Junior Linemen
Junior Linemen
Junior Linemen
1. Applications are invited On-line from qualified candidates through
the proforma Application to be made available on
http://tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in to the post of Junior Lineman.
AGE RELAXATION : Age not below 18 years and not above 35 years as on
01.07.2019. Relaxation in upper age limit is permissible up to 5 years for
SC/ST/BC candidates.
For in-service candidate working as Artisans/Outsourcing basis in TSTRANSCO/
TSSPDCL/TSNPDCL as on the date of this notification, the age at the time of
entry into Power Utilities as outsourced worker will be considered.
Note: No person shall be eligible if he is less than 18 years of age.
No person shall be eligible if he has crossed 58 years of age (Superannuation age).
5. (a) Fee: (Remittance of fee) : Each applicant must pay Rs.100/- (RUPEES ONE
HUNDRED ONLY) towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the
applicants have to pay Rs.120/-(RUPEES ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONLY)
towards Examination Fee. However, the Applicants belonging to SC/ST/BC
Communities are exempted from payment of examination fee.
(b) Mode of Payment of fee :
After payment of Fee, the Candidate has to click on the link SUBMIT
APPLICATION to complete the process of application submission. The applicants
have to invariably fill all the relevant fields in the Application. Immediately on
submission of application the Applicant will get an acknowledgement in the form
of a downloadable pdf document.
Contd.Pg 3.
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The fee once remitted shall not be refunded or adjusted under any
circumstances. Failure to pay the examination fee, application fee wherever
applicable will entail the total rejection of application.
The Applicants have to read the User Guide for Online Submission of
Applications and then proceed further.
(I) Step:- Payment of Fee: The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee as per
the notification as detailed above and obtain Fee paid receipt with Journal
Number in the first instance.
(II) Step:- Submission of Application: After payment of Fee, the Candidate has
to visit the website http://tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in to view the detailed
notification, User Guide and Application Form. The applicants have to provide
payment details (Journal number and date) and upload the scanned copy of
passport size photograph with signature (see instructions for scanning and
uploading photograph with signature) and then invariably fill all the relevant
fields in the Application. Immediately on submission of application, applicant will
get an acknowledgement in the form of a downloadable pdf document.
i) Paste the Photo on any white paper as per the above required dimensions.
Sign in the Signature Space provided. Ensure that the signature is within
the box.
ii) Scan the above required size containing photograph and signature.
Please do not scan the complete page.
iii) The entire image (of size 3.5 cm by 6.0 cm) consisting of the photo along
with the signature is required to be scanned and stored in *.jpg format on
local machine.
iv) Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50KB.
v) If the size of the file is more than 50 KB, then adjust the settings of the
scanner such as the dpi resolution, no. of colours etc., during the process
of scanning.
vi) The candidate has to sign in full in the box provided. Since the signature is
proof of identity, it must be genuine and in full; initials are not sufficient.
Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS is not permitted.
vii) The signature must be signed only by the candidate and not by any other
viii) The signature will be used to put on the Hall Ticket and wherever
If the candidate‟s signature on the answer script, at the time of the
examination, does not match the signature on the Hall Ticket, the
will be disqualified.
e.g. The Technical Specifications the sample scanned image shown above are:
· Size of the file < 50 KB
· Dpi setting = 200 dpi
· True Colour
The candidate has to upload his Photo with Signature in the prescribed format
by clicking on the browse button at the time of submission of application form.
Contd.Pg 6.
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4. The applicants should not furnish any particulars that are false,
tampered, fabricated or suppress any material information while making an
application through website.
6. Important : The claim of the candidates with regard to the date of birth,
educational / technical qualifications and community are accepted only
provisionally on the information furnished by them in their application form and
is subject to the verification and satisfaction of TSSPDCL. Mere admission to any
test or inclusion of the name of a candidate in a merit list will not confer on the
candidate any right for appointment. The candidature is therefore provisional at
all the stages and TSSPDCL reserves the right to reject candidature at any stage
of the selection even after the advice has been made.
