Step 3 Notes
Step 3 Notes
Step 3 Notes
- Afib w/ RVR
o Tx:
1st: Rate-control
o BB --- Metoprolol or Atenolol
o CCB --- Diltiazem or Verapamil
o Rate-control improved ventricular filling increases cardiac
o Goal: HR< 110
** Not for decompensated HF, hypotension, or bradyarrhythmias
Because they have negative inotropic effects
- Biliary Colic
o Confirmed cholelithiasis on US
Tx: Pain management and prophylactic, elective cholecystectomy
Poor surgical candidate? UDCA (Ursodeoxycholic acid)
- Meningococcal meningitis --- (antibiotic chemoprophylaxis)
o Which contacts requires antibiotic prophylaxis for meningococcal meningitis?
Anyone w/ exposure to respiratory secretions
Household contacts, person who intubates him, close contacts, child
care workers, person near patient >8hrs (eg airline traveler)
o What is the recommended antibiotic for meningococcal chemophophylaxis for close
Rifampin (4 doses orally)
Pregnant? Ceftraxone
(Other options: Cipro or IM ceftriaxone)
o Notes: Neisseria meningitidis acute bacterial meningitis
Adolescents 2-18
Nasopharyngeal epithelium
- HIV associated lipodystrophy vs adrenal hyperplasia / Cushing syndome
o Both have central humps and increased visceral fat…but w/ adrenal hyperplasia -->
there are other symptoms (proximal muscle weakness, facial plethora, easy bruising,
abdominal striae
HIV associated lipodystrophy is associated w/ insulin resistance & dyslipidemia
- Tx for HIV patient w/ dyslipidemia statin (ator, rosu, or prava)
- EKG findings of PE
o New R bundle branch block (2/2 RV strain)
o Q waves and ST segment changes in the inferior leads
- Echo findings of PE
o Moderate Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation (w/ dilation of tricuspid valve annulus)
o RV dysfunction, decreased contractility, presence of RV thrombus