The Review of Raspberry Pi Based - Systems To Assist The Disabled Persons
The Review of Raspberry Pi Based - Systems To Assist The Disabled Persons
The Review of Raspberry Pi Based - Systems To Assist The Disabled Persons
Daniel Sekyere – Asiedu et al., International Journal 10, No.3,
of Advanced TrendsMay - JuneScience
in Computer 2021 and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 1646 – 1655
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at
Daniel Sekyere – Asiedu et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 1646 – 1655
Sign Language, is the basic form of gesture for the deaf and develop such systems for both the users and the developers.
dumb. By using sign language, they can convey their Furthermore, for researchers to know what has been done so
message. Bhagat-Thakre (2020) said the existing system far and the directions in which future research should be
has various disadvantages which are listed below. The encouraged? Additionally, the study seeks to investigate the
researcher developed a Braille system and disclosed that literature for studies that utilized raspberry pi to develop
harm can be induced to the surface. Such inductions could systems to assist the blind and the deaf. This study seeks to
be coursed by writing with a spot of indelible ink on the define future research perspectives on the subject by
surface of the system, as well when a blind person injures addressing the questions below.
the fingers, it would be difficult for such person to read from
the system. The braille device is therefore more prone to RQ1 What are the advantages, disadvantages of using
problems and inhibits reading. The main defect in the raspberry pi systems for disabled users?
Finger reader is that it can only process the English
Q2 What are the advantages, disadvantages of using
language and could not able make out for the deaf and dumb
raspberry pi systems for developers?
Sign language is frequently used, but it cannot be easily
understandable by those who do not understand the RQ3 What are the limitations of the current research on
language. raspberry pi projects?
Raspberry pi 3B+ is a less expensive computer but with a
sizeable amount of memory space with the size as small as a 2. METHODOLOGY
credit card. It utilizes USB and HDMI to connect to
keyboards, mouse, and monitors to operate the input-output PRISMA is one of the commonly used systematic literature
device of the device. It is easy to operate and program. One review methods in most academic research. This method of
doesn't need a deep knowledge of it to use. Raspberry pi acts literature review guides the researcher in acquiring
as a controller to control and monitor various operations knowledge especially in terms of previous research, makes the
like the processing of images and generating the research gaps more visible, and guides the researcher on how
appropriate words. Raspberry pi takes as input images of to improve existing knowledge in the current area of research.
hand gestures or various signs from a camera and compare A literature review has to be systematic and must follow a
the input to a stored database and generate appropriate text routine analysis for it to be exact or close to being exact [12].
[7]. This research is therefore consistent with the application of a
In recent years, many new solutions have been designed for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
the elderly, the physically impaired, such as the blind and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method [13], [14].
the deaf as well as patients living on their own to give them
a sense of independence. Controlling unautomated devices As a method of reviewing the literature, PRISMA helps
may be a challenging situation popular among disabled researchers to make guided decisions with regards to the
persons [8]. An IoT or smart home is interconnected to selection of their research questions, as well as the selection of
devices and sensors which provide information on home their variables. PRISMA also helps the researchers in the
activities and help users monitor these devices. These selection of the right data that would help them to make
homes are fitted with cameras, actuators, and wireless guided research [15].
networks to establish communication between the smart
home and the devices [8]. A great way of achieving IoT is to With the help of meta-analysis and the PRISMA method of
utilize speech recognition to control and coordinate devices collecting data, this research intends to acquire resources that
and sensors. Many developers in their studies have utilized would be beneficial in developing a system with the raspberry
microphones for connectivity in smart homes and while pi to aid visually impaired and deaf persons [15].
some others have added various already made products to
submit speech commands to their systems for the same
2.1 Data collection and search process
purpose [9], [10]. Jain, Nandakumar and Ross (2016) in
their study, however, emphasized that developed systems
The study utilized two databases, which are Web of Science
that use speech recognitions have various challenge such as
(WOS) and Scopus because both databases are rich with the
proximity, security as well as noise which ultimately affect
information required by researchers. The knowledge from
the accuracy of these systems.
these databases covers scholarly articles that support one
Despite developments in this area of studies, it was found another in material, method, and strategies in most cases.
