the H O
conductor. This charge will induce charges along the
outer surface of the conductor and on the surface Polar
Cl P H H P
bounding the hollow region in such a way that the
field will be zero in the interior portion of the HCl H2O
conductor. Some example of polar and non-polar molecular
+ ++
+ + + Dielectrics are non-conducting substances. In contrast
+ +
+ ++
+ + +
to conductors, they have no (or negligible number
+ + + + of) free charge carriers.
+ + + + +
+ + Induced Dipole Moment in dielectric
++ E=0 +
++ + + + + In a dielectric, free movement of charges is not
+ + ++ ++
possible. It turns out that the external field induces
dipole moment by stretching or re-orienting
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
molecules of the dielectric. The collective effect of Dipole Moment in polar molecules
all the molecular dipole moments is like that of the A dielectric with polar molecules also develops a net
net charges on the surface of the dielectric, which dipole moment in an external field but for a different
produce a field that opposes the external field .Unlike reason. In the absence of any external field, the
in a conductor the opposing field created by a different permanent dipoles are oriented randomly
dielectric, so induced, does not exactly cancel the due to thermal agitation; so the total dipole moment
external field. The net electric field of the system is is zero. When an external field is applied, the
only reduced. The extent of the effect depends on individual dipole moments tend to align with the field.
the nature of the dielectric. When summed over all the molecules, there is a net
dipole moment in the direction of the external field,
i.e., the dielectric is polarised. The extent of
E0 +
free free+ polarisation depends on the relative strength of two
E0 Ein + E0
E0 + Ein= 0 + + mutually opposite factors: the dipole potential energy
Conductor in the external field tending to align the dipoles with
the field and thermal energy tending to disrupt the
+ alignment. There may be, in addition, the ‘induced
E0 E in p + E0
E0 + Ein 0 + + dipole moment’ effect as for non-polar molecules,
Dielectric but generally the alignment effect is more important
Difference in behaviour for polar molecules. Thus in either case, whether polar
of a conductor and a dielectric or non-polar, a dielectric develops a net dipole
in an external electric field moment in the presence of an external field.
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
+ – + – E +
+ – + – + – d
+ – + –
+ – + – + –
+ – + – The electric field at a point between the plates due to
+ – + – + –
+ – the charges +Q, -Q on the capacitor plates is
+ –
+ – + – + –
– Q
+ – + E0 ...(1)
+ – + – + – 0 A0
+ – + –
+ – + – + – in a direction left to right in the figure.
+ – + –
– + – + – From the definition of dielectric constant, the
resultant field is
(a) (b) E Q
E 0 ...(2)
(a) Electric field lines with vacuum between the plates, K 0 AK
(b) The induced charge on the force of the dielectric reduce
The potential difference between the plates is
the electric field
Dielectric V = Ed
0 Ak
Due to this the potential difference between the plates
is reduced. Consequently, the capacitance C increases The capacitance is
from its value C0 when there is no medium (vacuum) Q K0 A
The dielectric constant K is defined by the relation C KC0 ...(3)
V d
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
0 A q t 0 A
where C0 C
q/ d t
is the capacitance without the
d V 0 A K t
dielectric. Thus, K
The capacitance of a capacitor is increased by a factor 0 A
of K when the space between the plates is filled with Or C (5)
d t(11/ K)
a dielectric of dielectric constant K .
Capacitance in case of dielectric slab of thickness The desired value of capacitance can be obtained by
t (t<d ) combining more than one capacitor, We shall discuss
Consider a parallel plate capacitor having each plate two ways in which more than one capacitor can be
of area A and separated by a distance d. connected.
When there is vacuum between the two plates, the
capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor is given by 1. Series Combination of Capacitors:
There is equal amount of charge Q deposited on each
0 A
C0 (1) capacitor; but the p.d between their plates is different
(if the capacitance of each of the capacitors is
Suppose that when the capacitor is connected to a different)
battery, electric field of strength E 0 is produced
between the two plates of the capacitor. Further,
C1 C2 C3 Cn
suppose that when dielectric slab of thickness t (t < + – + – + – + –
d) is introduced between the two plates of the
capacitor (Figure), the electric field reduces to E due V1 V2 V3 Vn
to polarisation of the dielectric.
Dielectric Slab
A B +
+ V –
+ (n)
+ V=V1+V2+V3+.....+Vn
t Q Q Q Q Q
.... (from C )
d C1 C2 C3 Cn V
Now, between the two plates of the capacitor; over a V 1 1 1 1
distance t, the strength of electric field is E and over ...
Q C1 C2 C3 Cn
the remaining distance (d - t), the strength of electric
field is E0. If V is a potential difference between the If C is the resultant capacitance of C1, C2, .....Cn which
V 1
plates of the capacitor, then
are connected in series then .
V = E t + E0 (d - t) Q C
E0 E0 1 1 1 1 1
Since K or E , we have (2) ...
E K C C1 C2 C3 Cn
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
+ –
Q1 C1 Let q and be the charge and potential difference
respectively, at an intermediate stage during he
+ – C2 charging process; then = q/C. At the stage the work
A Q2 B
dW required to transfer an additional element of
+ – charge dq is
Q3 C3
q dq
dW dq
The total work W needed to increase the capacitor
charge q from zero to a final value Q is
Now, Q1 = C1V, Q2 = C2V, Q3 = C3V
1 Q2
Q dW
C 0
The total electric charge, Q = Q1 +Q2+Q3 q dq
Q = C1V + C2V + C3V 0
Q = (C1+C2+C3)V (work to charge a capacitor)
Therefore, the total capacitance of the above This is also equal to the total work done by the electric
parallel arrangement, field on the charge when the capacitor discharges.
Q Then q decrease from an initial value Q to zero as
C C1 C2 C3 the elements of charge dq “fall” through potential
differences that very from V down to zero.
In general,
If we define the potential energy of an uncharged
Q capacitor to be zero, the work (W) in Eq. is equal to
C C1 C2 C3 .... Cn
V the potential energy U of the charged capacitor. The
Hence, by connecting capacitors in a parallel final stored charged is Q = CV, so we can express U
combination, a resultant capacitance can be obtained, (which is equal to W) as
whose value is equal to the sum of all capacitances
Q2 1 QV
connected in parallel. U CV 2
2C 2 2
ENERGY STORED IN A CHARGED CAPACITOR (potential energy stored in a capacitor)
Work needs to be done to charge a capacitor. This
work done is stored in the form of potential energy Energy Stored in a Capacitor in a terms of Energy
of the charges which is called the energy of the Density of Electric Field
capacitor. The energy stored in a capacitor,
Let the two conducting plates of the capacitor have 1
U CV 2
the charge Q and – Q. The energy stored in this 2
configuration is given by: If A is the area of the plates and if d is the separation
Q2 1 1 between the plates. The volume of the system
U CV 2 QV comprising the capacitor = Ad
2C 2 2
The energy stored per unit volume (Density of energy)
Derivation of energy stored in a capacitor
in the region between the plates is
Many of the most important applications of capacitors
depends on their ability of story energy. The electric
potential energy stored in a charged capacitor is just U F 1 0 A v 2 1 V V
E . 0 ( )( )
equal to the amount of work required to charge it- Ad 2 d Ad 2 d d
that is, to separate opposite charges and place them
1 V
on different conductors. When the capacitor is E 0 E 2 ( E)
discharged, this stored energy is recovered as work 2 d
done by electrical forces.
We can calculate the potential energy U of a charged Note
capacitor by calculating the work W required to
The above equation suggests that the energy stored
charge it. Suppose that when we are done charging in a capacitor can be found in terms of the energy
the capacitor, the final charge is Q and the final stored in the electrical field between the two plates.
potential difference is V. From Eq. these quantities Although the above formula has been obtained for
are related by a parallel plate capacitor the result hold true for an
Q electric field due to any charge distribution.
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
• Electric Potential: Electric potential of a body is a • Principle of a parallel plate capacitor: Capacitance
physical quantity which determines the flow of charge of a charged conductor is increased by bringing another
from that body to another body. uncharged or low potential conductor near it while the
two conductors remain separated with some dielectric
• Electric potential at a point in the electric field: It is medium between them.
defined as the work done per unit charge in moving a
unit positives test charge from infiniy to that point • Principle of van de Graaff generator:
against the electrostatic force of the field irrespective (i) Charge remains on the outer surface of a shperical
of the path followed. shell.
(ii) Pointed surfaces have larger charge densities.
• Electric Potential Difference: between any two points
in an electric field is the negative line integral of electric • Electric potential at a distance r from A point
field intensity between these points along any path. charge.
Let A be the point at a distance rA from charge q.
• Volt: Potential at a point is one volt if one joule of Let W be the work done in moving a test charge q0
work is done in moving one coulomb of charge from from infinity to A, then potential is given by
infinity to that point in the electric field.
