Personal Development: Quarter 2 - Module 7: Family Structures and Legacies
Personal Development: Quarter 2 - Module 7: Family Structures and Legacies
Personal Development: Quarter 2 - Module 7: Family Structures and Legacies
Quarter 2 – Module 7:
Family Structures and Legacies
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
understand and identify Family Structures and Legacies. The scope of this module
allows you to understand how your family affects you as a developing individual. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you
read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
In this module, we will study the different family structures, how they differ
from one another, family legacies, and how family affects you as a developing
How does your family contribute in your middle and late adolescents?
What’s In
You may answer the activity by writing the characteristics of a servant leader
on the lines provided below. Traits can be based from your own experience as a leader
at home, in class or in your community, you can also ask other people such as your
elder brother or sister about the traits of a servant leader.
One trait is given as a sample to this activity.
Now that you know the traits of a servant leader, let us try to look at a human
figure inside a house. The house is a place where your family lives together. At home,
who do you think is the leader? Who leads your household?
What’s New
All families have sets of beliefs, values, and attitudes that are passed down
from generation to generation. These become part of the growing child’s worldview.
Although most obvious during the holidays, the transmission of family
legacies occurs all year long through the small events and interactions of daily living.
Many of these legacies, therefore, can be passed along without a lot of reflection on
the part of the parent.
What is It
Family defined
Family comes from the Latin word familia which means group of people
living in the household. Family could be related by blood, by birth, or by other
Family is the basic unit of society. It is the smallest organization in the
community. It is said to be a group of individual living together in one household.
Family comes in different forms. It could vary from one family to another. It is
usually composed of mother, father and children; some other includes grandparents,
aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives.
Which characteristics or emotional legacy did your parents pass on to you? Which
characteristics would you like to build into the legacy that you may pass to your
future children?
The Social Legacy
To really succeed in life, children need to learn more than management
strategies, accounting, reading, writing, and geometry. They need to learn the art of
relating to people--the art of socialization. If they learn how to relate well to others,
they will have advantage in living life.
Children need to gain the insights and social skills necessary to cultivate
healthy and stable relationships. As children mature, they must learn to relate to
family members, teachers, peers, friends, and community. Eventually, they must
learn to relate to coworkers and many other types of people in their surroundings.
Nowhere can appropriate social interaction and relationships be demonstrated
more effectively than in the home. At home, children can learn lessons about respect,
courtesy, love, and involvement. Parents play a key role in modelling and passing
social legacy.
Key building blocks of children’s social legacy include:
• respect, beginning with themselves and working out to other people
• responsibility, fostered by respect for themselves, that is cultivated by
assigning children duties within the family, making them accountable for their
actions, and giving them room to make wrong choices once in a while
• unconditional love and acceptance by their parents, combined with
conditional acceptance when the parents discipline for bad behavior or actions
• the setting of social boundaries concerning how to relate to God, authority,
peers, the environment and siblings
• rules that are given within a loving relationship
My Family