Contd.Pg 7.
12. The following certificates must be kept ready by the candidates for
verification at the time of Pole Climbing test before finalization of Selection List.
14. Candidates will be required to appear for written test and Pole climbing
test as and when conducted at their own cost.
15. Mere admission for written test (or) calling the qualified candidates of
written test for Pole Climbing test (or) calling the qualified candidates to furnish
documentary proof (or) candidates working as Artisans/Outsourced personnel in
TSTRANSCO/TSSPDCL/TSNPDCL does not confer any right for appointment.
16. Written Test will be conducted in ENGLISH & TELUGU language only.
Contd.Pg 8.
4. Transparency in Recruitment : The whole Recruitment and selection
process is carried out with utmost secrecy and confidentially so as to
ensure that the principle of merit is scrupulously followed. A candidate
shall be disqualified for appointment, if he himself or through relations or
friends or any others has canvassed or endeavoured to enlist for his
candidature, extraneous support, whether from official or non-official
sources for appointment to this service.
5. For 95% of the posts, preference shall be given to the District
(iv). Similarly, if the candidate has not studied upto Seventh Class in
any Educational Institution(s), but acquired higher educational
qualification, the place where the candidate resided from the age of 5 years
to 12 years will be taken into consideration and District candidature is
determined with reference to the maximum period of residence or in the
case of equal periods of residence where the candidate has resided last in
such equal periods.
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2. The following are the Districts falling within the jurisdiction of TSSPDCL.
ii) Hall Tickets: The Hall tickets will be placed on the website well before the
date of examination. The candidate has to download the Hall ticket from the
website only. Hall tickets will not be sent to the candidates by post. The Hall
Ticket has to be preserved till the final selection.
iii) Date of examination: The written examination for Junior Lineman will be
held on 15.12.2019.
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2. The test will be of objective type with multiple-choice questions with only
one answer being correct among the four alternatives suggested.
4. The candidate has to bring a good quality Black Ball Point pen to the
examination hall.
5. The candidate has to handover the original OMR Sheet to the invigilators
in the examination centre and is however permitted to take away the question
paper after the examination. If any candidate in violation of the above
instructions takes away the original OMR Sheet, his candidature to the
recruitment will be rejected besides invocation of penal provisions including
debarment of the candidature for all future recruitments to be conducted by the
6. The candidate has to follow meticulously all the instructions given on the
question paper booklet and OMR Answer Sheet, else, the answer sheet may not
be evaluated.
9. If there are any objections on the provisional key, the same can be raised
within 3 days from the date of placing of provisional key to
email : [email protected].
Contd.Pg 12.
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A. Evaluation shall be done as follows:
Total Marks = 100
(i) Written Test Marks : 80 marks
(ii) Weightage Marks maximum upto 20 Marks for Artisans and Outsourced
Personnel engaged through Societies (permitted by the Corporate Office) in
TSTRANSCO/TSSPDCL/TSNPDCL, working as on the date of this
notification and having relevant experience and who qualify in the Written
Test as indicated at item „C‟.
Note: The personnel working for the Private Agencies performing the works
of TSTRANSCO/TSSPDCL/TSNPDCL awarded on lumpsum/piece meal
rate basis are not eligible for weightage marks.
Minimum qualifying marks in the Written Test as per rules :
OC : 40%
BC : 35%
SC/ST : 30%
Note: Mere securing minimum qualifying marks in the written
examination doesn’t vest any right to a candidate for being
called for pole climbing test or for appointment.
(iii) The eligible candidates will be called for Pole Climbing test in the ratio of
1:2 duly following Rule of Reservation.
