Paoletti-Pimentel2000 Article EnvironmentalRisksOfPesticides

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(Accepted February 11, 2000)

ABSTRACT. Despite the application of 2.5 million tons of pesticides worldwide, more
than 40% of all potential food production is lost to insect, weed, and plant pathogen pests
prior to harvest. After harvest, an additional 20% of food is lost to another group of pests.
The use of pesticides for pest control results in an estimated 26 million human poisonings,
with 220,000 fatalities, annually worldwide. In the United States, the environmental and
public health costs for the recommended use of pesticides total approximately $9 billion/yr.
Thus, there is a need for alternative non-chemical pest controls, and genetic engineering
(biotechnology) might help with this need. Disease and insect pest resistance to various
pests has been slowly bred into crops for the past 12,000 years; current techniques in bio-
technology now offer opportunities to further and more rapidly improve the non-chemical
control of disease and insect pests of crops. However, relying on a single factor, like the
Bacillus thuringiensis toxin that has been inserted into corn and a few other crops for insect
control, leads to various environmental problems, including insect resistance and, in some
cases, a threat to beneficial biological control insects and endangered insect species. A
major environmental and economic cost associated with genetic engineering applications
in agriculture relates to the use of herbicide resistant crops (HRC). In general, HRC tech-
nology results in increased herbicide use but no increase in crop yields. The heavy use
of herbicides in HRC technology pollutes the environment and can lead to weed control
costs for farmers that may be 2-fold greater than standard weed control costs. Therefore,
pest control with both pesticides and biotechnology can be improved for effective, safe,
economical pest control.

KEY WORDS: environment, genetic engineering, biotechnology, pesticides, agriculture,

pest control, risks


Synthetic pesticides have been applied to crops since 1945, and have been
highly successful in both reducing crop losses to some pest insects, plant
pathogens, and weeds, and in increasing crop yields (Pimentel, 1997).
One estimate suggests that without pesticides, crop losses to pests might
increase by 30%. Pesticides are also economically beneficial. One study
estimated that pesticides return about $4 per dollar invested in pesti-
cide applications (Pimentel et al., 1993). However, these benefits are not
without some environmental and social costs of using pesticides (Pimentel
and Greiner, 1997).

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12: 279–303, 2000.

© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Since 1970, genetic engineering technology has produced transgenic

crops that, in some cases, can similarly reduce pest insect and plant
pathogen problems in crops (Paoletti and Pimentel, 1996; McCullum et al.,
1998). Approximately 34 genetically engineered crops have been approved
for commercial use, but only a few of these have had a significant degree of
pest insect and plant pathogen resistance included (Hammond and Fuchs,
Selection of breeding stock by farmers has occurred since the begin-
ning of agriculture more than 12,000 years ago, and has increased the
productivity of food and fiber crops in a variety of ways, including
increasing the resistance and tolerance of crops to pest insects, plant
pathogens, and weeds (Smith, 1995; Smith, 1989). Strategic breeding and
selection, in addition to large inputs of fertilizers, irrigation, and pesti-
cides, resulted in one of the highest achievements in agriculture, the Green
Revolution (Smith, 1995). For example, corn yields increased nearly 4-
fold, and new relatives of corn, including a perennial type, have been
discovered (Smith, 1995; H. Iltis, personal communication, University of
Wisconsin, 1998).
Genetic engineering techniques can move genes horizontally from one
organism to another. For instance, Chinese scientists have spliced genes
from a cold-tolerant fish into sugar beets, resulting in modified plants that
can tolerate lower temperatures than normal sugar beets (Gene Exchange,
1998). These technologies have developed similar transgenic crops that are
now becoming commercially available and are starting to compete with
current crops.
The objective of this article is to assess the environmental risks of pesti-
cides as compared to the risks associated with the application of genetic
engineering and biotechnology in agricultural insect pest, plant pathogen,
and weed control.


Approximately 70,000 species of pests exist in the world, but of these,

only 10% are considered serious pests (Pimentel, 1997). Despite the use
of more than 2.5 million tons of pesticides applied at an annual cost of
$30 billion, pest insects, plant pathogens, and weeds continue to destroy
more than 40% of the potential world food production (Oerke et al., 1994;
Pimentel, 1997). Pre-harvest pest losses are approximately 15% for pest
insects, 13% for disease, and about 12% for weeds. After harvest, another
20% of the food is lost to another group of pests (Pimentel, 1997).

