Test Methods For Mechanical Properties
Test Methods For Mechanical Properties
Test Methods For Mechanical Properties
7.2.1 Introduction 5 Goals of Mechanical Testing 5 Types of Tests Typically Required 5 Unique Aspects of Testing Composite Materials 6 Evolution of Mechanical Testing Methodologies 7 Test Method Selection Criteria 8
7.2.2 General Test Equipment Requirements 9 Types of Testing Machines Available 9 Electromechanical Versus Servo-Hydraulic Machines 9 Hydraulic Versus Mechanical Wedge Grips 10 Other Types of Grips 10 Types of Grip Faces 10
7.2.3 Test Specimens 10 Specimen Preparation 11 Cutting procedures 11 Dimensional measurements 11 Specimen quality issues 11 Specimen Conditioning and Storage Prior to Testing 11
7.2.4 Measurement of Stresses and Strains 12 Stresses 12 Strains 12 Strain/displacement measurement 12 Extensometers versus strain gages 13 Digital image correlation 13
7.2.5 Tension Test Methods 14
7.2.6 Compression Test Methods 15 Problems Unique to Compression Testing 15 ASTM and Other Standard and Nonstandard Test Procedures 16 Specimen Loading Configurations 16 End loading versus shear-loading test methods 17 Combined loading 17 Tabbed versus untabbed specimens 18 Specific Test Fixtures 18 Shear-loading fixtures 18 End-loading fixtures 19 Sandwich specimens 20 Combined loading fixtures 21 Strain Measurement Instrumentation 23
7.2.7 Shear Test Methods 23 Problems Unique to Shear Testing 23 ASTM and Other Standards 23 Specimen Loading Configurations 23 Torsional loading 23 Thin-walled tubes 23 Solid rods 24 Direct shear 24 Iosipescu shear 24 Rail shear 24 Double-notched shear 25 Induced shear 25 þ 45 Degree laminate tensile shear 25 Short beam shear 27 Strain Measurement Instrumentation 28
7.2.1 Introduction
Mechanical testing can be very time-consuming and also very expensive. Thus only as much testing as is necessary to achieve
carefully defined objectives should be conducted, and it is important that it be conducted properly, the first time, so that costs are
not compounded. The goal of this section is to offer guidelines to aid in achieving carefully planned and properly executed test
The formulas required to calculate stresses from measured loads for the various tests are typically very simple and straightforward,
and thus are not included here. However, complete references to sources of detailed information are included wherever appropriate.
worldwide related to each of these three basic loading modes.1 Another excellent publication is that edited by Jenkins.2 A text by
Traceski3 provides cross-indexing between many of the governing international standards and specifications. The appendices in the
backs of the annual books of ASTM standards provide even more up-to-date cross-indexing since they are issued each year.
Static material properties are usually of primary interest. These represent the response of the material to loadings applied
monotonically to failure over time intervals typically measured in tens of seconds or at most a few minutes.
Impact loadings may be applied in the same manner, i.e., as tensile, compressive, shear, or flexural loadings, but over much
shorter time intervals, typically in durations of a few milliseconds. Thus, inertial (material mass) effects can play a role, unlike for
static loadings.
Fatigue loadings are essentially static loadings, but to only some specified fraction of ultimate, and repetitively applied. For
metals, a cyclic rate of 30 cycles per second (Hz) is common. For composite materials, relatively low cyclic loading rates of 5–10
Hz are typical, not just to simulate actual in-service loading rates, but at least equally important, to minimize hysteretic (internal
friction or self-induced) heating effects within the composite material. Hysteretic heating is a particular concern when fatigue
testing composite materials as significant internal friction (damping) is a typical characteristic, and heat transfer rates are low. In
contrast, most structural metals exhibit low damping and relatively high heat dissipation. By keeping the cyclic rate low when
fatigue testing composite materials, the amount of heat generated per unit time is less and the time per cycle available for heat
dissipation is increased.
Static loadings to some fraction of ultimate, but held for long periods of time, viz., creep loadings, are also of interest. Time
durations under load of weeks and months are typical, shorter durations of tens of minutes to several days are of frequent interest,
and longer durations of many months and even years are the ultimate indication of creep response, but may not be practical.
