Cultivation of Indigofera Zollingeriana Plants To Become Animal Fee1
Cultivation of Indigofera Zollingeriana Plants To Become Animal Fee1
Cultivation of Indigofera Zollingeriana Plants To Become Animal Fee1
Ruminant livestock cultivation such as cattle, buffalo, goats, and sheep that are managed
intensively requires forage that supports good quality. One obstacle in increasing
livestock productivity in developing countries is the quantity and quality of feed that
fluctuates especially during the dry season. Indigofera sp. Plants. which has high nutrition
and is resistant to drought can be an alternative source of quality animal feed.
Keywords :
2) Complex logistics due to widespread nutrients. This plant can grow fast at a
high-quality feed plants. tree legume with biomass (leaf, leaf and
branch) productivity (21 t BK ha-1 year-1)
(HASSEN et al., 2007). This plant is also
Research methods reported to be adapted to both infertile
soils, saline soils and inundations
This research was conducted with
(HASSEN et al., 2007). I. zollingeriana
secondary research methods, namely by
both as a single forage in the ration
collecting as much data as possible from
(GINTING et al., 2010) and as a feed
journals and articles and also from related
supplement (TARIGAN and GINTING,
sources that already exist.
2011) shows its potential as a high-quality
Data analysis carried out is quantitative feed ingredient. Besides having a high
data analysis also by reviewing related protein and production content, I.
sources that we have quoted or taken by zollingeriana has advantages not possessed
including the source. by commercial concentrates, namely
unsaturated fatty acid content, especially
omega 6 and omega 3 and the content of β-
Results and Discussion
carotene which can be relied upon as a
Because livestock need quality feed source of precursor of vitamin A in the
continuously, therefore we need feed digestive system .
ingredients that have high enough quality
Indigofera zollingeriana can produce
and quantity. The quality and productivity
optimally at the age of eight months with
of forage can be determined by calculating
an average production of fresh biomass per
fresh production, dry matter production,
tree of around 2.595 kg / harvest with a The production of ruminants in the tropics
total fresh production of around 52 tons / is very dependent on the availability of
ha / year. There are several factors that grazing land or forage sources with cut-
influence indigofera production and-carry systems. The amount and quality
of forages that are available as feed, most
1. High harvesting treatment significantly
of which are grass (graminae) are
affects the production of Indigofera sp.
generally low and fluctuating. This
The higher the coverage of the forage part
condition is inseparable from the climate
which is harvested the greater the
status which in some regions has a long
production. The average production of
dry season which is interspersed with a
Indigofera sp harvested at 50, 100 and 150
short rainy season. In tropical areas with
cm respectively is 12.27: 16.01 and 18.84
relatively high air temperatures, forage
tons / ha / year
feeds grow rapidly during the rainy season,
2. Indigofera sp production is also and although the nutritional quality may be
significantly affected by plant spacing. The high at the beginning of the rainy season,
closer the spacing, the more the production plants that grow quickly will result in a
of Indigofera sp. The average production rapid decline in the quality of nutrients. In
of Indigofera sp at a spacing of 1 x 0.5 m; these low nutritional conditions ruminants
1 x 1m; 1 x 1.5 m respectively are 20.13: production, such as the growth of young
14.44 and 12.69 tons / ha / year. There is livestock and milk production can not only
an increase in production in line with the reach 10% of its genetic potential, whereas
growing spacing of plants. This can be child mortality in cattle can reach 30-40%
understood because the more the spacing and in lambs or goats reaching 50% and
grows the more the amount of forage low fertility in adult mothers. (Ibrahim,
1. Land preparation
The soil should be hoeed or contracted
first so it is loose and opens the soil pores,
3. Planting distance
then manure can be spread on all the land
along with dolomite lime, but if the land
looks fertile then just open the land from Indigofera sp production is also
the bush. significantly affected by plant spacing. The
We opened a new land in the hills with an closer the spacing, the more the production
altitude of 500 meters above sea level, the of Indigofera sp. The average production
terraced, before the land was only shrubs, 1 x 1m; 1 x 1.5 m respectively are 20.13:
within 8 months, this land has now 14.44 and 12.69 tons / ha / year. There is
drought, Indigofera spicata can be 3. Cutting height: 1.0 - 1.5 meters above
developed in areas with dry climates to ground level. (Ambisi, T., & Mansyur,
overcome the limited availability of 2014)
forages, especially during the dry season.
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