A Guide To Oiled Shoreline Assessment (SCAT) Surveys

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A guide to oiled

shoreline assessment
(SCAT) surveys
Good practice guidelines for incident management
and emergency response personnel
The global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues

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IOGP Report 504

Date of publication: January 2014
© IPIECA-IOGP 2016 All rights reserved.
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While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this
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and local legislation, applicable laws shall prevail.
A guide to oiled
shoreline assessment
(SCAT) surveys
Good practice guidelines for incident management
and emergency response personnel

All photographs are reproduced courtesy of Owens Coastal Consultants unless otherwise stated.

This publication is part of the IPIECA-IOGP Good Practice Guide Series which summarizes current
views on good practice for a range of oil spill preparedness and response topics. The series aims to
help align industry practices and activities, inform stakeholders, and serve as a communication
tool to promote awareness and education.

The series updates and replaces the well-established IPIECA ‘Oil Spill Report Series’ published
between 1990 and 2008. It covers topics that are broadly applicable both to exploration and
production, as well as shipping and transportation activities.

The revisions are being undertaken by the IOGP-IPIECA Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project
(JIP). The JIP was established in 2011 to implement learning opportunities in respect of oil spill
preparedness and response following the April 2010 well control incident in the Gulf of Mexico.

The original IPIECA Report Series will be progressively withdrawn upon publication of the various
titles in this new Good Practice Guide Series during 2014–2015.

Note on good practice

‘Good practice’ in the context of the JIP is a statement of internationally-recognized guidelines,
practices and procedures that will enable the oil and gas industry to deliver acceptable health,
safety and environmental performance.

Good practice for a particular subject will change over time in the light of advances in technology,
practical experience and scientific understanding, as well as changes in the political and social


Preface 2 How is an oiled shoreline assessment 23
programme implemented?
How to use this guide 4 Survey planning and strategies 23

What is a shoreline assessment survey? 5 Scope of the project 23

Segmentation 23
Why is an oiled shoreline assessment Coordination with operations personnel 23
programme important? 6
Coordination with stakeholders 23
What are the objectives of an oiled shoreline Field survey requirements 24
assessment programme? 8 Data management 25
Initial or reactive phase objectives 8
Planning phase objectives 9 Time and space considerations 26
Operational phase objectives 9
What types of data are generated? 27
Completion phase objectives 9
How are shoreline treatment 30
How does a shoreline assessment 10 programmes completed?
programme fit into a shoreline
Shoreline assessment surveys and reports 30
response programme?
Shoreline treatment recommendations (STRs) 30
Who is involved in an oiled shoreline 11 Sign-off and completion 30
assessment programme?
Integration with the response management 11 Appendix 1: Example of an oiled 32
organization shoreline assessment form
Oiled shoreline assessment team participation 11
Appendix 2: Oiled shoreline assessment 34
What are the key information 14 programme checklist
requirements for decision makers?
Acronyms 36
Stranded oil distribution 16
Treatment options and constraints 20 Acknowledgements 36
Treatment end points 20
References and further reading 37
Shoreline treatment recommendations (STRs) 20
Treatment constraints—good management practices 21


How to use this guide

Oiled shoreline assessment surveys—also known as Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Technique
(SCAT) surveys—are a critical component of a response operation. The information gathered by
the survey teams is used by the response managers to set objectives, priorities, constraints and
end points, all of which are essential in supporting the planning, decision making and
implementation of an effective shoreline response programme.

This guide explains why an oiled shoreline assessment programme is an important element of a
response, and outlines the benefits of systematic surveys. In addition, the guide explains why and
how an effective shoreline assessment programme supports the planning, decision making and
implementation process for a shoreline response, and how the key components of shoreline
surveys are integrated into the data generation, decision making, and implementation and closure
stages of a shoreline response programme.

The key elements of the survey process are also outlined with respect to the types of information
that are collected and the purpose for which they are used by decision makers. The manner in
which the data are collected is described, and a checklist is provided as a guide to the specific field
and management activities within an oiled shoreline assessment programme. It should be noted,
however, that this report is intended to be a guide rather than a field manual. The guide explains
the important concept of shoreline segments and segmentation as a method for conducting
systematic surveys and managing the data and information that is generated. Examples of the
types of recommendations, maps and tables that are produced as part of the data management
process illustrate how the field data are used in a shoreline response programme.


What is a shoreline assessment survey?

Despite the best intentions of an on-water response to an oil spill at sea or in a river, the likelihood
is that at least some of the spilled oil will eventually reach the shoreline. When shoreline impact
occurs, or is likely to occur, shoreline assessment is a critical component of the response
programme and provides essential information for setting objectives, priorities, constraints and
end points for an effective shoreline response.

Oiled shoreline assessment surveys are carried out to:

l define and document the scale and character of shoreline oiling;

l identify and document the shoreline type and coastal character within the affected area;

l develop recommendations for treatment end points and treatment techniques which provide a

net environmental benefit (see Box 5 on page 21) based on sound science;
l provide support throughout the treatment programme so that shoreline clean-up operations

personnel understand the expectations and concerns of the response managers;

l provide a process for closure once treatment has been completed; and

l involve appropriate representatives to ensure consensus throughout the shoreline response


Oiled shoreline assessment surveys may have different objectives as the phases of a response
develop. During the initial or reactive phase the survey information defines the overall scale of the
affected area and the character of the shoreline oiling, which enables clean-up teams to focus on
higher priority locations. The planning phase is characterized by systematic surveys that provide
detailed information and defensible recommendations on how to treat areas where clean-up is
required, and by support for the clean-up teams so that they understand the objectives and
strategies of the shoreline response programme. Typically, the survey teams include
representatives from agencies or land owners/managers in the affected area so that they can be
part of the evaluation process. The same survey teams inspect locations when treatment has been
completed to ensure that the site-specific objectives have been met, so that the clean-up teams
can be deployed to other areas.

Far left: shoreline

oiling is typically
Near left: shoreline
assessment teams
at work.


Why is an oiled shoreline assessment

programme important?
A well-managed oiled shoreline assessment programme generates systematic data while fully
engaging stakeholders in the response management process. An oiled shoreline assessment
programme provides:
l comprehensive documentation of oiling and shoreline conditions;

l objective and defensible scientific data and recommendations;

l standard measurements, terminology and descriptions;

l recommended treatment strategies;

l recommended end point criteria for segment sign-off;

l details of operational constraints, safety and security issues;

l data on ecological, cultural and socio-economic constraints;

l the use of good management practices;

l a management decision making process which includes stakeholder and regulatory input;

l monitoring of treatment progress;

l trained and calibrated inspection teams for completion surveys; and

l data that can be useful for a number of other purposes, including damage assessment or

recovery studies.

Without this set of information, effective response planning and prioritization for a shoreline
response programme would not be possible, and the operations teams would have to make
spontaneous, on-site decisions regarding treatment. Instead, an oiled shoreline assessment
programme utilizes expert personnel to survey shorelines ahead of operations; it assesses the need
for treatment, and produces
Figure 1 Strategy for shoreline treatment completion
recommendations and objectives that, along
with stakeholder input, allow for efficient and
An oiled shoreline effective planning. In addition, an oiled
assessment Shoreline survey
shoreline assessment programme provides a
programme provides
strategy for completion (see Figure 1) which
a strategy for
completion, without
aims to assure an efficient process and an
which a spill response appropriate and sensible conclusion to spill
Data analysis
would be unable to response operations, while avoiding under- or
ensure an efficient over-utilization of resources and potential
process and an negative environmental impacts due to
appropriate and Shoreline treatment excessive treatment. Shoreline assessment
input and
recommendations, priorities and
sensible conclusion. management clean-up endpoint criteria surveys therefore provide valuable
information and support for decision makers,
planners and operations personnel to enable
Operations implementation the effective treatment or cleaning of oiled
shorelines by accelerating recovery without
causing additional harm to the environment.

