Comparative Analysis of The Monotheistic Religions
Comparative Analysis of The Monotheistic Religions
Comparative Analysis of The Monotheistic Religions
- The three great monotheistic religion trace their roots from patriarch
- Judaism believes that God’s covenant with Abraham has consecrated his
tribe as God’s chosen people, and all subsequent covenants are an
affirmation of God’s special relationship with Jewish people.
- Jews believe that following the Torah, particularly the ten Commandments,
and other religious guidelines will ensure an upright and moral life.
- Christianity patterns its moral tenets on the Bible and also recognizes the
Ten Commandments as a primary basis for morality and faith. It also
recognizes the examples of Jesus Christ and his teachings as guidelines in
ethical behavior.
- Jewish traditions consider man’s likeness to God in the spiritual sense – that
humanity is imbued with understanding, discernment, and free will.
- All three religions agree that man’s purpose is to worship and serve God,
and abide by His commandments. Man is also considered to be part of
God’s great plan or design, and by following the commandments, man is
able to participate fully in God’s plan.
- All three faiths believe that humanity is destined to follow and abide by the
commandments of God, and will share in the rewards of the afterlife.
Salvation is merited by the grace of God and through personal commitment
and good works. Some Christian sects, however, believe that faith alone
merits salvation.