Cultivation of Indigofera Zollingeriana Plants To Become Animal Fee1

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Cultivation of Indigofera Zollingeriana Plants to Become Animal



Ruminant livestock cultivation such as cattle, buffalo, goats, and sheep that are managed
intensively requires forage that supports good quality. One obstacle in increasing
livestock productivity in developing countries is the quantity and quality of feed that
fluctuates especially during the dry season. Indigofera sp. Plants. which has high nutrition
and is resistant to drought can be an alternative source of quality animal feed.

Keywords :

Indigofera zollingeriana, Animal feed, Dry land, Quality, Local

Introduction analyzed to determine the potential for

development in marginal land. For the
Livestock productivity is influenced by
development of plants, research is needed
feed factors. Feed is all that can be eaten
related to efforts to increase the production
by livestock and does not interfere with
and quality of plant seeds I. zollingeriana
their health. Feed given to livestock must
and preservation technology so that it can
be of high quality. Quality feed contains
be stored for longer with a maintained
higher protein than crude fiber.
Indigofera zollingeriana as animal feed has
The availability of forage legumes
produced various data and information
originating from Indigofera plants is
which shows that indigofera has the
highly dependent on the availability of
potential as a source of high-quality feed.
plants and seed stocks. The reason why the
Data that has been produced include
failure to spread and develop feed crops in
productivity, nutrient composition,
Indonesia is often determined by the
consumption and digestibility. Utilization
difficulty of getting good seeds. The seeds
of Indigofera zollingeriana can be as a feed
used in the cultivation of feed plants must
supplement or as a single feed. But
come from seeds that have met the
agronomic aspects related to adaptation to
requirements to be grown.
salinity and acidity need to be further
One effort to maintain the availability of and the moisture content of the storage
seed stocks is to provide treatment when media.
storing seeds so that the seeds remain
Storage of airtight systems using closed
durable and perfectly dormant but still
storage media can minimize seed decline.
have high viability and sprout power when
Modify atmospheric space
storage is needed to reduce the oxygen
Because forage legumes cannot be
content in storage media. Oxygen levels
harvested throughout the year, a good
are reduced by injection of carbon dioxide
method of storage is needed so that the
stability of the seeds is maintained.
Atmospheric modification is also useful
The main purpose of seed storage is to
for killing bacteria and fungi around the
maintain seed viability during a long
seed because it inhibits the availability of
storage period, so that when the seeds are
oxygen which plays an important role in
the germination process.
still has viability that is not much different
Researchers see that Indigofera
from the initial viability before the seeds
zollingeriana has high potential as a source
are stored. The initial seed condition that
of protein for animal feed. Quality forage
has the maximum viability makes
needs will
seed storage time is longer. During the
greatly helped by the seed storage
process of storing the quality of the seeds
technology so that availability can be
will experience setbacks (Kartasapoetra,
fulfilled throughout the year.
2003). The physiological process of seeds
is cultivated It is known that Plant I. zollingeriana
contains high protein, therefore it is very
must run to a minimum, because during
potential to be processed and extracted to
storage the physiological process of seeds
produce protein concentrates which can be
will continue (Hendarto, 1996).
used to spur livestock productivity.
Seed storage in the tropics often has Physical processing of leaf I. zollengeriana
problems mainly due to high humidity and and the combination of its use with other
temperature fluctuations. Seed decline is legume plants in the form of pellet
closely related to the availability of oxygen supplements were investigated to analyze
its effect on goat performance and as a
method to facilitate its handling as a feed At different levels the character of feed
supplement. mentioned above applies to various groups
of feed types that are generally the most
Ruminant livestock cultivation such as
available, such as forage groups, groups of
cattle, buffaloes, goats, and sheep that are
waste and crop products, groups of waste
managed intensively requires forage
and agricultural industrial products and
support that is of good quality. One barrier
groups of unconventional feed ingredients
in increasing livestock productivity in
(Torrie, 1991)
developing countries is the quantity and
quality of feed that fluctuates, especially Forage is the main food source of
during the dry season. Indigofera sp. ruminants. In Indonesia the availability of
Plants. which has high nutrition and is hijuan is very fluctuating depending on the
resistant to drought can be a source of high season, so that it becomes an obstacle in
quality alternative animal feed. developing livestock business. The type of
forage in the tropics is very diverse with
The general condition of ruminant feed in
different nutrient content, production,
Indonesia has not yet moved from several
growth resistance and cultivation, so it
classic features which show that there are
needs to be considered in the development
still large challenges both logistical and
of forages. One of the plants that has the
especially technical which must be
potential to be used as forage ingredients is
overcome and controlled. These feed
Indigofera zollingeriana. I. zollingeriana is
characteristics include:
a legume plant which can grow well for a
1) High availability fluctuations caused by long time as a pasture plant. Adaptive, and
seasons (dry and wet), tolerant of the presence of soil which lacks