VA = q
• Principle of superposition of potentials: The net 0
potential at any point in the field of a group of charges Let the test charge at any instant be at P small work
is given by the algebraic sum of their individual
potentials at that very point. done in moving it through a small distance d l is given
• Equipotential surface: A surface having same dW = F.d l (–q E)dl –q Edl cos180
0 0
potential at every point due to charged distributon is
called equipotential surface. Since distance r decrases in the direction of d l .
Therefore, dl can be taken as – dr.
• Electric Potential energy: The work done on a charge dW = – q0 E dr
in bringing it from infinity to a point in an electric field
1 q
against the electrical force is called electrical potential But E = 4 2
energy. 0 r
q A q0E
• Dieletric: The non-conducting material in which
charges are easily produced on the application of rA
electric field is called dielectric e.g. Air, H2 gas, glass, r
mica, paraffin wax transforme oil etc. 1 q
dW = – q0 4 2 dr
• Polarization: of a dielectric is the process of getting 0 r
equal and opposite charges on the two opposite faces 1 qq0
of the dielectric on the application of electic field. = – 4 2
0 r
• Dielectric strength: The maximum value of the electric Work done is moving test charge from to A is given
field intenstiy that can be applied to the dielectic by
material without its electric break down is called the A rA
1 qq0 1 r–1
dielectric strength of that material. W = dW – 4 0 dr – qq0
r 2 4 0 1
• Electrical Capacitance: The ability of a conductor to
store charges is known as electrical capacitance or 1 1 1 1 qq0
apacity of a conductor. = 4 qq0 r 4 r
0 A 0 A
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
1 q q 2l cos
In genral, V = 4 r V=
0 4 0 r2 – l2 cos2
q2l cos
4 0 (r2 – l2 cos2 )
• Electric potential at any point due to an elctric
dipole-thus-electric potential axial line of a dipole
Consider P to be the point of observation at a distance
p cos
r from the centre (O) of the electric dipole. Let OP make = 4 (r2 – l2 cos2 ) .......(ii)
an angle with the dipole moment p and r1, r2 be the
( dipole moment, p = q . 2l)
distances of point P from –q charge and +q charge
respectively (in figure). p cos
Potential of P due to –q charge, If r > > l, then equation (ii) becomes 4 0 r2
1 (q) 1 q
V 1= 4 r = 4 r Since p cos = p.r,
ˆ where r̂ is unit vector directed
0 1 0 1
along OP.
4 0 r2 for r > > 1
r D
r2 If point P lies on the axial line of the dipole i.e. = 0°
l cos
4 0 r2
–q O p +q then equaiton (ii) becomes
l l
l cos
or V ( cos 0° = 1)
Potential of P due to +q charge, r2
• Electric potential at equatorial line of a dipole.
1 q Using above result if point P lies on the equatorial line
V2 = 4 r
0 2 of dipole i.e. = 90°,
Potential at P due to the dipole, then using equation (ii), we get
V=0 ( cos 90° = 0)
V = V1 + V2
Potential due to a dipole is zero at a all points on the
(Principle of superposition)
equatorial line of the dipole.
1 q 1 q • Total work done in rotating a dipole in electric field
or V = – 4 r + 4 r or potential energy of a dipole in an electric field.
0 1 0 2
Let the electric dipole having moment p be placed at
an angle with the direction of electric field E, then
q 1 1
or V= torque acting on dipole is given by
4 0 r1 r2
Now draw a perpendicular from A which meets the line
OP at C when produced backward. Also draw BD on B qE
OP> 2a
Then r1 = AP CP = OP + OC = r + l cos
( from AOC, OC = l cos ) qE –q A C
and r2 = BP DP = OP – OD = r – l cos
( from BOD, OD = l cos ) = p E sin
Substituting the values of r1 and r2 in equation (i), we if dipoole is rotated throug small angle d then small
get work done is given by
dW = d = – pE sin d
q 1 1
V= (r l cos ) (r l cos ) Work done in rotating the dipole to an angle from the
4 0 initial position say perpendicular to the dirction of th
electric field is given by,
q r l cos – r l cos
= 4
0 (r2 l2 cos )
W = pEsin d = p E cos /2 p E cos cos
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
q = q1 + q2 + q3
i.e. W pE But q1 = C1V, q2 = C2V, q3 = C3V
Note : The initial position of dipole in this expression. q = C1V + C2V + C3V
= (C1 + C2 + C3) V ...(i)
• Equivalent capacitance of capacitors in series. If C is equivalent capacitance of parallel combination
Let V1, V2 and V3 be the potential differnece across then q = CV
three capacitors C1, C2 and C3 respectively. Hence, eqn. (i) becomes
Then total voltage V = V1 + V2 + V3 CV = (C1 + C2 + C3) V
C1 C2 C3 or C = C1 + C2 + C3
If n capacitors are connected in parallel, the equivalent
capacitance of the combination is
V1 V2 V3 C C1 C2 C3 ....... Cn
q q
Now C1 = V or V1 = C • Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
1 1 Consider two paralel plates of conducting material
separated by distance d.
q q
Similarly, V2 = C and V3 = C because same charge If a voltage V is applied to the capactior, an electric
2 3 field E will set up i.e.
is induced in all the capacitors w here q is the charge
given to first capacitor. E= or V = Ed.
q q q 1 1 1
V = C C C q C C C q
1 2 3 1 2 3 But E = where is charge density given by,
0 A
But V= where C is equivalent capacitance of
C d qd
the combination V = = A and
0 0
q 1 1 1
=q= Capacitance of a capacitor
C C1 C2 C3 is given by
1 1 1 1 q q
or C C1 C2 C3 C= = (qd / A ) q+ + q–
V 0
If n capacitors are connected in series then equivalent + –
capacitance of the combination is given by = 0 C= 0 + –
d d + –
1 1 1 1 1
............ . If a dielectric medium of
+ –
Ceq C1 C2 C3 Cn dielec tric constant K is
+ –
kept in between the
• Equivalent capacitance of capactiors in parallel. plates then + –
Let three capacitors of capacitances C1, C2 and C3 be + –
connected in parallel as shown in the figure. C 0 + –
All capacitors will have some potential difference d
across them.
Capactiros C1, C2 and C3 will have differnet amount of • Capacitanced with dielectric slab between the
charges q 1 , q 2 and q 3 respectively. In parallel plates.
combination, total charge q is the sum of the charges Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with air as the
stored by each capcitor. medium between two plates of area A lying at a distance
i.e. C
d apart is given by,
0 A
+q +
+ –
+ –
+q +
+ –
Let a dielectric slab of thickness t be put between the
– –q
plates such that t < d. Due to polarisation, electric field
will reduce from E0 to E.
Potential difference across the capacitor is given by
V V = E0 (d – t) + Et
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
P Q capacitor, then
+ –
+ –
+ – A
+ –
q(d t)
+ – Hence eqn. (ii) becomes, V = 0 A ..(4)
+ –
+ –
+ – We know, C=
– – V
+ t –
d q 0 A 0 A
C= or C =
E0 E q(d t) (d t)
Dielectric constant, K = or E = 0
E K Dividing (iv) by (i), we get
E0t C d t
V = E0 (d – t) + 1 / 1
K C0 (d t) d
Now E= = A C0
0 0 or C= ...(5)
q 1 1 d
V = A d t
0 K • Energy stored in a capacitor.
q Let a capacitance C be charged to potential V. If q is
Capactiance of the arrangement = C = i.e. the charge on the plate then
q q
0 A C=
or V =
d t(1 (1 / K)) Small amount of work done by battery in charging the
• Capacitance with condu cting slab between plates. capacitor to small charge dq at constant voltage V is
Capacity of a parallel plate capacitor having vacuum given by
between the plates is given by
A dW = V dq = dq
C0 = 0 C
....(1) q q q
q 1 1 q2
W = dq dq
where A = Area of each plate
d = distance of separation between the plates. 0
C C0 C 2
Let a conducting slab of thicknesss ‘t’ be introduced
between the plates of the capacitor. Equal and opposite
1 q2 1 (CV)2 1
charges appear on the two faces of the conducting slab. or W= CV2
2 C 2 C 2
Electric field (E) inside the conducting slab (i.e.
This work done is stored inside the capacitor as
conductor) is zero. potential energy given by,
Now the electric field (E0) exists only in a region of
thickness (d – t). 1
Potential difference between the plates of the 2
• Energy density of a capacitor.
V = E0 (d – t)
Energy stored in a capacitor, U = CV2
But E0 = 2
where is the surface charge density q 1 q2
But C= U=
(d t) V 2 C
V= 0 ....(2)
0 A
Again C=
If q is the magnitude of the charge on each plate of the and q = A = 0 EA
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Step 2
Potential energies
Electrostatic potential energy of two capacitors before
1 1
U = U1 + U2 = C V2 C V 2
2 1 1 2 2 2
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Previous Years Examination Questions Thus, inner sphere has net potential higher than
Electric potential and Potential difference potential of outer sphere for every value of q and Q.
