Tharshigan Logeswaran, Krishnarajah Bhargavan, Ginthozan Varnakulasingam, Ganasampanthan Tizekesan, Dhammika de Silva
Tharshigan Logeswaran, Krishnarajah Bhargavan, Ginthozan Varnakulasingam, Ganasampanthan Tizekesan, Dhammika de Silva
Tharshigan Logeswaran, Krishnarajah Bhargavan, Ginthozan Varnakulasingam, Ganasampanthan Tizekesan, Dhammika de Silva
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Blind Assistant
Tharshigan Logeswaran Krishnarajah Bhargavan
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
Department of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
Malabe, Sri Lanka Malabe, Sri Lanka
Dhammika De Silva
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT)
Faculty of Computing
Metro, Sri Lanka
The project is about to provide a blind assistant Sound is other important sense which will related
mobile application build up with the combination of with process of identification and interpretation of sound
image processing and sound recognition technologies. around environment. Ears are main organs in hearing. Ears
Even though there is lot of blind assistant products in have the ability of sensing sound waves. Identification and
market, they have failed to reach visually impaired interpretation of sound waves happen with the aid of brain
community. So, we have done series of literature primarily in temporal lobe.
reviews on already existing products to identify obstacle
in build up a successful blind assistant product. Those Sound and sight are interlinked with each other. One
analyses helped us to install the blind assistant product. will ensure the reality of other one in case of blindly
Machine learning, Image processing, Sound recognition situations. Five senses are very much important perceiving
technologies assisted in the implementation of the the world reality. Out of them sound and sight take much
product. part.
This product will help the blind people to identify Our world revolves around the preciseness of the five
roads, road signs, vehicle and other road side objects senses. Loss of any one of the senses will create chaos in
and guide the blind through voice output. The project one’s life. Out of five senses vision is far most important in
focuses on challenges face by blind in road side scenario survival as we deal with large scale of visual sensory
and provides solution to overcome those challenges. The information on daily basis. Visual impairment is a
product is a mobile application which could be handled decreased ability to sense the light to a degree. Globally,
by blind easily. around 1.3 billion individuals are estimated to be living
with some type of vision loss. 36 million of them are blind
Keywords:- Machine Learning; Image Processing, Sound [1]. Vision loss will create major impact of people’s daily
Recognition, Vision Impairement. activities. They need to depend on others for their survival.
There are lot of blind people who did great achievements
by overcoming these struggles, but they are less in number
when compare with millions of blind communities. So, it is
our responsibility to assist blind people in whichever way
we could. Evolution of braille letter, blind sticks, sensor
technology, and medical science provide a lot of assistance
to blind in perceiving the visual world.
In past years, several types of research have been Umer ,Kumar, and A. Shubham Melvin Felix.
taken on removing obstacle of visually impaired people. Veeramuthu has been researching a solution implemented
Throughout, the time computer technology influenced in via Android's mobile app that focuses on voice assistant,
research for assisting blind people. Image processing image recognition, currency recognition, e-book, chat bot,
technology has been playing much role in object detection etc The app can help in recognizing objects in the
in such researches. Many research projects and technology environment by using a voice command, perform text
proposals are continuously appearing in order to detect assessment to acknowledge the text in the hard copy
objects accurately. document It will be an effective way for blind individuals
to communicate with the environment using technology as
Project researched by Gude, M.Osterby, S.Soltveit well as using the technology's equipment [5].
concentrated on individuals with blind and visual
impairments and created a concept to help them navigate Md.Siddiqur Rahman Tanveer, M.M.A.Hashem and
indoors and outdoors and identify items in an environment. Md.Kowsar Hossain have proposed a project which could
This project used as a virtual eye (VE) streaming video help the blind person by tracking his movement and
device used to browse the workplace. Computer technology helping to rescue him if he is lost. Blind person is
interprets the video stream to recognize the object and to navigated with spectacle mounted android application.
calculate its distance. This can be done by tagging Latitude and longitude collected using GPS sends to server.
