Ann Book
Ann Book
Ann Book
Ivan Nunes da Silva Luisa Helena Bartocci Liboni
Department of Electrical and Computer Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, USP/EESC/SEL Engineering, USP/EESC/SEL
University of São Paulo University of São Paulo
São Carlos, São Paulo São Carlos, São Paulo
Brazil Brazil
What are artificial neural networks? What is their purpose? What are their potential
practical applications? What kind of problems can they solve?
With these questions in mind, this book was written with the primary concern of
answering readers with different profiles, from those interested in acquiring
knowledge about architectures of artificial neural network to those motivated by its
multiple applications (of practical aspect) for solving real-world problems.
This book audience is multidisciplinary, as it will be confirmed by the numerous
exercises and examples addressed here. It explores different knowledge areas, such
as engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics, economics, finance,
statistics, and neurosciences. Additionally, it is expected that this book could be
interesting for those from many other areas that have been in the focus of artificial
neural networks, such as medicine, psychology, chemistry, pharmaceutical sci-
ences, biology, ecology, geology, and so on.
Regarding the academic approach of this book and its audience, the chapters
were tailored in a fashion that attempts to discuss, step-by-step, the thematic con-
cepts, covering a broad range of technical and theoretical information. Therefore,
besides meeting the professional audience’s desire to begin or deepen their study on
artificial neural networks and its potential applications, this book is intended to be
used as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses, which address the
subject of artificial neural networks in their syllabus.
Furthermore, the text was composed using an accessible language so it could be
read by professionals, students, researchers, and autodidactics, as a straightforward
and independent guide for learning basic and advanced subjects related to artificial
neural networks. To this end, the prerequisites for understanding this book’s content
are basic, requiring only a few elementary knowledge about linear algebra, algo-
rithms, and calculus.
The first part of this book (Chaps. 1–10), which is intended for those readers
who want to begin or improve their theoretical investigation on artificial neural
networks, addresses the fundamental architectures that can be implemented in
several application scenarios.
viii Preface
The second part of this book (Chaps. 11–20) was particularly created to present
solutions that comprise artificial neural networks for solving practical problems
from different knowledge areas. It describes several developing details considered
to achieve the described results. Such aspect contributes to mature and improve the
reader’s knowledge about the techniques of specifying the most appropriated
artificial neural network architecture for a given application.
This book was carefully created with the mission of presenting an objective,
friendly, accessible, and illustrative text, whose fundamental concern is, in fact, its
didactic format. The book organization, made in two parts, along with its com-
position filled with more than 200 figures, eases the knowledge building for dif-
ferent readers’ profiles. The bibliography, composed of more than 170 references, is
the foundation for the themes covered in this book. The subjects are also confronted
with up-to-date context.
The first part of the book (Part I), divided into ten chapters, covers the theoretical
features related to the main artificial neural architectures, including Perceptron,
Adaptive Linear Element (ADALINE), Multilayer Perceptron, Radial Basis
Function (RBF), Hopfield, Kohonen, Learning Vector Quantization (LCQ),
Counter-Propagation, and Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART). In each one of these
chapters from Part I, a section with exercises was inserted, so the reader can
progressively evaluate the knowledge acquired within the numerous subjects
addressed in this book.
Furthermore, the chapters that address the different architectures of neural net-
works are also provided with sections that discuss hands-on projects, whose content
assists the reader on experimental aspects concerning the problems that use artificial
neural networks. Such activities also contribute to the development of practical
knowledge, which may help on specifying, parameterizing, and tuning neural
The second part (Part II) addresses several applications, covering different
knowledge areas, whose solutions and implementations come from the neural
network architectures explored in Part I. The different applications addressed on this
part of the book reflect the potential applicability of neural networks to the solution
of problems from engineering and applied sciences. These applications intend to
drive the reader through different modeling and mapping strategies based on arti-
ficial neural networks for solving problems of diverse nature.
x Organization
Several didactic materials related to this book, including figures, exercise tips,
and datasets for training neural networks (in table format), are also available at the
following Website:
In summary, this book will hopefully create a pleasant and enjoyable reading,
thus contributing to the development of a wide range of both theoretical and
practical knowledge concerning the area of artificial neural networks.
The authors are immensely grateful to the many colleagues who contributed to the
realization of this compilation, providing precious suggestions to help us promptly
on this important and noble work.
In particular, we would like to express our thanks to the following colleagues:
Alexandre C.N. de Oliveira, Anderson da Silva Soares, André L.V. da Silva,
Antonio V. Ortega, Débora M.B.S. de Souza, Edison A. Goes, Ednaldo J. Ferreira,
Eduardo A. Speranza, Fabiana C. Bertoni, José Alfredo C. Ulson, Juliano C.
Miranda, Lucia Valéria R. de Arruda, Marcelo Suetake, Matheus G. Pires,
Michelle M. Mendonça, Ricarco A.L. Rabêlo, Valmir Ziolkowski, Wagner C.
Amaral, Washington L.B. Melo and Wesley F. Usida.
xiv Contents
Ivan Nunes da Silva was born in São José do Rio Preto, Brazil, in 1967. He
graduated in computer science and electrical engineering at the Federal University
of Uberlândia, Brazil, in 1991 and 1992, respectively. He received both M.Sc. and
Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas
(UNICAMP), Brazil, in 1995 and 1997, respectively. Currently, he is Associate
Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP). His research interests are within the
fields of artificial neural networks, fuzzy inference systems, power system
automation, and robotics. He is also associate editor of the International Journal on
Power System Optimization and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Control,
Automation and Electrical Systems. He has published more than 400 papers in
congress proceedings, international journals, and book chapters.
Danilo Hernane Spatti was born in Araras, Brazil, in 1981. He graduated in
electrical engineering from the São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil, in
2005. He received both M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the
Uiversity of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. Currently, he
is a Senior Researcher at the University of São Paulo. His research interests are
artificial neural networks, computation complexity, systems optimization and
intelligent systems.
Rogerio Andrade Flauzino was born in Franca, Brazil, in 1978. He graduated in
electrical engineering and also received M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from
the São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil, in 2001 and 2004, respectively.
He received Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of São
Paulo (USP), Brazil, in 2007. Currently, he is Associate Professor at the University
of São Paulo. His research interests include artificial neural networks, computa-
tional intelligence, fuzzy inference systems, and power systems.
Luisa Helena Bartocci Liboni was born in Sertãozinho, Brazil, in 1986. She
graduated in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of
São Paulo (USP), Brazil, in 2010. She received Ph.D. degree in Electrical
Engineering from the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, in 2016. Currently,
xx About the Authors
she is Senior Researcher at the University of São Paulo. Her research interests
include artificial neural networks, intelligent systems, signal processing, and non-
linear optimization.
Silas Franco dos Reis Alves was born in Marília, Brazil, in 1987. He graduated in
information systems from the São Paulo State University (UNESP). He received
M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas
(UNICAMP) and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of São
Paulo (USP), Brazil, in 2011 and 2016, respectively. Currently, he is Senior
Researcher at the University of São Paulo. His research interests include robotics,
artificial neural networks, machine learning, intelligent systems, signal processing,
and nonlinear optimization.