Five Marks Questions Therefore, when they are connected by a wire, positive
Q.1 A small sphere of radius a carrying a positive charge q charge always flow from inner sphere (at higher
is palced concentrically inside a large hollow potential) to outer sphere (at lower potential)
conducting shell of radius b (b > a). This outer shell
irrespective of the magnitude of charge.
has charge Q on it. Show that if these spheres are
connected by a conducting wire, charge will always
Equipotential Surface
flow from the inner sphere to the outer sphere
irrespective of the magnitude of the two charges. Five Marks Questions
[All India 2009] Q.2 The electric potential as a function of distance 'x' is
shown in the figure. Draw a grph of the electric field E
Sol. Let small sphere has charge q and radius a is placed
as a function of x. [All India 2019]
inside a outer shell of charge + Q and radius b.
q a
b x
0 1 2 3
Electric potential on the small sphere due to its own
charge q. Sol. Electric field E = – .....(i)
1 q For x = 0 to 1, V = kx
V1 . ......(i)
4 0 a x = 1 to 2, V = k
where, q = charge on small sphere x = 2 to 3, V = – kx
a - radius of small sphere
Similarly, electric potential on outer sphere due to its
own charge +E
1 Q
V2 . .....(ii) 1 3
40 b 2 x
where, Q = charge of outer shell
b = radius of outer shell.
Also, same potential exists at every point inside outer whyere k is some constant
shell due to its own charge, + Q. So, using (i) the variation of electric field is shown in
Now, net electric potential at inner sphere of radius a. figure.
Vl =Electric potential due to charge on both sphere.
Q.3 Is the electrostatic potential necessarily zero at a point
1 q 1 Q
Vi = 4 a 4 b ......(iii) where the electric field is zero ? Give an example to
0 0 support your answer. [All India 2019]
Net electric potential at outer sphere due to charge on dV
Sol. The electric field E =
the both spheres. dr
+ + q
+ +
+ + +
1 q 1 Q
V0 . . ......(iv)
4 0 a 4 0 b
+ +
V = constant
q 1 1
Vi – V0 = 4 a b ......(v)
++ + +
So, even for a constant electric potential electric field
From Eqs. (iii) and (iv), we get can be zero.
1 1 For example, for a hollow shell, the field inside is zero,
a < b and > Vi – V0 > 0 wehreas potential is non zero and constant.
a b
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Potential energy in an External Field Q.5 (a) Three point charges q, –4q and 2q are placed at the
Three Marks Questions vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC of side 'l' as
Q.4 Four point charges Q, q, Q and q are placed at the shown in the figure. Obtain the expression for the mag-
corners of a square of side 'a' as shown in the figure. nitude of the resultant electric force acting on the
FInd the charge q.
Q q A
–4q 2q
q a Q B l C
(a) resultant electric force on a chare Q, and (b) Find out the amount of the work done to separate
(b) potnetial energy of this system. [All India 2018] the charges at infinite distance. [All India 2018]
Sol. (a) Force on charge Q ude ot charge q.
1 q(4q)
1 qQ Sol. (a) FAB
Eq = 4 2 40 l 2
0 a
Force on charge Q ude to another charge Q, 1 4q 2
40 l 2
1 Q2
FQ =
4 0 (a 2 ) 2
1 Q2 1 q(2q) 1 2q 2
FAC = 4 =
4 0 2a 2 0 l2 40 l 2
Q q
a 2
a 120º
q a Fq
FQ 60º 60º
Fq –4q 2q
B l C
Net force on charge Q is
Angle between forces FAB FAC is 120º.
Fnet FQ Fq2 Fq2 FQ Fq 2
Magnitude of resultant force,
1 Q2 1 qQ F= 2
2FAB FAC cos120º
2 2
4 0 2a 4 0 a 2
1 q2 1
(4) (2) 2 4 2
2 2
Q Q = 2
2 q along diagonal 40 2
4 0a 2 2 l
(b) Potential energy of the given system, (b) Required work done = Change in potential energy
U = UqQ + UQq + UqQ + UQq + Uqq + UQQ of the system = Uf – Ui
= 4UqQ + Uqq + UQQ = 0 – (UAB = UBC + UCA)
4qQ q2 Q2 = [q(4q) ( 4q)(2q) (q)(2q)]
40a 4 0 ( 2a) 4 0 ( 2a)
1 10q 2
1 q Q 2 2 = [4q 8q 2q ] =
2 2 2
4qQ 40 l 40l
40a 2a 2a
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Capacitors and capacitance (ii) Let Q be the charge stored in the capacitor
One Mark Questions Q=CV =2×10–6 × 120
Q.6 The given graph shows the variation of charge q versus Q = 24 × 10–5 C
potential difference V for two capacitors C1 and C2.
Both the capacitors have same plate separation but Q.8 Show that the capacitance of a spherical conductor is
plate area of C2 is greater than that C1. Which line (A or 40 times the radius of the spherical conductor.
[Delhi 2010]
B) corresponds to C1 and why? [All India 2014C]
Sol. As we know, to determine the electric field at any point
A at distance r from centre if we apply Gauss's theorem
q q
B 40 ·r 2
Sol. q = Cv V Hence, V E·dr
40 ·r
q A
where, 0 = 8.854 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2
v d The capacitance of the spherical conductor situated in
q vacuum is given by
C= = Slope = tan
q q
C= C = 40r.
0 A V 1 q
Slope ·
d 40 r
A Slope, d = constant
Hence, the capacitance of an isolated spherical
area of C2 is greater so line A line represent for C2
line B correspond to C1 because slope (q versus V) of B conductor situated in vacuum is 40 times of its radius.
is less than slope of A.
Parallel plate capacitor
Three Marks Questions
Two Marks Questions
Q.7 A capacitor of unknown capacitance is connected
Q.9 What is the area of the plates of 2 F parallel plate
across a battery of V volt. The charge stored in it is 360
capacitors having separation between the plates is
c. When potential across the capacitor is reduced by
0.5 cm? [Al India 2011]
120 V, the charge stored in it becomes 120 C.
Sol. According to the question, separation between the
Calculate [Delhi 2013]
platers = d = 0.5 cm = 0.5 × 10–2 m and capacitance
(i) the potential V and the unknown capacitance C.
C = 2F
(ii) what will be the charge stored in the capacitor, if the
d = 0.5 cm = 0.5 × 10–2 m
voltage applied had increased by 120 V?
0 = 8.854 × 10–12
Sol. (i) We have intial voltage, V1 = V volt and charge stored,
Q1 = 360C 0 A
Q1 = CV1 ........(i) d
Charged potential, V2 = V – 120
Q2 = 120C Cd 2 0.5 10 2
A= = = 1.13 × 109 m2
Q2 = CV2 0 8.854 10 12
By dividing Eq. (ii) form Eq. (i), we get
q R q1 / 4R12 q1 R 2 R
Suppose, the plate X is given a charge of +q coulomb. 1 1 1= 2 =q R
q2 R 2 2 q 2 / 4R 2 2 1 R1
By induction, –q colomb of charge is produced on the
inner surface of the plate Y and q coulomb on the outer
surface. Since, the plate Y in connected to the earth, Q.11 In a parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates,
the +q charge on the outer surface flows to the earth. each plate has an area of 6 × 10–3 m2 and the separation
Thus, the plates X and Y have equal and opposite between the plate is 3 mm. [Foreign 2014]
charges. (i) Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
Suppose, the surface density fo charge on each plate (ii) If this capacitor is connected to 100 V supply, what
would be the charge on each plate?
is . We know that the intensity of electric feild at a
(iii) How would charge on the plates be affected if a
point between two plane parallel sheets of equal and
3 mm thick mica sheet of K = 6 is inserted between the
oppoiste charges is /0, where 0 is the permittivity of
plates while the voltage supply remains connected ?
free space. The intensity of electric field between the
Sol. Given, area of each plate, A = 6 × 10–3m2
Distance between plates d = 3mm = 3 × 10–3 m
plates will be given by, E = (i) Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor is given by
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Q.12 A parallel plate capacitor is charged to a potential Sol. (i) According to question
difference V by a DC source. The capacitor is then
disconnected from the source. If the distance between + –
the plates is doubled, state with reason, how the + –
following will change? [Delhi 2010] + –
(i) Electric field between the plates + –
+ –
(ii) Capacitance
+ –
(iii) Energy stored in the capacitor.
+ –
Sol. After disconnection from battery and doubling the A
separation between two plates
(i) Chage on capacitor reamins same (a) Electric field due to a plate of positive charge at
i.e. CV= C'V'
C point P = 2
CV = V' V' = 2V 0
Eelctric field between the plates
Electric field due to other plate = 2
V 2V
E' = Since, they have same direction, so
d ' 2d
E' =
=E E = 2 2
d 0 0 0
Electric field between the two plates remain same. Outside the plate, electric field be zero because of
(ii) Capacitance reduces to half of original value as opposite direction.