Post-treatment shoreline survey Oil spill responders have been conducting

shoreline surveys in one form or another for
more than forty years. Prior to 1989, shoreline
assessment historically involved relatively
Sign-off/completion informal surveys, which often covered only
the areas with the greatest oil concentrations,


and rarely involved a systematic or consistent recording or mapping process. The Shoreline Clean-
up Assessment Technique (SCAT) survey programme created in 1989 during the response to the
Exxon Valdez oil spill was designed to meet the challenge of documenting shoreline oiling, and
evaluating treatment priorities and concerns in a remote area (Owens and Reimer, 2013). The SCAT
concept involved a systematic survey of all shorelines in the affected area, with the data being
managed using a geographic information system (GIS) database. This programme supported the
planning and clean-up decisions that were the foundation for the 1989 shoreline response
Below: oiled shoreline
operation at both the strategic and tactical levels. The field procedures, the process of developing
assessment surveys
recommendations for shoreline treatment, and the data management tools have evolved since that being carried out in
first systematic survey, and the basic concept has stood the test of time in both large and small wetland
response operations worldwide. environments



What are the objectives of an oiled shoreline

assessment programme?
The primary objectives of an oiled shoreline assessment programme are to:
l define the location, extent and character of the oiling;

l develop shoreline treatment recommendations;

l support operations during the treatment programme; and

l provide closure once the shoreline treatment objectives have been met.

This is achieved through:

l standardized procedures;
l good management practices;

l collection of data which are:

l scientific;
l systematic;
l accurate;
l consistent;
l complete; and
l defensible;
l provision of data, information and support to decision makers and operations personnel; and

l engagement of stakeholders.

In addition to these key strategic programme objectives, there may be other survey objectives
during the different phases of a shoreline response programme, as described below.

Below left: aerial

Initial or reactive phase objectives
enables an initial
assessment of the l Generate immediate information on the scale of the problem, by aerial reconnaissance and rapid
scale of the affected ground or vessel assessment.
area. l In some cases, surveys can be conducted prior to oil reaching the shoreline to establish baseline
Below right: video conditions.
coverage with a l Define the area(s) of affected shoreline and the degree and character of oiling.
l Establish immediate clean-up priorities and deploy operations to the right place(s) quickly.
commentary provides
Prioritization is typically associated with the distribution of the heaviest oil concentrations and
a rapid method of
documenting the oil’s remobilization potential, and with the sensitivity of the affected shoreline.
shoreline oiling l Treatment may primarily address bulk oil removal to minimize further impacts and enhance
conditions. natural degradation.


Planning phase objectives

l Systematically document oiling conditions by detailed ground surveys for the development of a
shoreline response plan (see Box 8 on page 25), taking into consideration the potential for oiling
conditions to change over time.
l Recommend overall treatment objectives.
l Assess and recommend treatment techniques and strategies, and recommend clean-up end
points and test methods.
l Define treatment constraints.

Operational phase objectives

l Provide a set of specific instructions (or ‘work orders’) to operations teams for the treatment of
individual shoreline segments.
l Include environmental or other constraints and good management practices to prevent any
additional impacts or damage that might otherwise result from treatment.
l Monitor and document the effectiveness of treatment and natural recovery.
l Track the status and progress of the treatment operations.

Completion phase objectives

l Compare treatment end points with oiling conditions during inspections so that all parties can
Below: Shoreline
agree that sufficient treatment has been completed on a segment-by-segment basis.
surveys define the
l Document the achievement of end points within segments designated for treatment, and enable location and
sign-off or closure (see Box 2 on page 15 for an explanation of segments and segmentation). character of the oil:
l Identify possible locations for long-term monitoring where end points do not require removal of (left) oiled mangrove;
all of the oil, to ensure that natural weathering or self-cleaning takes place as anticipated. (right) oiled marsh.


How does a shoreline assessment programme fit

into a shoreline response programme?
An oiled shoreline assessment programme fits into the response management organization both
vertically, under the Planning and Environment functions, and horizontally, with strong links and
reciprocal communications with shoreline Operations (IPIECA-IOGP, 2016). See Figure 2, below.

A well-planned shoreline assessment programme systematically documents detailed shoreline

character, oiling and logistics data for all of the affected area(s) on a segment-by-segment basis.
The key objectives of a shoreline assessment programme are to:
l provide oiling data and treatment recommendations to decision makers and operations

personnel in an efficient and timely manner to support the different phases of a response;
l enable rapid decision making and approval of the response plan, and to direct shoreline clean-

up operations during all phases of a response;

l compile systematic, consistent and defensible documentation during all phases of a response;

l work closely with shoreline operations personnel to expedite and provide field support for the

application of recommended treatment and end point criteria;

l provide accurate and informative data to stakeholders; and

l work with the spill management team to provide non-technical information to the general public.

Figure 2 The SCAT programme’s position in a typical response organization structure

Incident Management

Planning Operations Logistics Finance

Environmental Unit



Who is involved in an oiled shoreline

assessment programme?
A well-designed shoreline assessment programme involves experienced shoreline assessment
field surveyors, key decision makers, planners and operations personnel, ensuring a
comprehensive flow of information and data between all parties associated with the response. The
programme also ensures that relevant stakeholders remain engaged, and keeps them involved
with, and informed of, the decision making process.

Data management is a key component of the shoreline assessment programme, to ensure data
integrity, storage and backup, and to provide a means of processing and analysing raw shoreline
oiling data and presenting it in a format that can be easily communicated with decision makers
and stakeholders.

Oiled shoreline assessment teams carry out the surveys ahead of the operations teams, and often
recognize the hazards and constraints before anyone else; oiled shoreline assessment survey
teams must therefore have a strong safety culture and should share their learnings with the rest of
the response personnel.

Integration with the response management organization

The oiled shoreline assessment programme should be integrated within the function responsible
for environmental decision making and recommendations. For example, within an Incident
Management System (IMS) SCAT resides within the Environmental Unit, under the Planning
Section. This ensures that agreement on the end points of the operation falls under one team, and
that field data is passed back to those decision makers and response planners so that the response
can be planned accordingly. The Planning Section is also responsible for ensuring that other
relevant sections are kept informed via the Situation Unit.

A key role of the oiled shoreline assessment team is to support the response operations by
communicating directly with the Operations personnel; this ensures that both teams understand
each other’s roles and requirements and enables each team to provide input to the other’s
decisions. For example, the field survey team can discuss with supervisors in the field how they
can determine whether end points are reached, and the Operations personnel may provide an
understanding of the practical benefits and limitations of available treatment methods.

