Power Point Presentation On Robotics and Applications
Power Point Presentation On Robotics and Applications
Power Point Presentation On Robotics and Applications
By E . Deepika Druv
Definition of Robot:
Ø Programmability
ØMechanical capability
Zeroth Law:
A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come
to harm.
First Law:
A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being
to come to harm, unless this would violate the Zeroth Law of Robotics.
Second Law:
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders
Would conflict with the Zeroth or First Law.
Third Law:
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict
with the Zeroth, First, or Second Law.
These laws are revised depending on the applications such as for military purpose
Robot Hardware:
§Robot power generation
Active Sensor:
Radar Sensor
Sonar Sensor
Laser Sensor
vPassive Sensors:
Passive sensors
like cameras
,capture signals
from the external
source in the
Degree of Freedom:
vEffectors or actuators
Robot Power Generation:
The three important things the power generation
circuit of robot should do are:
1. Regulate at set voltage
2. Supply a minimum required amount of power
3. Allow for additional features based on application.
Robot Software:
•A simple test program written in C for an RCX with a motor connected to output port
number one could look like this:
• void main () // main program
• {
• motor(1,100); // turn motor # 1 on at 100% force
• sleep(2.0); // let the motor run for 2 seconds
• ao(); // all off: turn off all equipment
• }
•Thus, motor number one will go at full speed for two seconds before being turned off
along with everything else on the RCX.
Working of Robot:
qService Robots:
Military Robots: Telerobot
qBEAM Robot:
qHumanoid Robot: qMicrobot
Made in Japan: Palro
Made in Korea: HSR Series Made in Korea: HSR Series (2)
Made in Korea: HSR Series (3) Made in Korea: Hubo
Made in Korea: Albert Hubo