Curtis - Et - Al-2017-Journal - of - Clinical - Nursing Key Principles To Building Knowledge Translation Into Research Design
Curtis - Et - Al-2017-Journal - of - Clinical - Nursing Key Principles To Building Knowledge Translation Into Research Design
Curtis - Et - Al-2017-Journal - of - Clinical - Nursing Key Principles To Building Knowledge Translation Into Research Design
Aims and objectives. To describe the importance of, and methods for, successfully
conducting and translating research into clinical practice. What does this paper contribute
Background. There is universal acknowledgement that the clinical care provided to to the wider global clinical
individuals should be informed on the best available evidence. Knowledge and evi- community?
dence derived from robust scholarly methods should drive our clinical practice, deci- • Practical, evidence-informed expla-
sions and change to improve the way we deliver care. Translating research evidence nation and suggestion for knowl-
to clinical practice is essential to safe, transparent, effective and efficient healthcare edge dissemination and translation
to clinical nursing practice.
provision and meeting the expectations of patients, families and society. Despite its
• Methods to build knowledge
importance, translating research into clinical practice is challenging. There are more translation into study design and
nurses in the frontline of health care than any other healthcare profession. As such, conduct.
nurse-led research is increasingly recognised as a critical pathway to practical and • Knowledge translation is not a
effective ways of improving patient outcomes. However, there are well-established linear procedure and involves
barriers to the conduct and translation of research evidence into practice. many processes, systems and
interactions of the researcher and
Design. This clinical practice discussion paper interprets the knowledge transla-
knowledge users.
tion literature for clinicians interested in translating research into practice. • Implementing evidence by trans-
Methods. This paper is informed by the scientific literature around knowledge lating knowledge needs planning
translation, implementation science and clinician behaviour change, and presented and strategy that address the com-
from the nurse clinician perspective. We provide practical, evidence-informed sug- plexity of healthcare systems.
gestions to overcome the barriers and facilitate enablers of knowledge translation.
Examples of nurse-led research incorporating the principles of knowledge transla-
tion in their study design that have resulted in improvements in patient outcomes
are presented in conjunction with supporting evidence.
Conclusions. Translation should be considered in research design, including the
end users and an evaluation of the research implementation. The success of
research implementation in health care is dependent on clinician/consumer beha-
viour change and it is critical that implementation strategy includes this.
Authors: Kate Curtis, PhD, Ms, RN, Professor, Sydney Nursing School, Research Centre, Eastern Health, Deakin University Nursing, Box Hill,
University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW; Trauma Service, St George Vic, Australia
Hospital, Kogarah, NSW; St George and Sutherland Clinical School, Correspondence: Kate Curtis, Professor, Sydney Nursing School,
University of New South Wales, St George Hospital, Kogarah, NSW; The University of Sydney, 88 Mallet St, Camperdown, NSW 2050,
Margaret Fry, PhD, MEd, RN, Professor, Northern Sydney Local Australia. Telephone: +61 2 9351 0604.
Health District, Royal North Shore Hospital Campus, St Leonards, E-mail: [email protected]
NSW; Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, Twitter: @redtraumakate, @MargFry, @ramonshaban, @Julie_
NSW; Ramon Z Shaban, PhD, RN, FACN, Professor, School of Nurs- Considine
ing and Midwifery, Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Com-
University, Nathan, Qld; Department of Infection Control and Infec-
mons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which per-
tious Diseases, Gold Coast University Hospital, Gold Coast Hospital
mits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original
and Health Service, Southport, Qld; Julie Considine, PhD, RN, FACN,
work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifica-
Professor, Centre for Quality and Patient Safety Research, School of
tions or adaptations are made.
Nursing and Midwifery, Deakin University, Burwood, Vic; Midwifery
© 2016 The Authors. Journal of Clinical Nursing Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
862 Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 862–872, doi: 10.1111/jocn.13586
Discursive paper Translating research to clinical nursing practice
Relevance to practice. Translating best research evidence can make for a more
transparent and sustainable healthcare service, to which nurses are central.
Key words: behaviour change, clinical practice, evidence based, evidence informed,
implementation science, knowledge translation, nursing, research, trauma
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Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 862–872 863
K Curtis et al.