(b) Potential difference between the plates is given by
1 C
C C' =
d 2 d
V = Ed = E
(iii) Energy stored in the capacitor before disconnection 0 0
form battery
(c) Capacitance of the capacitor is given by ( Q = CV)
U1 = Q A 0 A
2C C=
V d d
Now, energy stored in the capacitor after disconnection 0
from battery
(ii) According to question,
q2 q2 2q2
U2 = 2U1
2(C') C 2C
2 R 2R
Energy stored in capacitor gets equal to its initial value.
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Since, the potential of bigger sphere is more. So, charge Two Marks Questions
will flow from sphere of radius 2R to sphere of radius R. Q.18 1F capacitance connected to a battery of 6 V. Initially
switch S is closed. After sometime S is left open and
Q.14 When a parallel plate capacitor is connected across a dielectric slabs of dielectric constant
dc battery, explain briefly how the capacitor gets K = 3 are inserted to fill completely the space between
charged. [All India 2019] the plates of the two capacitors. How will the (i) charge
Sol. Consider a parallel plate capacitor is connected across and (ii) potential difference between the plates of the
a battery as shown in figure. capacitors be affected after the slabs are inserted?
[Delhi 2011]
– – – –– S
C –
+ + +++ +
6V C1 1F 1F
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Q.19 Figure shows two identical capacitors C1 and C2, each Non-polar molecules have symmetrical shapes e.g. any
of 2F capacitance, connected to a battery of 5 V. non-conducting material.
Initially, switch S is closed. After sometimes, S is left
open and dielectric slabs of dielectric constant K = 5 Three Marks Questions
are inserted to fill completely the space between the Q.21 (i) How is the electric field due to a charged parallel
plates of the two capacitors. How will the (i) charge plate capacitor affected when a dielectric slab is inserted
and (ii) potential difference between the plates of the between the plates fully occupying the intervening
capacitors be affected after the slabs are inserted ? region?
[All India 2011; Delhi 2011] (ii) A slab of material of dielectric constant K has the
same area as the plate of a parallel plates capacitor but
S 1
has thickness d, where d is the separation between
C1 2F C2 2F 2
the plates. Find the expression for the capacitance when
the slab is inserted between the plates.[Foreign 2010]
Sol. When a dielectric medium of dielectric constant K is Sol. (i) The capacitance of capacitor increases to K times of
introduced, original values.
(i) in an isolated (not connected with battery) capacitor, CV= C'V'
then total charge on capacitor remains same. V
(ii) in a capacitor connected with battery, then potential CV = (KC)V' V' =
difference across the capacitor remains same as that of
New electric field,
potential difference across battery.
Two identical capacitors C1 and C get fully charged V' V / K V 1 E
E' = = = =
with 5 V battery initially. d d d K K
So, the charge and potential difference on both On introduction of dielectric medium, new electric
capacitors becomes. 1
q = CV = 2 × 10–6 × 5V = 10 C field E' becomes
times of its original value.
and potential difference V = 5 Volt
(ii) Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor partially
On introduction of dielectric medium of K = 5 filled with dielectric medium is given by
For C1 (continue to be connected with battery) potnetial 0 A
difference of C1, (V') = 5V C=
(d t t / K)
Capacitance of C1' kc = 5 × 2F = 10F Where, t is the thickness of dielectric medium.
P = E 0 (A / 2) 0 (A / 2)
and C2' = K1 + K2
d d
where is susceptibility
(ii) (a) At point C, inside the shell. The electric field 0 A
= (K1 + k2);
inside a spherical shell is zero. Thus , the force 2d
experienced by charge at the centre C will also be zero.
FC = qE (Einside the shell = 0) C2' = (K + K2)
2 1
FC = 0 From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
3Q C 1
1 2 C1' = C2' KC = (K1 + K2) K = (K1 + K2)
2 2
At point A, |FA| = 2Q 40 x 2
Q.24 (i) Aparallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery to a
2 potential. The battery is disconnected and a dielectric
F= , away from shell. slab is inserted to completely fill the space between the
40 x 2
plates. How will
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
– –
– –
–q 90V
– –
– – Conducting sphere Charge on each capaciitor is same as they are in series.
having negative Now, potential drop across C2
Q 600 106
(b) Electric field lines due to an electric dipole are shown V2 20V
C2 30 106
in the figure.
Hence, work done stored as electric potentiaol energy
U of capacitor is U C2 V22
+ –q
30 106 20 6 10 3 J
Ed E 0d d d
V E E 0 t
90V 2 2 2 2
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
q d q
Now, E 0 A V 2K . A K 1 C1 C3
0 0 0
q 2K 0 A C4
We know that, C V d K 1
Q.27 Determine the potential difference across the plates of Sol. (i) According to the diagram given in the question
the capacitor C1 of the network shown in the figure.
(Assume, E1 > E2) [All India 2013] C2
C1 C1 C3
–q +q C4
100 V
E1 E2
Here C1, C2 and C3 are in series, hence their equilvalent
+q –q capacitance C' is given by
1 1 1 1
C' C1 C2 C3 [C1 = C2 = C3 = 15 F]
– + Redrawing the circuit as shown below
1 1 1 1
E1 E2
C' 15 15 15
+ – 15
q C' F
Potential difference, C' = 5 F
q q q q
E1 E 2 0 or E1 E 2 C'
C1 C2 C1 C2
1 1
q E1 E 2
C1 C2
100 V
C C2
q 1 E1 E 2
C1C2 Since, C' and C4 are in paralle,
C = C' + C4 = 5 + 15 = 20
(E1 E 2 ) C1C2
q (ii) Since, C' and C4 are in parallel potential difference
C1 C2 across both of them is 100 V.
q Charge across C4 is Q4 = C4 × V = C4 × 100C
C1 = 15 × 10–6 × 100
= 15 × 10–4 C
(E1 E 2 )C2
V1 Q4 = 1.5mC
C1 C2
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
I/2 K1
d d
C1' = KC ......(i) 1 1 1 1
C3 0 A 2K1 2K 2
For C2 d
K10 (A / 2) K 2 0 (A / 2)
d d 1 1 K 2 K1
C2 acts as if two capactiors each of area A/2 and C2 2C1 K1 K 2
separation d are connected in parallel combination.
2K1 K 2
AK K C2 = C1 K K
C2' 0 1 2 1 2
d 2 2
The capacitors will be in series.
K K2 0 A
C2' C 1 .......(ii) C d Q.31 Figure shows a sheet of aluminium foil of negligible
thickness place between the plates of a capacitor. How
According to the problem, will its capacitance be affected, if
(i) the foil is electrically insulated?
C1' C2'
(ii) the foil is connected to the upper plate with a
conducting wire? [Foreign 2011]
K1 K 2 K1 K 2
KC = C K=
2 2
Q.30 You are given an air filled parallel plate capacitor C1.
The space between its plates is now filled with slabs of
dielectric constant K1 and K2 as shown in figure. Find
the capacitance of the capacitor C2 if area of the plates
is A and distance between the plates is d. Sol. (i) The system will be equivalent to two identical
[Foreign 2011] capacitors connected in series combination in which
two plates of each capacitor have separation half of
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
the original separation. Thus, new capacitance of each (C1 – C2)2 = 25 × 10–10 – 4 × 4.5 × 10–10
capacitor = 7 × 10–10
C1C2 C 12
CS = C' = = = 4F
C1 C2 3 3
The energy stored in the combination of the capacitors, Now, C' and C are in parallel combiantion.
Cnet = C' + C
1 = 4F + 12F = 16F
ES = C V2
2 S Cnet = 16F
(ii) Being C' and C are in parallel, 500 V poential
1 C1C2
ES = 2 (C C ) (100) 0.45 J
difference is applied across them,
1 2 Charge on C'
q1 = C'V
1 C1C 2
(100)2 = 0.45 J = (4 F) × 500 = 2000 C
2 C1 C2 C1, C2 and C3 capacitors each will 2000 C charge.
C1C2 = 0.045 × 10–4 × 5 × 10–5 × 2 Charge on C4, q2 = C × V
= 4.5 × 10–19 = 12 × 500
(C1 – C1)2 = (C1 + C2)2 – 4C1C2 = 6000 C
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
6V q 48 C
V1 = 2.4V
C1 20 C
Determine the
Potential drop across 5 F capacitor
(i) equivalent capacitance of the network.