Superimposed on these basic loading modes and rates are variations in test temperature, specimen preconditioning (moisture
or solvent exposure, salt spray, sunlight or other irradiation, aging, etc.), combined (multiaxial) loadings, and geometric effects
(holes, cutouts, local impact damage, and other material discontinuities).
The above discussion relates to mechanical properties in general, i.e., the response of the composite material to the application
of a mechanical loading. Fatigue, creep, impact, environmental exposure, and other “durability” tests are discussed in detail in
Section 7.2.8, the present section focusing on static mechanical properties. Certain physical properties are also needed for design
and analysis purposes. Perhaps the most important of these to the mechanical designer and stress analyst are the thermal and
moisture expansion coefficients, i.e., the dimensional change of the material when subjected to changes in temperature and
moisture. These are discussed in Section 7.2.9.
subscripts for a normal loading are always identical. This has led to the common use of a so-called contracted notation, whereby
only one subscript is used for normal stresses.8
The above discussion applies to normal strains (also second-rank tensors) as well, e1 being used more commonly than e11, etc.8
Likewise, the common notations for the three elastic stiffnesses, which, following conventional terminology, are taken to mean
the normal stiffnesses in each of the three principal directions, are E1, E2, and E3. Sometimes these are alternately expressed as E11,
E22, and E33 in contracted notation since stiffnesses are fourth-rank tensors and are defined by four subscripts in tensor notation.8
Poisson’s ratios must also be determined if the material is to be fully characterized. Poisson’s ratio is defined as the negative of the
ratio of the normal strain induced in one of the two principal lateral directions to the normal strain in the direction of normal
loading. The first subscript indicates the direction of loading, the second the direction of induced strain. The normal loading can be
either tensile or compressive. Thus six Poisson’s ratios exist for each of these two loading modes. Those quantities defined as the
negative of the ratio between the strain in the direction of lower axial stiffness to the strain in the direction of higher axial stiffness (of
the two strains involved) are termed the major Poisson’s ratios. The inverse are the minor Poisson’s ratios. Typically the values of
Poisson’s ratio do not differ significantly between tension and compression loadings, and therefore often no distinction is made.
Whether in tension or compression, the corresponding six Poisson’s ratios and three axial stiffnesses E1, E2, and E3 are
interrelated via the three so-called reciprocal relations, viz., (n)21/E2 ¼ (n)12/E1, (n)3l/E3 ¼ (n)13/E1, and (n)32/E3 ¼ (n)23/E2.4,7,8 Thus
only six of the nine quantities in these relations are independent. Normally, the three minor Poisson’s ratios are taken to be the
dependent quantities, since they are typically the most difficult of the nine properties to measure experimentally, because of their
relatively small magnitudes (Loading in the less stiff direction of the composite induces relatively little deformation in the stiffer
In addition to (tensile or compressive) normal loadings, to fully characterize an orthotropic composite material, shear loadings
must also be applied in the three principal material directions. Following the same definitions as for normal loadings, an induced
shear stress t12 implies a shear loading applied on (parallel to) the 1-plane in the 2-direction, while t21 indicates a shear loading
applied on the 2-plane in the 1-direction. To maintain moment equilibrium of a local (differential) element of material, t21 ¼ t12,
t31 ¼t13, and t32 ¼ t23.4–8 Corresponding relations exist for the six shear strains, gij. Thus, although it is possible to apply six shear
loadings to a material, only three independent shear stresses and shear strains, for example, t12, t13, t23 and g12, g13, g23 exist. It
will be noted that, although the order of the subscripts is immaterial since tij ¼ tji and gij ¼ gji two subscripts are still required,
unlike for normal stresses and strains, since both the plane and the direction must be defined.
The remaining question is whether the values of these shear stresses and strains at fracture (and/or yield) are independent of the
sense of the shear loading (e.g., whether a shear loading in the positive direction results in failure at the same level as a shear
loading in the negative direction) on the same plane. Typically, shear strength (and shear strain at failure) is in fact independent of
the direction of the applied shear loading. Then only three shear strengths (and/or shear strains at failure) need be measured.
Corresponding to the three applied shear stresses, three independent shear moduli, for example, G12, G13, G23 in contracted
notation, exist.
In summary, nine independent elastic stiffness properties, commonly taken to be G12, G13, G23, (n)12, (n)13, (n)23, G12, G13, G23,
must be experimentally evaluated, recognizing that E1, E2, E3, (n)12, (n)13, (n)23 may differ for tensile and compressive loadings.