Successful dissemination and uptake of research evidence across nine different countries identified 29 different terms
requires identifying the appropriate audience and tailoring referring to knowledge translation (Graham et al. 2005). For
messages via appropriate mediums. When analysing study example, similar processes are called research utilisation in
data and interpreting the results, researchers must address the UK and Europe, research dissemination, diffusion or
the study aims and answer the research question(s) in view knowledge uptake in the USA, and knowledge translation
of the background research problem and its significance. and knowledge-to-action in Australia and Canada (Strauss &
The conduct of the research should also consider how the Corbin 1990, Graham et al. 2006). The Canadian Institute
study findings should or could influence clinical practice, of Heath Research (CIHR) definition of knowledge transla-
education, policy or future research. Such recommendations tion is widely accepted and commonly cited in healthcare lit-
should inform dissemination activities. Targeted dissemina- erature (Graham et al. 2006, Lang et al. 2007, Bjørk et al.
tion activities can include summaries for stakeholders, edu- 2013; Box 1). Knowledge translation is not simply a linear
cational sessions with clinicians and/or policymakers, procedure but involves many processes, systems and interac-
development and implementation of clinical guidelines and tions of the researcher and knowledge users. The level at
media engagement (Canadian Institutes of Health Research which these interactions take place varies depending on the
(CIHR) 2014; Table 1). At the heart of dissemination of situation and application of knowledge.
research findings is knowledge translation.
‘knowledge translation (KT) is defined as a dynamic and iterative process that includes synthesis, dissemination, exchange and ethically-
sound application of knowledge to improve the health of Canadians, provide more effective health services and products and strengthen the
health care system.
This process takes place within a complex system of interactions between researchers and knowledge users which may vary in intensity,
complexity and level of engagement depending on the nature of the research and the findings as well as the needs of the particular knowledge
user’ (Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) 2014).
© 2016 The Authors. Journal of Clinical Nursing Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
864 Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 862–872
Discursive paper Translating research to clinical nursing practice for resuscitation, https:// context; (3) assess barriers to using the knowledge; (4) select, in tailor and implement interventions; (5) monitor knowledge
Canada). While sourcing sufficient evidence to base prac- use; (6) evaluate outcomes; and (7) sustain knowledge use.
tice on is an ongoing challenge, so too is identifying
established evidence and translating it into practice (Titler
Getting traction in knowledge translation
2008). The lapse between the publication of evidence and
its implementation into practice is referred to as an evi- Despite the importance of research knowledge translation,
dence–practice gap (National Institute of Clinical Studies barriers to understanding, conducting, and evaluating evi-
2003). Addressing this gap requires knowledge translation. dence impede nurses’ uptake of research at an individual,
unit and organisational level (Leasure et al. 2008). This was
confirmed in a survey conducted by the Emergency Nurses
Knowledge-to-action cycle
Association (ENA) in the United States (Chan et al. 2011).
Knowledge translation forms part of the knowledge-to- Nine hundred and seventy-eight ENA members completed a
action cycle (Fig. 1) (Graham et al. 2006). The knowledge- survey which assessed nurse’s involvement and uptake in
to-action cycle details the sequence and steps involved in research and perceived barriers to research. At an individual
achieving the transfer of research knowledge into clinical level, it was found that nurses lacked knowledge about
practice consisting of two phases. The initial creation phase appraising research preventing them from implementing
consists of synthesising knowledge as part of producing new research knowledge in their clinical practice. At a unit level,
tools, such as clinical guidelines in response to an identified barriers included lack of assistance from managers and col-
clinical problem. This step ensures knowledge is founded on leagues in beginning a project or having the authority to
the best available evidence prior to progressing to the action implement change. Insufficient time provided by the organi-
component, which is the process of implementing and evalu- sation was also found to be an impeding factor failing to pro-
ating new knowledge in clinical practice (Graham et al. vide nurses with the support and time required to conduct
2006). The action cycle comprises seven phases: (1) identify research and change practice (Chan et al. 2011). Other stud-
problem and relevant research; (2) adapt research to local ies have also identified that the attitudes and beliefs of nurses
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K Curtis et al.
as obstacles to research being translated into nursing practice Table 2 Key principles to building knowledge translation into
(MacDonald 2002, Brown & McCormack 2005, Davies research design
et al. 2007, Newhouse 2007). The process through which 1. Begin and plan with the end in mind
individual attitudes and beliefs are formed, interest of admin- 2. Produce evidence that is useful, not just interesting
3. Resource knowledge translation and exchange
istrators at a unit and organisational level must be addressed
4. Seek outcomes that will last
to promote research translation into clinical practice.