In the United States, pre-harvest losses are slightly lower than the world
average, about 37% of potential crop production (Pimentel, 1997). The
losses are allocated as follows: 13% from insects, 12% from diseases,
and 12% from weeds. These losses occur despite the heavy application
of insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Approximately 3 kg of pesti-
cide are applied per hectare in the US agricultural system (Pimentel et al.,
What quantity of our crops are protected with pesticides? An esti-
mated $8 billion is invested in pest control in the United States each year,
saving approximately $32 billion in crops. If no pest controls – including
pesticides, natural enemies, host-plant resistance and other non-chemical
controls – were employed, the best estimate suggests that crop losses in
the US would increase from 37% to 67%. Crop losses would then total
about $100 billion per year. Therefore, pesticides are protecting about
30% of US crops. This estimate of benefits does not take into account the
environmental and public health impacts of pesticides (discussed later).
Our opinion is that the same degree of pest control could be achieved
with half the amount of the pesticides applied today (Pimentel et al.,
1993). Estimates are that in order to achieve a 50% reduction in pesti-
cide use, about $1 billion per year would have to be invested. However,
the benefits resulting from reduced pesticide use and related reductions
in environmental and public health problems would pay for this $1
billion investment, plus return several billion dollars in additional benefits
(Pimentel et al., 1998).
The opportunities for improved pest management are apparent when
we note that insecticide use in the United States grew more than 10-fold
from 1945 to date, while losses to insects in US crops also increased from
7% in 1945 to 13% in 1997 (Pimentel et al., 1993; Pimentel et al., 1998).
For some crops, like corn, losses to insects increased from 3.5% in 1945
to 12% in 1993, even with a more than 1000-fold increase in insecticide
use (Pimentel et al., 1993). Corn production is now the largest user of
insecticides in the United States. These increased insect problems (corn-
rootworm complex) are due to the planting of more than half of the corn
without crop rotations (Pimentel et al., 1993).

Public Health and Environmental Impacts of Pesticides

Human poisonings and their related illnesses are clearly the highest price
paid for pesticide use. Worldwide, an estimated 26 million suffer from
pesticide poisonings each year; approximately 3 million are poisoned seri-
ously enough to be hospitalized and about 220,000 severely enough to
prove fatal (UNEP, 1997).

The situation is especially serious in developing countries, even though

these nations only utilize only 20% of the total pesticides applied in the
world (Pimentel and Lehman, 1993). A high pesticide poisonings to deaths
ratio occurs in developing countries, where there tend to be inadequate
occupational safety standards, protective clothing, and washing facilities;
insufficient enforcement of safety regulations; poor labeling of pesticides;
illiteracy; and insufficient knowledge of pesticide hazards.
Additionally, average pesticide residue levels in food are often higher
in developing countries than in developed nations. For example, a study in
Egypt reported that a majority of assayed milk samples, when tested for
fifteen different pesticides, contained residue levels in about 60–80% of
the samples (Pimentel and Greiner, 1997).
About 35% of the foods purchased by American consumers, however,
also have detectable levels of pesticide residues, generally considered
acceptable amounts of pesticide contamination. However, 1–3% of these
foods have pesticide residue levels that are above the legal tolerance level.
Residue levels may be even higher than this because the analytical methods
now employed in the US detect only about one-third of the more than 800
pesticides in use on crops (Pimentel and Hart, 1999).
Both the acute and chronic health effects of pesticides warrant attention
and concern. While the acute toxicity of most pesticides is well docu-
mented, information on chronic human illnesses such as cancer is not as
sound. Schottenfeld, of the University of Michigan (personal communica-
tion, 1991), estimates that fewer than 1% of the human cancer cases in the
US are attributable to pesticide exposure. Since there are approximately
1.2 million new cancer cases annually, Schottenfeld’s assessment suggests
that approximately 12,000 cases of cancer per year are due to pesticides
(Pimentel and Hart, 1999).
There is also growing evidence of sterility in humans and various other
animals, particularly in males, related to the presence of various chemicals
and pesticides in the environment. Sperm counts in the United States and
Europe have declined by about 50% and continue to decrease an additional
2% per year (Pimentel and Greiner, 1997). Some investigators question the
decline in sperm counts and argue that variation between regions suggest
that there may not have been a decline (Olsen et al., 1995; Fisch and
Goluboff, 1996). Swan et al. (1997) examined all the studies claiming
declines and those claiming no change in sperm counts worldwide, and
concluded that the evidence supports a decline in sperm counts over time.
Further support for the evidence that sperm counts are declining is
the fact that young male river otters in the lower Columbia River and
male alligators in Florida’s Lake Apopka have smaller reproductive organs

