Forces, Newton's Laws & Momentum: Name

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.

2: Space, Time & Motion

Module 4.2
Forces, Newton’s Laws &
4.2.C Forces, Equilibrium & Free-Body Diagrams
4.2.D Newton’s Laws 4.2.E Momentum

Topic Notes
Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Important resources for this module:

All Prezi presentations, booklets, homeworks and
practical sheets are all available on the departmental

1) 2) 2)
Excellent video tutorials made by an A level physics teacher for A
level physics students. If you need to go over any concepts again,
this is the first place that you should look.

Free access to the course textbook (via

the departmental website). Follow the
instructions on the website for how to
log in.

Challenging questions from GCSE level to Undergraduate physics problems.

If you are hoping for a B, A or A* you must be visiting this site and regularly
practicing the problems. They also run excellent workshops. Look out for these!!

Multiple-choice practice revision

questions on your phone. Revise on the
bus on the way in to college!!

Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Studentship checklist
Tick the boxes when you have completed each of the tasks to do with this topic:

Have you… 
Completed the notes in this booklet so that all important details are recorded?

Answered all the questions in the main part of this booklet, practising the key skills needed

Watched the videos linked to in each section?

Made further notes from Prezis / videos / other sources in the spaces provided throughout the booklet

Answered all the mastery questions at the back of this booklet?

Completed and marked the homework booklet(s) associated with this topic?
Watched the video explaining all the questions on the homework(s) on this topic and taken detailed notes
of any corrections?
Found extra questions related to this topic to answer (e.g. on IsaacPhysics ; ; the
stretch & challenge questions at the front of each physics lab.)?
Made revision resources for this topic (mind-maps / flashcards etc.)?

Found some stretch & challenge questions to practice at the front of the physics lab?
Which are the trickiest parts of this topic that you will focus your revision on when it comes to exam time?






Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Two-Year Course Overview

w.b. Lower 6 Upper 6
Homework Pack Homework Pack
09-Sep Induction, Maths Skills & Vectors September Mock
16-Sep 4.2 Motion & Mechanics 4.2.A 5.1.3.B
5.1.3 Astrophysics
23-Sep 4.2.B
30-Sep 4.2.C 5.1.2.A
5.1.2 Circular Motion & Gravitational
14-Oct 4.2.D 5.1.2.B
October Half Term October Half Term
28-Oct 4.2.E 6.1.2.A
6.1.2 Electric & Magnetic Fields ;
04-Nov 4.2 Motion & Mechanics 4.2.F 6.1.2.B
Particle Accelerators
11-Nov 4.2.G 6.1.2.C
18-Nov 3.2.A 6.2.1.A
25-Nov 3.2.B 6.2.1 Particle Physics 6.2.1.B
3.2 Materials
02-Dec 3.2.C 6.2.1.C
09-Dec 5.2.1.A
5.2.1 Heat Energy & Ideal Gases
16-Dec 3.1.2 Electricity 3.1.2.A 5.2.1.B

Christmas Holidays Christmas Holidays

06-Jan 3.1.2.B 5.2.2 Boltzmann Factor 5.2.1.

13-Jan 3.1.2.C 5.1.1.A
3.1.2 Electricity 5.1.1 Modelling (Radioactivity,
20-Jan 3.1.2.D 5.1.1.B
Capacitors & Oscillations)
27-Jan 3.1.2.E
03-Feb Mock Exam 3.1.2.E Mock Exam
10-Feb 4.1 Waves 4.1.A 5.1.1 Modelling 5.1.1.C
February Half Term February Half Term
24-Feb 4.1.B 6.1.1.A
02-Mar 4.1.C 6.1.1. Electromagnetism 6.1.1.B
4.1 Waves
09-Mar 4.1.D 6.1.1.C
16-Mar 4.1.E 6.2.2.A
23-Mar 6.2.2. Nuclear Physics 6.2.2.B
4.1 Quantum Physics
30-Mar 4.1.F 6.2.2.C

Easter Holidays Easter Holidays

20-Apr Revision & Mock Exam

4.1 Quantum Physics
27-Apr 4.1.G Revision
04-May 3.1.1.A Mock Exam
11-May 3.1.1 Imaging & Signalling Revision
18-May 3.1.1.B Exams Start
May Half Term May Half Term
01-Jun 3.1.1.C
3.1.1 Imaging & Signalling
08-Jun 3.1.1.D
15-Jun 5.1.3 Astrophysics 5.1.3.A
22-Jun End of Year Exam
29-Jul Work Experience Week
06-Jul 5.1.3 Astrophysics
Summer Holidays Summer Holidays

Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Table of Contents
Studentship checklist ................................................................................................................................................. - 3 -
Learning Objectives ................................................................................................................................................... - 6 -
1. Free-body force diagrams ................................................................................................................................. - 8 -
Resultant force & equilibrium.................................................................................................................................. - 9 -
A note on finding angles (rotating perpendicular axes) ..................................................................................... - 11 -
Some practice questions on free-body force diagrams, resultant force & equilibrium .......................................... - 11 -
Space for your own notes ................................................................................................................................... - 14 -
2. Newton’s First Law .......................................................................................................................................... - 16 -
3. Newton’s Second Law ...................................................................................................................................... - 16 -
Experiment to test Newton’s Second Law ............................................................................................................. - 17 -
General Set-Up ................................................................................................................................................... - 17 -
Experiment 1: Checking that acceleration is directly proportional to the force pulling it. ................................ - 17 -
Experiment 2: Checking that the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass of the object .................... - 18 -
4. Newton’s Third Law ........................................................................................................................................ - 19 -
Newton’s Third Law in Context ............................................................................................................................ - 20 -
Exam Technique: An example question ............................................................................................................ - 22 -
5. Momentum........................................................................................................................................................ - 24 -
The basic concept of momentum ........................................................................................................................... - 24 -
Impulse, force and Newton’s second law .............................................................................................................. - 25 -
Space for your own notes ................................................................................................................................... - 27 -
Impulse and force-time graphs ........................................................................................................................... - 28 -
Elastic and Inelastic collisions ............................................................................................................................... - 29 -
Some quick questions on elastic and inelastic collisions ................................................................................... - 30 -
Conservation of momentum ................................................................................................................................... - 31 -
Investigating the law of conservation of momentum ......................................................................................... - 32 -
Newton’s second and third law in terms of momentum ........................................................................................ - 36 -
An example exam question ................................................................................................................................ - 38 -
6. Mastery Questions............................................................................................................................................ - 40 -
Isaac Physics F1: Force & Momentum .............................................................................................................. - 40 -
Isaac Physics F2: Conservation of Momentum .................................................................................................. - 42 -
Space for your own notes......................................................................................................................................... - 44 -

Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Learning Objectives
(a) Describe and explain
(iii) the independent effect of perpendicular components of a force

(viii) Newton’s laws of motion

(ix) The principle of conservation of momentum; Newton’s third law as a consequence

(b) Make appropriate use of:
(i) the terms: velocity, force, acceleration, mass, vector, momentum, impulse
(c) Make calculations and estimates involving:
(iv) momentum 𝑝 = 𝑚𝑣
(v) the equation 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎 = where the mass is constant

(vi) the principle of conservation of momentum

(d) Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of the following practical activities
investigating the motion and collisions of objects using trolleys, air-track gliders etc., with data obtained
from ticker times, light gates, data-loggers and video techniques.

Definitions / explanations you are expected to learn are given

stippled boxes for you to write them in

Equations you are expected to be able to use are given double

lined boxes.

Online learning checks and assignments are linked to in double

lined boxes

Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

4.2 Motion & Mechanics – Forces, Newton’s Laws & Momentum

Prezi 4.2.C Prezi 4.2.D
Prezi 4.2.D
Forces & Free Body Forces & Newton’s
Diagrams Laws

These notes coordinate with Prezis 4.2.C, 4.2.D & 4.2.E on the departmental website, and pages 194-202 (ish) in the
course textbook.

The idea of forces underpins almost everything else we do in Physics. It tells us how different objects interact with each
other, informs us of the amount of energy required for different processes to take place, and more generally provides
some of the ultimate controls governing the laws of the Universe.
It is a theme that will appear again and again and again over the next two years of the course – and beyond that should
you wish to take physics further. Developing a solid understanding of the basics of forces now will stand you in good
stead for the future. Make sure that you understand everything in this booklet – ask if you do not understand.

1. Free-body force diagrams

Two useful videos on to help you understand the theory behind drawing free-body force diagrams
for objects in various different contexts further are given below:
1. A video from ( ; QR code left) and
2. A video from NerdStudy ( ; QR code right).