Oiled shoreline assessment team participation

A fully functioning shoreline assessment team requires the joint participation of representatives of
the responsible party and the agencies responsible for the affected area. This helps to maintain
consistent reporting between the various regulators and stakeholders as well as preventing
different interpretations about the location and degree of oiling. Agencies or land managers might
be from the local, regional or national levels, or a combination of all three. The relevant national or
local oil spill contingency plan may specify the membership of a shoreline assessment team.
However, care must be taken to ensure that the membership of a shoreline assessment field team
remains at a level that is easy to manage; it is not practical or efficient to have a large field team,
and it may therefore be necessary to restrict field participation to selected key representatives. A


team of more than five people can become inefficient and difficult to manage from both a logistical
and safety perspective. As mentioned on page 11, the field survey teams must have appropriate
safety training and a strong safety culture because they typically work remotely, often away from
larger operational units and infrastructure. They should have the competence and authority to turn
back where conditions or transportation may be deemed to be unsafe, and should pass safety
reports and observations on to the Safety Officer in the response organization.

The role of a shoreline assessment survey Team Leader requires basic leadership skills. Leaders
should be team players and listen to the views of each team member, with the aim of seeking a
full team consensus on oiling conditions and recommendations for treatment.

Field team members who are new to shoreline assessment will require appropriate classroom
and/or in-field training, and all team members require regular, spill-specific calibration to ensure
consistency both between individual team members and between different teams. Consistency of
data is improved by minimizing the turnover of field surveyors, and by ensuring that the same
group of trained and calibrated personnel is used from the initial reconnaissance surveys through
to completion. Training should include relevant safety issues and potential risks as well as shoreline
assessment methods and shoreline processes specific to the geographic area to be surveyed.

The composition of an oiled shoreline assessment programme might include the following components:
l Oiled shoreline assessment programme management/coordination: responsible for designing and
directing the programme, setting programme objectives, and liaising within the Environmental
Unit and with other managers and decision makers within the response organization.
l Field survey teams: responsible for conducting aerial reconnaissance and ground/vessel surveys,
gathering oiling (and other) data in the field, producing reports and recommendations for
treatment, and inspecting segments where treatment is required to ensure end points are reached.
Depending on site-specific needs, other data to be collected may include cultural resources,
sensitive wildlife resources, environmental resources or operational, safety or logistical constraints.
Below: an oiled
shoreline survey
l Data management: responsible for collecting and collating data, presenting data maps and
team, including summary tables and reports, and for coordinating with the response data management team to
representatives from preserve shoreline assessment survey documentation on oil character and treatment or natural
local agencies. attenuation.
l GIS support: responsible for creating field maps for the survey
teams and maps for survey reports.
l Logistics support: responsible for managing logistics and
communications for the field teams, an important role when
covering a large and/or remote area, and providing safety training
and support (see Box 1 on Safety and safety plans, overleaf).
l SCAT Operations Liaison: responsible for direct communications
between the shoreline assessment programme and Operations
personnel, an important role when the field survey teams are
unable to provide that function themselves, for example during a
response when the field survey teams are spread over a wide area,
away from operational zones.


Box 1 Safety and safety plans

As with any part of an oil spill response, safety is the number-one priority. For field survey teams there
are many inherent risks to personnel, and safety plans should be produced at an early stage to ensure
that teams are able to recognize, prevent and mitigate those risks.

Hazards might include, but are not limited to:

l weather: l working with heavy machinery
l cold/ice; (e.g. augers, excavators);
l heat/sun; l slips, trips and falls;
l rain/thunderstorms; l uneven and soft surfaces;
l high winds; l wildlife;
l fog; l darkness;
l sea state; l fatigue;
l aviation operations; l dehydration;
l boat operations; l muscle strain;
l working on/around water; l trash (e.g. sharps, glass, chemicals); and
l driving/road conditions; l members of the public/security.

The field Team Leader should conduct daily briefings before beginning a survey to ensure that all
members are aware of potential safety hazards and have the necessary knowledge and tools to minimize
and mitigate risks. Because the oiled shoreline assessment survey team is often first on the scene, the
team will also need to observe and identify new hazards daily and as conditions change. The safety
briefing is also a means to ensure that all members understand the day’s mission and objectives.


What are the key information requirements

for decision makers?
Following an oil spill, an effective and efficient response depends largely on rapid and informed
decision making. A well-planned shoreline assessment programme provides critical information to
enable decision makers to plan and execute a successful shoreline clean-up operation. To set
objectives and priorities in the early stages of a response, spill managers require a full, non-
technical overview of the situation as quickly as possible. Throughout the planning and operational
stages, managers look to the shoreline survey team for defensible recommendations regarding
objectives, priorities and clean-up end points, including appropriate clean-up techniques and
operational constraints. In addition, they rely on reports regarding temporal changes in shoreline
oiling and on treatment progress. It is important to establish agreed-upon metrics in terms of
distances surveyed, oil impacts (for example, oiling category percentages—see Figure 3) and
treatment to communicate consistent information to managers and the public. Finally, during the
completion phase, managers rely on the opinions and recommendations of the experienced field
teams to agree on and document segments for which the end points have been reached so that the
response may be demobilized accordingly on a segment-by-segment basis.

Figure 3 Percentage of total oiled shoreline by category for selected oil spills
In Figure 3, the
Deepwater Horizon 60

categories follow the 50

‘Small tidal range’

band width and

‘Surface oil cover Exxon Valdez
matrix’ definition
Selendang Ayu
shown in Box 4 20
Cosco Busan
(pages 18–19); all
10 Deepwater Horizon
other examples follow
the ‘Large tidal range’ average
definition for oiled heavy moderate light very light
band width. shoreline oiling category

Figure 4 Information flow and the decision process An efficient shoreline assessment programme
produces complete systematic data, ensuring
Gather and assess information and data
that all shorelines in the affected area are
Define shoreline response objectives, priorities and treatment end points surveyed. Well-calibrated shoreline assessment
teams provide data which are consistent, both
Develop strategies to meet the objectives, priorities and treatment end points between different surveys and between
different individual observers/teams. Quality is
Select appropriate clean-up technique(s) to implement the strategy enhanced by maintaining a consistent team of
oiled shoreline assessment field surveyors
Evaluate the feasibility of the selected response technique(s)
throughout the response. Reporting forms
Prepare a shoreline response plan
should generate quantitative data, thereby
removing the need for qualitative descriptions
Obtain appropriate approvals, permissions or permits or opinions.

Implement the shoreline response operations in accordance with the plan


Box 2 Segments and segmentation

At the very beginning of (or ideally before) a response, the Polygons may be used for segmentation on non-linear
shoreline or river bank(s) is divided into working units called shorelines, such as wetlands, or in cases with highly irregular
segments. These segments are delineated to provide shorelines or terrestrial oiling (for an example see the oiled
manageable areas of the shoreline for assessment, clean-up wetland status map on page 28).
and subsequent inspection by the shoreline assessment
Pre-SCAT mapping and segmentation avoids the need for
survey teams. Each segment should have a relatively similar
reactive segmentation, or the use of multiple unconnected
shoreline character in terms of physical features and sediment
segmentation schemes created by different groups within a
type. Segment boundaries are established based on:
response; it can also be completed without the pressures and
l prominent geological features, including inlets or
time constraints of a real incident. Where segmentation has
stream/river mouths;
been completed in advance, key shoreline sensitivity and
l changes in shoreline or substrate type;
logistical information such as shoreline type and backshore
l changes in oiling conditions;
operational considerations (see map below) will be
l operational considerations, such as backshore character,
immediately available to the shoreline teams. The use of
access or staging factors; and
aerial videotape surveys has been found to provide a
l jurisdictional or land ownership/management areas.
valuable source of data for shoreline segmentation, along
Each segment is given a unique identification number, which with charts, maps and satellite imagery.
can then be used to cross-reference all documents and maps
In the event of a spill, sub-segments can be created to
relating to shoreline surveys and operations. Segmentation
account for variations in the degree and type of oiling. Pre-
breaks the shoreline down into manageable and practical
SCAT sensitivity and segmentation maps should be evaluated
portions for survey and operations teams, and simplifies the
periodically in the field and revised as necessary to account
identification and location of different sections of shoreline
for changes due to natural coastal processes and human
(see map below). Segments where treatment is planned can
activities, as well as to verify access points and staging areas.
correspond to operational areas or divisions.