Correspondingly, three axial tensile strengths and three axial compressive strengths (and the corresponding axial strains at
failure, if of interest) must be measured, along with three shear strengths (and three shear strains at failure, if of interest), if it can
be assumed that these shear values are independent of the sense of the shear loading, the common assumption.
definite virtue was their relatively low density, only about 70% that of glass (and boron). However, the resulting carbon fiber-
reinforced composites exhibited extremely low shear strengths, due to the poor bond between the fibers and the surrounding
polymer matrix. Therefore, it was particularly difficult to transfer loads into a test specimen via shear, as, for example, by using
tabbed tensile specimens, and even to redistribute stresses within the composite (also a shear transfer mechanism).
Thus, these early carbon fiber composites presented their own testing problems, uniquely different from both glass- and boron-
fiber composites. However, this proved to be a moving target, because for the next 15–20 years carbon fibers of progressively
higher modulus (eventually significantly surpassing even boron fibers) and higher tensile strength (equaling or surpassing all
others) became common. Correspondingly, the composite shear strengths attainable became among the highest of all composites,
due to improvements in carbon fiber surface chemistry. These improvements eased the load-transfer problem, but obviously made
the experimental determination of shear strengths more difficult, high strengths almost always being more difficult to measure
than low strengths.
During the 1970s, the use of boron fibers diminished (because of the inherently high cost of the vapor deposition production
process), and applications of carbon fibers focused on the use of what are now termed low modulus carbon fibers (on the order of
E¼220 MPa). This once again encouraged the focus of test methods development on one specific composite material system, now low
modulus carbon fiber composites rather than glass fiber composites. This focus continued throughout the entire decade of the 1970s.
This stability in test methods development was perturbed only slightly by the introduction of aramid (viz., DuPont’s Kevlar 49)
fibers in the early 1970s.9,10 Although this aramid fiber, with a modulus of only 135 GPa and a very low compressive strength, was
not being used in many primary load-bearing structures, it did present its own unique testing problems. The fiber transverse tensile
strength was very low, leading to fiber fibrilation (breaking up of the fiber into individual fibrils). Composite specimens were also
much more difficult to prepare, the organic fiber material being difficult to cut.
During the early 1980s, polyethylene fibers (e.g., Allied’s Spectra) were introduced.11 These fibers exhibited the same general
testing problems as aramid, plus an extremely low composite shear strength.12 This was because polymer matrices did not bond
well to these polyethylene fibers. Once again, a whole new set of test methods development problems was introduced.
However, the major influencing factor of the 1980s, and felt into the new millennium, was the introduction of whole new
classes of polymer matrices. During the 1970s, the composites industry had settled into the primary use of what was essentially
only one type of polymer-matrix material (based upon the Ciba Geigy MY720 epoxy monomer, which in the late 1990s is termed
a brittle structural epoxy). This “stability” was promoted to a large extent by the aircraft industry’s desire to stabilize the material
form, and focus on its introduction into airframe structures. This was achieved by enforcing the requirement that composite
materials be fully qualified for use, which as previously noted involves a costly and time-consuming mechanical testing program.
By the end of the 1970s, the properties of low modulus carbon fiber composites incorporating this matrix material were being fully
utilized, particularly the limited toughness properties.
Recognizing this, in the early 1980s, the US government funding agencies in particular began to encourage the release of new
polymer matrices by the material suppliers. Of course, polymer chemists had been formulating new matrix materials for com-
posites throughout the 1970s, even though there was little commercial market for them at the time. Thus, as if the flood gates had
been opened, almost immediately entire new families of polymers were being made available. These included toughened epoxies,
bismaleimides, polyimides, and the high-temperature thermoplastics, such as poly-etheretherketone (PEEK) and polyphenyl-
sulfone (PPS). This flood of new matrix materials continued throughout the 1980s,13–16 although many of them, including the
high-temperature thermoplastics, have not replaced epoxies to the extent initially anticipated, because of increased processing
complexities and other problems.