Free body diagrams are simply a means by which we represent all of the forces acting on a single object in a NEAT
(and therefore informative) diagram. Care and attention to detail are vital when drawing these free-body diagrams.
Shortly, you will practice drawing the free-body diagrams for a number of different (common situations). Before you
do, there are some guidelines that you will have to follow:
(1) State the seven guidelines for drawing CLEAR free-body force diagrams in the space below:








Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

(2) Using the guidelines outlined on the facing page, draw free-body force diagrams for the three situations shown
below. Remember to label the forces acting (you may want to do this on a whiteboard in lesson before committing
this to paper).

Resultant force & equilibrium

Once we have identified all of the forces acting on an object and drawn them on to a free-body force diagram, it is
often useful to find out what the RESULTANT FORCE acting on the object is.

Explain what is meant by the term RESULTANT FORCE.

Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

One common state of being in physics, in terms of the forces acting, is for an object to be in EQUILIBRIUM.
Explain, in the context of the forces acting on an object, what is meant by the term EQUILIBRIUM.

A common method of solving problems when forces are in equilibrium is to transform the FREE-BODY FORCE
DIAGRAM into a VECTOR DIAGRAM, where the force arrows join tip-to-tail.
What do you know about the positions of the start point of the first vector arrow and the end point of the last vector
arrow if the object is in equilibrium?

For problems such as the car on the slope, once the FREE-BODY
FORCE DIAGRAM has been turned into a VECTOR DIAGRAM,
it’s a simple case of identifying the correct angle and then using
trigonometry to find the solution to the problem.
For example, if the car on the previous page was parked on a slope
which makes an angle of 30o to the horizontal and it has a mass of
1000 kg, the friction force F and the normal contact force N can be
found by:
(1) Re-drawing the force arrows so that they fit tip-to-tail (see
(2) Marking in the angle (see facing page for help on this if you
can’t picture it)
(3) Find the weight of the car: (remember, weight and mass are not the same thing)

w = …………………….. N
(4) Use the vector diagram to find the magnitude of the friction force F and normal contact force N:

F = ……………………. N ; N = …………………. N

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

A note on finding angles (rotating perpendicular axes)

For objects in equilibrium that are placed on a slope, it will often be the case that you are asked to find the component
of the weight force that either acts down the slope or into the slope.
When aiming to solve problems such as these it is best to think along the lines of two sets of perpendicular axes:
(1) Our brains are already hard-wired to think vertically and horizontally (solid lines).
(2) It is also useful to think of some axes that are aligned parallel to and perpendicular to the slope (dashed

 The free-body force diagram for the car is shown in the figure above left.

 When considering the two sets of perpendicular axes (above centre), you will hopefully appreciate that every
other angle is equal.

 We can sketch out these axes to identify the relevant angles in the free-body force diagram (above right).

 The component of the weight acting down the slope is equal to w × sin 30 (think Stretch and Crush). This is
also equal to the friction force F (as the component of the weight force into the slope, and the normal contact
force N are both at right angles to this direction; therefore the only forces acting in a direction parallel to the
slope are F and w sin 30).

 The component of the weight acting into the slope is equal to w × cos 30 (think Stretch and Crush). This is
equal to the normal contact force N.

Some practice questions on free-body force diagrams, resultant force & equilibrium
Use vector diagrams (or find components of the different forces) to answer the following questions:
(1) (a) What is the force acting on the boat in the direction of the dotted

(b) Assuming there is no friction from the water, how will this force affect the movement of the boat? Use correct
technical language.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

(2) An object of weight 30N is placed on a slope which is at 45º to the horizontal. The object is not moving. Calculate
a) the normal reaction, b) the friction force acting on the object.

(3) A mass is held by two strings, both at 45º to the vertical and have a tension of 12N.
What is the weight of the mass.

(4) (a) A body is in equilibrium under the action of three forces. One force is 6.0N acting
due East and one is 3.0N in a direction 60º North of East. Find the magnitude and
direction of the third forces.

(b) Three forces of magnitude 6N, 2N and 3N act on a small object in directions North, South and West respectively.
Find the direction and magnitude of the resultant force.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

(5) A microphone of weight 5.0N hangs from the end of a long wire fixed to the
ceiling. A horizontal string attached to the microphone exerts a pull which keeps
the wire at an angle of 20º to the vertical. Find the tension in both the string and

(6) The roller is being pulled along at a steady speed. Calculate the value of
the force F and state what other force must be acting on the roller.
(Hint: the roller is in equilibrium in the vertical direction).