than males in unpolluted regions (Pimentel and Hart, 1999). Male rabbits
treated with the pesticide carbosulfan also showed a significant decline in
sperm concentration in the treated group (El-Zarkouny et al., 1999).
Although it is often difficult to determine the impact of individual pesti-
cides and other chemicals, the chronic health problems associated with
organophosphorus pesticides – which have largely replaced the banned
organochlorines – are of particular concern. The malady Organophos-
phate Induced Delayed Polyneuropathy (OPIDP) is well-documented and
is marked by irreversible neurological defects (Ecobichon et al., 1990).
The deterioration of memory, moods, and the capacity for abstract thought
have been observed in some cases, while other cases indicate that persistent
neurotoxic effects may result even after the termination of an acute
organophosphorus poisoning incident.
Many species – especially natural predators and parasites – control
or help to control herbivorous pest populations in both natural and agro-
ecosystems. Natural enemies play a major role in keeping the populations
of many insect and mite pests under control, but these natural enemies
can be adversely affected by pesticides. For example, bollworm, tobacco
budworm, cotton aphid, spider mites, and cotton loopers have reached
outbreak levels in cotton crops following the destruction of their natural
enemies by pesticides; European red mites, red-banded leafroller, San
Jose scale, oystershell scale, rosy apple aphid, wooly apple aphid, white
apple leafhoppers, two-spotted spider mites, and apple rust mites have
reached outbreak levels in apple crops for the same reason. Significant
pest outbreaks have also occurred in other crops (Croft, 1990).
When outbreaks of secondary pests occur because their natural enemies
are destroyed by pesticides, additional and sometimes more expensive
pesticide treatments have to be made in an effort to sustain crop yields.
This raises overall costs and contributes to pesticide-related problems. An
estimated $520 million can be attributed to the cost of additional pesti-
cide applications and increased crop losses, both of which result from the
destruction of natural enemies by pesticides (Pimentel et al., 1998).
Wild birds are also destroyed by pesticides, and consequently make
excellent “indicator species” of pollutant levels in the environment. Dele-
terious effects of pesticides on bird wildlife include death from direct
exposure or secondary poisonings from consuming contaminated prey;
reduced survival, growth, and reproductive rates from exposure to sub-
lethal dosages; and habitat reduction through elimination of food sources
and refuges. In the United States, approximately 3 kg of pesticide per
hectare are applied to about 160 million ha of land per year. With such a

large portion of the land area treated with heavy dosages of pesticide, one
would expect the impact of pesticides on bird wildlife to be significant.
Many bird casualties caused by pesticides have been reported in the
published literature. For instance, White et al. (1982) reported that 1200
Canada geese were killed in one wheat field that was sprayed with a 2:1
mixture of parathion and methyl parathion at a rate of 0.8 kg per ha.
Carbofuran applied to alfalfa killed more than 5000 ducks and geese in 5
incidents, while the same chemical applied to vegetable crops killed 1400
ducks in a single incident (Flickinger et al., 1980, 1991). Carbofuran is
estimated to kill 1–2 million birds each year (EPA, 1989). Another pesti-
cide, diazinon, killed 700 of the wintering population of 2500 Atlantic
Brant Geese after the pesticide was applied to three golf courses (Stone
and Gradoni, 1985).
Several studies report that the use of herbicides in crop production
results in the total elimination of the weeds that harbor some insects
(R. Beiswenger, University of Wyoming, personal communication, 1990).
This has led to subsequent reductions in the gray partridge in the United
Kingdom and the common pheasant in the United States. In the case of
the partridge, population levels have decreased more than 77% because
partridge chicks (and pheasant chicks as well) depend on insects to supply
them with the protein needed for their development and survival (R.
Beiswenger, University of Wyoming, personal communication, 1990).
Frequently, the form of a pesticide influences its toxicity to wildlife.
For example, treated seed and insecticide granules – including carbofuran,
fensulfothion, fonofos, and phorate – are particularly toxic to birds when
consumed. Many birds will ingest these granules either on purpose or by
accident, thereby consuming the pesticide directly. Some recent research
on managing this hazard has focused on the spraying of the pesticide
treated area with a solution of a naturally occurring plant substance that
is unpalatable to many types of birds (Chen, 1995). Another approach
includes treating the granules with taste repellents before field application
(Mastrota and Mench, 1995). Despite these measures, though, estimates
suggest that 0.23–1.5 birds per ha are killed by pesticides in Canada; in the
United States, about 0.25–8.9 birds per ha per year are estimated to die as
a result of pesticide exposure (Mineau, 1988).
Although the gross economic values for wildlife are not available,
expenditures involving wildlife are one measure of its monetary value.
Non-consumptive users of wildlife spent an estimated $14.3 billion in 1985
(USFWS, 1988). Bird watchers in the US spend an estimated $600 million
annually on their sport, and an additional $500 million on birdseed – a total
of $1.1 billion (USFWS, 1988). The money spent by bird hunters to harvest

5 million game birds is about $1.1 billion annually, or approximately $216

per bird (USFWS, 1988). In addition, estimates of the value of all types
of birds ranged from $0.40 to more than $800 per bird. The $0.40 per bird
was based on the costs of bird-watching and the $800 per bird was based on
the replacement costs of the affected species (Walgenbach, 1979; Tinney,
1982; Dobbins, 1986; James, 1995).
If it is assumed that the damage pesticides inflict on birds occur
primarily on the 160 million hectares of cropland that receive most of the
pesticide, and the bird population is estimated to be 4.2 birds per hectare
of cropland (Blew, 1990), then 672 million birds are directly exposed
to pesticides. If it is conservatively estimated that only 10% of the bird
population is killed, then the total number of birds killed annually as a
result of direct pesticide exposure is 67 million. Note that this estimate
is at the low end of the range of 0.25 to 8.9 birds per ha killed annually
by pesticides mentioned earlier in this section. Also, this is considered a
conservative estimate because secondary losses to pesticide-related reduc-
tions in invertebrate prey poisonings were not included in the assessment.
Assuming that the average value of a bird is $30, then an estimated $2
billion worth of birds are destroyed annually.
Pesticides have many other effects on the environment as well,
including mammal, fish, and bee kills, surface and ground water contam-
ination, soil and air contamination, and residue contamination of animal
and crop products (Pimentel et al., 1998). The environmental effects of
pesticide use in the United States total more than $9 billion each year.