2) Complex logistics due to widespread nutrients. This plant can grow fast at a

food production centers and on a small- defoliation interval of 60 days with a

medium scale, production of 51 tons ha / yr (Abdullah

2010). Produce greater production than
3) High quality fluctuations in nutritional
other types of legume in the condition of
quality due to the lack of processing and
latosol soil with rainfall of 0-2200 m
storage processes with good procedures,
above sea level (Herdiawan 2014). I.
4) Relatively high costs due to the lack of zollingeriana has been applied to livestock
development of institutions and systems and quality is used as feed ingredients for
mass production and marketing. ruminants and non-ruminants. Use of 20%
I. zollingeriana in dairy goat rations can preservation of legume plants on dry land
increase the nutritional value of KCBK, has been carried out with the aim of being
KCBO and KCPK while reducing methane protective plants, erosion prevention, and
gas emissions (Suharlina 2016). The use of also as animal feed ingredients. When
I. zollingeriana in laying quail rations up to discussing dry land, plants that must be
13.3% as a substitute for soybean meal cultivated are plants that can prevent
protein did not affect performance, egg erosion and these plants must be able to
yolk, vitamin A, cholesterol and reduced use relatively minimal nutrients, so that the
levels of malondialdehyde quail eggs food resources for livestock can be
(Faradillah et al. 2015). Constraints often guaranteed, as well as maintaining land
found in growing feed plants for livestock and water resources from the dry land
is the high competency of production land itself. According to Prasad et al. (2008),
with plantation land, food crops and environmental factors that cause failure of
horticulture, also low land ownership. To growth and yield are droughts that occur
overcome this, the effective way to do this and also high temperatures from the soil.
is to optimize the use of dry land. This is Ahmad et al. (2007), explained that the
because the vast dry land in Indonesia is factors that cause water shortages,
around 148 million hectares, but the especially in parts around the roots, are the
productive land is only around 76.22 effects of drought. Of course this will have
million hectares. Of course this can be a bad impact because the intake received
used by farmers and breeders in by cells and plant tissue will be little so
developing the cultivation of animal feed that it will hinder the growth and
plants. But what is the main problem in the development of plants. Wang et al. (2003),
use of dry land is the lack of available stated that one of the main causes of
water, also the erosion and the condition of decreasing the speed of growth and failure
the land which contains relatively little of harvests was the influence of drought. It
nutrients. To overcome these problems was also explained that throughout the
there are efforts that can be made, namely world most plants face an average decline
by conversion of land and water by in growth and development of around
planting legumes (legumes) and grasses. 50%, which is caused by water stress
Of course other benefits obtained are that conditions so that plant tissue experiences
both types of plants can be used as feed a decline in growth and development.
ingredients that have good quality.
Actually, since ancient times the
Indigofera Zollingeriana is one type of and the proportion of forage leaves and
legume plant as animal feed that is able to stems.
grow and develop in dry land ecosystems.
The development of ruminants in a good
Hassen et al (2007), stated that plants that
manner requires the support of high quality
can grow and develop well in dry land,
forage. Indigofera Sp is a forage type of
acid soil, inundation, and saline are legume
tree legume which has high nutritional
plants of Indigofera sp. which also has a
quality. The Indigofera spicata plant is a
relatively large protein content which can
type of tree legume that has not been
also produce biomass. The purpose of the
explored so far as its forage.
study was to find out how to cultivate
Indigofera Zollingeriana plants to become Indigofera zollingeriana is a high type of