that no systematic literature review carried out to assess and
investigate the literature for studies that utilized raspberry
pi to develop systems to assist the blind and the deaf. This
has been a major gap for current developers to assess the
advantages and disadvantages of the use of raspberry pi to
Daniel Sekyere – Asiedu et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 1646 – 1655
Daniel Sekyere – Asiedu et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 1646 – 1655
Daniel Sekyere – Asiedu et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 1646 – 1655
Daniel Sekyere – Asiedu et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 1646 – 1655
Daniel Sekyere – Asiedu et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 1646 – 1655
Daniel Sekyere – Asiedu et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 1646 – 1655
development. They mentioned that most of the libraries for 3.4 Limitations of the current research on raspberry
text-to-speech conversions are compatible and easily installed pi projects
on Linux systems. In their study, they emphasized the use of
high pixel cameras to intensify the accuracy of text captured Despite the researches carried out in this area of study, there
by the raspberry camera, in their opinion has been a still some setbacks in the development of these systems.
limitation. The researcher also mentioned the use of advanced Rajbongshi et al. (2020) observed that there was no system
text-to-speech algorithms in other to reduce noise during the developed to read the handwritten text, this they predicted
process. Latha (2019) said one of the advantages of using a should be an area future researches should be undertaken.
raspberry pi based system to assist the blind in banknote [31] Dunai et al (2017), for detection fake banknote for the
recognition is that it has a short processing time as compared visually impaired, there is a missing gap in arear of research
to other microcomputers. Dunai et al (2017), reiterated that and they proposed, this should be researched further in the
the less expensive nature of systems developed with raspberry future to assist visually impaired to be able to identify and
pi. They, however, wrote about the camera quality which differentiate fake banknotes as well as other documents.
brought a difference in the quality of the captured image in an Habib et al (2019) said systems that would be able to detect
illuminated area and a dark area. obstacles such as stationary and motional objects should be
developed to assist the blind. They further mentioned the need
Venkateswarlu et al (2017) in their study emphasized that to develop a single unit raspberry pi-based system. Whereas
raspberry pi has a fast-processing speed. It usually took research in the area of developing systems to assist the blind
approximately three minutes to convert text to speech when and deaf in other parts of the world is increasing, little is been
used in their project. They found it very tolerant with accuracy done in regions like the Middle East and Africa. Akour et al
above 98% in converting the text of an A4 sheet size (2020) mentioned that future researchers should invest time
document to audio. One major advantage they mentioned in into the development systems that would aid the deaf, system
their study was the fact a raspberry pi system can be a that would take prompts and commands from them.
standalone system; in that, it accurately works without .
internet connectivity. Akour et al (2020) described the 4. DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION
raspberry pi as a server to which other components can be
connected as a central point in the development of smart This study conducted systematic literature on developed
systems. Raspberry pi can be then connected to the cloud, this projects that were based on the raspberry pi to fundamentally
forms the core of the internet of things and smart automation assist the blind and the deaf. It considered the advantages and
and control of devices and sensors. On the side of the disadvantages of using raspberry pi to implement these
production of raspberry pi-based systems, they also estimated projects. It additionally considered the merits and demerits of
a low cost in the systems produced with raspberry pi. In their implementing projects based on these devices from the
view it would be cheap but accurate of the functions the perspective of the developers. Moreover, the research
systems are designed for, there would affordable for highlighted some noticeable missing gaps within these kinds
developers for experimental and implementational purposes. of projects. It was evident that most of the projects are carried
Baskaran & Balachander (2019) said the price of raspberry pi out by researchers from India. It is therefore strongly
makes it suitable for experimental purposes, developers recommended that academician from developing countries or
would not afraid to experiment with it because it is cheap as third world countries, as well as developing regions, should
compared to a personal computer have has the functionalities make more investigations into the subject matter in other to
of a personal computer. This they said would encourage enhance their knowledge in the subject area, improve on the
innovation and novelty in the development of systems to assist existing system and advance the currently used algorithms
the blind and the disabled as a whole with the aid of employed in the types of development. These would go a long
technology. The scalability of development is very essential, way to assist the blind and the deaf in such geographical areas
Ismail et al (2020) in their study mentioned that systems who are poor and cannot afford the expensive assistive
developed based on raspberry pi are easily scalable. Thus, products on the commercial market but have challenges in the
more sensors and devices can be added to the system for more autonomous execution of their regular activities.
functionalities as and when needed.
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