During the early part of the 1980s, the composites industry was beginning to realize that the “structural epoxy” then in
widespread use, being very brittle, resulted in very low composite toughness. One important aspect of many of the new polymers
being introduced was their increased toughness. Thus, characterization of composite toughness, impact damage resistance, and the
effects of geometric defects became of particular interest. But almost no corresponding test methods existed. Once again, there was
a major redefinition of required test methods, and a flurry of new developments. Open-hole tension and compression, com-
pression after impact, and fracture toughness (particularly double cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched flexure (ENF), i.e.,
Modes I and II, respectively) test methods became prominent.
At the end of the 1990s, composite materials, and hence test methods, are once again stabilized, with some degree of
standardization emerging. The following sections reflect this emergence.
Sometimes, the specific test method to be used is dictated by the customer and cannot be easily altered. Fortunately, this is not
usually the case. Taking into account the expected use of the data to be generated, the cost of generating them may be paramount.
In other cases, maximum accuracy may be the driver. Often the laboratory equipment available, and the skill of that laboratory’s
personnel, have to be taken into consideration when selecting a procedure. Thus, the “best” test method can be strongly dependent
on many factors, not all of which are completely technical.
The above discussion alludes to the fact, however, that electromechanical machines are limited in rate of load application.
Thus, for dynamic (high loading rate testing), servo-hydraulic machines are the necessary choice. Likewise, for cyclic (fatigue)
loading, servo-hydraulic machines are almost mandatory. Even though composite materials typically are tested at relatively low
cyclic rates (5–10 Hz, as previously discussed in Section, this is still too fast for a typical electromechanical machine to
respond to.
Since there are many types of mechanical tests to be considered, there are equally large number of specimen configurations. Many
of these will be discussed in relation to the individual test methods in subsequent parts of this section. However, there are
common considerations and problems that can be discussed as a group.
Test Methods for Mechanical Properties 11
even years, to a few months. But the conditioning temperature must not be too high or the composite material will be damaged by
microcracking. At high temperatures, the surfaces of the specimen absorb moisture rapidly, and swell accordingly, while the bulk
of the material does not. It should be noted that the coefficient of moisture expansions of most polymers are as much as 100–1000
times their coefficient of thermal expansions.33 This steep gradient of moisture content induces residual stresses, compressive at the
surface but tensile just below. These tensile stresses can become large enough to cause local failures, i.e., microcracking. The reverse
process occurs, should there be a rapid dry out of the surface, either deliberate or accidental.31 Then the surface stresses become
tensile, with the same resultant microcracking there. This whole problem is amplified in a composite material since the fibers
typically do not absorb moisture, and thus do not moisture-swell, creating additional constraints.
The “safe” conditioning temperature depends on the properties of the polymer matrix, and of the composite itself. Polymers
with higher moisture diffusion coefficients, higher coefficients of moisture expansion, and lower ductility will be more suscep-
tible.31 However, as a general “rule of thumb,” a conditioning temperature of 65–701C is usually “safe.” It should be noted here
that sometimes boiling water immersion, usually for relatively short-time periods, for example, 1 day, 2 days, 5 days, is called for.
Obviously boiling water, at 1001C, can create microcracking problems in many polymer-matrix composites. In addition, as
previously noted, these short-time exposures, even at 1001C, and even if the composite survives, are not anywhere near long
enough to allow a composite of typical thickness to reach moisture equilibrium. The composite will probably be tested shortly
after the conclusion of the boiling water exposure. Thus, not only will a very steep moisture gradient, and hence a gradient of
material stiffness, be present, but significant moisture-induced residual stresses will exist also. Obviously these effects obscure the
meaning of the resulting experimental data.
Almost always the stress in the test coupon must be determined, at ultimate and possibly at yield. Very often the modulus (the
initial stiffness of the composite) is also required. If so, then the strain in the specimen must also be monitored. In fact, more and
more commonly a complete stress–strain curve to failure is also desired, often to be used subsequently as input to a nonlinear
stress analysis of the component being designed. Stresses
As previously discussed, stress is defined as the applied force (often termed “load”) divided by the cross-sectional area carrying the
load. Measurement of the dimensions of the cross section was also previously discussed.
In earlier times, load was often an actual “dead load,” i.e., weights supported by the specimen in some manner. Since many
thousands of kilograms of load may be required to fail a specimen, systems of levers were often used to amplify the applied load,
thus reducing the amount of mass (dead load) required.