"Semacodes" items. Decoded data is sent to a device that Another application could track the movement by getting
can generate braille that must be held by the individual. response from server. In the system Obstacles are informed
by using voice output to guide the blind. Ultra-sonic range
Vincent Gaudissart, Silvio Ferreira, Céline Thillou, sonic sensor sends signals from its transmitter and receives
Bernard Gosselin have researched to provide textual back the signal after it collides with an obstacle. Distance
information to blind or visually impaired people as voice can be calculated using the signal travelling time.
output .An embedded device is used to read textual
information in day to day activities such as banknotes, The image taken from the camera may not be a clear
schedule of train books, postal letter .Here the image taken image. It may be a distorted, blurry, noisy image, dark or in
by the embedded camera is sent to image processing any form that cannot be used for identification of obstacle.
module and text to speech module and then synthesis the Using unclear image may cause wrong assistive to blind.
information to user [8]. So, this system has better pre -processing mechanism to
enhance the quality of image and obstacles should be
In most of the existing projects augmented reality and identified based on ML model. Therefore, effective and
sensor technology were used to detect obstacles in front of efficient machine learning algorithms has been used to
user. Some research has been done on image processing, predict obstacle accurately.
but they are all about how to assist blind in indoor activities
such as detecting daily utile, currency, reading book, house There have been researches done on vehicle detection
hold items and so on. Project researched for outdoor based on sound, but they are not incorporated with devices
activities are commonly based on sensor technologies related to assisting blinds. This research has proposed the
where obstacles and its distance will be detected but details idea of combining image processing and sound recognition
about object were ignored and, they are in some way costly. in the vehicle detection process to increase accuracy. In real
time humans are detecting an object with the help of five
Earlier researches done based on image processing senses. In subtle level these five senses are interlinked to
have limited accuracy in critical situations such as perceive the object accurately. Out of five senses sight and
identifying far away vehicles, vehicles hidden from view sound are playing major roles in object detection. Based on
by factors such as decorations and banners and vehicle above process the idea of combining image processing and
being fake due to image illusion. So, this research views an sound recognition technologies to detect vehicles has been
object as a combination of sound and image where one will proposed.
ensure the reality of other one. This project has been
carried out with an idea of combining image processing and Vehicle sounds are complex and can be influenced by
sound recognition technology in identifying some objects various variables such as the type of car, gear, amount of
such as vehicles, people, and signs to improve the accuracy cylinders, selection of mufflers, maintenance status,
of blind assistant product. operating velocity, distance from the microphone, tires and
the highway the car is traveling on. Vehicle sound noises
Many devices implemented using Image Processing have been removed to enhance car detection effectiveness.
or some other technologies like sensors for the visually
impaired people. But these devices don’t have traffic sign Vehicle sound has many attributes, loudness, energy
detection features. The goal of this part (Traffic sign of sound, pitch and wave length. These attributes need to be
detection) is helping the visually impaired people who are analyzed to detect vehicles. Effective and efficient machine
mostly struggling while crossing the road. In normal learning algorithms have been used to predict vehicle
situations they can act independently with the help of their accurately. Datasets have been created by capturing vehicle
White Cane. Only in situations like crossing the road, sounds from environment. After removing noises from
finding a bus stop they depend on a third person and they audio features of audio has been extracted and stored.
must ask whether there is a zebra cross or bus stop. So, this
device has the feature of detecting the traffic signs and Microphone has been installed to receive
alerts the user. environmental sound. Vehicle detection will be done in real
time. In real time, input audio data will be processed and
Detecting the obstacles is not only enough for a blind compared with trained models. Output result will be
to avoid injuries due to obstacles as they don’t know where combined with image-based vehicle detection output and
this obstacle is in. So, the system is using ultra sonic sensor result should be delivered to user as voice output.
to calculate the distance of obstacle from the blind. Ultra-
1) Detect the obstacles and vehicles.
First requirements were collected by having 2) Vehicle Detection based on Vehicle sound
conversation with the blind people. After that several 3) Measure the distance between object and person.
research papers were read and related project ideas,
technology stacks and nonfunctional requirements are 1) Detect the obstacles and vehicles.
perceived and analyzed with the blind people’s To detect the vehicles and obstacles, datasets are
requirements. After that new system was proposed which preprocessed and trained in COLAB using RCNN. As
can satisfy blind’s basic requirement and more efficient in normal laptops didn’t have enough GPU, Google COLAB
every aspect. had been chosen as it is a cloud-based data science
workspace. After that trained models were converted to
Before start to implement the coding phase, tensor flow lite model as it is designed specific for mobile
requirements were checked with the possibility regard with devices.
time, cost and scope and high-level architectural diagram
was drawn to give the direction to finish the project 2) Vehicle Detection based on Vehicle sound
successfully. Then research parts were studied well by the
team and technology stacks and tools were identified which a) Extraction of Features of Audio and Audio Dataset
are as follows: Creation
1) Adroid Studio Audio Dataset has been created by obtaining sounds
2) Colab from environment. Noise of the input sound has been
3) Tensorflow cleared and features of audio such as amplitude, decibel
4) Ultrosonic sensor value have been extracted and stored in csv file. In such a
way audio dataset has been created.
According to our proposed system main
functionalities are as follows.