(7) In the two diagrams shown the weight of 200 N is held in

equilibrium by the tension in the two ropes. In each case, by
resolving the forces in the vertical and horizontal directions,
find the tension in each rope.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

(8) In the diagram shown the climber is in equilibrium.

Find the tension in the rope.

Space for your own notes


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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

2. Newton’s First Law

A useful video from explaining the basic concepts behind Newton’s First Law
can be found at (see QR code left).

In the space below, state NEWTON’S FIRST LAW OF MOTION.

3. Newton’s Second Law

Two useful videos on the topic of Newton’s 2nd Law are provided by
They can be found at (QR code left) and (see QR code right).

In the space below, state NEWTON’S SECOND LAW OF MOTION in words.

F =
Newton’s Second Law can also be stated as a famous equation.
Complete this equation in the box right.

*equation NOT given in the formula booklet, but hopefully

you know it already anyway. We will use it A LOT.

(1) Forces have units of Newtons (N). Using the equation to the right, state the equivalent of the Newton in SI base

The Newton (N) is equivalent to…

(2) Explain the significance of the  sign in the equation stated above.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Experiment to test Newton’s Second Law

There are two parts to Newton’s Second Law that you tested experimentally in lesson. Please outline the experiment
carried out; the measurements taken, and how you processed the data to verify Newton’s Second Law in the spaces
that follow.

In both experiments you will have examined how the acceleration of a trolley varies with (i) the force pulling it; and
(ii) the mass of the trolley. Answer the questions below to explain how the experiment worked.

General Set-Up

(1) What is quantity is directly measured by the light gates?

(2) What equation does the computer / data logger use to calculate the speed of the trolley through the light gates?

(3) What equation does the computer / data logger use to calculate the acceleration of the trolley as it passes
through both light gates?

(4) Exactly what is accelerating when the weight is released?

Experiment 1: Checking that acceleration is directly proportional to the force pulling it.

(5) Explain how you kept the mass of the system constant during this experiment

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

(6) What equation did you use to find the size of the accelerating force, if a mass m was attached to the end of the
piece of string?

(7) Explain how you processed your results to check whether the acceleration was directly proportional to the
accelerating force. You may wish to sketch out the graph that you plotted, labelling the axes.

Experiment 2: Checking that the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass of the object

(8) Describe which variables you kept constant, and which you changed.

(9) Explain how you processed your results to check whether the acceleration was directly proportional to the
accelerating force. You may wish to sketch out the graph that you plotted, labelling the axes.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

4. Newton’s Third Law

Another great video from explores Newton’s Third Law and looks at
some very common misconceptions surrounding it (; QR code left). These
misconceptions are explored further in the video by Veritasium (; QR code right).

In the space below, state NEWTON’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION. Give the high-quality definition outlined in the

When aiming to identify the forces acting with Newton’s Third Law, there is a set of five rules that we need to follow.
Identify these five rules in the space below:
Newton’s Third Law pairs of forces always are…

1. The same…

2. The same…

3. Act along the same…

4. Act on different…

5. Act in opposite…

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Newton’s Third Law in Context

In each of the images below, identify the Third Law pairs of forces acting. Add ARROWS and LABEL the forces.
Think about the LANGUAGE you should use when identifying and describing the third law pairs of forces.
(1) On your desk at the moment .

(2) A rocket just after launch

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

(3) This. Ouch.

(4) An orbiting satellite.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Exam Technique: An example question

Written below is a question on Newton’s Third Law, along with some example answers. Annotate and mark the
answers, based on your knowledge of Newton’s Laws.

Response 1

Marks awarded: ……. / 5


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Response 2

Marks awarded: ……. / 5


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5. Momentum
A useful video from explaining the basic concept of momentum can be found at (QR code left).

The basic concept of momentum

Shown right are pictures of four different

(1) Without doing any calculations,

estimate which has…
(a) The greatest MOMENTUM:


(b) The greatest KINETIC ENERGY:

(2) In the spaces below, calculate values of momentum p and kinetic energy Ek for each of the objects. You may
have to use your phones to look up typical masses and top speeds for each. Think of the appropriate units you
will have to use in your calculations. SHOW FULL WORKING

Bullet: Cheetah:
Mass: ………… (top) speed: ……….. Mass: ………… (top) speed: ………..
Momentum: Momentum:

p = ……………….. p = ………………..
Kinetic energy: Kinetic energy:

Ek = ……………… Ek = ………………

Usain Bolt: A milk truck:

Mass: ………… (top) speed: ……….. Mass: ………… (top) speed: ………..
Momentum: Momentum:

p = ……………….. p = ………………..
Kinetic energy: Kinetic energy:

Ek = ……………… Ek = ………………

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

(3) In the box right, state the equation giving an object’s

momentum p in terms of its mass m and the velocity v at
which it is moving.