Later, screw-driven crossheads, initially hand-powered and later motor-driven, were used. These required some type of “load
cell” to measure the force being applied by the mechanical screws. Compound lever beam balances were used, being continually
balanced manually. Spring scales (sometimes termed “fish scales”) were also used, particularly if the applied forces were not too
large. Later, “proofing rings,” circular steel rings with a calibrated dial gage mounted across the inside diameter in the direction of
the applied load, were developed.
Load measurement was somewhat simpler with hydraulic testing machines. The hydraulic pressure being applied to the ram
could be monitored with a fluid pressure gage and the corresponding force being applied by the ram calculated based upon the
piston area.
Electronic load cells are almost universally used today. These are actually not too different in concept from proofing rings. The
load cell usually consists of calibrated foil resistance strain gages mounted on flexure arms (“flexures”) within the cell, i.e., a
displacement is still being measured and calibrated as a force. By varying the stiffness of the flexure arms, cells of any load range
can be fabricated.17,18 Strains Strain/displacement measurement
The movement of the testing machine crosshead or hydraulic ram is sometimes adequate as a specimen displacement mea-
surement from which to compute strains. This can be true when only limited accuracy is required, or when the displacements are
large, for example, in rubbery materials. Usually, however, greater accuracy is required. The problem is that the specimen may
deform nonuniformly and even slip in the gripped regions. Also, the testing machine itself deforms under load, although as
previously discussed, this is kept to a minimum in a good quality (stiff load frame) machine.
To eliminate these extraneous sources of displacement, it is desirable to measure the displacement in a region of the specimen
away from these “end effects.” This region is termed the gage section of the specimen.
Many types of displacement measurement devices have been used over the years. Before the advent of electronics, motion
magnifying mechanical lever systems incorporating vernier displacement scales, and later dial gages also, were used. For even
greater resolution, optical (mirror) systems, attached directly to the specimen across a known gage length, were developed. The
mirror systems in particular could achieve a high degree of accuracy, by incorporating very long optical path lengths. However,
Test Methods for Mechanical Properties 13
they did require considerable effort to use. These mechanical and optical systems were called extensometers (or compressometers
when they measured compressive rather than tensile strains).
In the 1940s, electrical resistance wire strain gages were introduced. These gages could be bonded adhesively directly to the
surface of the test specimen in its gage section. As the fine diameter wire was stretched or compressed and thus the cross-sectional
area changed, the electrical resistance changed proportionally. This change in electrical resistance was then calibrated to strain. In
the late 1990s, foil strain gages had replaced wire gages, but the principle of operation is exactly the same.
The development of strain gages led to the development of “strain gage extensometers.” The arms of the mechanical extens-
ometer that index on the specimen surface in its gage section serve as flexures, and are strain gaged. The change in electrical
resistance from the strain gage extensometer is calibrated by applying a precisely known displacement. It will be noted that the
principle of operation is essentially the same as that of a load cell.17,18
In recent years, the optical extensometer systems have been revisited. A laser is used to produce two powerful beams which
track two points (targets) a known initial distance apart on the surface of the specimen.17
The term “correlation” is used in this technique due to the algorithm that tracks the spots. As each frame in the motion is
analyzed, statistical methods are employed to “decide” which spots have moved from a given location in one frame to a given
location in the next. To make the correlation possible, the spots themselves should not be identical nor regularly repeating. Such a
pattern is “textureless” and no correspondence from one frame to the next can be established without further assumptions on the
DIC technology can be procured as turnkey systems which include cameras and software to conduct complete strain-field
mapping and analysis.36–38 Open source software has also become available for use with separately provided digital image capture
DIC is just now beginning to make its way into standardized test methods. For example, ASTM B 831-1440 includes an
advanced method for shear stress–strain behavior in thin aluminum using DIC, but requires a modified sample. ASTM E 64741 on
measurement of fatigue crack-growth rates discusses DIC in its guidelines for measuring growth rates of small fatigue cracks. The
lone composite test method to apparently include DIC, ASTM D 8067-17,42 allows for the use of DIC to measure strain or out-of-
plane buckling when testing for in-plane shear properties of sandwich panels using a picture frame fixture. The reasons for lack of
inclusion in current methods could include high initial acquisition costs of DIC equipment compared to strain gages, as well as
increase setup time and sample preparation of DIC specimens. However, for circumstances in which strain gages are not practical,
or in development of test standards in which full strain fields must be verified (and not just measured under the grid of a single
strain gage), the use of DIC in composites testing is anticipated to grow.