Benefits of Genetic Engineering in Pest Control

Many crops have been genetically modified to include resistance to insects,
resistance to plant pathogens (including viruses) and herbicides, and for
improved features such as slow ripening, higher nutritional status, seedless
fruit, and increased sweetness. Up to 34 new genetically engineered crops
have been approved to enter the market (Hammond and Fuchs, 1997).
Since 1986, more than 2000 field trials have led to the release of trans-
genic plants around the world (Krattinger and Rosemarin, 1994; Paoletti
and Pimentel, 1996). In 1998, 27.8 million ha of engineered crops were
planted in countries such as the United States, Argentina, Canada, and
Australia. The US alone contains 74% of the modified cropland planted.
Globally, 19.8% of this area has been planted with herbicide tolerant
crops, 7.7% with insect resistant crops, and 0.3% with insect and herbicide

resistant crops. Five crops – soybean, corn, cotton, canola, and potato –
cover the largest acreage of engineered crops (James, 1998; Moff, 1998).

Disease Resistance in Crops

The crops currently on the market that have been engineered for resistance
to plant pathogens are listed in Table I. Disease resistant engineered crops
have some potential advantages because this reduces the use of fungicides.
However, the large-scale cultivation of plants expressing viral and
bacterial genes might lead to some adverse ecological consequences. The
most significant risk is the potential for gene transfer of disease resist-
ance from cultivated crops to weed relatives. For example, it has been
postulated that a virus-resistant squash could transfer its newly acquired
virus-resistance genes to wild squash (Cucurbita pepo), which is native
to the southern US If the virus-resistance genes spread, newly disease-
resistant weed squash could become a hardier, more abundant weed.
Moreover, because the US is the origin for squash, changes in the genetic
make-up of wild squash could conceivably lessen its value to squash
breeders. The US Department of Agriculture argues that viruses do not
appear to infect wild squash, basing this conclusion largely on a survey
of only 14 wild squash plants in which no viral infection was detected
(Goldburg, 1995).
Another area of concern is the production of virus-resistant sugar beets,
where there a similar exchange of genes between cultivated and weed
populations of beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is likely, since production areas
containing wild and/or weed beet populations are in the same region.
Genetic exchange could take place by wind pollination, biotic pollination,
or the common gynoniecy of wild beets (Boutin et al., 1987; Cuguen,
1994). A genetic introgression from seed beet to weed beet populations
has already been observed in Europe (Santoni and Berville, 1992).
Some plant pathologists have also suggested that development of
virus-resistant crops could allow viruses to infect new hosts through
transencapsidation. This may be especially important for certain viruses,
e.g., luteoviruses, where possible heterologus encapsidation of other viral
RNAs with the expressed coat protein is known to occur naturally. With
other viruses, such as the PRV that infects papaya, the risk of heteroencap-
sidation is thought to be minimal because the papaya crop itself is infected
by very few viruses (Gonsalves et al., 1994).
Virus-resistant crops may also lead to the creation of new viruses
through an exchange of genetic material or recombination between RNA
virus genomes. Recombination between RNA virus genomes requires
infection of the same host cell with two or more viruses. Several authors
Plants genetically-engineered for virus resistance that have been approved for field tests
in the United States from 1987 to July 1995 (Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996; McCullum et
al., 1998)

Crop Disease(s) Reseach organization

Alfalfa Alfalfa mosaic virus Pioneer Hi-Bred

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
Barley Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) USDA
Beets Beet necrotic yellow vein virus Betaseed
Cantelope and/or CMV, papaya ringspot virus (PRV) UpJohn
squash Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV)
Watermelon mosaic virus II (WMVII)
CMV Harris Moran Seed
ZYMV Michigan State University
ZYMV Rogers NK Seed
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) Cornell University
SMV, CMV New York State Experiment Station
Corn Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) Pioneer Hi-Bred
Maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV)
Maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCDV)
MDMV Northup King
MDMV Rogers NK Seed
Cucumbers CMV New York State Experiment Station
Lettuce Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) UpJohn
Papayas PRV University of Hawaii
Peanuts TSWV Agracetus
Plum trees PRV, plum pox virus USDA
Potatoes Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) Monsanto
Potato virus X (PVX)
Potato virus Y (PVY)
PLRV, PVY, late blight of potatoes Frito-Lay
PLRV Calgene
PLRV, PRY University of Idaho
PYV Oregon State University
Soybeans SMV Pioneer Hi-Bred
Tobacco ALMV, tobacco etch virus (TEV)
Tobacco vein mottling virus
TEV, PVY University of Florida
TEV, PVY North Carolina State University
TMV Oklahoma State University
Tomatoes TMV, tomato mosaic virus (TMV) Monsanto
CMV, tomato yellow leafcurl virus
TMV, ToMV UpJohn
ToMV Rogers NK Seed
CMV PetoSeed
CVM Asgrow
CMV Harris Moran Seeds
CMV New York State Experiment Station