Example of pre-SCAT shoreline

segmentation that defines shore
zone type (where oil could be
deposited) and coastal
character (the backshore where
operations would be deployed
and staged). In this example,
the Environmental Sensitivity
Index (ESI) shore type for
segments DAN-022 through
DAN-025 is the same (sand
beach), but the backshore
character changes significantly:
dunes (22); man-made (23);
cliff/bluff (24); and dunes (25).

Map courtesy of ACEPA, the Angola Ministry of Petroleum and Ministry of the Environment


Stranded oil distribution

A shoreline assessment survey should be designed to evaluate and document several important
factors related to oiling in order to facilitate the decision making process for a response programme.
Surveys should identify and report the following information on a segment-by-segment basis:
l Location: maps, GPS coordinates and descriptions of where shoreline oiling is observed, noting
which segments are oiled and in which tidal zone the oil has been stranded. Segments in which
there is no observed oil (NOO) should be documented.
l Shoreline type: descriptions of the primary and secondary shoreline types surveyed, ideally using
standard descriptors and coding such as the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) (see
IPIECA/IMO/IOGP, 2012) or Environment Canada’s shoreline classification system (see Box 3 on
page 17).
l Coastal character: description of the backshore, specifically noting access and staging factors for
Layer of subsurface operations.
(buried) oil residue in
l Oil concentration: quantitative descriptions of the distribution (length, width and percentage
a hand-dug pit on a
cover) and thickness of surface oil, and the location, thickness, depth and percentage cover of
sandy beach.
subsurface oil, using standard and consistent measurements and definitions (see Box 4 on
pages 18–19).
l Character of the oil: standard descriptions of the character of the oil and the degree of
weathering, for example, fresh oil, emulsification, oil residue, or sheen (see Box 4 on
pages 18–19).
l Potential behaviour of the oil: an indication of the likely persistence (days to weeks, weeks to
months, months to years) of the oil and its remobilization potential, based on the characteristics
of the oil, the change of oiling with time (weathering), and the water and weather conditions.

This information set is initially used to develop immediate clean-up priorities, which are typically
those segments with the heaviest oil concentrations and the greatest potential for remobilization
of the oil.

During the subsequent planning stage, shoreline oiling data is combined with information on
sensitivity and resources at risk in order to set long-term objectives and priorities. Oiling data
includes the following segment-specific information:
l oiled shoreline assessment forms and associated maps, sketches, diagrams and photos;

l safety and logistical issues, such as access and constraints;

l observed resources at risk; and

l beach profile data (see What types of data are generated? on page 27)

Such information can be collated to produce area or regional overviews of the shoreline oiling and
of the response progress, in the form of oiling and status tables and maps and time series
diagrams (see pages 27–28).

Appendix 1 on pages 32–33 provides an example of an oiled shoreline assessment form. Standard
forms can be modified to reflect the specific shoreline character (e.g. wetlands) or oiling
conditions of a particular region or spill.


Far left: a pebble/

cobble beach with oil
deposited primarily
above the intertidal
Near left: an oiled
river bank during a
period with a falling
water level.

Box 3 Environment Canada’s shoreline classification (for temperate and arctic environments)

Marine shoreline types Marine and lake coastal character River or stream valley character
l Bedrock—cliff/vertical l Cliff / hill l Cliff

l Bedrock—sloping/ramp l Sloped l Sloped

l Bedrock or beach rock—platform l Flat / lowland l Canyon

l Glacier/ice shelf l Beach l Straight

l Man-made solid l Delta l Confined or leveed

l Man-made permeable l Dune l Meander

l Sand beach l Lagoon l Flood plain valley

l Mixed sediment beach l River inlet / channel l Braided

l Pebble/cobble beach l Wetland l Oxbow

l Boulder beach l Man-made l Man-made

l Mud flat

l Sand flat Freshwater shoreline types River or stream channel character

l Mixed sediment flat (lake, river, stream) l Shoals

l Pebble/cobble/boulder flat l Bedrock cliff / ramp l Point bars

l Wetland l Bedrock platform/ shelf l Cascade

l Mangrove l Man-made solid l Rapids

l Peat shoreline l Man-made permeable l Riffle

l Tundra cliff—ice rich l Sediment cliff l Pool

l Tundra cliff—ice poor l Mud / clay bank l Gide

l Inundated low-lying tundra l Sand beach or bank l Log jams

l Mixed sediment beach or bank l Undercut banks

Winter shorelines—marine and l Pebble / cobble beach or bank

freshwater l Boulder beach or bank

(usually temporary) l Peat /organic beach or bank

l Ice foot l Mud flat

l Snow l Sand flat

l Frozen swash l Mixed sediment flat

l Frozen spray/splash l Vegetated bank

l Grounded ice floes l Marsh

l Swamp

l Bog/fen

l Wooded upland


Box 4 Standard terms and definitions

A key element of shoreline assessment is the use of agreed standard terms and definitions, without which
comparison between different survey forms and reports would be difficult. By using the same words or phrases to
describe oiling, everyone in the response understands their meanings and there is no misinterpretation. Examples
of accepted terms and their definitions to describe surface oiling character include:

Oil band width can be categorized depending on tidal range or shoreline environment:

Small tidal range Large tidal range

(< 2 m), lake or (> 2 m)
river shoreline
Wide >2m >6m
Medium 1–2 m 3–6 m
Narrow 0.3–1 m 0.5–3 m
Very narrow < 0.3 m < 0.5 m

Oil character
l Fresh: un-weathered, low viscosity oil

l Mousse: emulsified oil (a mixture of oil and water)

l Tar balls: discrete oil balls on a beach or adhered to the substrate (< 10 cm diameter)

l Tar patties: discrete oil patties on a beach or adhered to the substrate (> 10 cm diameter)

l Tar: weathered coat or cover of tarry, almost solid, consistency

l Surface oil residue: non-cohesive oiled surface sediments

l Asphalt pavements: cohesive mixture of oil and sediments

l No oil observed (NOO)

Oil distribution is grouped into the following categories (see Figure 5):
l Trace: < 1%

l Sporadic: 1–10%

l Patchy: 11–50%

l Broken: 51–90%

l Continuous: 91–100%

Note: Tar balls can be counted for a fixed area, also noting average and largest sizes.

Figure 5 Percentage distribution examples

Owens Coastal Consultants


Oil thickness is described according to the following categories:

l Thick oil: > 1 cm

l Cover: > 0.1 cm to ≤ 1 cm

l Coat: > 0.01 cm to ≤ 0.1cm (can be scratched off with a fingernail)

l Stain: ≤ 0.01cm (cannot be scratched off easily with a fingernail)

l Film: transparent or translucent film or sheen

Terms such as ‘light’, ‘moderate’ and ‘heavy’ are given specific definitions so that their use is consistent and
comparable. Matrices (see examples in Figures 6 and 7 below) can be used to categorize oiling to provide a
simple, yet standardized, description.