(NOTE: The candidates who qualify in the Pole climbing test and fall in the
zone of selection within notified vacancies will only be eligible for
appointment to the post of JLM)
(iv) In the event of tie in Total 100 marks, candidate whose age is higher will
be ranked high. In the event of tie thereon, the marks obtained in Written
examination will form basis for deciding the rank. In the event of tie thereon, the
marks obtained in Part-A of written examination will form basis for deciding the
B. The Artisans/Outsourced Personnel working as on the date of Notification
in TSTRANSCO/TSSPDCL/TSNPDCL, having relevant experience and acquired
minimum qualifying marks in the written examination only are entitled for the
benefit of weightage marks.
C. Weightage marks will be given in the following manner :
a. 1 mark for every half year (i.e. 180 days)
b. Any disruption or discontinuation of service for a continuous period
of 180 days and above for whatever the reason as contract/ outsourced
worker shall be considered, as if fresh commencement from the date of
resumption after such discontinuation or disruption.
c. Service less than six months will not be considered for weightage. A
minimum of six months of continuous service is necessary for considering
Contd.Pg 13.
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E. Candidate shall appear for Pole Climbing test as and when called for, at their
own cost and TSSPDCL is not responsible for any injuries caused during Pole
Climbing test.
F. The selection shall be finalized duly following Rule of Reservation.
G. Provisional selection shall be made at first instance which shall be confirmed
later. In the meanwhile, if any adverse information is received about the
genuineness of documents/certificates produced, the provisional selection shall
be cancelled without notice to the candidate, but such intimation of rejection will
be communicated.
H. Medical Fitness certificate issued by the Assistant Civil Surgeon should be
furnished at the time of joining.
i. The selection list will be drawn into two parts. The first part will comprise
5% of the posts consisting of combined merit list and the remaining
second part will comprise the balance 95% of the posts consisting of
candidates belonging to that District only and the posts will be filled,
following the existing rules and rule of reservation.
i. Banjara Hills
ii. Secunderabad
iii. Hyderabad Central
iv. Hyderabad South
Contd.Pg 14.
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iii. The candidates will be selected and allotted to the Circles as per their
Rank in the merit list and as per preference.
iv. While the Company calls for preference of candidates in respect of Circle in
the application form, it is hereby clarified that the said preferences are only
indicative for being considered to the extent possible. Mere claim of preference
for any Circle for allotment against vacancy does not confer a right to selection
for that Circle in particular or any Circle in general.
The candidate who does not pass the Pole climbing test shall be rejected.
Further, the whole recruitment and selection process is carried out with utmost
secrecy and confidentiality, so as to ensure that the principle of merit is
scrupulously followed. A candidate shall be disqualified for appointment, if he
himself or through relatives or friends or any others has canvassed are
endeavoured to enlist for his candidature, extraneous support, whether from
official or non-official sources for appointment to this service. Conviction in
criminal case involving moral turpitude declared insolvent.
Contd.Pg 15.
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1. Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and
that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their
eligibility is correct in all respects. Any candidate furnishing incorrect
information or making false declaration regarding his eligibility at any stage or
suppressing any information, is liable to be debarred from appearing any
examinations conducted by the Telangana Power Utilities and summarily
rejection of their candidature for this recruitment and future recruitments.
2. Any candidate is or has been found impersonating or procuring
impersonation by any person or resorting to any other irregular or improper
means in-connection-with his candidature for selection or obtaining support of
candidature by any means, such a candidate may, in addition to rendering
himself liable to Criminal Prosecution, will also be liable to be debarred
permanently from any exam or selection held by TSSPDCL and other TS Power
Contd.Pg 16.
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Circle A B C D E
5% 95% 5% 95% 5% 95% 5% 95% 5% 95% 5% 95% 5% 95% 5% 95% 5% 95%
Narayanpet 1 21 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 5 0 3 2 39 41
Wanaparthy 1 14 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 2 1 29 30
Nagarkurnool 2 43 1 6 0 8 0 1 0 6 0 3 1 12 0 6 4 85 89
Gadwal 1 21 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 4 0 3 2 38 40
Suryapet 2 31 0 5 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 2 1 8 0 4 3 59 62
3 55 1 7 0 11 0 2 0 7 0 4 1 16 0 7 5 109 114
4 58 1 8 0 12 0 2 0 8 0 5 1 18 0 7 6 118 124
SCADA 1 17 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 3 1 33 34
TOTAL 70 1201 17 167 1 229 0 37 0 155 0 93 26 346 3 155 117 2383 2500
Contd.Pg 17.