have pointed out that recombination could also occur in genetically-

engineered plants expressing viral sequences of infection with a single
virus, and that large-scale cultivation of such crops could lead to increased
possibilities of combinations (Hull, 1990; Palukaitis, 1991; de Zoeten,
1991; Tepfer, 1993). It has recently been shown that RNA transcribed
from a transgene can recombine with an infecting virus to produce highly
virulent new viruses (Greene and Allison, 1994).

Assessment of Transgenic Virus-resistant Potatoes in Mexico

An in-depth assessment of potential socioeconomic implications related to
the introduction of some genetically-modified varieties of virus-resistant
potatoes (PVY, PVX, PlRV) in Mexico underscores the importance of
biotechnology. This type of genetic modification could prove especially
beneficial to large scale farmers, but only marginally beneficial to small
scale farmers, because most small farmers use red potato varieties that are
not considered suitable for biotechnology transformation. In addition, 77%
of the seeds that small farmers use come from other farmers, not from the
seed producers that could sell the new resistant varieties (Quaim, 1998).
The mycoplasma and virus diseases in Mexico are not currently
controlled with pesticides, and rank second and third in economic damage.
The major pest, the fungus Phytophtora infestans, ranks first in economic
damage and requires, in some cases, up to 30 fungicide applications (Parga
and Flores, 1995). Thus, the interesting new genetically altered varieties of
potatoes appear to be of little benefit to crop production for small farmers.

Herbicide-Resistant Crops (HRCs)

Several engineered crops that include herbicide-resistance are commer-
cially available, and 13 other key crops in the world are ready for field
trials (Table II). In addition, some crops (e.g., corn) are being engineered to
contain both herbicide (Glyphosate) and biotic insecticide-resistance (BT
d-endotoxin) (Gene Exchange, 1997).
The resistance of crops to target herbicides would, in practice, result
in farmers applying large quantities of herbicides (Paoletti and Pimentel,
1996). In addition, costs for this new technology of HRCs are about
2-times higher in corn than the recommended herbicide use and culti-
vation weed control program (Pimentel and Ali, 1998). Herbicide use on
herbicide-tolerant soybeans was 2 to 5 times higher than in conventional
soybean production (Benbrook, 1999).
Integrated pest management (IPM) could benefit from some HRCs, if
alternative non-chemical methods can be applied first to control weeds and
the target herbicide could be used later, only when and where the economic
Herbicide-resistant crops (HRCs) approved for field tests in the United
States from 1987 to July 1995 (adapted from: Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996;
Gene Exchange, 1997; McCullum et al., 1998)

Crop Herbicide Research organization

Alfalfa Glyphosate Northrup King

Barley Glufosinate/Bialaphos USDA
Canola (oilseed rape) Glufosinate/Bialaphos University of Idaho
Glyphosate InterMountain Canola
Corn Glufosinate/Bialaphos Hoechst-Roussel/AgrEvo
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Great Lakes Hybrids
Genetic Enterprises
Glyphosate Monsanto
Sulfonylurea Pioneer Hi-Bred
Imidazolinone American Cyanamid
Cotton Glyphosate Monsanto
Dairyland Seeds
Northrup King
Bromoxynil Calgene
Rhone Poulenc
Sulfonylurea DuPont
Delta and Pine Land
Imidazolinone Phytogen
Peanuts Glufosinate/Bialaphos University of Florida
Potatoes Bromoxynil University of Idaho
2,4-D USDA
Glyphosate Monsanto
Imidazolinone American Cyanamid
Rice Glufosinate/Bialaphos Louisiana State University
Soybeans Glyphosate Monsanto
Glyphosate UpJohn
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Northrup King
Glufosinate/Bialaphos UpJohn
Sulfonylurea DuPont
Sugar Beets Glufosinate/Bialaphos Hoechst-Roussel
Glyphosate American Crystal Sugar
Tobacco Sulfonylurea American Cyanmid
Tomatoes Glyphosate Monsanto
Glufosinate/Bialaphos Canners Seed
Wheat Glufosinate/Bialaphos AgrEvo

threshold of weeds is surpassed (Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996). Generally,