Figure 6 Initial surface oil cover matrix

Oiled area width (in this case for a

Width of oiled area
location with a small tidal range) and
Wide Medium Narrow Very narrow oil distribution are combined in this
(> 2 m) (1Ð2 m) (0.5Ð1 m) (< 0.5 m)
‘Initial surface oil cover matrix’.
heavy heavy moderate light

Broken heavy heavy moderate light

Oil distribution

moderate moderate light very light

light light very light very light

very light very light very light very light
< 1%

Figure 7 Final surface oil categorization matrix

The initial categorization of the

Surface oil cover
surface oil from the ‘Initial surface
Heavy Moderate Light Very light oil cover matrix’ (Figure 6) is
combined with the average oil
Thick oil heavy heavy moderate light
> 1cm thickness in this ‘Surface oil
categorization matrix.
Average thickness

Cover heavy heavy light light

0.1Ð1.0 cm

moderate moderate light very light
0.01Ð0.1 cm

light light very light very light
< 0.01 cm


Treatment options and constraints

Treatment end points

Treatment end points provide measureable objectives for a shoreline response, ensuring that
everyone involved, from the management level to the response operators in the field, understands
which segments require clean-up and what level of residual oiling is considered acceptable in
those segments. When those mutually-agreed end points are achieved, this means that no further
treatment (NFT) is required and that a segment can be removed from the response, and clean-up
teams redeployed elsewhere as required. The involvement of the appropriate environmental
agencies in the development of end points ensures that their requirements and concerns can be
fully taken into account in the decision making process.

In recommending end points to the spill management team, the shoreline assessment programme
team must understand the degree of oiling, the rate of weathering, the potential for
remobilization and the potential for natural recovery, as well as the shoreline type and sensitivity,
and the potential for exposure to wildlife and the public. Typically, end points are defined for each
of the affected shoreline types and uses. An understanding of the capabilities and limitations of
the available treatment techniques is essential; in particular, the team should be aware of any
negative impact that each treatment option may have on the shoreline habitat. It is important to
note that it is rarely technically or economically practical to attempt to clean to pre-spill conditions
or to the NOO standard, and that some treatment activities may have a negative net
environmental benefit, particularly on sensitive shorelines (see Box 5 on page 21 for the principles
of NEBA and ALARP). Technical Working Groups may be established to determine NFT end points
and treatment options for different shoreline types (see Box 7 on page 24).

Ideally, end points should be quantitative, reducing any ambiguity from the process, for example:
‘surface oiling less than 10% distribution and less than 1 cm thick’. However, end points may also be
qualitative, providing they are objective and measureable, for example: ‘no oil which produces a
rainbow sheen on disturbance’. Analytical measurements could also be used to define end points,
however it is likely to be difficult to agree on anything but an arbitrary concentration, so an
in-situ quantitative or qualitative assessment is generally preferable. In situations where the
shoreline type is particularly sensitive to physical impacts from treatment, an operational end
point may be preferable, for example: ‘this segment reaches ‘no further treatment’ (NFT) status when
the recommended treatment has been completed’ (see Box 6 on page 22 for more examples of
shoreline treatment end points).

Shoreline treatment recommendations (STRs)

Where a segment does not meet the end point criteria, the spill management team needs to
know where the oiling is, why it does not meet end points, and how the operations personnel
can clean the segment. With good data and an understanding of the shoreline oiling,
characteristics and required end points, as well as a sound knowledge of available treatment
techniques, the shoreline assessment programme team can make recommendations for shoreline
treatment for each segment using an STR form (See NWACP 2014 for an example STR form).
Where non-standard techniques, or new equipment is used, field trials or tests may be required


to determine their effectiveness. In some cases, where a shoreline is particularly sensitive to

physical or other impacts from treatment, recommendations of ‘no treatment’ and/or ‘monitor
recovery’ may be appropriate. The STR should identify and define the oiled area(s) within the
segment (see page 27) and highlight the most appropriate treatment technique(s) for the oiling
and shoreline type. The STR should also include clear instructions regarding any safety, logistical
and ecological issues and constraints. STR forms are reviewed and approved by the spill
management team, so that they can be incorporated into the shoreline response programme,
essentially becoming ‘work orders’ for the shoreline operations teams.

STRs should include:

l segment number(s), coordinates, maps and photos;

l description of the oiled location(s), including shoreline characteristics;

l types and degree of oiling;

l recommended treatment techniques;

l a list of the different stages/steps of treatment;

l end point criteria for the segment(s);

l environmental, cultural and social restrictions and issues; and

l safety and logistical issues.

Treatment constraints—good management practices

To limit negative impacts from the recommended treatment options, the STR should refer to good
management practices. These should explain the measures required to avoid or minimize
additional harm, such as reducing physical impact to sensitive shorelines, avoiding vegetation
disturbance, and minimizing disturbance of wildlife, cultural or historical resources.

Box 5 The principles of NEBA (net environmental benefit analysis) and ALARP (‘as low as reasonably practical’)

The primary purpose of shoreline treatment is to accelerate the natural recovery processes, such as
weathering and biodegradation. There typically comes a point in the treatment process when either no
benefit is gained from any further treatment or the effort may result in undesired effects (such as root
disturbance in wetlands), and therefore that treatment activity should either be modified or should
cease. Two key principles for determining end points and treatment options are ALARP and NEBA.

ALARP considers that a risk should be ‘as low as reasonably practicable’, where the risk is greater than
zero, but is tolerable and cannot be reduced further without incurring disproportionate cost and effort.

NEBA involves the assessment of the ‘net environmental benefit’ of potential treatment alternatives,
including natural recovery, by comparing the negative and positive impacts of each treatment option
and defining when a particular treatment activity should cease. Different treatment options have
different impacts on the environment; generally the more aggressive the technique, the greater the
physical shoreline impact. NEBA is therefore used to determine which option provides the greatest
overall benefit to the environment. This assessment might include the options of ‘no treatment’ or
‘monitor the recovery’ where the shoreline is particularly sensitive to physical or other impacts from
treatment operations. In addition to environmental impacts, NEBA can also include the consideration
of cultural and socio-economic issues. For further information on NEBA see the IPIECA-IOGP Good
Practice Guide entitled Response strategy development using net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA)
(IPIECA-IOGP, 2015b).


Box 6 Examples of shoreline treatment end points

l No more than 1% tar balls which are less than 2 cm in diameter.

l No oil or tar balls greater than background deposition rates (where there is good documentation of
background oiling data).
l No oiling on hard substrates greater than coat (0.1 mm), and no greater than 20% distribution.
l No oil on pooled water greater than a silver sheen in a marsh or in a pit or trench.
l No surface oiling more than 10% distribution and more than 1 cm thick.
l No oil which produces rainbow sheen on disturbance.
l No oil which rubs off on contact.
l No subsurface oiling greater than oil residue which is 4 cm thick and patchy (50% distribution).
l This segment reaches NFT status when the recommended treatment has been completed.

Example end points:

near right: < 1% tar balls;
far right: < 10% stain


How is an oiled shoreline assessment

programme implemented?

Survey planning and strategies

Scope of the project

The first step in a response is to establish the potential size of the affected oiled area and to scale
the shoreline survey programme accordingly. As with response operations, shoreline assessment
resources need to be flexible and can always be scaled up or down as the situation changes. As
long as oil is still migrating, daily overflights with reports are necessary to plan both strategy (scale
of the response programme) and tactics (where to send ground survey teams and operations crews).

