Paoletti-Pimentel2000 Article EnvironmentalRisksOfPesticides
Paoletti-Pimentel2000 Article EnvironmentalRisksOfPesticides
Paoletti-Pimentel2000 Article EnvironmentalRisksOfPesticides
ABSTRACT. Despite the application of 2.5 million tons of pesticides worldwide, more
than 40% of all potential food production is lost to insect, weed, and plant pathogen pests
prior to harvest. After harvest, an additional 20% of food is lost to another group of pests.
The use of pesticides for pest control results in an estimated 26 million human poisonings,
with 220,000 fatalities, annually worldwide. In the United States, the environmental and
public health costs for the recommended use of pesticides total approximately $9 billion/yr.
Thus, there is a need for alternative non-chemical pest controls, and genetic engineering
(biotechnology) might help with this need. Disease and insect pest resistance to various
pests has been slowly bred into crops for the past 12,000 years; current techniques in bio-
technology now offer opportunities to further and more rapidly improve the non-chemical
control of disease and insect pests of crops. However, relying on a single factor, like the
Bacillus thuringiensis toxin that has been inserted into corn and a few other crops for insect
control, leads to various environmental problems, including insect resistance and, in some
cases, a threat to beneficial biological control insects and endangered insect species. A
major environmental and economic cost associated with genetic engineering applications
in agriculture relates to the use of herbicide resistant crops (HRC). In general, HRC tech-
nology results in increased herbicide use but no increase in crop yields. The heavy use
of herbicides in HRC technology pollutes the environment and can lead to weed control
costs for farmers that may be 2-fold greater than standard weed control costs. Therefore,
pest control with both pesticides and biotechnology can be improved for effective, safe,
economical pest control.
Synthetic pesticides have been applied to crops since 1945, and have been
highly successful in both reducing crop losses to some pest insects, plant
pathogens, and weeds, and in increasing crop yields (Pimentel, 1997).
One estimate suggests that without pesticides, crop losses to pests might
increase by 30%. Pesticides are also economically beneficial. One study
estimated that pesticides return about $4 per dollar invested in pesti-
cide applications (Pimentel et al., 1993). However, these benefits are not
without some environmental and social costs of using pesticides (Pimentel
and Greiner, 1997).
In the United States, pre-harvest losses are slightly lower than the world
average, about 37% of potential crop production (Pimentel, 1997). The
losses are allocated as follows: 13% from insects, 12% from diseases,
and 12% from weeds. These losses occur despite the heavy application
of insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Approximately 3 kg of pesti-
cide are applied per hectare in the US agricultural system (Pimentel et al.,
What quantity of our crops are protected with pesticides? An esti-
mated $8 billion is invested in pest control in the United States each year,
saving approximately $32 billion in crops. If no pest controls – including
pesticides, natural enemies, host-plant resistance and other non-chemical
controls – were employed, the best estimate suggests that crop losses in
the US would increase from 37% to 67%. Crop losses would then total
about $100 billion per year. Therefore, pesticides are protecting about
30% of US crops. This estimate of benefits does not take into account the
environmental and public health impacts of pesticides (discussed later).
Our opinion is that the same degree of pest control could be achieved
with half the amount of the pesticides applied today (Pimentel et al.,
1993). Estimates are that in order to achieve a 50% reduction in pesti-
cide use, about $1 billion per year would have to be invested. However,
the benefits resulting from reduced pesticide use and related reductions
in environmental and public health problems would pay for this $1
billion investment, plus return several billion dollars in additional benefits
(Pimentel et al., 1998).
The opportunities for improved pest management are apparent when
we note that insecticide use in the United States grew more than 10-fold
from 1945 to date, while losses to insects in US crops also increased from
7% in 1945 to 13% in 1997 (Pimentel et al., 1993; Pimentel et al., 1998).
For some crops, like corn, losses to insects increased from 3.5% in 1945
to 12% in 1993, even with a more than 1000-fold increase in insecticide
use (Pimentel et al., 1993). Corn production is now the largest user of
insecticides in the United States. These increased insect problems (corn-
rootworm complex) are due to the planting of more than half of the corn
without crop rotations (Pimentel et al., 1993).
than males in unpolluted regions (Pimentel and Hart, 1999). Male rabbits
treated with the pesticide carbosulfan also showed a significant decline in
sperm concentration in the treated group (El-Zarkouny et al., 1999).