(ii) charge on each capacitor. [Delhi 2010C] q 48 C
Sol. In series combiantion, charge on each capacitor is the V2 = C 5 C 9.6 V
(i) All capacitors of 6 F are in series combination,
Energy in capacitors
then equivalent capacitance is given by
Two Marks Questions
1 1 1 1
Q.36 A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is charged
C' C1 C2 C3 to a potential V. It is then connected to another
uncharged capacitor having the same capacitance. Find
C 6 F
or C' = 2F out the ratio of the energy stored in the combined
n 3
system to that stored initially in the single capacitor.
C' and 2F capacitors are in parallel combination.
[All India 2014]
Equivalent capacitance
Sol. Let q be the charge on the charged capacitor.
Ceq = C' + 2F
= 2F + 2F
Ceq = 4 F Energy stored in it is given by U
(ii) Since, C' and 2F are in parallel combiantion,
therefore, same potential difference 6 V is applied on When another uncharged similar capacitor is
them. connected, then the net capacitance of the system is
Charge on C' givne by C’ = 2C
q' = C'V' = (2F) × 6 V = 12 C The charge on the system remains constant. So, the
The charge across the each capacitor of 6 F capacitor energy stored in the system is given by
is same and equal to charge across the combiantion i.e.
12 C q2 q2
Charge on 2F capacitor q = CV = (2 F) (6 V) 2C' 4C
= 12 C
[ C' 2C]
Q.35 The equivalent capacitance of the combination Thus, the required ratio is given by
between points A and B in the given figure is 4F.
U ' q 2 / 4C 1
U q 2 / 2C 2
20F C
(i) Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor C.
(ii) Calculate the charge on each capacitor if a 12 V Q.37 Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2
battery is connected across terminals A and B. such that C1 = 2C2 are connected across a battery of V
(iii) What will be the potential drop across each volt as shown in the figure. Initially, the key (k) is kept
capacitor? [Delhi 2009] closed to fully charge the capacitors. The key is now
Sol. According to the question,
thrown open and a dielectric slab of dielectric constant
Capacitors of 20 F and C are connected in series.
K is inserted in the two capacitors to completely fill the
(i) The equivlent capacitance
gap between the plates. Find the ratio of
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
V C2
C1 C2 Sol. (i) Given, C1 ...(i)
C2 3C
Sol. (i) Given, C1 = 2C2 ...(i) Hence, Cinitial C1 C2 C2 2 ...(ii)
2 2
Net capacitance before filling the gap with dielectric
slab is given by Net capacitance after filling the gap with dielectric K,
Q.38 Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2 3C2
such that C1 = C2/2 are connected across a battery of V ...(iv)
volts as shown in the figure. Initially, the key (k) is kept Energy stored in the combination after introduction of
dielectric slab.
closed to fully charge the capacitors. The key is now
thrown open and a dielectric slab of dielectric constant Q2
K is inserted in the two capacitors to completely fill the 3KC2
gap between the plates. Find the ratio of ...(v)
(i) the net capacitance and [Delhi 2014C] Ratio of energies stored
(ii) the energies stored in the combination dielectric U initial K
slab. [From Eqs. (iv) and (v)]
U final 1
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Q.39 Find the charge on the capacitor as shown in the circuit. This work done is stored as electrical potential U of the
6 F [Foreign 2014] capacitor,
UW .dq
C 2C
10 20
Q2 1 1
U .CV 2 QV [ Q = CV]
2V 2C 2 2
Q CV 6 10 6 2 / 3 4C
(i) Energy stored will be decreased or energy stored
Q.40 A parallel plat capacitor, each of plate area A and will become times the initial energy..
separation d between the two plats, is charged with
charges + Q and –Q on the two plates. Deduce the (ii) Electric field would decrease or
expression for the energy stored in capacitor. E
[Foreign 2013] E' =
Sol. The work done in charging the capacitor is stored as
its electrical portential energy. Hence considering a
Q.42 Net capacitance of three identical capacitors in series
capacitor of capacitance C, initially whose two plates
is 1F. What will be their net capacitance, if connected
are uncharged, let q and –q are charges on the two
in parallel?
plates at some Instance during charging, potantial
Find the ratio of energy stored in these two
diffrence at that instant is given by
configurations, if they are both connected to the same
q source. [All India 2011]
V ....(i)
C Sol. If n identical capacitors, each of capacitance C are
If a charge dq is transported in steps from negative connected in series combination give equivalent
charged plates till charges rises to + Q and – Q, then C
work done, capacitance, Cs = and when connected in parallel
dW = dq. V ...(ii)
combination, then equivalent capacitance, Cp = nC
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), wen get
Also, form same voltage, energy stored in the capacitor
q is given by
dW dq W dW
C 1
U= CV2 [for constant]
+Q 2
Cs = 1 F [ n = 3]
dq C
In series combination, Cs =
1 n
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Us 1 1
1 1 CV2 + CV2 = CV2
2 Us 1 Ui =
2 2
U p (3) 9 Up 9
Final energy of both capacitors
or Us : Up = 1 : 9
1 1 1 1 V
Uf = C'V2 + C'V'2 = (KC) V2 + (KC)
Three Marks Questions 2 2 2 2 K
Q.43 Two identical parallel plate capacitors A and B are
connected to a battery of V volts with the switch S is 1 1
closed. The switch is now opened and the free space = CV2 K
2 K
between the plates of the capacitors is filled with a
dielectric of dielectric constant K. Find the ratio of the
1 K2 1
total electrostatic energy stored in both capacitors = CV K
QA QB = 6 × 25 × 10–10 J = 15 × 10–9 J
i.e. V = With other capacitor 6 pF in series.
Initial charges on capacitors C1 C2 6 12
Total capacitance (C) = = pF
QA = QB = CV C1 C2 6 12
When the dielectric is introduced, the new capacitance
of either capacitor 12 6
= = 4pF
C' = KC 18
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
X Y 6F
+ –
15 V Sol. (i) As given in the question, energy of the 6 capacitor
is E. Let V be the potential difference along the capacitor
Sol. According to question, let the capacitance of X be C, of capacitance 6 F. From the mathematical formula,
so capacitance of Y = r C = 4C [ r = 4]
C 4C Since, CV2 = E
(i) Equivalent capacitance = 2
C 4C
(X and Y are in series) 1 E
× 6 × 10–6 × V2 = E V2 = × 106 .....(i)
2 3
4C 2 4C 4C Since, potential is same for parallel connection, the
= and it is given that = 4F
5C 5 5 potential thorugh 12F capacitor is also V. Hence,
So, 4C = 20F = capacitance of Y energy of 12F capacitor is
20 1
Capacitance of X = C = = 5F E12 = × 12 × 10–6 × V2 [From Eq. (i)]
4 2
(ii) Charge flowing through the capacitor is given by E
= × 12 × 10–6 × × 106 = 2E
4C 45 2 3
q = CV = × 15 = × 15 = 60C
5 5 (ii) Since, charge reamins constant in series, the charge
Now, let the potential difference between plates of on 6F and 12F capacitors combined will be equal to
capacitors X and Y are Vx and Vy, respectively. the charge on 3F capacitor. Using the formula, Q = CV,
we can write
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
(6 + 12) × 10–6 × V = 3 × 10–6 × V' Let us assume that initially both the plates are
V'=6V uncharged. Now, we have to repeatedly remove small
Using Eq. (i) and squaring both sides, we get positive charges from one plate and transfer them to
V'2 = 36V2 V'2 = 12E × 106 other plate.
Now, when an additional small charge (dq) is
E3 = × 3 × 10–6 × 12E × 106 = 18E transferred from one plate to another, the small work
done is given by
(iii) Total energy drawn from battery is
Etotal = E + E12 + E3 q'
dW V 'dq dq '
= E + 2E + 18E = 21E C
[let chare on plate, when dq charge is transferred is q']
Q.47 Find the ratio of the potential differences that must be The total work done in transferring chare Q is given by
applied across the parallel and series combination of
q' 1
two capacitors C1 and C2 with their capacitances in the W= dq ' q ' dq '
ratio 1 : 2, so that the energy stored in these two cases 0 C C 0
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Sol. Given, C = 200 pF = 200 × 10–12 F and V = 300 Volt Sol. On introduction of dielectric slab in an isolated charged
The energy (initially) stored by the capacitor is capacitor.
(i) The capactiance (C') becomes K times of original
1 1 capacitor as
Ui = CV2 = × 200 × 10–12 × 300 × 300
2 2
0 A K 0 A
= 9 × 10–6 J C= and C' =
d d
The charge on the capacitor when charge through 300
(ii) Charge remains conserved in this phenomenon.
V battery is
CV= C'V'
Q = CV
= 200 × 10–12 × 300 CV CV
V' = = [refer part (i)]
= 6 × 10–8C = 60 × 10–9C = 60nC C KC
When two capacitors are connected, they have their V
positive plates at the same potential and negative plates V' =
also at the same potnetial. Let V be the common
potnetial difference. By charge conservation, charge 1
Potential difference decreases and become times
would distribute but total charge would remain K
constant. of original value.