high-quality feed plants. tree legume with biomass (leaf, leaf and
branch) productivity (21 t BK ha-1 year-1)
(HASSEN et al., 2007). This plant is also
Research methods reported to be adapted to both infertile
soils, saline soils and inundations
This research was conducted with
(HASSEN et al., 2007). I. zollingeriana
secondary research methods, namely by
both as a single forage in the ration
collecting as much data as possible from
(GINTING et al., 2010) and as a feed
journals and articles and also from related
supplement (TARIGAN and GINTING,
sources that already exist.
2011) shows its potential as a high-quality
Data analysis carried out is quantitative feed ingredient. Besides having a high
data analysis also by reviewing related protein and production content, I.
sources that we have quoted or taken by zollingeriana has advantages not possessed
including the source. by commercial concentrates, namely
unsaturated fatty acid content, especially
omega 6 and omega 3 and the content of β-
Results and Discussion
carotene which can be relied upon as a
Because livestock need quality feed source of precursor of vitamin A in the
continuously, therefore we need feed digestive system .
ingredients that have high enough quality
Indigofera zollingeriana can produce
and quantity. The quality and productivity
optimally at the age of eight months with
of forage can be determined by calculating
an average production of fresh biomass per
fresh production, dry matter production,
tree of around 2.595 kg / harvest with a The production of ruminants in the tropics
total fresh production of around 52 tons / is very dependent on the availability of
ha / year. There are several factors that grazing land or forage sources with cut-
influence indigofera production and-carry systems. The amount and quality
of forages that are available as feed, most
1. High harvesting treatment significantly
of which are grass (graminae) are
affects the production of Indigofera sp.
generally low and fluctuating. This
The higher the coverage of the forage part
condition is inseparable from the climate
which is harvested the greater the
status which in some regions has a long
production. The average production of
dry season which is interspersed with a
Indigofera sp harvested at 50, 100 and 150
short rainy season. In tropical areas with
cm respectively is 12.27: 16.01 and 18.84
relatively high air temperatures, forage
tons / ha / year
feeds grow rapidly during the rainy season,
2. Indigofera sp production is also and although the nutritional quality may be
significantly affected by plant spacing. The high at the beginning of the rainy season,
closer the spacing, the more the production plants that grow quickly will result in a
of Indigofera sp. The average production rapid decline in the quality of nutrients. In
of Indigofera sp at a spacing of 1 x 0.5 m; these low nutritional conditions ruminants
1 x 1m; 1 x 1.5 m respectively are 20.13: production, such as the growth of young
14.44 and 12.69 tons / ha / year. There is livestock and milk production can not only
an increase in production in line with the reach 10% of its genetic potential, whereas
growing spacing of plants. This can be child mortality in cattle can reach 30-40%
understood because the more the spacing and in lambs or goats reaching 50% and
grows the more the amount of forage low fertility in adult mothers. (Ibrahim,

Previous research has produced 2013)

information regarding agronomic aspects Fertile land, easy access to water

(spacing, intensity of defoliation, availability, and effective exposure to
fertilization, season) and their effects on sunlight is the land needed by Indigofera
biomass production and the ratio of leaves sp. Plants. because it will make Indigofera
/ stems of Indigofera zollingeriana Zollingeriana plants experience good
(Ambisi, T., & Mansyur, 2014) growth and development.

How to produce a quality product:

1. Land preparation
The soil should be hoeed or contracted
first so it is loose and opens the soil pores,
3. Planting distance
then manure can be spread on all the land
along with dolomite lime, but if the land
looks fertile then just open the land from Indigofera sp production is also
the bush. significantly affected by plant spacing. The

We opened a new land in the hills with an closer the spacing, the more the production

altitude of 500 meters above sea level, the of Indigofera sp. The average production

condition of the land was rather dry, of Indigofera sp at a spacing of 1 x 0.5 m;

terraced, before the land was only shrubs, 1 x 1m; 1 x 1.5 m respectively are 20.13:

within 8 months, this land has now 14.44 and 12.69 tons / ha / year. There is

become an indigofera forest. an increase in production in line with the

growing spacing of plants. This can be
understood because the more the spacing
Indigofera plants are a special type of grows the more the amount of forage
plant, because these plants are planted
For indigofera spacing it is ideally 1
under plantation land such as Albasia,
square meter, but if the land is very large,
Jabon, Rambutan, Mahogany, Durian, and
it can be made of 3 square meters. Other
can still grow to the maximum. Indigofera
planting techniques can use the way to
simply cannot develop when planted on
position the indigofera plant as a land-
the sidelines of teak trees because the
limiting plant, meaning that it is planted on
leaves of teak trees that are wide in shape
the edge of the land you have.
make it difficult for indigofera to grow
normally and develop, 4. Care

2. Seedling preparation For the initial staging is to do watering for

plant seeds that have just been planted, this
is very important because to keep making
If the land has been prepared, the next step selalus indigofera seeds fresh because they
is to prepare indigofera seeds that have have just been removed from the polybag
been minimal in polybags for 2 months or polybag. If late watering is usually the
as high as 30 cm up and have many roots. indigofer seeds will wither and die.
protein compared to stems so that with less
For the next treatment is to provide
manure around the planting point regularly comparison of leaves and stems will cause
for example once every 3 months in the a decrease in forage protein levels
first year (Siregar, 2008)