Although it is often difficult to determine the impact of individual pesti-
cides and other chemicals, the chronic health problems associated with
organophosphorus pesticides – which have largely replaced the banned
organochlorines – are of particular concern. The malady Organophos-
phate Induced Delayed Polyneuropathy (OPIDP) is well-documented and
is marked by irreversible neurological defects (Ecobichon et al., 1990).
The deterioration of memory, moods, and the capacity for abstract thought
have been observed in some cases, while other cases indicate that persistent
neurotoxic effects may result even after the termination of an acute
organophosphorus poisoning incident.
Many species – especially natural predators and parasites – control
or help to control herbivorous pest populations in both natural and agro-
ecosystems. Natural enemies play a major role in keeping the populations
of many insect and mite pests under control, but these natural enemies
can be adversely affected by pesticides. For example, bollworm, tobacco
budworm, cotton aphid, spider mites, and cotton loopers have reached
outbreak levels in cotton crops following the destruction of their natural
enemies by pesticides; European red mites, red-banded leafroller, San
Jose scale, oystershell scale, rosy apple aphid, wooly apple aphid, white
apple leafhoppers, two-spotted spider mites, and apple rust mites have
reached outbreak levels in apple crops for the same reason. Significant
pest outbreaks have also occurred in other crops (Croft, 1990).
When outbreaks of secondary pests occur because their natural enemies
are destroyed by pesticides, additional and sometimes more expensive
pesticide treatments have to be made in an effort to sustain crop yields.
This raises overall costs and contributes to pesticide-related problems. An
estimated $520 million can be attributed to the cost of additional pesti-
cide applications and increased crop losses, both of which result from the
destruction of natural enemies by pesticides (Pimentel et al., 1998).
Wild birds are also destroyed by pesticides, and consequently make
excellent “indicator species” of pollutant levels in the environment. Dele-
terious effects of pesticides on bird wildlife include death from direct
exposure or secondary poisonings from consuming contaminated prey;
reduced survival, growth, and reproductive rates from exposure to sub-
lethal dosages; and habitat reduction through elimination of food sources
and refuges. In the United States, approximately 3 kg of pesticide per
hectare are applied to about 160 million ha of land per year. With such a
large portion of the land area treated with heavy dosages of pesticide, one
would expect the impact of pesticides on bird wildlife to be significant.
Many bird casualties caused by pesticides have been reported in the
published literature. For instance, White et al. (1982) reported that 1200
Canada geese were killed in one wheat field that was sprayed with a 2:1
mixture of parathion and methyl parathion at a rate of 0.8 kg per ha.
Carbofuran applied to alfalfa killed more than 5000 ducks and geese in 5
incidents, while the same chemical applied to vegetable crops killed 1400
ducks in a single incident (Flickinger et al., 1980, 1991). Carbofuran is
estimated to kill 1–2 million birds each year (EPA, 1989). Another pesti-
cide, diazinon, killed 700 of the wintering population of 2500 Atlantic
Brant Geese after the pesticide was applied to three golf courses (Stone
and Gradoni, 1985).
Several studies report that the use of herbicides in crop production
results in the total elimination of the weeds that harbor some insects
(R. Beiswenger, University of Wyoming, personal communication, 1990).
This has led to subsequent reductions in the gray partridge in the United
Kingdom and the common pheasant in the United States. In the case of
the partridge, population levels have decreased more than 77% because
partridge chicks (and pheasant chicks as well) depend on insects to supply
them with the protein needed for their development and survival (R.
Beiswenger, University of Wyoming, personal communication, 1990).
Frequently, the form of a pesticide influences its toxicity to wildlife.