Thus, Q = q + q' (iii) Energy stored initially,
q q q2
C C 2C
q q' Energy stored later,
200 100
q = 2q' U' [ C' = KC]
Thus, Q = 2q' + q' = 3q'
where, K = dielectric constant of medium
Q 60nC
So, q' = = = 20 nC
3 3 1 q2 1
U' = U' = (U)
and q = 2q' = 40 nC K 2C K
Thus, final energy
q 2 q 2 U' = ×U
Uf = K
2C 2C '
The energy stored in the capacitor decreases and
1 (40 109 ) 2 1 (20 109 ) 2
= 1
2 200 1012 2 100 10 12 becomes
times of original energy..
E= O r O r
(iii) The capacitance of capacitor becomes K times of
original capacitor. Q.54 A parallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery. After
sometime, the battery is disconnected and a dielectric
K0 A
C' = KC = slab of dielectric constant K is inserted between the
plats. How would
Q.52 Find the ratio of the potential differences that must be (i) the electric field between the plates?
applied across the parallel and the series combination (ii) the energy stored in the capacitor be affected?
of two identical capacitors, so that the energy stored in Justify your answer. [All India 2009]
the two cases becomes the same. [Foreign 2010] Sol. (i) Attempt yourself.
Sol. Let V1 and V2 are the potnetial differences across the (ii) Attempt yourself.
series and parallel combiantion of two identical
Q.55 Three identical capacitors C1. C2 and C3 of capacitances
capacitors each of capacitance C,
6F each are connected to a 12 V battery as shown
Equivalent capacitance in series combiantion
Cs =
Equivalent capacitance in prallel combiantion
12V C3
Cp = 2C
According to the question C2
Us = P p
1 1 Find
Cs Vs2 Cp Vp2
2 2 (i) the charge on each capacitor
(ii) the equivalent capacitances of the network
Vs2 Cp 2C (iii) the energy stored in the network of capacitors.
[Delhi 2009C]
Vp2 Cs C
2 Sol. (i) The equivalent capacitance of C1 and C2 connected
in series
1 1 1
4 Vs 2 C' C1 C2
Vp2 Vp
Vs : Vp = 2 : 1 C' = = 3F
Charge, q' = C'V = (3F)12 = 36 C
Q.53 (i) Plot a graph comparing the variation of potential V
Charge on each capacitor of C1 and C2 is 36 C
and electric field E due to a point charge Q as a function Charge on C3,
of distance R from the point charge, q3 = C3V = (6 F) × 12 = 72 = C
(ii) Find the ratio of the potential differences that must q3 = 72 C
be applied across the parallel and the series combination (ii) Equivalent capacitance of network
of two capacitors, C1 and C2 with their capacitances in C1 C2
the ratio 1 : 2, so that the energy stored in the two cases Ceq = C C + C3
1 2
becomes the same. [Foreign 2010] 6 6
Sol. Attempt yourself. = +6
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
= 3 + 6 = 9 F
C1 C2
Ceq = 9 F For series combination, C
C1 C2
(iii) Energy stored in the network of capcitors
C = 5F
q '2 q '2 q2
U = U1 + U2 + U3 = Cx = C = 5F
2C1 2C2 2C3
Cy = 4C = 4 × 5F
C1 = C2 = C3 = 6 F = 20 F
(ii) Charge across the combiantion
U = (12 F) [q'2 + q'2 + q2] q = Ceq V
= (4 F) × 12
= 48 C
= [(36 C)2 + (36 C)2 + (72 C)2] Same charge, i.e. 48 C lies on each capacitor being
(12 F)
in series combination.
U = 648 J Same charge, i.e. 48 C lies on each capacitor being
in series combiantion.
Q.56 Two parallel plate capacitors plate X and Y have the Potential difference across Cx,
same area of the plates and same separation between
them. X has air between the plates while Y contains a q 48 C
V1 = C = 5 C = 9.6 V
dielectric medium of r = 4 x
Potential difference across Cy,
q 48 C
V2 = 2.4 V
C y 20 C
+ –
(iii) Energy stored in capacitance X,
12V q2
(i) Calculate the capacitance of each capacitor if Ux =
2C x
equivalent of the combination is 4F.
Energy stored in capacitor Y,
(ii) Calculate the potential difference between the plates
of X and Y. U = 2C
(iii) What is the ratio of electrostatic energy stored in X y
and Y? [Delhi 2009] [Since, in series, the charge will remain same]
Sol. A dielectric medium is inserted between the plates of a C y 20 F
Ux q 2 2C y
condenser in palce of air, its capacity becomes K times U = 2 = =4
y 2C x q Cx 5 F
of original one.
The capacitance of two capacitors are Ux : Uy = 4 : 1
C 4C 4C + –
4F =
C 4C 5 200V
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Sol. Given, total energy = 160 mJ When this charged capacitor is connected to uncharged
Let equivalent capacitance of the combiantion of capacitor,
capacitors is C.
C1, V1
According to the question,
CV2 = 160 × 10–3 J
C2, V2
× C × (200)2 = 160 × 10–3 Let the common potential be V, the charge flow from
Equivalent capacitance, C = 8 F first capacitor to the other capacitor unless both the
Equivalent of 7 and 3 is 10 and the 10, 10 and 15 are in capacitor attain the common potential.
series. Therefore, their equivalent capacitance Q1 = CV1 and Q2 = CV2
Applying conservation of charge.
1 1 1 1 33 2 8
= Q = Q1 + Q2
C' 10 10 15 30 30
CV = CV1 + CV2
C' = F ... (i) V
4 V = V1 + V2 V1 =
But, C' and Z are in parallel combiantion, therefore,
Total energy stored on both the capacitor.
equivalent capacitance
15 1 1
ZC [From Eq. (i)] U2 =
CV12 + CV22
15 1 V
1 V
+Z=8 U2 = C + C
4 2 2 2 2
15 32 15
Z=8– =
4 4 2CV 2 1
U2 = CV 2 ......(ii)
8 4
Z= F From Eqs, (i) and (ii), we get
U2 < U1
Z = 4.25 F
Five Marks Questions It means that energy stored in the combination is less
Q.58 (i) Derive the expression for the energy stored in parallel than that stored initially in the single capacitor.
plate capacitor. Hence, obtain the expression for the
energy density of the electric field. Q.59 (i) Deduce the expression for the energy stored in a
(ii) Afully charged parallel plate capacitor is connected charged capacitor.
across an uncharged identical capacitor. Show that the (ii) Show that the effective capacitances C of a series
energy stored in the combination is less than stored combination of three capacitors C1, C2 and C3 is given
initially in the single capacitor. [Delhi 2014] by
Sol. Attempt yourself.
(ii) Initial condition C1C2 C3
C . [All India 2010C]
If we consider a charge capacitor, then its charge would C1C2 C2 C3 C3 C1
be given, q = CV
Sol. (i)Attempt yourself.
q, C, V
q q q – – – – ––
V= C –
C1 C2 C3 + + + +++ +
V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
q C1 C 2 C 3 C C1 C 2 C 3 Energy stored in a capacitor :
Q and –Q are charges on the plates and produces a
V 1
[ where C is equivalent capacitance of
q C'
uniform electric field E = between the plates and a
combination] 0
1 C2 C3 C3C1 C1C2 q
or C C1C2C3 potential difference V = .......(i)
C1C 2C3
C +Q –Q
C1C 2 C2 C3 C3C1
Work done dW = dq. V .......(ii) Q.62 A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 'C' is charged
From equations (i) and (ii), we get to 'V' volt by a battery. After some time the battery is
disconnected and the distance between the plates is
dW = dq doubled. Now a slab of dielectric constant 1 < K < 2 is
introduced to fill the space between the plates. How
Total electrostatic potnetial energy stored can be given will the following be affected ?
as (i) The electric field between the plates of the capaci-
tor ?
q (ii) The energy stored in the capacitor
UW .dq
C 2C Justify your answer in each case.
[All India 2019]
Sol. (i) The electric field between the plates is
2C V
(b) Energy stored in a capacitro d
Q2 Q2 Q2
U' 2 2U
2C ' 2(1/ 2)C 2C
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Electric potential and Potential difference Q.8 Two tiny spheres carrying charges 1.5 C and 2.5 C
Q.1 A regular hexagon of side 10 cm has a charge 5 C at are located 30 cm apart. Find the potential at the
each of its vertices, then potential at the centre of the mid point of the line joining the two charges.