though, the use of herbicide resistant crops will lead to increased use of
herbicides and environmental and economic problems (McCullum et al.
1998; Pimentel and Ali, 1998; Altieri, 1998).
Most HRCs were developed for Western agriculture (Krimsky and
Wrubel, 1996). One innovation that would help developing countries is the
control of parasitic weeds – such as Orobanche and Stringa, both of which
severely reduce grain yields. Trials on broomrape have demonstrated that
HRCs can produce at least double the yields as compared to the control
crops. However, the authors observed that this technology could only be
used with weeds that are not potentially interbreeding with wild weed rela-
tives (Joel et al., 1995). For example, in Northern African countries, most
crops, such as sorghum, wheat, and canola (oilseed rape), have wild weed
relatives, thereby increasing the risk that genes from the herbicide-resistant
crop varieties could be transferred to wild weed relatives (Mikkelsen et al.,
1996; BSTID, 1996).
The risk of herbicide-resistant genes from a transgenic crop variety
being transferred to weed relatives has been demonstrated for canola
(oilseed rape) and sugar beet. Mikkelsen et al. (1996) and Brown and
Brown (1996) have shown that herbicide-resistant genes from transgenic
canola move quickly into weed relatives. Boudry et al. (1994) also revealed
gene flow between cultivated sugar beets and wild/weed beet populations.
Repeated use of herbicides in the same area creates problems of
weed herbicide resistance (Wrubel and Gressel, 1994). For instance,
if glyphosate is used with HRCs crops on about 70 million ha,
this might accelerate pressure on weeds to evolve herbicide resistant
biotypes (Gressel, 1992; Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996). Sulfonylureas and
imidazolinones in HRCs are particularly prone to rapid evolution of
resistant weeds (LeBaron and McFarland, 1990; Wrubel and Gressel,
1994). Extensive adoption of HRCs will increase the hectarage and surface
treated, thereby exacerbating the resistance problems and environmental
pollution problems (Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996).
Bromoxynil has been targeted in herbicide resistant cotton by Calgene
and Monsanto (Table II). This herbicide has been used on winter cereals,
cotton, corn, sugarbeets, and onions to control broad leaf weeds. Drift of
bromoxynil has been observed to damage nearby grapes, cherries, alfalfa,
and roses (Al Khatib et al., 1992). In addition, leguminous plants can
be sensitive to this herbicide (Abd Alla and Omar, 1993), and potatoes
can be damaged by it. Herbicide residues above the accepted standards
have been detected in soil and groundwater (Miller et al., 1995), and
as drift fallout (Waite et al., 1995). Rodents demonstrate some muta-

genic responses to bromoxynil (Rogers and Parkes, 1995). Some benefi-

cial beetles show reduced survival and egg production at recommended
dosages of bromoxynil (Samsoe-Peterson, 1995). Crustaceans (Daphnia
magna) are reported to be negatively affected by this herbicide (Buhl et
al., 1993).

Toxicity of Herbicides and Herbicide Resistant Crops

Toxic effects of herbicides to humans and animals also have been reported
(Cox, 1996). For example, the Basta surfactant (sodium polyoxyethylene
alklether sulfate) has been shown to have strong vasodialatative effects
in humans and cardiostimulative effects in rats (Koyama et al., 1997).
Treated mice embryos exhibited specific morphological defects (Watanabe
and Iwase, 1996).
Most HRCs have been engineered for Glyphosate resistance (James,
1998). Although adverse effects of herbicide-resistant soybeans have
not been observed when fed to animals such as cows, chickens, and
catfish, genotoxic effects have been demonstrated on other non-target
organisms (Cox, 1995a,b). Earthworms have been shown to be severely
injured by the glyphosate herbicide at 2.5–10.1/ha. (Reanova et al., 1996).
For example, Allolobophora caliginosa, the most common earthworm in
European, North American, and New Zealand fields, is killed by this
herbicide (Mohamed et al., 1995; Springett and Gray, 1992). In addition,
aquatic organisms, including fish, can be severely injured or killed when
exposed to glyphosphate (Henry et al., 1994; WHO, 1994). The benefi-
cial nematode, Steinerema feltiae, a useful biological control organism, is
reduced by 19–30% by the use of glyphosphate (Forschler et al., 1990).
There are also unknown health risks associated with the use of low
doses of herbicides (Wilkinson, 1990). Due to the common research focus
on cancer risk, little research has been focused on neurological, immuno-
logical, developmental, and reproductive effects of herbicide exposures
(Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996). Much of this problem is due to the fact that
scientists may lack the methodologies and/or the diagnostic tests necessary
to properly evaluate the risks caused by exposure to many toxic chemicals,
including herbicides.
While industry often stresses the desirable characteristics of their
HRCS, environmental and agricultural groups, and other scientists, have
indicated the risks (Pimentel et al, 1998; McCullum et al., 1998). Feeding
experiments have shown that cows fed transgenic glyphosate-resistant
soybeans had a statistically significant difference in daily milk-fat produc-
tion as compared to control groups (Hammond et al., 1996).