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Duration Maximum
Paper Subject No. of Questions
(Minutes) Marks
80 Questions
I.T.I(Electrical (I.T.I(Electrical Trade):
1. Trade) and General 65 Questions and 120 80
Knowledge General Knowledge:
15 Questions)
10. Electric Power generation- thermal, hydal and nuclear, transmission and
distribution system – basic concepts, non-conventional energy sources.
Contd.Pg 18.
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2. Current affairs.
3. Consumer Relations.
Contd.Pg 19.
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Instructions for filling up of application form for the post of
Junior Lineman in TSSPDCL
Particulars Description
1 Applicant Full Name Name as per SSC certificate (to be filled at the time of making payment)
Date of Birth as per SSC certificate (to be filled at the time of making
3 Date of Birth
7a District Name Choose name of the District from the drop down list
7b Mandal Name Choose name of the Mandal from the drop down list
7d Pincode Pincode
8a Caste Caste of the Applicant (to be filled at the time of making payment)
11 Identification Marks Identification marks as per SSC memo (one identification mark is mandatory)
13 Employment Exchange Regd. No. Employment Exchange Regd. No. (non mandatory)
Contd.Pg 20.
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Particulars Description
Yes/No (to be selected at the time of making payment) [For candidates
Are you working with TSTRANSCO/
14 working in TSTRANSCO/TSSPDCL/TSNPDCL as Artisans/Outsourced basis
TSSPDCL/TSNPDCL as on the date of Notification
in TS Power Utilities]
14d Name of the Post Applicant's post name i.e. Artisan Grade
Applicant's nature of work i.e. SS Operator, Pole to Pole Worker, Fuse off Call
14e Nature of Work
Operator etc.
Break in service if any i.e., for 6 months & above Provide No. of days of Break in service if any, if it is for 6 months. Otherwise
period furnish NIL
Date of initial entry into Power Utilities (to be filled at the time of making
14j Initial Date of Entry in Power Utilities
15b Date of Acquiring Academic Qualification Select Month and Year from drop down list
15d Date of Acquiring Technical Qualification Select Month and Year from drop down list
16 Basic Education Details If Private, choose option "Place of appearing 7 th Class or it's equivalent"
first by selecting the district in which the applicant resided by taking into
the applicant's age (i.e., age at the time of Class VII if studied). Then
choose option "1 st Preceding Year" next by selecting the district in which
the applicant resided (i.e., age at the time of Class VI if studied). And so
on for remaining years i.e., 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Preceding Years.
Important Note: Candidate should acquaint himself the present District in which
jurisdiction the School he studied from 1st Class to 7th Class/Place of residence from Age 5
to 12 years if not studied, is falling.
Select Circle/District Select/ Circle District from the drop down list
17 Select TSSPDCL Circle from the drop down list. [Refer to Note under PARA-
Select TSSPDCL Circle VIII : PROCEDURE FOR SELECTION in Notification (for the candidates
belonging to Hyderabad/ Rangareddy/Medchal-Malkajgiri Districts)]
Date of Birth :
Fathers Name :
Duration of
Class Name and Place of School Study giving
month and year
It is certified that the particulars furnished above are as per our records.
(To be produced by such candidates who have not studied in any educational
institution during the whole or any part* of the relevant 4/7 years period)
It is here by certified
(b) That he/she has not studied in any educational institution during the
whole/or part of the 4/7 consecutive academic years ending with the academic
years ending with the in which he/she first appeared for the aforesaid
(c) That in the 4/7 years immediately preceding the commencement of the
aforesaid examination he/she resided in the following place/places namely;