Project: Genetic Disorder Research
Project: Genetic Disorder Research
Project: Genetic Disorder Research
Scenario: Pretend that 15 years from now you and your spouse decide to have a child. You decide to have
prenatal genetic testing done and discover that your child may be born with a genetic disorder. What does this
mean for you, your family, and your future child?
Overview: In this project, you will assume the position of an expecting parent who may have a child with a
genetic disease. You will research your disorder and create a visual presentation that includes all of the
information needed to prepare for the child’s birth. Because there is so much information you will find and
need to present, you will organize your research into four parts, based on the type of information gathered.
Details on the four components are listed below.
Include: Include:
• Symptoms • How was this inherited?
• Treatment options • Is this a dominant or recessive disorder? Gene or
o Surgery? Medicine? chromosome mutation? Sex-linked or autosomal?
• Statistics • What genotypes would the parents have to be to
o How many people get this? have a child with this disorder? (Include all
o How common is it? possibilities, if applicable)
o Who is most likely to get it? • What is the possibility that this is passed on?
• Curable? • Show probability of being passed on in a Punnett
• Research being done on this disorder Square (if applicable)
• Available technologies or products to assist in • Create a potential pedigree for your future family
living with this disorder that shows the disorder being passed down
through 3 generations.
Part 3: Parent’s Report Part 4: Community Resources
This section should be written from YOUR perspective This section should include detailed descriptions of
as an “expecting parent.” It should include all services provided by community resources locally,
research about personal considerations when having nationally, or online (if not physically nearby.)
a child with a genetic disorder.
Include: • Local treatment centers
• Changes to daily routine • Local support groups
• Accommodations that must be made • National foundations that provide grants or other
• Estimated medical costs support
• Emotional impact on you, your spouse, your child • Special schools or programs the child would need
and the rest of your “family” to attend
• If you will need to move somewhere to be near • Local businesses that provide financial support
treatment and support groups • Online support if nothing is available locally
• Will your child be treated differently? How will • Contact information for all organizations
this affect them?
Heredity Unit O It’s Not Rocket Science 2016 39
Additional Requirements:
References: You must have at least five references, of which one is a source other than a website (remember
you can find medical journals online: these count as “non-website” sources.) All sources must be cited using
MLA or APA format. Use the Internet (with reputable sources), but also be creative! Use magazines, books,
and interviews with doctors or parents of children with your disorder. is a great resource to
use to assemble your citations page!
• Scrapbook
• Diary
• Blog
• Comic book
• Power Point
• Prezi
• Be creative! Other ideas? Run them by me! I love to see new presentation formats and for you to be
able to express yourself in whichever way you please!
How this will be graded: This project counts as a 100-point test grade. See rubric for point breakdown.
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