Economic Impacts of Herbicide Resistant Crops

The herbicides for which HRCs are being designed are more expensive
than many of the herbicides they are intended to replace (see Table I).
While some analysts project that switching to bromoxynil for broadleaf
weed control in cotton could result in savings of $37 million each year
from reductions in herbicide purchases, few other economic product evalu-
ations demonstrate cost savings with the use of HRCS (Krimsky and
Wrubel, 1996). Furthermore, recent problems with use of glyphosate-
resistant cotton in the Mississippi Delta region – crop losses resulting in up
to $500,000 of this year’s cotton crop – suggest that this technology needs
to be further developed before some farmers will reap economic benefits
(Fox, 1997). In addition, a recent study of herbicide resistant corn suggests
that the costs of weed control might be about 2-times more expensive than
normal herbicide and cultivation weed control in corn (Pimentel and Ali,
1998). Farmers were also reported to use 2–5 more herbicide per hectare
on herbicide resistant soybeans than in conventional soybean production
(Benbrook, 1999).
While some scientists suggest that use of HRCs will cause a shift to
fewer broad-spectrum herbicides (Hayenga et al., 1992), most scientists
conclude that the use of HRCs will actually increase herbicide use (Gold-
burg et al., 1990; Rissler and Mellon, 1993; Paoletti and Pimentel, 1995;
Paoletti and Pimentel, 1996; Pimentel and Ali, 1998).

Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) for Insect Control

More than 40 BT crystal protein genes have been sequenced, and 14
distinct genes have been identified and classified into 6 major groups
based on amino acids and insecticidal activity (Krimsky and Wrubel,
1996). Many crop plants have been engineered with the BT d-endotoxin,
including alfalfa, corn, cotton, potatoes, rice, tomatoes, and tobacco (Table
III). The amount of toxic protein expressed in the modified plant is
0.01–0.02% of the total soluble proteins (Strizhov et al., 1996).
Some trials with corn demonstrate a high level of efficacy in controlling
corn borers (Steffey, 1995). Corn engineered with BT-endotoxin has the
potential to reduce corn borer damage by 5–15% over 28 million hectares
in the US, with a potential economic benefit of $50 million annually
(Steffey, 1995). Some suggest that corn engineered with BT toxin will
increase yields by 7% over similar varieties (Moff, 1998; Rice and Pilcher,
1998; James, 1998). Trials in Italy demonstrated that engineered corn
increased yields 2–28%, but has a 1.8% higher grain moisture level at
harvest (Verderio et al., 1998). However, it is too early to tell if all these
benefits will be realized consistently. Potential negative environmental
Transgenic insect resistant crops containing BT d-endotoxins.
Approved field tests in United States from 1987 to July 1995 (Krimsky
and Wrubel, 1996; Gene Exchange, 1996)

Crop Research organization

Alfalfa Mycogen
Apples Dry Creek
University of California
Corn Asgrow
Genetic Enterprises
Nortrup King
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Rogers NK Seed
Cotton Calgene
Delta and Pineland
Jacob & Hartz
Northrup King
Cranberry University of Wisconsin
Eggplant Rutgers University
Poplar University of Wisconsin
Potatoes USDA
Michigan State University
Montana State University
New Mexico State University
University of Idaho
Rice Louisiana State University
Spruce University of Wisconsin
Tobacco Auburn University
North Carolina State University
Roham & Haas
Tomatoes Campbell
Ohio State University
Rogers NK Seeds
Walnuts University of California, Davis

effects also exist because the pollen of engineered plants contains BT,
which is toxic to bees, beneficial predators, and endangered butterflies like
the Karka Blue and Monarch Butterflies (Losey et al., 1999).
Cotton was the first crop plant engineered with the BT d-endotoxin.
Caterpillar pests, including the cotton bollworm and budworm, cost US
farmers about $171 million/year as measured in yield losses and insecti-
cide costs (Head, 1991). Benedict et al. (1992) predict that the widespread
use of BT-cotton could reduce insecticide use and thereby reduce costs by
as much as 50% to 90%, saving farmers $86 to $186 million/year.
The development of insect resistance to transgenic crop varieties is
one highly possible risk associated with the use of BT d-endotoxin in
genetically-engineered crop varieties. Resistance to BT has already been
demonstrated in the cotton budworm and bollworm (Tabashnik, 1992;
Bartlett, 1995). If Bt-engineered plants become resistant, a key insecti-
cide that has been utilized successfully in Integrated Pest Management
(IPM) programs could be lost (Paoletti and Pimentel, 1995). Therefore,
proper resistance management strategies with use of this new technology
are imperative. Another potential risk is that the BT d-endotoxin could be
harmful to non-target organisms (Goldburg and Tjaden, 1990; Jepson et al.,
1994). For example, it is not clear what potential effect the BT d-endotoxin
residues that are incorporated into soils will have against an array of non-
target useful invertebrates living in the rural landscape (Jepson et al., 1994;
Paoletti and Pimentel, 1995).