5. Involve end users throughout (Brand & Silburn 2014)
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Discursive paper Translating research to clinical nursing practice
research into practice. It is challenging to introduce and investigate and address major contextual factors (e.g. social,
sustain evidence and evidence-informed protocols in the behavioural, economic, management) that hinder successful
context of competing priorities in health care. Despite high- implementation, test new approaches and determine causal
level recommendations to improve implementation of evi- relationships (Fogarty International Center 2013). The Con-
dence-based practice, implementation is variable. Numerous solidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)
organisational and individual factors impact implementa- published in 2009 provides a pragmatic structure to pro-
tion and uptake, including clinician behaviour, lack of time, mote verification about what works where and why across
difficulties in developing evidence-based or informed guide- multiple contexts and includes five major domains: inter-
lines, a lack of continuing education and an unsupportive vention characteristics, outer setting, inner setting, charac-
organisational culture (Haynes & Haines 1998, Wallis teristics of the individuals involved and the process of
2012), the availability and dissemination of evidence, indi- implementation (Damschroder et al. 2009). This work pro-
vidual motivation and the culture of specific healthcare vides a foundation for researchers implementing and evalu-
practices (McKenna et al. 2004). Central to successful ating knowledge translation to build the implementation
implementation of research evidence into clinical practice is knowledge base across multiple settings (Damschroder
changing human behaviour. Any attempt to improve the et al. 2009). As with all research, and to truly validate the
quality of care for patients by translating research must CFIR and other research frameworks, descriptions must be
incorporate a clear understanding of the associated barriers precise enough to enable measurement and reproducibility
to, and facilitators of, behaviour change. Understanding (Proctor et al. 2013). When publishing research, researchers
these is also fundamental to the development of a feasible, should clearly explain how they justified the selection of
successful and sustainable implementation strategy. specific framework constructs, integrated the framework
throughout the research process (in study design, data col-
lection, and analysis) and link determinants of implementa-
Theories to inform knowledge translation
tion to outcomes to contribute to this emerging field of
A variety of models and theories have been developed in research (Kirk et al. 2016).
attempt to conceptualise the multifaceted process of knowl-
edge translation. The transformation learning theory devel-
Planning for implementation
oped by Mezirow (Mezirow 1978, 2000, 2004) assists the
process of knowledge translation through acknowledging Implementing evidence by translating knowledge needs plan-
the role and impact of attitudes and beliefs, which are con- ning and strategy that address the complexity of healthcare
stantly cited as barriers to research utilisation (MacDonald systems, individual practitioners, managers (Titler 2008) and
2002, Brown & McCormack 2005, Davies et al. 2007, strong organisational support and patronage (Bate et al.
Newhouse 2007). To successfully engage clinicians and 2008). There are multiple models available on which to
change their behaviours based on sound research knowl- develop and plan an implementation strategy (Schaffer et al.
edge, their attitudes and beliefs towards the proposed new 2013). Perhaps the most well known in health is the Promot-
knowledge must be learned, shaped and transformed (Mat- ing Action on Research Implementation in Health Services
thew-Maich et al. 2010). The clinicians existing thoughts Framework, or PARIHS Framework (Rycroft-Malone 2004),
and stances must be unlearned, and the new way of which is a conceptual framework that suggests fundamental
approach adopted. One such way to achieve this is to use and interrelating elements that influence effective implemen-
tools to design implementation interventions using the theo- tation of interventions. There is a need for this and other
retical domains framework (French et al. 2012) or the implementation models to undergo more robust evaluation
behaviour change wheel (Michie et al. 2011) discussed of their effectiveness in use in implementation projects (Hel-
below. Further, knowledge translation requires design and frich et al. 2010, Proctor et al. 2013).
implementation of interventions. Using a systematic four-step approach as the principal
framework to inform intervention development process is
ideal. The four steps consist of questions to direct the
Implementation science
choice of the most appropriate components of an imple-
Implementation is a science and can be encompassed within mentation intervention (French et al. 2012) and can be iter-
the normalisation process theory, which characterises atively adjusted and refined to suit other contexts. For
implementation as a social process of collective action example, the following steps recommended by French et al.
(May 2013). The intent of implementation science is to (2012) in conjunction with the theoretical domains
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K Curtis et al.
framework (Cane et al. 2012) have been evaluated as effec- the most likelihood of sustainable success are generally
tive. It is also practical and pragmatic: multimodal. To decide how to best to implement change
1 Who needs to do what, differently? depends on what you are trying to change. Changing beha-
2 Using a theoretical framework, which barriers and viour is not simple, but is most effective if interventions are
enablers need to be addressed? based on the principles of behaviour change, and knowing
3 Which intervention components (behaviour change tech- what it is exactly that you need to change. Three validated
niques and mode(s) of delivery) could overcome the mod- tools to use either in isolation or together are the theoreti-
ifiable barriers and enhance the enablers? cal domains framework (Cane et al. 2012), the behaviour
4 And how can behaviour change be measured and under- change wheel (Michie et al. 2011) and the behaviour
stood? change technique taxonomy (BCTT; Michie et al. 2013),
There are myriad templates available online to then guide which are the specific behaviour change techniques to use
the finer details of implementation plans, which all have in interventions focused on behaviour change.