(4) Using the equation you have just stated, give the
*equation is given in the formula booklet, but learn it anyway
appropriate SI units for momentum: to save yourself time.

Units : ………………………..

Impulse, force and Newton’s second law

A useful video of some of the ideas inherent here is given by Crash Course Physics and can be
found at (QR code left). Another useful video is offered by and can be found at (QR code right)

(1) Briefly explain how crumple zones and air bags in cars (or a giant pile of cardboard boxes for a parachute-less sky
diver) can mitigate the damaging effects of a collision. Use the terms FORCE and MOMENTUM in your

(2) State NEWTON’S SECOND LAW (in words) in terms of MOMENTUM (rather than mass and acceleration)

(3) Show how the equation for Newton’s second law can be re-written in terms of the change in momentum, p.

F = m a = = =

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

(4) Sand falls onto a conveyer belt at a rate of 5 kg s-1 . The conveyor belt moves at 3.0 m s-1. Calculate the
momentum gained by the sand each second, and hence state the force acting on the sand.

p = ………………… F = …………………. N
(5) A man of mass 75 kg jumps from a wall of height 3.0 m.
(a) Assuming he starts from rest calculate his speed on reaching ground level. Show full working.

v = …………………….. m s-1

(b) Calculate the average force exerted by the ground on the man while he is stopping if:
i) he does not bend his knees and is brought to rest in 0.01 s.

Favg = ………………………. N
ii) he bends his knees and is brought to rest in 0.5 s.

Favg = ………………………. N
(6) A 5.0 kg ball moving at a velocity of 20.0 m s-1 collides with a 10.0 kg ball moving at 2.0 m s-1. Calculate the velocity
of the balls in each case if they COALESCE (stick together) on impact when they are initially traveling:
(a) In the same direction

v = ……………………… m s-1
(b) In opposite directions

v = ……………………… m s-1
CLUE 1: Sketch a diagram. CLUE 2: Consider what type of quantity momentum is.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Several issues arise out of the concepts covered in the questions on the facing page.

One of these is the idea of IMPLUSE, p.

State what is meant by the term IMPULSE

The IMPULSE of a body can be found by re-arranging the equation for Newton’s second as written in terms of

State Newton’s 2nd Law in terms of IMPULSE p and the time t
p =
Re-state the equation left to give the change in momentum p an
over which the object changes momentum. object undergoes when a force F acts for a time t.

*given in the formula booklet with impulse written as (mv). * also given in the formula booklet.

Space for your own notes


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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Impulse and force-time graphs

Physicists often use graphs of how the force acting on an object varies through time to investigate the impulse of an
object. This is also a common theme for exam questions. Consider the example below:
(1) Professional footballers can kick a football at speeds greater than 35 m s-1.
(a) A footballer kicks a stationary football. The foot and the ball are in contact for about
0.05 seconds. Immediately after contact, the ball is moving at 35 m s-1.
Show that the mean force applied to the ball is about 300 N (mass of football = 0.44 kg)

(b) The force F on the ball is not

constant but varies with time t
as shown on the graph.
Calculate the change in
momentum of the ball from the

You will need to annotate the

graph to show how you found
your final answer

p = ……………… kg m s-1

(2) Complete the following sentence…

To find the change in momentum of an object from a force-time graph…

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Elastic and Inelastic collisions

The video linked to at (QR code left) from gives a nice
explanation of the different types of collision.

Often we are interested in two different aspects of a collision between two different objects: the MOMENTUM p and
It is often useful to be able to state these terms as a function of one another:
Starting with the equations for kinetic energy Ek and momentum p given below, give an equation for an object’s kinetic
energy Ek in terms of its momentum p and mass m. Show how you have got to your final answer.

Ek = p =

Ek =
*Equation NOT given in the formula booklet

When considering the nature of different collisions, we often use the terms ELASTIC and INELASTIC.
Define the following terms below


Which type of collision do you think occurs when macro-scale objects (such as two trolleys, a ball and a wall, an asteroid
and a planet) collide?