(1) 2.7 × 106 V (2) 2.7 × 108 V (1) 105 V (2) 2.4 × 105 V
(3) 2.7 × 1010 V (4) 2.7 × 1012 V (3) 4.4 × 106 V (4) 3 × 107 V
q 6 3q
(3) b , (4) None of the above
0 0 b2 10V 20V 40V 50V
Fig. (iii)
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
(1) The work done in fig. (i) is the greatest. Relation between electronic field & Potential differnce
(2) The work done in fig. (ii) is least Q.18 In a Van de Graaff type generator a spherical metal
(3) The work done is the same in fig. (i), fig (ii) and fig. shell is to be a 15 × 106 V electrode. The dielectric
(iii) strength of the gas surrounding the electrode is
(4) The work done in fig. (iii) is greater than fig. (ii) but 5 × 107 Vm–1 . What is the minimum radius of the
equal to that in fig. (i). spherical shell required? [NCERTEXERCISE]
(1) 9 m (2) 6 m
Q.13 Equipotential surfaces [NCERTEXEMPLAR] (3) 3 m (4) None above
(1) are closer in regions of large electric fields compared
Q.19 The electrostatic potential on the surface of a charged
to regions of lower electric fields
conducting sphere is 100V. Two statements are made in
(2) will be more crowded near sharp edges of a
this regard S1 at any point inside the sphere, electric
intensity is zero S2 at any point inside the sphere, the
(3) will be more crowded near regions of large charge
electrostatic potential is 100V. Which of the following
is a correct statement ? [NCERTEXEMPLAR]
(4) will always be equally spaced
(1) S1 is true but S2 is false
(2) Both S1 and S2 are false
Work done in an External field (3) S1 and S2 are true
Q.14 A charge of 8 mC is located at the origin. Calculate the (4) S1 is false but S2 is true
work done in taking a small charge of
–2 × 10 –9 C from a point p (0,0,3 cm) to a point Q.20 Consider a uniform electric field in the z –direction.
Q (0,4 cm, 0 ), via a point R ( 0,6 cm, 9 cm). The potential is constant [NCERTEXEMPLAR]
[NCERTEXERCISE] (1) in all space
(1) 1.8 J (2) 2.4 J (2) for any x for a given Z
(3) 1.2 J (4) 3.6 J (3) for any y for a given Z
(4) for the x–y plane for a given Z
Q.15 Two charges –q and +q are located at points
Q.21 The work done to move a charge along an equipotential
(0, 0, –a) and (0, 0, a ) respectively. What is the
electrostatic potential at the points (0, 0, z) and
(x, y, 0 ) ? [NCERTEXERCISE] (1) cannot be defined as – E.dl
2P P
(1) 4 (z 2 a 2 )
(2) 4 (z 2 a 2 )
(2) must be defined as – E.dl
(3) is zero
(3) (4) None of these (4) can have a non –zero value.
(z 2 a 2 )
Q.22 In a region of constant potential [NCERT EXEMPLAR]
Q.16 Two charges –q and +q are located at points (1) the electric field is uniform
(0, 0, –a) and (0, 0, a ) respectively. Obtain the (2) the electric field is zero
dependence of potential on the distance r of a point (3) There can be no charge inside the region
from the origin when r/a>> 1. [NCERTEXERCISE] (4) the electric field shall necessarily change if a charge
(1) 1/r (2) 1/r2 is placed outside the region
(3) 1/r (4) None of these
Potential energy in an External Field
Q.17 Two charges –q and +q are located at points Q.23 In a hydrogen atom, the electron and proton are bound
(0, 0, –a) and (0, 0, a ) respectively. How much work is at a distance of about 0.53 Å. Estimate the potential
energy of the system in eV, taking the zero of the
done in moving a small test charge from the point (5,0,0)
potential energy at infinite separation of the electron
to (–7,0,0) along the x-axis? Does the answer change if
from proton. [NCERTEXERCISE]
the path of the test charge between the same points is
(1) 13.6 eV
not along the x-axis ? [NCERTEXERCISE]
(2) – 54.4 eV
(1) zero (2) 5 J
(3) – 27.2 eV
(3) 0.6 J (4) 15 J
(4) None of the above
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Q.24 In a hydrogen atom, the electron and proton are bound Q.31 A parallel plate capacitor is to be designed with a
at a distance of about 0.53 Å.What is the minimum voltage rating 1kV, using a material of dielectric
work required to free the electron, given that its kinetic
energy in the orbit is half the magnitude of potential constant 3 and dielectric strength about 107 Vm–1
energy obtained in (a)? [NCERTEXERCISE] (Dielectric strength is maximum electric field a material
(1) 13.6 eV (2) 27.2 eV can tolerate without breakdown, i.e., without starting
(3) 54.4 eV (4) None of the above to conduct electricity through partial ionisation). For
Q.25 If one of the two electrons of a H2 molecule is removed, safety, we should like the field never to exceed, say
we get hydrogen molecular ion ( H 2 ) . In the ground 10% of the dielectric strength. What minimum area of
the plates is required to have capacitance of 50 pF.
state of a ( H 2 ) , the two protons are separated by
roughly 1.5 Å, and the electron is roughly 1Å from 2
each proton. Determine the potential energy of the (1) 19 cm (2) 38 cm2
system. Specify your choice of the zero of potential (3) 9 cm (4) None of the above
(1) 13.2 eV (2) 19.2 eV
Q.32 A parallel plate capacitor is connected to a battery as
(3) –13.2 eV (4) –19.2 eV
shown in figure. Consider two situations.
Q.26 A positively charged particle is released from rest in an
uniform electric field. The electric potential energy of K
the charge [NCERTEXAMPLAR]
(1) remains a constant because the electric field is
(2) increases because the charge moves along the C
electric field
(3) decreases because the charge moves along the E
electric field
(4) decreases because the charge moves opposite to
the electric field. A. key K is kept closed and plates of capacitors are
moved apart using insulating handle
Electronic of conduction
Q.27 If a conductor has a potential V 0 and there are no B. key K is opened and plates of capacitors are moved
charges anywhere else outside, then apart using insulating handle. Choose the correct
(1) there must be charges on the surface or inside itself
(2) there cannot be any charge in the body of the
conductor (1) In A Q remains same but C changes
(3) there must be charges only on the surface (2) In B V remains same but C changes
(4) there must be charges inside the surface (3) In A V remains same and hence Q changes
Parallel plate capacitor (4) In B Q remains same and hence V changes
Q.28 In a parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates,
each plate has an area of 6 ×10–3 m2 and the distance Effect of Dielectoric on capacitance
between the plates is 3 mm. Capacitance of the
Q.33 A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates
capacitor and if capacitor is connected to a 100 V
supply, The charge on each plate of the capacitor is has a capacitance of 8 pF(1pF= 10–12 F). What will be
near to : [NCERTEXERCISE] the capacitance if the distance between the plates is
(1) 9 pF, 0.9 × 10–9C (2) 18 pF, 1.8 × 10–9C reduced by half , and the space between then is filled
(3) 27 pF, 2.7 × 10–9 C (4) None of the above
with a substance to dielectric constant 6 ?
Q.29 The area of the plates of a 2 F parallel plate capacitor, [NCERTEXERCISE]
given that the separation between the plates is (1) 16 pF (2) 32 pF
0.5 cm? [NCERTEXERCISE] (3) 96 pF (4) 8 pF
(1) 750 km2 (2) 2260 km2
(3) 1130 km2 (4) None of the above
Q.30 If the force on each plate of a parallel plate capacitor Q.34 Three capacitors of capacitances 9 pF are connected
has a magnitude equal to QE, where Q is the charge on
the capacitor ,and E is the magnitude of electric field in series. What is the total capacitance of the
between the plates. Find the value of n. combination ? [NCERTEXERCISE]
[NCERTEXERCISE] (1) 3 pF (2) 27 pF
(1) 3/2 (2) 1/2 (3) 12 pF (4) None of the above
(3) 5/2 (4) 1
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Q.35 Three capacitors of capacitances 9 pF are connected Q.40 A parallel plate capacitor is made of two dielectric blocks
in series. Determine the potential difference on each in series. One of the blocks has thickness d 1 and
dielectric constant K1 and the other has thickness d2
capacitor of the combination is connected to a 120 V
and dielectric constant K2 as shown in figure. This
supply? [NCERTEXERCISE] arrangement can be thought as a dielectric slab of
(1) 120 V (2) 90 V thickness d(= d1 + d2) and effective dielectric constant
(3) 40 V (4) None of the above k. the value of k is- [NCERTEXEMPLAR]
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Q.44 The plates of a parallel plate capacitor have an area of Q.47 A spherical capacitor has an inner sphere of radius
90 cm2 each and are separated by 2.5 mm. The capacitor 12cm and an sphere of radius 13 cm. The outer sphere
is charged by connecting it to a 400 V supply. is earthed and the inner sphere is given a charge of
Electrostatic energy stored by the capacitor and the 2.5 C. The space between the concentric spheres is
energy per unit volume will be filled with a liquid of dielectric constant 32. The
[NCERTEXERCISE] capacitance of the capacitor and the potential of the
–6 –3
(1) 2.55 × 10 J, 0.113 Jm inner sphere will be [NCERTEXERCISE]
(2) 10–6 J, 0.113 Jm–3 -9
(1) 5.5 × 10 F, 10 V–2
– – ––
+ + +
–– ––
–– r2 ––– r
+ + +
Charge Q
4 0 40
(1) r r (r r ) (2) (r r )
12 1 2 1 2
4 0 r1r2
(3) (r r ) (4) None of the above
1 2
Q.1 (1) Q.2 (1) Q.3(2) Q.4 (3) Q.5 (1) Q.6 (2) Q.7 (2) Q.8 (2) Q.9 (1) Q.10 (3)
Q.11 (1) Q.12 (3) Q.13 (1,2,3) Q.14 (3) Q.15 (2) Q.16 (2) Q.17 (1) Q.18 (3) Q.19 (3) Q.20 (2,3,4)
Q.21 (2, 3) Q.22 (2, 3) Q.23 (3) Q.24 (1) Q.25 (4) Q.26 (4) Q.27 (3) Q.28 (2) Q.29 (3) Q.30 (2)
Q.31 (1) Q.32 (3, 4) Q.33 (3) Q.34 (1) Q.35 (3) Q.36 (2) Q.37 (2) Q.38 (3) Q.39 (4) Q.40 (3)
Q.41 (1, 4) Q.42 (2) Q.43 (1) Q.44 (1) Q.45 (2) Q.46 (3) Q.47 (2) Q.48 (2)
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
1. Electrostatic Potential Now, we have to find the electric field at point P, where
OP = 18 cm = 0.18 m
and Capacitance Using the formula of electric field
Q.1 (1) : ABCDEF is a regular hexagon of side 10 cm each.