According to Shehu et al. (2001) stated

that the proportion of leaves and stems in
2nd year care is to provide as much as 10
tree legumes is very important, because it
kg-20 kg of manure or half sacks per
is a metabolic organ, and is a determinant
planting point, this seems very difficult to
of the quality of tree legumes. The more
do but if you can do this the indigoferanya
number of leaves, the better the quality of
leaf production will be very maximal.
legumes. Leaves are part of a forage
Prolonged harvesting will increase the network that has the highest nutrient
crude fiber content of forage. Prosea content compared to stems or twigs.
(1992) states that forage should be
harvested at the age of 40-45 days during
the rainy season and age 50--60 days in the For example, to feed 50 adult goats, you
dry season. Harvesting of more than 60 can simply harvest indigofera leaves,
days will cause a decrease in nutrient approximately 20 trees, 15 square meters
content because the green stem is getting in diameter, very effective for your farm
harder and the crude fiber is high. Low activities.
nutritional content is feared to affect the
Indigofera Sp is a forage type of tree
productivity of livestock. Because in
legume which has high nutritional quality.
general livestock are more likely to
The Indigofera Sp plant is resistant to
consume leaves than stems.
drought, so it can be a source of food
5. Proportion of leaves and stems during the dry season. The Indigofera
spicata plant is a type of tree legume that
Leaves are the site of photosynthesis and
has not been explored so far as its forage.
respiration so that the leaves contain more
This plant has a high protein content
protein and fat than the stem, which
equivalent to alfalfa, a high mineral
indirectly reflects the quality of the forage.
content ideal for dairy cattle, good fiber
Leaves contain more
structure and high digestibility value for
Research that has been carried out shows The results showed that optimal harvest
that the productivity of this plant is high, management in terms of productivity and
reaching 30 tons of dry matter per ha per nutritional quality was the first harvest at 8
year with a cutting interval of 60 days and months accompanied by a frequency of
the intensity of cutting 1.5 m above ground harvesting every 60 days with a cutting
level. height of 1.5 m above the tan surface.

With its protein content Abundant production during the rainy

season can be preserved (preserved) with
high (21-24%) accompanied by relatively
fermentation technology (silage), so that it
low fiber content and high digestibility rate
can be utilized during the dry season. The
(77%) this plant is very good as a source
Indigofera Sp plant is resistant to drought,
of forage both as basic feed and as a
so it can be a source of food during the dry
supplement for protein and energy sources,
especially for livestock in high production
status ( lactation, cattle in cattle. Indigofera Tarum (from Sundanese), indigo, or indigo
sp. Plants. Is a fodder that is tolerant to (Indigofera, tribe of legumes or Fabaceae)
drought. is a natural blue-producing plant.

BK dry production power 32 tons / ha / Harvest period of Indigofera sp

year. Indigofera sp. Plants. As cheap
1. First cut age: 8 months
protein and energy to increase livestock
productivity. Because it is tolerant of 2. Cutting interval: 60 - 90 days

drought, Indigofera spicata can be 3. Cutting height: 1.0 - 1.5 meters above
developed in areas with dry climates to ground level. (Ambisi, T., & Mansyur,
overcome the limited availability of 2014)
forages, especially during the dry season.

Another advantage of this plant is that its

Kharim et al. (1991) states that with
tannin content is very low, ranging from
increasing age forages can result in a
0.6 to 1.4 ppm (far below the level that can
comparison of leaves with smaller stems.
cause anti-nutritional properties). The low
The small proportion of leaves with stems
content of this tannin also
is very influential on crude protein content
have a positive impact on palatability and energy content. The most protein and
(favored by livestock). energy content is obtained in the leaves
compared to the stem, but when the Indigofera zollingeriana at harvest age of
proportion of leaves is greater than the 30 days was 2.61 (72.3%: 27.7%), harvest
stem, the amount of protein and energy in age was 13 60 which was 1.71 (63.1%: 36,
the forage is higher. reported that the 9%), while for 90 days it is 0.66 (39.76%:
average proportion of leaves and stems of 60.24%) (Ginting, 2016)

Ambisi, G., T., D., & Mansyur. (2014). Pastura. Pengaruh penggunaan indigofera falcata sebagai
penggati konsentrat dalam ransum sapi berbaasis jerami padi terhadap produksi asam
lemak terbang dan NH3, 11-15.


Ibrahim. (2013). Wartazoa. Strategi penelitian hijauan mendukung pengembangan ternak kambing
potong di indonesia, 20-29.

Siregar, S. (2008). Penggemukan Sapi . Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya.

Torrie, S. a. (1991). Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatn Biometerik (Terjemahan:
Bambang Sumantri). Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.

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