Sable Booth - Sexual Health Journal
Sable Booth - Sexual Health Journal
Sable Booth - Sexual Health Journal
You are a sexual being from the moment you’re born until the 2
moment you die. Purpose of our Sexual Health Journal:
Do you Believe me? This is the place to explore your learning
Read On... through note taking, making connections,
Sexuality through the lifespan asking questions (and finding answers), and
I bet you thought this was a radical knowing resources.
statement! Why? Because when we hear the
word “sex” most people think of It’s a CREATIVE Space….Design your slides
know. We don’t think of sexual health as the in a way that makes sense to you, using
physical, cognitive ,and social-emotional charts, diagrams, images, data or simply
aspects of being human. written expression. It’s wide open (school
appropriate, of course).
Journal Format: 3
You need a set of journal entries for each of the (3)
Important details... presentations. A set includes a MINIMUM of one slide for
Confidentiality each:
I am the only person reading this 1. Note taking from presentation (key learning)
journal. You will not be asked to
2. Curiosity Questions and Answers (answers may come
share with the class. Also know I
am a mandated reporter. This means from presenter, research or class discussions)
if you write something that indicates 3. Most Valuable Resources and how you will use them
you are harming yourself, others, or
4. “What I Think and Feel “ Journal Response
someone is harming you, we will need
to talk about this and connect you
to resources. You can add any combination of entries beyond the
minimum. You decide how you want to design each page. Use
Tech Tip: To duplicate any slide format go to EDIT the Google slide template to help structure your space.
and DUPLICATE slide
Day 1: Gender/Biological Sex/Sexual Orientation
• Gender/Biological Sex/Sexual Orientation
• External genitals show only two genders, male or female- sex assigned
at birth
• Gender identity is how a person sees themself and identifies
• Cisgender is when a persons sex assigned at birth matched the gender
they identify with
• Gender queer, fluid, or non-binary don’t identify with either gender
• Biological sex= sex assigned at birth, genitals, how other people see you
• gender= how someone sees themselves, how you identify, how you feel
• Biological sex is more than just genitals, also includes hormones
Notes Continued...
• Everyone produces both hormones, but some people just produce more of
one than others- more testosterone is male, more estrogen is female
• XY= male
• XX= female
• Biological sex= hormones, chromosomes, physical anatomy
• Uterus is the strongest muscles in the human body
• Fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina, and ovaries are part of the
women’s reproductive system
• Cervix opens up to push out a child
• Sperm is stored in testicles
Gender Identity and Sex Sex and gender Identity
Assigned at Birth- Video This resource explained that
I thought this resource was there is more to being male
very helpful in explaining the or female than the sex
difference between gender assigned at birth. The people
identity and sex assigned at see and feel about themselves
birth. I think some people get is a big contributing factor
confused with the two so it is and is the other part of
important to be informed someone’s identity story.
about it.
• Condoms protect against STIs
• Some STIs can be cured and some can’t be
• Birth control does not protect against STI
• STIs are transferred from an infected person to another person
• Mothers can pass STIs to their newborns
• It's important to get tested if you are sexually active
• Sperm and egg are needed for pregnancy
• Adoption is a process that can be used for queer couples to have
• Artificial insemination is when donated sperm is inserted into
someone’s vagina or uterus
Notes Continued...
• Foster parents is also a way that queer parents can raise children
• Suragacy is another way for a queer couple or any couple that is
unable to get pregnant
• It is more common to get pregnant when the girl is ovulating
• Birth control is used for more than just preventing pregnancy
• Barrier birth control methods block the entrance of the uterus
• Hormonal birth control suppress ovulation so that there is no egg in
the fallopian tube
• Plan be is used up to 5 days after to prevent the pregnancy
• The amount of times Plan b is used does not have future effects, but
it should not be the first plan for protection
Curiosity Questions
• What does spermicide do? And is it bad for you?
-Spermicide kills sperm and block the cervix, it is not bad for
you but it is possible that it will cause irritation.
• If an IUD moves from its original place does it stop working?
-If you think your IUD moved you should see a doctor to have
them check it out and possibly put it back in place because it
is possible for it to be less effective.
• Can birth control be “cancelled out” from something else?
-Some medications can interfere with the birth control pill.
Fact Sheet on LGBTI, Birth Control Teens Health
Intersex, and More This resource showed all This resource could be
This resource is super the birth control methods especially useful for young
informative about vocab side by side and gave the teens who don’t feel
effective rate, cost, usage, comfortable asking
such as LGBTI,
and more for each option. questions about their body.
transgender, intersex, This resource had answers
sexual orientation, This is a really useful
to a lot of common
resource for someone
gender identity, questions in young teens
deciding what type of
homophobia, biphobia about what is normal and
birth control they want what isn’t, or even if there
and transphobia. to use. is no “normal”.
• When you find out you are pregnant you have three options;
adoption, abortion, or keeping the baby and being parents
• Both partners should talk about their choice if they were to get
pregnant, if you don’t agree then keep that in mind and maybe don’t
take the risk
• In California at the age of 12 you can get an abortion without your
parents knowing
• healthy= emotional, physical, and mental well being
• relationship= having a close connection with another person
Notes Continued...
• Healthy relationship= when the both partners are treated equally,
both sides are seen in an argument, both partners are emotionally
stable, and both partners communicate well with each other
• Manipulation, betrayal, isolation, sabotage, belittling, guilting, are
all signs of unhealthy relationships
• A healthy relationship does not mean a perfect relationship
• Trust, honesty, independence, respect, equality, kindness,
responsibility, healthy conflict, fun, are all signs of healthy
• Communicate with your partner about being tested for STIs
Curiosity Questions
• If you told someone you didn’t want to do anything sexual at the
moment and then they begged you to and you gave in to make them
happy is that considered consensual or not? And if it isn’t is that
sexual assault?
-It would be considered not fully consensual, I’m not sure
about the sexual assault part though.
• How can you say no when it is hard for you to verbally say it to your
-I didn’t find a good answer, just that if it seems to be a
recurring problem it might not be the healthiest relationship.
Tea and Consent Sexual Health Rights The Abortion Pill
I have seen this video a by State This resousrce states
couple times through This resource gives a lot of that there are two types
other classes at the information about sexual of abortion; the abortion
school too and it is my health topic in your state. pill, and in clinic abortion.
favorite. I love the way it In California people can’t The abortion pill can be
explains consent in a legally consent to sex under taken during the first 11
simple way and using a the age of 18. This law is weeks of pregnancy. The
simile. It is the best video to help “protect minors abortion pill can up to 24
to show teens in my from being manipulated or hours to be completley
forced into sex with older
opinion. finished.
1 in 6
The fraction of American women who have survived an attempted or
completed rape in their lifetimes.
The percentage of perpetrators of sexual violence that will walk free.
The average number of victims of rape and sexual assault per year in
the U.S.
Vagianos, Alanna. “30 Alarming Statistics That Show The Reality Of Sexual Violence In America.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 6 Apr. 2017,