At each corner the charge q = 5µC is placed. O is the 1 q 9 109 1.6 107
E 4.4 104 N / C
centre of the hexagon. 4 0 OP 2
0.18 0.18
q q Q.7 (2) : Let there is a cube of side b and its centre is O.
The charge q is placed at each of the corners. Side of
O the cube = b
F C q q
q q
q q q
A 10 cm B q
The total potential due to 6 charges at the vertices will
be : q q
6 106 5
VO 9 109
10 102 q
VO = 2.7 × 10 V Length of the main diagonal of the cube
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Distance OQ = rQ = 4 cm = 0.04m The formula for the potential due to an electric dipole
W = qV WPQ = qP(VQ–Vp) at any arbitrary point is
1 q 1 q 1 p cos
2 109 O O V 2
4 0 OQ 40 OP
4 0 r a 2 cos 2
9 109 8 10 3 9 109 8 10 3 As according to question, if r > > a, neglect a2 as
Wpq 2 109
0.04 0.03
p cos
compared to r2, then electric potential V
1 1 4 0 .r 2
= – 2 × 10-9 × 9 × 109 × 8 × 10-3
0.04 0.03
or V
0.01 18 8 10 0.01
18 8 103 1.2J
0.0012 0.0012
Q.17 (1): Here two charges placed at Z-axis at position (0, 0,
Thus the work done in bringing the charge of – a) and (0, 0,a) They form a dipole of length 2a.
–2 ×10-9C from P to Q is 1.2J
+q · B (0, 0, a)
(0, 0, z)C· –q A
X (0, 0, –a)
· D (x, y, 0) O
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Q.20 (2,3,4) : Q.24 (1) : Charge on electron, qe = – 1.6 × 10-19C and charge
on proton, qp = 1.6× 10-19 C
E 1
The kinetic energy (P.E.) [As Given]
V–V 2
V 1
l Kinetic energy 27.16 13.58 eV
Total energy = KE + PE
= 13.58 – 27.16
Equipotentials = – 13.58 eV – 13.6 eV
Thus, work done required to free the electron is
Here, the figure electric field is always remain in the 13.6 eV
direction in which othe potential decreases steepest.
Its magnitude is given by the change in the magnitude Q.25 (4):There are two protons P1 and P2 with an electron e.
of potential per unit displacement normal to the e
equipotential surface at the point.
the electric field in z–direction suggest that 1Å 1Å
equipotential surfaces are in x–y plane. Therefore the r2 r3
potential is a constant for any xfor a given z, for any y r1
for a given z and on the x–y plane for a given z. P1 1.5 Å P2
Q.21 (2, 3) : Work done in displacing a charge particle is Distance between two protons r1 = 1.5 Å = 1.5 × 10-10 m
given by W12 = q(V2–V1) and the line integral of electrical The total potential energy of the system.
field from point 1 to 2 gives potential difference 1 q P1 q P2 q P1 q e q P2 q e
V2–V1= – E.dl for equipotential surface, V2–V1 = 0 4 0 r1 r2 r3
and W = 0. U = 9 × 109
9 109 1.6 1019 1.6 1019 Q.26 (4) : The positively charged particle experiences
0.53 1010 electrostatic force along the direction electric field i.e.,
= – 43.47 × 10-19J ( 1eV = 1.6 × 10-19J) form high electrostatic potential to low electrostatic
potential. Thus, the work is done by the electric field
43.47 1019
=–27.2 eV on the postive charge, hence electrostatic potential
1.6 1019 energy of the positive charge decreases.
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Q.27 (3) : The charge resides on the outer surface of a closed Q.31 (1) : Given :
charged conductor Voltage V = 1 kV = 1000 V
Dielectric constant K = 3 and
Q.28 (2) : Given : Area of plates (A) = 6 × 10-3 m2 Dielectric strength = 107 V/m
Distance between plates (d) = 3 mm = 3 × 10-3m and Here the electric field should be 10% of the dielectric
potential = 100 V strength due to safety reasons.
Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor E = 10% of dielectric strength
0 A 8.854 1012 6 103 107 106 V / m
C 100
d 3 103
V V 1000
C = 1.77 × 10-11 F Electric field E d 10 3 m
d E 10 6
When the capacitor is connected to a 100 V supply, Capacitance
charge on each plate of the capacitor
q = CV = 1.77 × 10-11 × 100 K 0 A Cd 50 1012 10 3
q = 1.77 × 10-9C d K 0 8.854 10 12 3
A = 1.9 × 10-3 m2
Q.29 (3) : Given capacitance C = 2 F and separation between
plates d = 0.5 cm = 0.5 × 10-2m
Q.32 (3, 4) : Case A When key K is kept closed and plates of
0A capacitors are moved apart using insulating handle,
Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor C
d the separation between two plates increases which in
C1 C1 C1 C1
0 A n
C 6 2
or C = 12 × 8 × 10-12 [From Eq. (i)] n
or C = 96 × 10-12 F = 96 pF C1 C1 C1 C1 m rows
K K d d 2.55 10 6 J
K 1 2 1 2 (ii) Volume of the capacitor
K1d 2 K 2d1
= A × d = 90 × 10-4 × 2.5 × 10-3 = 2.25 × 10–5 m3
Energy stored per unit volume = Energy/ Volume
Q.41 (1, 4) : The charge stored by capacitor C 1 gets
2.55 10 6
redistributed between C1 and C2 till their potentials 0.113J / m3
become same i.e., V2 = V1. By law of conservation of 2.25 105
charge, the charge stored in capacitor C1 equal to sum
of charges on capacitors C1 and C2 when K1 is opened Q.45 (2) : Given, C1 = 4µF, C2 = 2µF,
and K2 is closed i.e., V1 = 200 V and V2 = 0
1 C1C 2 V1 V2
Q'1 + Q'2 = Q 2
Loss in energy
Q.42 (2) : Given, voltage connected across the capacitor
2 C1 C2
V = 50 V and Capacitance of the capacitor
1 4 2 10 200 0
12 2
C = 12 pF , V = 50 Volt
Energy stored in the capacitor 2 4 2 106
1 1 8
E CV 2 12 1012 50 50 1.5 10 8 J 102
2 2 3
Loss in energy = 2.67 × 10-2 J
Q.43 (1) : Given, This loss in energy is equal to the energy dissipated
C1 = 600 pF , V1 = 200 Volt in the form of heat and electromagnetic radiation.
C2 = 600 pF, V2 = 0
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Q.46 (3) : The potential difference between two spheres Q.48 (2) : Given :
V = V2 – V1 Length of the capacitor l = 15 cm
Radius of inner cylinder a = 1.4 cm
1 Q 1 Q Q 1 1
V Radius of outer cylinder b = 1.5 cm
4 0 r2 4 0 r1 4 0 r2 r1 Charge q = 3.5 µC = 3.5 × 10-6C
The capacitance of the cylindrical capacitor
Q r1 r2
V 2 0 l
4 0 r1r2 C
Capacitance of the spherical capacitor log e
Q Q4 0 r1r2 4 0 r1r2
V Q r1 r2 r1 r2
= 15 cm
Q.47 (2) : a
2 3.14 8.85 1012 15 102
1.5 102
1.4 102
q 2.5 106
V 4.5 102 V
C 5.5 10 9