Perdev Class Notes

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Psychosocial Stages of Development

Erik Erikson
- Popularized "the identity", which game individuals think they are.
- Life Story: Dropped out of art school, became an art teacher and later a theorist
- Modified Freud's Theory and included social context

Epigenetic Principle
- Step by step where each stage consists of a certain conflict which a person needs to

Systonic - positive quality that enhances development

Dystonic - negative quality that interferes with development
*virtues* = strengths gained from each stage that will be helpful in each stage

8 Psychosocial Stages

1. Trust vs. Mistrust (0-18months)

a. Can I trust the world??

Virtue= Hope

Trust = When given the care and attention they need

❏ Trust own ability
❏ Trust other people
Mistrust = When neglected
❏ Generally untrustful

2. Autonomy vs. Doubt/Shame (18 months - 3 years)

a. Is it okay to be me?

Virtue = Will

Autonomy = Permitted to be independent

❏ Confident to survive on the world
Doubt/ Shame = Given too much limitations
❏ Feeling inadequate
❏ Low self-esteem
3. Initiative vs. Guilt (3 - 6 years)
Is it okay for me to do things?

Virtue = Purpose

Initiative = Allowed to be curious

❏ Able to make decisions
Guilty = Always punished
❏ Over independence

4. Industry vs. Inferiority (6 - 12 Years)

a. Can I make it in this world?

Virtue = Competence

Industry = Encouraged to showcase their skills

❏ Can strive for accomplishments
Inferiority = Restricted to display their skills
❏ Feeling useless

5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (13 - 18 years)

a. Who can I be?

Virtue = Fidelity

Identity = knows his/herself well

❏ Strong sense of self
Role Confusions = has no sense of self
❏ Unsure about one's life
❏ Going with bad peers
❏ Tendency to use substances, etc

6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (20 - 39 years)

a. Can i love?

Virtue = Love

Intimacy = establishment of emotional closeness with other people

❏ Happy and committed relationships
Isolation = avoidance of intimacy and fear of commitment
❏ Unstable relationships
7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (40 - 59 years)
a. Can i make my life count?

Virtue = Care

Generativity = Productive creativity to contribute to society

❏ Desire to help the next generation
Stagnation = feeling unproductive and disconnected with society
❏ Tendency to be self-absorbed

8. Integrity vs. Despair (60+)

a. Is it okay to have been me?

Virtue = Wisdom

Integrity = acceptance of one's life without bitterness and regret

❏ Acceptance of death
Despair = feeling that one's life is wasted
❏ Fear of death

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