Dividing the shoreline into manageable segments at the beginning of a response, or as part of
pre-spill planning, provides a database foundation within which survey documents, photographs
and maps can be easily cross-referenced, and oiled areas can be easily located (see Box 2 on page
15). The same segmentation should be used throughout the response by all responders so as to
avoid confusion.

Coordination with operations personnel

Although the shoreline assessment programme resides within the Planning function, it is vital that
the shoreline assessment programme is able to establish direct communications with the
shoreline operations personnel. This allows for an efficient process by ensuring that the operations
teams understand what is required and that they are aware of any environmental concerns. At the
same time, the shoreline assessment survey teams will become aware of any practicality, feasibility
and timing issues that may arise during treatment. A SCAT Operations Liaison role, either within
the field teams or as a separate function, can help to facilitate two-way discussions of:
l treatment guidelines;

l techniques and strategies;

l operational limitations and good practice guidelines;

l environmental, cultural and socio-economic limitations;

l prioritization of treatment;

l the understanding and application of STRs; and

l the identification of logistical assets and liabilities (such as access points, staging areas, boat

docks and launches, quality of roads and infrastructure).

Coordination with stakeholders

Relevant stakeholders, such as the responsible party and key government agencies, typically have
representation within the shoreline assessment programme, either in the management team
and/or in the field. This ensures good coordination and communications as well as mutually-
agreed decisions relating to shoreline oiling and treatment. For large incidents with multiple
stakeholders, the formation of Technical Working Groups may be appropriate to ensure that the
requirements and concerns are addressed during the decision making process (see Box 7 overleaf).


Box 7 Technical Working Groups

The end point criteria and treatment techniques recommended by shoreline assessment teams are
approved by the key decision makers at the management level. Technical Working Groups (TWGs) may be
formed to ensure that key agencies representing environmental, cultural and socio-economic interests at
the local to national levels, and relevant stakeholders such as the responsible party, operations and
planning personnel, all have the opportunity to present their requirements and concerns during the
decision making process. Where several shoreline environments have been oiled, TWGs may be
established for each shoreline type (e.g. for sand beaches, wetlands and man-made shorelines). Data,
information and recommendations from the shoreline assessment programme are provided for discussion
within the TWG(s) and are used to provide outputs required by the response management, for example:
l definition of shoreline segments that need treatment;

l establishment of treatment priorities;

l development of end point criteria by shoreline type;

l development of shoreline treatment recommendations by habitat type;

l recommendation of field trials to evaluate and compare different treatment techniques; and

l evaluation of shoreline assessment data throughout the operational process to determine the

effectiveness and effects of treatment.

TWGs add an additional layer of confidence to the decision making process so that upper level
management and stakeholders can be assured that the relevant participants and experts, whose opinions
or concerns have been considered throughout the process, have also been involved in making
recommendations on treatment and end points. TWGs therefore help to make the approval of these
recommendations a smooth process, particularly when multiple agencies are involved.

Field survey requirements

Planning for shoreline assessment surveys should include the mobilization and provision of a
variety of resources, including:
l trained and calibrated multi-agency teams;

l equipment (e.g. notebook, GPS, camera, shovel, profile stakes, PPE);

l transportation (e.g. road, off-road, water, air);

l a safety plan and job safety analysis process to identify and remove or mitigate new hazards;

l communications (e.g. mobile phones, radio, satellite phones); and

l training tools (job aids, manuals, calibration presentations).

A selection of typical
shoreline assessment
survey resources: (near
right) personal
equipment including
PPE, first-aid kit, foul-
weather gear, GPS,
camera and notebook;
(far right) paperwork
and information,
including maps, plans,
job aids and oiled
shoreline assessment


Plans and resources should be in place to provide the following data:

l oiled shoreline assessment forms (paper or electronic—see Appendix 1);

l sketches/maps;

l photos/videos;

l GPS positional data;

l beach profile data (see Box 9 on page 29); and

l monitoring site data (see Box 9 on page 29).

Data management
Shoreline surveys can generate large amounts of data which must be collected, reviewed,
organized and preserved. Agreed-upon performance metrics must be established at the start of
the response. Shoreline oiling data (see What types of data are generated? on page 27) should be
rapidly made available to the response organization so that once the field teams have completed
a survey that data may be processed quickly by the data management team. This processing
includes quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) of raw data, entry into a database within a
geographic information system (GIS) function, and data analysis, through to final data
presentation and preservation.

The objectives and strategies of the shoreline survey and response programme can be
summarized in a shoreline response plan (see Box 8). This plan, when approved by the spill
management team, defines what will be surveyed, who participates, the survey protocols, the
approved treatment objectives, priorities and end points, shoreline treatment options, and the
inspection process.

Box 8 The shoreline response plan

A shoreline response plan sets out the specific objectives, priorities and activities of a shoreline
assessment programme and describes the treatment options and end points for the shoreline response
programme, as agreed by the relevant stakeholders. The plan is beneficial to the shoreline assessment
team and the Planning and Operations Sections as it helps each to understand the process, and the
cooperation and communications that are required between the different parties.
Key components of a shoreline response plan are:
l health and safety; l data management and reporting;

l programme objectives; l logistics;

l programme management; l spill management support;

l field team participants; l liaison with the Operations Section;

l field methods and forms: l treatment end points;

l aerial reconnaissance during initial stages; l shoreline treatment options;
l shoreline inspections; l prioritization of treatment by segments; and

l shoreline treatment process; l the sign-off and completion process.


Time and space considerations

Shoreline assessment surveys are conducted as early as possible when oil spills affect, or are likely
to affect, coastal resources. No matter what the size of the incident or where it happens, oiling
location and conditions should be documented for planning, operational, legal and liability
purposes. The scale of the shoreline assessment programme varies for each incident. A small,
localized spill might only require one or two field teams with oversight, data and logistics
coordinated by a single person in the command post; whereas a spill that affects tens or hundreds
Below: mechanical of kilometres might require multiple field teams with a large support group to provide data
trenching to management, GIS support, logistics support and a liaison with the Operations Section. An
determine the important function of the shoreline assessment survey teams during the initial response phase is
presence of
to debrief the Planning and Operations Sections on key information generated during the day’s
subsurface oil on a
surveys. This information transfer has to take place in time for response personnel to incorporate
mixed sand-pebble
beach; and
that information into planning for the next day’s activities. Survey teams only need to stay ahead of
(bottom) inspecting the operations teams by approximately two or three days during the initial stages of the response;
a hand-dug pit for any longer presents the risk that shoreline data may become out of date due to changes in oiling
subsurface oil. conditions, especially in the early stages of a response when the oil is still relatively fresh and mobile.

Teams should be prepared to look for subsurface oil in case the oil has
penetrated beach sediments, or has been reworked or buried by
sediments due to wave action. A range of detection and delineation
options can be considered (API, 2013) and in some cases extensive
systematic surveys may be required, for example if there are widespread
and variable deposits of subsurface oil (Owens et al., 1995).

When mobilizing field survey personnel it is important to consider the

amount of time a person can commit to the response. A large incident
might require a shoreline assessment programme to continue for
several months or even years; in order to maintain consistent and
accurate data, it is preferable to use the same calibrated personnel
throughout the programme.