common components. Many health services have a health Once it is determined who is going to need to change
redesign or implementation unit which may assist in the their behaviours, the theoretical domains framework (Cane
process, beginning by outlining the project purpose and jus- et al. 2012) helps you to consider each of possible influ-
tification (i.e. what will be used to introduce the plan to ences on behaviour in 14 domains including ‘knowledge’,
others). Many of these actions will have been made much ‘skills’, ‘beliefs about capabilities’, ‘optimism’, ‘beliefs about
smoother if the key stakeholders have been engaged in the consequences’, ‘reinforcement’, ‘intentions’, attention and
process. It is also important to conduct a stakeholder needs decision processes’, ‘environmental context and resources’,
analysis to identify the key stakeholders and their expecta- ‘social influences’ and ‘behavioural regulation’. For exam-
tions and needs with respect to the project outcomes. The ple, to determine what may need to be addressed to change
responsibilities for each person should then be established, clinician behaviour, a staff survey could be conducted with
alongside a communication strategy, and decisions on the questions mapped to each of the domains. For example,
interventions to be used to implement your evidence and ‘Do you think that the X protocol improves patient care?’
timeline (Centre for Healthcare Redesign 2014). would be mapped to ‘beliefs about consequences’. If the
majority of staff do not think that the protocol will deliver
improved care, they may not make it a priority to change
Implementation interventions to translate knowledge
their behaviour, and you now know that this is an area that
There is a vast array of intervention techniques available to you need to address. But how to do it?
translate research-based evidence into practice, for example The behaviour change wheel and the BCTT are linked to
visual cues (such as signs in the clinical area), audit, educa- the theoretical domains framework and will guide choice of
tional seminars, prompts, clinical guidelines, protocol and interventions and techniques. For example, to address
leadership involvement (Wuchner 2014). Interventions with beliefs about consequence, the interventions known to do
Table 4 Nurse-led translational research example 2 – Changing State-wide Stroke Practice: The QASC Implementation Project (Middleton
et al. 2011, 2015)
Background: The Quality in Acute Stroke Care (QASC) Trial (Middleton et al.) determined that a multidisciplinary supported, nurse-
initiated, evidence-based intervention involving supported implementation of clinical protocols to manage fever, hyperglycaemia and
swallowing (FeSS protocols) following stroke decreased death and dependency by 16% (p = 0002); reduced temperatures (p = 0001) and
glucose levels (p = 002); and improved swallowing management (p = <0001). Yet, upscale and spread of even proven interventions on a
state-wide level is challenging.
Aim: To implement the FeSS protocols from the QASC Trial in all 36 stroke services in NSW, Australia.
Method: The 14-month translational project replicated the intervention from the original QASC Trial. The investigators conducted barrier and
enabler assessments and an educational workshop, engaged local opinion leaders, used reminders and provided ongoing site champion support.
Participating sites audited 40 pre- and 40 postimplementation medical records using the National Stroke Foundation clinical audit web-based tool.
Results: All (n = 36, 100%) sites participated in the medical record audit (100% response rate) providing data for a total of 2144 patients
(pre-implementation: n = 1062; postimplementation: n = 1082). Significantly increased proportions of patients received care according to
the fever (pre: 69%; post: 78%; p = 00031), hyperglycaemia (pre: 23%; post: 34%; p = 00085) and swallowing (pre: 42%; post: 51%;
p = 00331) protocols postimplementation.
Conclusion: These results provide rare evidence of successful research translation of Class 1 Level B evidence across an entire state in a
short time frame and in the real world of clinical practice.
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868 Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 862–872
Discursive paper Translating research to clinical nursing practice
this are education, modelling and persuasion. There are evidence is applied in a given context, the resulting change
multiple ways to educate, model and persuade. The BCTT should be evaluated in terms of the outcomes, considering
provides a range to choose which would be suitable for the patients, consumers, clinicians and the organisation. It is
target site, staff and context. For example, a technique crucial to build implementation evaluation into study
known to be effective in persuasion is having a senior, well- design by ensuring collection of data that will be able to be
respected clinician repeatedly model the behaviour you used to determine how well the intervention has been
want the rest of the team to do. Using behaviour change adopted, For example, Do all staff comply with the intro-
techniques outlined in the BCTT also adds strength to your duced protocol all the time? If they do (or do not), Why
work because it means your work will be observable (peo- and what difference does this make? An example of this is
ple will know what you have done) and replicable. demonstrated in Table 4. A summary of key knowledge
translation terms is provided in Table 5.
Implementation evaluation
Research utilisation implies not only the implementation of
evidence into practice, but also the evaluation of conse- Translating best research evidence can make for a more
quent changes in practice (Jones 2000). It is no longer transparent and sustainable healthcare service, to which
acceptable to implement a change in clinical care and not nurses are central. More importantly, the translation of evi-
evaluate the impact of that change. That is, if the research dence can bring about cultural, behavioural and practice
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