Tension testing of composite materials is much less controversial at the present time than either compression or shear
testing. There is one ASTM standard43 for testing flat laminates that is widely followed internationally. Many individual nations,
and the international organization for standardization (ISO 527-5), have a similar standard. For testing composite pipes and
tubes, the lesser known standard ASTM D 2105-0144 is available. It principally addresses methods of gripping pipes and
Many composite materials are very strong in axial tension, and tensile test specimens must, by their nature, be gripped in some
manner for testing. Unreinforced plastics and metals are typically tested using a dogbone specimen, i.e., the specimen has a
constant-width central (gage) region, but is widened at the ends to reduce the stresses there, by increasing the cross-sectional
area.45 Thus, if local damage is induced it hopefully will not be enough to cause failure in these low stress regions. Unfortunately, a
similar approach cannot be taken with composite materials when there is any significant degree of material orthotropy.46 The low
shear strength of the composite relative to its high axial tensile strength results in the tabs simply being prematurely sheared off
parallel to the gage section width. This reduces the specimen to a straight-sided specimen.
For composite materials that have a low orthotropy ratio, for example, quasi-isotropic laminates, chopped fiber composites,
and most fabric-reinforced composites, it may be possible to use a straight-sided specimen. Of course, for such material config-
urations a dog-boned specimen could be used also, but the increased machining time (cost) required may not be necessary.
Likewise, unidirectional composites tested in transverse tension usually have low strengths and can be tested as straight-sided
While it is possible to grip the surfaces of a straight-sided axial tensile specimen directly, limits on the effective coefficient of
friction that can be obtained between the specimen surface and the grips imply that large gripping (clamping) forces must be
utilized. In most cases, serrated grip faces cannot even be considered as they would induce too much surface damage to the
specimen. Thermal-sprayed grip faces are a possibility, but for very strong composites the high gripping forces required will induce
stress concentrations leading to premature failures.
Thus, for high-strength composites tested in axial tension, it is almost always necessary to use tabs. These tabs are adhesively
bonded directly to the straight-sided strip of test material. The tab material, often a glass-fabric-reinforced epoxy composite itself,
absorbs the local damage induced by the grips, thus protecting the test material.47 The limiting factor now becomes the shear
strength of the adhesive. Thus a strong adhesive must be used. The tabs can also be increased in length to increase the shear transfer
area. The practical limit is the length of the grip faces available. Grip lengths of 40–50 mm are common. Even if longer grip faces
are available, maintaining the uniformity of the clamping pressure then becomes problematic.
If gripping problems usually the final solution persist is to reduce the thickness of the material being tested. The area of bonded
adhesive is maintained and the total cross-sectional area in the gage section is reduced. In fact, axially loaded unidirectional
composites are typically tested in thin composite form. For example, ASTM D 3039-1443 recommends a thickness of only 1 mm.
Fig. 1(a) shows the tensile specimen overall configuration recommended in ASTM Standard D 3039-14. An untabbed, dog-boned
specimen, such as recommended in ASTM D 638-14,45 is shown in Fig. 1(b).
When performing an axial tension test, it is often desired to determine both the axial modulus and the major Poisson’s ratio.
Thus strains must be measured in both the axial and transverse directions. A 0/90 two-element biaxial strain gage is very
convenient for this purpose. A biaxial strain-gaged extensometer can also be used. However, such extensometers are even more
expensive than the single-axis extensometers previously discussed.17,18 Alternatively, a standard extensometer can be used in
conjunction with a transverse extensometer specifically designed for this purpose. In either case, this type of instrumentation can
be somewhat heavy to hang onto a thin axial tensile specimen of unidirectional composite material.
Test Methods for Mechanical Properties 15
Fig. 1 Tensile test specimen configurations. (a) Tabbed, straight-sided flat specimen (ASTM D 3039). (b) Untabbed, dod-boned flat specimen
(ASTM D 638).
When performing a transverse tensile test, it is common to not determine the minor Poisson’s ratio, for the reason discussed in
Section, viz., the transverse strain is likely to be small, and hence difficult to measure accurately. Since the reciprocal
relations (see Section must be satisfied anyway, it is convenient, and perhaps more reliable, to simply calculate the minor
Poisson’s ratio from the measured transverse modulus, the axial modulus, and the major Poisson’s ratio. This assumes, of course,
that an axial tensile test has been performed.