Give a detailed justification of your answer above (this is a typical exam question)

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Some quick questions on elastic and inelastic collisions

(1) A 2.0 kg mass travelling at a velocity of 6.0 m s-1 collides with a stationary 4.0 kg mass. The two masses COALESCE
(stick together). The collision takes a time of 45 ms.
(a) Calculate the speed of the balls after the collision

(b) Determine if the collision is elastic or inelastic. Show full working.

(c) Find the impulse that the 4 kg mass places on the 2 kg mass.

(d) Calculate the force that has acted on the 2 kg mass.

(2) A stretch & challenge question:

Explain why a Newton’s cradle always work in the way shown in the top two
diagrams right (1-in,1-out; 2-in,2-out etc.), but never as shown in the diagram
below (2-in,1-out)?

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Conservation of momentum
A really useful video explaining the concept of the Law of Conservation of Momentum has been made by and can be found at (QR code right).
One of the primary themes that emerges in exams are questions regarding the principle of the Law of Conservation of
Momentum. You are often asked to verify whether, in an interaction, momentum has been conserved.

An example exam question is given below.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

Investigating the law of conservation of momentum

The following is a long exam question on an experiment very similar to the one you undertook investigating the law of
conservation of momentum when two trolleys collide.
This is a tricky question which touches on several important concepts. Attempt the question, and IN A DIFFERENT
COLOUR PEN make notes on any key points as you go along.

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markscheme for this question explanation video for this question

available at available at

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Read pages 9-15 in the course textbook (available on the website at ; follow the
instructions on the website for log in instructions) to take notes on how to handle experimental uncertainty.

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Newton’s second and third law in terms of momentum

Another common theme in exam questions is to combine ideas surrounding Newton’s second and third laws of motion
and the idea of conservation of momentum to explain the propulsion of objects. Examples include:

 The recoil of a gun and the firing of a bullet

 The propulsion of a rocket / jet / speedboat /squid etc., by expelling a fluid (liquid or gas) in the opposite
direction to the object’s motion.
To refresh your memories…
Newton’s 2nd Law:

The force acting on an object is equal to its rate of change of momentum.

Newton’s 3rd Law:

If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts an equal size

force in the opposite direction on body A.

(1) Use Newton’s Laws to explain what happens when a gun fires a bullet and then recoils. Think of this in two ways
to give a complete description:
 Firstly, explain why the bullet is propelled forwards from the initial stationary start.

 Secondly, explain why the gun will recoil.

 Finally, explain what you know about the gain in momentum of the bullet and the gain in momentum of the
gun on firing, in terms of the forces acting.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

(2) Explain how propulsion systems such as those used in jet engines, boat propellers, balloon rockets etc. work. Use
the specific example of an Airboat such as that shown below. Use bullet points in your explanation.

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

An example exam question

The following question is a five-mark exam question. Three model answers are given. Please give and justify a mark
for each response.
The image shows a toy car driven by air from a
deflating balloon.
Using Newton’s First and Third Laws, and
referencing the Law of Conservation of Momentum,
explain why the air coming out of the car causes this.

(5 marks)

Response 1

Marks awarded: ……. / 5


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Response 2

Marks awarded: ……. / 5


Response 3

Marks awarded: ……. / 5


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6. Mastery Questions
These questions have their background in the ethos that anything is hard when you don’t spend much time on it, and
that things become much easier the more your practice. You will know this if you are learning to drive, or when you
pick up any other new skill for the first time. I would say that playing the piano is really really hard. But I’ve probably
not spent more than a few hours when I was very young trying. Someone who has spent hours practising playing the
piano would probably tell you that it is easy as it comes naturally to them – neglecting to mention all the hours of practice
that they have put in.
Have a go at the mastery questions on the following pages. You can input your answers and check they are right on the website (see separate links for each section). You should be aiming to get correct at least the number
given at the top of each section before you can consider yourself to have mastered each of these core concepts.

online learning & skills check

Isaac Physics F1: Force & Momentum

1. Go to the page at (QR code right) and answer the questions. It
should take you 30-40 minutes. You will need paper and pen to work out the solutions to the
questions out before entering your answer into the browser.
2. Please complete this for the deadline that your teacher sets you:
3. Use the space below for your working then input
your answer to the Isaac physics website linked to
Deadline for this piece of work:……………………
Skills mastery = 8/10
In these questions ignore the effects of friction and drag.
F1.1 What is the momentum of a 750 kg car going at 31 m s-1.