For example, treated seed and insecticide granules – including carbofuran,
fensulfothion, fonofos, and phorate – are particularly toxic to birds when
consumed. Many birds will ingest these granules either on purpose or by
accident, thereby consuming the pesticide directly. Some recent research
on managing this hazard has focused on the spraying of the pesticide
treated area with a solution of a naturally occurring plant substance that
is unpalatable to many types of birds (Chen, 1995). Another approach
includes treating the granules with taste repellents before field application
(Mastrota and Mench, 1995). Despite these measures, though, estimates
suggest that 0.23–1.5 birds per ha are killed by pesticides in Canada; in the
United States, about 0.25–8.9 birds per ha per year are estimated to die as
a result of pesticide exposure (Mineau, 1988).
Although the gross economic values for wildlife are not available,
expenditures involving wildlife are one measure of its monetary value.
Non-consumptive users of wildlife spent an estimated $14.3 billion in 1985
(USFWS, 1988). Bird watchers in the US spend an estimated $600 million
annually on their sport, and an additional $500 million on birdseed – a total
of $1.1 billion (USFWS, 1988). The money spent by bird hunters to harvest
resistant crops. Five crops – soybean, corn, cotton, canola, and potato –
cover the largest acreage of engineered crops (James, 1998; Moff, 1998).
Alfalfa Mycogen
Apples Dry Creek
University of California
Corn Asgrow
Genetic Enterprises
Nortrup King
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Rogers NK Seed
Cotton Calgene
Delta and Pineland
Jacob & Hartz
Northrup King
Cranberry University of Wisconsin
Eggplant Rutgers University
Poplar University of Wisconsin
Potatoes USDA
Michigan State University
Montana State University
New Mexico State University
University of Idaho
Rice Louisiana State University
Spruce University of Wisconsin
Tobacco Auburn University
North Carolina State University
Roham & Haas
Tomatoes Campbell
Ohio State University
Rogers NK Seeds
Walnuts University of California, Davis
effects also exist because the pollen of engineered plants contains BT,
which is toxic to bees, beneficial predators, and endangered butterflies like
the Karka Blue and Monarch Butterflies (Losey et al., 1999).
Cotton was the first crop plant engineered with the BT d-endotoxin.
Caterpillar pests, including the cotton bollworm and budworm, cost US
farmers about $171 million/year as measured in yield losses and insecti-
cide costs (Head, 1991). Benedict et al. (1992) predict that the widespread
use of BT-cotton could reduce insecticide use and thereby reduce costs by
as much as 50% to 90%, saving farmers $86 to $186 million/year.
The development of insect resistance to transgenic crop varieties is
one highly possible risk associated with the use of BT d-endotoxin in
genetically-engineered crop varieties. Resistance to BT has already been
demonstrated in the cotton budworm and bollworm (Tabashnik, 1992;
Bartlett, 1995). If Bt-engineered plants become resistant, a key insecti-
cide that has been utilized successfully in Integrated Pest Management
(IPM) programs could be lost (Paoletti and Pimentel, 1995). Therefore,
proper resistance management strategies with use of this new technology
are imperative. Another potential risk is that the BT d-endotoxin could be
harmful to non-target organisms (Goldburg and Tjaden, 1990; Jepson et al.,
1994). For example, it is not clear what potential effect the BT d-endotoxin
residues that are incorporated into soils will have against an array of non-
target useful invertebrates living in the rural landscape (Jepson et al., 1994;
Paoletti and Pimentel, 1995).
pests after a single gene change allowed the rust to overcome resistance in
the oat genotype (Wellings and McIntosh, 1990).
An important fungal disease of rice, rice blast, has some genotypes
with single-gene changes that cause the fungal organism to be poten-
tially pathogenic to rice cultivars (Smith and Leong, 1994). A similar
phenomenon of single-gene changes resulting in pathogenicity has been
documented with a related fungal pathogen that infects weeping love-
grass (Heath et al., 1990). This phenomenon has led plant pathologists
to develop the, “gene-for-gene” principle of parasite-host relationships in
which a single mutation in a parasite overcomes single-gene resistance in
the host (Person, 1959). Furthermore, numerous instances have been docu-
mented in which insects, through a single-gene change, have overcome
resistance in plant hosts or have evolved resistance to insecticides (Roush
and McKenzie, 1987).
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