Question Bank 1st Unit
Question Bank 1st Unit
Question Bank 1st Unit
1. Define automation?
2. List out the types of automation?
3. Mention the benefits of industrial automation systems?
4. Define Robot?
5. What is meant by Robotics?
6. What are the rules of Robotics?
7. Why are robots used?
8. What is meant by Robot anatomy?
9. List out the types of joint notation?
10. Mention the classification of robots?
11. Define accuracy?
12. What is meant by resolution (precision)?
13. What is repeatability of robot?
14. List out the types of path control?
15. List out the robot major components?
16. What is an end effector? Give examples?
17. What is meant by work space and work volume?
18. What is meant by pay load capacity of robot?
19. What are the types of wrist motions?
20. What is meant by palletizing and depalletizing?
21. What are the factors to be considered while selecting the robot?
22. What are the disadvantages of robots?
23. Define payback period?
24. What are the different methods of cost analysis?
25. What are the general characteristics that make potential robot application technically practical and
economically feasible?
26. What is Gantry Robot?
27. Define EUAC method?
29. Name the basic components of robot.
30. Define degrees of freedom.
31. Where is the end effector connected to the manipulator?
32. Which type of robot is commonly used for pick and place operation?
33. Define work envelope.
34. How many degrees of freedom does a wrist have? What is the purpose of these degrees of
35. How many degrees of freedom are normally provided in the arm of a manipulator?
36. Explain the term Repeatability
Long Answers:
1. Describe the function of the four basic components of robot.
2. What is the function of a manipulator? Discuss the working of a robotic manipulator arm with a
3. What are the types of robot arms? Explain each of them with applications and neat sketches.
4. Discuss in detail the architecture of robot system.
5. What do you understand by degree of freedom (DOF)? How many DOFs are required to
position an end effector at any point in 3-D space?
6. What is the work envelope of a robot sketch and explain two views to indicate the work envelope
of a cylindrical robot.
7. Explain through schematic line sketches construction of any two types of wrists or grippers
8. State various ROBOT arm configuration and draw their kinematics representation through line
9. Write a note on any of the below stated robot application
1) Spray painting
2) Welding
3) Die Casting
10. Discuss material handling application of robot
11. Explain application of robot in robot continues arc welding
12. Explain use of robot in assembly operation
13. Distinguish between robot accuracy and repeatability
14. Explain wrist of robot
15. What are the various types of robot configuration? Explain with neat sketch.
16. What is the importance of Automation in industry? Explain
17. Explain the difference between point to point and continuous path robotics system and state their
application area.
18. Describe the various considerations taken into account for material handling.
19. Explain with neat sketch the application of robot in die casting
20. Explain the importance of Robot in Spot Welding
21. Describe the Spray coating operation with robot system
22. Explain different types of joints in robotics
23. Explain the loading and unloading operation using robot
24. What are major components of a robotics system? Explain their functions
25. Explain the various type of robot control
26. What is the importance of accuracy in robotics? Explain precision of moment
27. What are types of robot motion? Explain in details
28. Describe Hard automation ,Flexible automation using robot