Teams should be prepared for a variety of spill environments and

regional adaptations, which might require an understanding of different
shoreline processes, different survey types and forms, and different
transportation requirements, safety issues and clothing/PPE
requirements. In tidal locations, survey planning must take into account
the tidal range and tide heights so that field teams can observe the
entire intertidal zone during their surveys. The range of field
environments include:
l marine coasts;

l river and stream banks;

l lake shores;

l terrestrial environments; and

l regional variation, e.g.:

l temperate;
l tropics; and
l arctic/ice or winter.


What types of data are generated?

Data output from the field surveys includes
tables, graphs, maps, photographs and
reports. The field data are scientific and the
summary outputs are designed to be easily
understood by non-technical personnel and
the general public.

Field data, which include oiled shoreline

assessment forms, sketches, photographs (see
right), videos, and GPS track lines and
waypoints, are collated by the data manager or
data team to provide maps and other visual
presentations related to segment-specific or
area/regional summaries (see photographs

Summary tables and graphs are also useful to

provide situational information (see Table 1 on
page 28).

Compilations of shoreline oiling data

document the past and current distribution
and character of oiling conditions, representing
changes through time, and hence the progress
of natural recovery and/or treatment of the

Shoreline assessment data and the derived

summary information are important, not only
to spill management and stakeholders to aid
decision making and planning, but also to the
general public to understand the evolving

The photographs on
the right show the
different levels of
detail of shoreline
oiling conditions in
the same segment
(Owens et al., 2008).


Shoreline oiling Data sets might include:

status maps: (top) l aerial survey forms/reports;
an oiled wetland l oiled shoreline assessment forms;
environment l photographs and videos;
(polygon segments) l GPS track lines and waypoints;
and lake shoreline l field sketches and maps;
environment (linear l shoreline treatment recommendations (STRs);
segments); and l oiling and status tables;
(bottom) linear l oiling and status maps;
shoreline segments
l operational maps, showing current
in a commercial
treatment areas;
l diagrams (e.g. time series showing progress);

l history tracking (chronological segment-

specific actions throughout the response);

l beach profiles and reports (see Box 9 on

page 29);
l photomonitoring and time series data (Box 9);

l cultural/historical data; and

l incidental wildlife information collected

during shoreline assessment surveys.

Table 1 Oiling
Length by oiling category (m)
summary table from % of total
Shoreline type Oiled oiled heavy moderate Light/very No observed
an assessment
length (m) length light oil
survey of an oiled
Bulrush/reed 23,315 71.3 14,464 4,669 4,182 6,512
lake shore
Wetland fringe 4,545 13.9 2,525 786 1,234 10,555
Cobble-pebble 1,392 4.3 1,268 39 85 1,668
Boulder-cobble 952 2.9 54 323 575 7
Mixed sediment 806 2.5 0 260 546 5,343
Vegetated bank 676 2.1 138 53 485 4,134
Sand 295 0.9 78 30 187 940
Peat/soil 286 0.9 150 74 62 0
Man-made permeable 227 0.7 0 0 227 410
Mud 194 0.6 0 194 0 493
TOTALS 32,688 100.0 18,677 6,428 7,583 30,062


Box 9 Supplementary field data

In addition to oiled shoreline assessment forms, sketches and photographs, the shoreline assessment
field teams can produce other data which might be useful for a response. These might include aerial and
shoreline videos, beach profiles, and photomonitoring data, as well as information about ecological,
cultural, socio-economic, logistical and safety issues. The field survey teams, being the ‘eyes on the
ground’, can also locate and report stranded operational equipment, such as boom and anchors washed
up on the shoreline, and oiled wildlife.

Beach profile data

Where oil has been, or is likely to become, buried by sediment due to dynamic shoreline processes, or
penetrates into coarse sediments, beach profile data are essential to help response personnel
understand where oil might be buried and to what depths. Data can be collected by periodically
surveying regular, calibrated beach profiles to show changes in beach elevation with time. By combining
beach profile data with initial oiling data, the data team can recommend to the field teams where to look
for buried oil.

Photomonitoring and time-series data

Photomonitoring sites at specific locations (identified by coastal features or stakes) and camera
viewpoints produce useful time-series data through forms and photographs, showing the changes in
oiling conditions, vegetative cover, erosion and profile changes over time. These are very useful for
illustrating the progress of natural recovery and treatment of the affected shoreline to response
personnel, external parties and the public.

Time-series photographs
from photomonitoring
surveys of an oiled
wetland showing the
change of oiling over time:
(top) shortly after initial
oiling; (bottom) several
months after initial oiling.


How are shoreline treatment

programmes completed?
Calibrated and experienced shoreline assessment teams can provide a process that enables a
smooth and efficient closure of shoreline treatment operations. The response is completed when
all responsible parties agree that sufficient appropriate treatment has been completed and that
further activities may cease to provide a net environmental benefit or are no longer practicable
(see Box 5 on page 21). An integrated, inter-agency shoreline assessment programme delivers
‘consensual satisfaction’ between the various parties and stakeholders, and each is kept engaged
from the initial shoreline assessment surveys through to the segment inspection sign-off

Shoreline assessment surveys and reports

The key objective during shoreline assessment surveys is to reach full team consensus regarding
oiling observations and treatment recommendations to ensure consistent and accurate reporting.
Agreement amongst the team members should be attained for each segment in the field so that
important details are not missed or forgotten when producing formal paperwork after the surveys
are completed. Field data, including oiled shoreline assessment forms, maps, photographs and
sketches are collated for each segment. Oiled shoreline assessment forms include a descriptive
summary of the oiling conditions for the segment and recommendations for treatment if the
oiling is above the agreed end point criteria, together with guidance on whether treatment would
provide a net environmental benefit.

Shoreline treatment recommendations (STRs)

Where the field teams recommend treatment, STRs are generated for approval by the decision
makers, and then provided to the Operations Section to guide the shoreline clean-up activities.
(See Treatment options and constraints, on page 20.)

Sign-off and completion

When the oiled shoreline assessment survey team agrees that a segment requires no further
treatment (NFT) because:
(a) the segment meets the agreed end point criteria;
(b) the survey team considers the oiling to be ALARP; or
(c) they evaluate that there would be no net environmental benefit in further treatment,
they report their recommendation on a shoreline inspection report (SIR). See NWACP 2014 for an
example SIR form.

In addition:
(d) the Safety Officer may determine that risks which cannot be mitigated preclude the
continuation of field activities.

The final ‘approval’ for segment completion is made by the response management personnel (for
example, the Incident Manager) based on the recommendations from the field teams.


Figure 8 Segment completion process

Shoreline assessment survey

Meets endpoints?
Shoreline oiling survey Recommend no further
(SOS) form treatment or monitoring
Safety constraint?


Shoreline treatment
recommendation (STR)

operations Further
Shoreline inspection survey
(post operations)

Shoreline inspection report


Endpoints met? Or ALARP/NEB?

Recommended segment

Segment completion

Figure 8 highlights the basic steps from initial shoreline surveys to completion on a segment-by-
segment basis.

A successful shoreline assessment programme includes:

l the generation of timely information and data at the start of a response to scale the shoreline

response programme;
l support for the Operations personnel to provide them with a clear understanding of what is

expected in terms of treatment objectives, and what concerns or constraints apply to their
actions and activities;
l the integration of parties who, through legislation, land management or other reasons, should

be included in the development of treatment objectives and criteria, and the inspection/closure
process; and
l the production of a formal record of oil conditions and treatment during the response.