Effects of BT d-endotoxin on Non-target Organisms

It has also been demonstrated that predators, such as the lacewing larvae
(Crysoperla carnea) that feed on corn borers (Ostrinia nubilalis), grown
on engineered BT-corn have consistently higher mortality rates when
compared to specimens fed with non-engineered corn borers. In addition,
the treated larvae need three more days to reach adulthood than lacewings
fed on prey from non-BT corn (Hilbeck et al., 1998).

Single-Gene Changes and Increased Pathogenicity

Most single-gene changes are probably not likely to adversely affect
the pathogenicity and virulence of an organism in nature (NAS, 1987).
However, some single gene changes can have detrimental consequences.
Certain genetic alterations in animal and plant pathogens, for example,
have led to enhanced virulence and increased resistance to pesticides
and antibiotics (Alexander, 1985). For instance, some oat rust microbes,
initially non-pest genotypes for a particular oat variety, became serious

pests after a single gene change allowed the rust to overcome resistance in
the oat genotype (Wellings and McIntosh, 1990).
An important fungal disease of rice, rice blast, has some genotypes
with single-gene changes that cause the fungal organism to be poten-
tially pathogenic to rice cultivars (Smith and Leong, 1994). A similar
phenomenon of single-gene changes resulting in pathogenicity has been
documented with a related fungal pathogen that infects weeping love-
grass (Heath et al., 1990). This phenomenon has led plant pathologists
to develop the, “gene-for-gene” principle of parasite-host relationships in
which a single mutation in a parasite overcomes single-gene resistance in
the host (Person, 1959). Furthermore, numerous instances have been docu-
mented in which insects, through a single-gene change, have overcome
resistance in plant hosts or have evolved resistance to insecticides (Roush
and McKenzie, 1987).

Threats from Modified Native Species

Lindow (1983) has reported that there is little or no danger from the ice-
minus strain of Pseudomonas syringae (Ps) because Ps is a native US
species that produces related phenotypes in nature. Other investigators
have demonstrated that there are different genotypes of Ps and some of
these genotypes have genes for pathogenicity (Lindgren et al., 1988).
Because some native species have the ability to alter their interactions
within an ecosystem, the genetic modification and release of native species
into the natural ecosystem may not always be safe. For example, from
60% to 80% of the major insect pests of US and European crops respec-
tively, were once harmless native species in the United Sates and Europe
(Pimentel, 1993). Many of the insects moved from benign feeding on
natural vegetation to destructive feeding on introduced crops. For instance,
the Colorado potato beetle moved from feeding on wild sandbar to feeding
on the potato that was introduced from Peru and Bolivia (Elton, 1958).
This insect has become a serious pest of the potato in the United States
and Europe.


Both pesticides and biotechnology have definite advantages in reducing

crop losses to pests. At present, pesticides are used more widely than
biotechnology, and thus are playing a greater role in protecting world food
supplies. In terms of environmental and public health impacts, pesticides

probably have a greater negative impact at present because of their more

widespread use.
Genetically engineering crops for resistance to insect pests and plant
pathogens could, in most cases, be environmentally beneficial, because
these more resistant crops could allow a reduction in the use of hazardous
insecticides and fungicides in crop production. In time, there may also be
economic benefits to farmers who use genetically engineered crops; this
will depend, though, on the prices charged by the biotechnology firms for
these modified, transgenic crops.
There are, however, some environmental problems associated with the
use of genetically engineered crops in agriculture, as discussed above. A
major environmental and economic concern associated with genetically
engineered crops is the development of herbicide-resistant-crops (HRCs).
Although in rare instances HRCs may result in a beneficial reduction of
toxic herbicide use, it is more likely that the use of herbicide resistant
crops will increase herbicide use and environmental pollution. In addi-
tion, farmers will suffer because of the high costs of employing herbicide
resistant crops – in some instances, weed control with HRCs may increase
weed control costs for the farmer 2-fold (Pimentel and Ali, 1998).
More than 40% of the research by biotechnology firms is focused on the
development of herbicide resistant crops. This is not surprising, because
most of the biotechnology firms are also chemical companies who stand
to profit if herbicide resistance in crops result in greater pesticide sales
(Paoletti and Pimentel, 1996). Theoretically, the acceptance and use of
engineered plants in sustainable and integrated agriculture should consist-
ently reduce current use of pesticides, but this is not the current trend. In
addition, most products and new technologies are designed for Western
agriculture systems, and are not for poor farmers in developing countries
(Altieri, 1998; Moff, 1998). For instance, if terminator genes enter into the
seed market, there will be no possibility of traditional and small farmers
using their plants to produce their seeds (Berlan and Lewontin, 1998).
Thus, genetic engineering could promote improvements for the
environment; however, the current products – especially the herbicide-
resistant crops and the BT-resistant crops – have some serious environ-
mental impacts.


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Department of Biology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
University of Padova Comstock Hall, Cornell University
Via Trieste 75, 35122 Ithaca, NY 14853
Padova, Italy

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