F1.2 What is the momentum of an electron (mass = 9.1×10-31 kg) travelling at 3×107 m s-1?

F1.3 If a 20000 kg bus accelerates from 10 m s-1 to 25 m s-1, what is the change in momentum?

F1.4 A 50 g ball is travelling at 2.0 m s-1 when it hits a wall and rebounds at 1.5 m s-1. Calculate the change in

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

F1.5 A 750 kg car takes 15.3 s to accelerate from 5.0 m s-1 to 31 m s-1. Calculate the force needed to do this.

F1.6 A 70 kg person jumps in the air and is travelling downwards at 2.0 m s-1 when their feet touch the ground. If it
takes the person 0.30 s to stop, calculate the resultant force on them.

F1.7 I am trying to push start a car which has stopped. If the biggest force with which I can push the car is 420 N and
the car has a mass of 1025 kg, how fast will it be going after 8.0 s of pushing?

F1.8 Calculate the force needed to accelerate a 50000 kg spacecraft from rest to 7000 m s-1 in four minutes.

F1.9 An alpha particle (mass = 6.7×10-27 kg) is fired at the nucleus in a gold atom with a speed of 3.5×106 m s-1. It
bounces off at the same speed in the opposite direction. If the collision takes 10-19 s, what is the average force?

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

F1.10 How long would it take a 637 N force to accelerate a 65 kg physicist from rest up to a speed of 100 m s-1 (this
is over 200 mph)?

online learning & skills check

Isaac Physics F2: Conservation of Momentum

1. Go to the page at (QR code right) and answer the questions. It
should take you 30-40 minutes. You will need paper and pen to work out the solutions to
the questions out before entering your answer into the browser.
2. Please complete this for the deadline that your teacher sets you:
3. Use the space below for your working then input
your answer to the Isaac physics website linked to
Deadline for this piece of work:……………………
skills mastery = 8/10
F2.1 to F2.4
Two masses, called Alfie and Beth, collide and stick together under four different circumstances, as shown in the four
rows of the table below. Calculate the missing measurements.

Before collision After collision

Alfie’s mass Alfie’s velocity Beth’s mass Beth’s velocity Velocity
/ kg / m s-1 / kg / m s-1 / m s-1

30 +2.0 40 +1.5 F2.1

60 -1.4 30 +2.8 F2.2

120 +1.5 80 F2.3 0.0

120 +3.0 F2.4 -31 +2.0

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

F2.5 Charlie is driving her 20000 kg bus. She stops at a roundabout. Percy is driving his 750 kg Corsa at 15 m s -1
behind her. He fails to stop and rams into the back of the bus, sticking to it. The impact releases the brakes on
the bus. How fast will the smashed-up wreck be travelling immediately after the collision?

F2.6 A neutron (mass = 1 u; check your formula booklet for this) is moving at 300 m s-1 when it smacks into a
stationary 235U nucleus (mass = 235 u), and sticks to it What will the velocity of the combined particle be?

F2.7 A 7.90 g bullet is travelling at 200 m s-1. It hits a 3.0 kg sack of sand which is hanging by a rope from the ceiling.
The bullet goes into the sack and is stopped inside it by friction with the sand. How fast is the sack going
immediately after the bullet has “stopped” (relative to the sand) inside it? Give your answer to 3 sig. fig.

F2.8 A rocket (containing a space probe) is travelling at 7000 m s-1 in outer space. The 2000 kg probe is ejected from
the front of the rocket (forwards) using a big spring. If the speed of the probe afterwards is 7200 m s -1, and the
rest of the rocket has a mass of 6000 kg, what is the speed of the rest of the rocket?

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Aquinas College Physics Module 4.2: Space, Time & Motion

F2.9 In a strange form of billiards, the cue ball is one third the mass of the other balls, which are stripey. There is no
spin, and I hit a stripey ball centrally with the cue ball (travelling at 1.4 m s-1) such that the cue ball rebounds
in the opposite direction with half its initial speed. What is the speed of the stripey ball?

F2.10 I am stranded, stationary, in space, but near to my spacecraft. I detach my 30 kg oxygen cylinder, and fling it
away from the spacecraft with a speed of 3.0 m s-1. If my mass (without the cylinder) is 80 kg, how fast will I
travel in the other direction towards my spacecraft?

Space for your own notes


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