Appendix 1:
Example of an oiled shoreline assessment form
The example form below (POSOW, 2013) is designed for marine shorelines and was developed for
non-technical surveyors. More technically-oriented forms are provided by MCA (2007), NOAA (2013)
and Owens and Sergy (2004).

Surface and subsurface oiling conditions are recorded on the example below in boxes 6 and 7,
respectively. Subsurface oil detection and delineation methods are described in API (2013).



Appendix 2:
Oiled shoreline assessment programme checklist
This checklist is Initial reactive phase
adapted from
NWACP, 2014. l Deploy aerial reconnaissance and/or rapid ground response teams to gather preliminary
information on the oiled shoreline.
l Establish communications and coordination with Operations and Safety personnel.
l Establish a shoreline assessment programme coordinator.
l Establish the objectives of the shoreline assessment programme, using the overall response
objectives as guidance.
l Determine the scope and scale of the initial area to be surveyed by shoreline assessment field
l Determine who will participate in the field survey (that is, who is represented on the field teams).
l Determine the number of field survey teams and appropriate level of support personnel.
l Segment the survey area (if the area is pre-segmented, check the need for any revisions and
make any necessary amendments).
l Establish a data management system and, if possible, access an appropriate digitized shoreline.
l Select, and if necessary modify, the appropriate shoreline assessment forms to be used by the
field teams and coordinate with the data manager to ensure compatibility.
l Establish and develop shoreline assessment reporting metrics.
l Develop a survey and reporting schedule to introduce key survey information in time for
incorporation into the planning schedule for shoreline operations.
l Identify incident-specific health and safety considerations for shoreline assessment operations.
l Identify and assemble the essential logistics and survey equipment for the field teams.
l Begin drafting a shoreline response plan.

Planning phase
l Finalize the shoreline response plan.
l Determine which areas are to be surveyed, and prioritize segments (may require overflight data).
l Prepare, deploy and manage field survey teams.
l Establish a process for summarizing field data and communicating data as appropriate to
response managers and planners, using agreed-upon metrics.
l Develop procedures for translating field oiling data into shoreline treatment recommendations,
which must include stakeholder input, regulatory compliance (site specific), and management
l Determine how treatment end points are selected (for example, through Technical Working
Groups, if needed).
l Develop and submit initial clean-up guidelines and end points to the response management for


Operational phase
l Ensure that all elements of the shoreline response plan are being addressed and documented.
l Monitor the effectiveness of the clean-up.
l Monitor and document changes in oiling locations, character and extent.
l Develop periodic summary and progress reports (initially these may be daily data reports but
would transition into weekly summaries).

Completion phase
l Determine the formal completion inspection and approval process/procedures.
l Establish a communications protocol with the Operations Section that notifies the programme
coordinator when clean-up treatments have been completed on a given segment.
l Evaluate the need for establishing a post-treatment assessment survey as a dress rehearsal for
final sign-off and closure inspections with the land-owners/managers.
l Deploy shoreline assessment teams to conduct post-clean-up inspections to confirm that the
end points have been achieved.
l Ensure that all of the documents are collected and archived.
l Document and disseminate lessons learned from shoreline assessment and treatment.


ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GPS Global Positioning System
IMS Incident Management System
IMO International Maritime Organization
IPIECA The Global Oil and Gas Industry Association for Environmental and Social Issues
NEBA Net Environmental Benefit Analysis
NFT No Further Treatment
NOO No Oil Observed
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
SCAT Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Technique
SIR Shoreline/Segment Inspection Report
SOS Shoreline Oiling Summary
STR Shoreline Treatment Recommendation
TWG Technical Working Group

The text for this guide was prepared by Ed Owens and Helen Chapman Dubach (Owens Coastal


References and further reading

API (2013). Subsurface Oil Detection and Delineation in Shoreline Sediments: Phase 2 – Field Guide.
API Technical Report 1149-2, Washington DC, 22 pp.

IMO/UNEP (2009). Regional Information System; Part D, Operational Guides and Technical
Documents, Section 13, Mediterranean Guidelines on Oiled Shoreline Assessment. Regional Marine
Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), September 2009.

IPIECA-IOGP (2015a). Contingency planning for oil spills on water. IPIECA-IOGP Good Practice Guide
Series, Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project (OSR-JIP). IOGP Report 519.

IPIECA-IOGP (2015b). Response strategy development using net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA).
IPIECA-IOGP Good Practice Guide Series, Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project (OSR-JIP). IOGP
Report 527. http://oilspillresponseproject.org

IPIECA-IOGP (2016). Incident management system for the oil and gas industry. IPIECA-IOGP Good
Practice Guide Series, Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project (OSR-JIP). IOGP Report 517.

IPIECA/IMO/IOGP (2012). Sensitivity mapping for oil spill response. IPIECA-IOGP Good Practice Guide
Series, Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project (OSR-JIP). IOGP Report 477.

MCA (2007). The UK SCAT Manual: A Field Guide to the Documentation of Oiled Shorelines in the UK.
Maritime & Coastguard Agency, Southampton, UK.

NOAA (2013). Shoreline Assessment Manual, 4th Edition. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Seattle, WA:
Emergency Response Division, Office of Response and Restoration, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. 73 pp + appendices.

NWACP (2014). Section 9421—Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment (SCAT) Response Tools, NorthWest
Area Contingency Plan, SCAT Task Force, Seattle WA, USA.

Owens, E. H., Davis, R. A., Jr., Michel, J. and Stritzke, K. (1995). Beach cleaning and the role of technical
support in the 1993 Tampa Bay spill. Proceedings, International Oil Spill Conference, American
Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, Pub. No. 4620, 627-634.

Owens, E. H., Engles, J. W., Lehmann, S., Parker-Hall, H. A., Reimer, P. D. and Whitney, J. (2008).
M/V Selendang Ayu Response: Shoreline Surveys and Data Management; Treatment Recommendations;
and the Completion Inspection Process. Proceedings, International Oil Spill Conference, American
Petroleum Institute, Washington DC, 1193-1199.

Owens, E. H. and Reimer, P. D. (2013). Surveying Oil on the Shoreline. In Oil in the Environment:
Legacies and Lessons of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Ed. J. A. Wiens, Cambridge University Press, 78-97.

Owens, E. H. and Sergy, G. A. (2004). The Arctic SCAT Manual: A Field Guide to the Documentation of
Oiled Shorelines in Arctic Environments. Environment Canada, Edmonton, AB, Canada.

POSOW (2013). Oiled Shoreline Assessment Manual. Preparedness for Oil-polluted Shoreline cleanup
and Oiled Wildlife Interventions (POSOW), REMPEC Mediterranean Technical Working Group, Malta.

www.shorelinescat.com A website for SCAT resources.

IPIECA is the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and IOGP represents the upstream oil and gas industry before
social issues. It develops, shares and promotes good practices and international organizations including the International Maritime
knowledge to help the industry improve its environmental and social Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
performance; and is the industry’s principal channel of communication Regional Seas Conventions and other groups under the UN umbrella.
with the United Nations. Through its member led working groups and At the regional level, IOGP is the industry representative to the
executive leadership, IPIECA brings together the collective expertise of oil European Commission and Parliament and the OSPAR Commission for
and gas companies and associations. Its unique position within the the North East Atlantic. Equally important is IOGP’s role in
industry enables its members to respond effectively to key environmental promulgating best practices, particularly in the areas of health, safety,
and social issues. the environment and social responsibility.

www.ipieca.org www.iogp.org

© IPIECA-IOGP 2014 All rights reserved.

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