At the end of the 20th century, static compression testing of composite materials is perhaps the most controversial type of testing.
There is considerable debate as to how to even define the compressive strength of a fiber-reinforced composite,48,49 and there exist
a number of directly competing methods for performing a compression test.49–54
cross-ply laminate produced essentially the same backed-out axial compressive strength as any of the other general laminates. For
example, for the carbon/epoxy composite, a value of about 1.9 GPa was obtained. Not only is this value representative of actual
composite laminate behavior, it is about 25% higher than that obtained using current standard tests of unidirectional composites.
This suggests that the current standard compressive test methods produce strengths that are much too conservative.
On the basis of this recent work, a new test method is currently being proposed to ASTM, MIL-HDBK-17, and SACMA, to test
[90/0] cross-ply laminates and back out the unidirectional composite compressive strength,59 as will be discussed subsequently.
Fig. 2 Celanese compression test fixture. Reproduced from ASTM D 3410-16, 2016. Test Method for Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix
Composite Materials With Unsupported Gage Section by Shear Loading. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
Test Methods for Mechanical Properties 17
Fig. 3 Dimensioned sketch of an assembled Wyoming combined loading compression (CLC) test fixture. After Adams, D.F., Welsh, J.S., 1997.
The Wyoming combined loading compression (CLC) test method. Journal of Composites Technology and Research 19 (3), 123–133.
18 Test Methods for Mechanical Properties
1. Significant additional time, and hence labor cost, is required to add tabs to specimens.
2. If the tabs are not installed properly, they can introduce their own complications. For example, the tabs may not be of uniform
thickness along their length or across their width, the adhesive bond lines may not be of uniform thickness along or across each
tab, the adhesive bond line may not be of the same thickness on each tab surface, the tabs may be poorly bonded and come off
during a test, or they may not be bonded on straight. Each of these irregularities can disrupt the axiality of the loading and thus
negatively influence the test results.
3. The tabs themselves introduce stress concentrations, due to the geometric discontinuity at the gage end of each tab, which is
unavoidable, and due to discontinuities in material properties of the specimen and tabbing material. This latter source can be
minimized by making the tabs of the same material as the specimen. However, usually the specimen material being tested does
not make good tabs. For example, unidirectional carbon/epoxy tabs on a unidirectional carbon/epoxy specimen will tend to
fail in shear parallel to the fiber reinforcement, negating the test.
Fig. 4 Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute (IITRI) compression test fixture. Reproduced from ASTM D 3410-16, 2016. Test Method
for Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials With Unsupported Gage Section by Shear Loading. West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.
To reduce both weight and cost, a smaller version of the IITRI fixture is available.72,75 Shown in Fig. 5, this fixture can
accommodate a 12.7 mm wide specimen up to 7 mm thick. It weighs only 10.5 kg, about one-quarter that of a standard IITRI
fixture. Its cost is similar to that of the Celanese fixture.
There are at least two so-called modifications of the Celanese fixture also. The Wyoming-modified Celanese fixture, shown in
Figs. 5 and 6, retains the efficient circular shape of the holders, but the alignment sleeve has been replaced by posts and linear
bushings, like the IITRI fixture. Also, the wedge grips are tapered circular cylinders rather than cones. Thus, they make full contact
with the holders independent of the specimen thickness, just like flat wedges. However, the circular cylinder wedges distribute the
clamping force reactions more uniformly. The standard design utilizes a tabbed specimen only 114 mm long, i.e., 25 mm shorter
than the IITRI and Celanese fixtures, demonstrating that the 64 mm long tabs commonly used with those fixtures are really longer
than necessary.52,72,76 Specimens up to 12.7 mm wide and 6 mm thick can be accommodated. The fixture weighs 4.5 kg, just about
the same as the standard Celanese fixture, and is only about 70% as expensive. Thus it has become a very popular alternative to the
standard Celanese and IITRI compression fixtures.75
Another modification is the German-modified Celanese fixture,77 shown in Fig. 7. This fixture uses flat wedges like the IITRI,
but circular holders like the Celanese. Unfortunately, it incorporates an alignment sleeve like the Celanese also. This fixture has
experienced somewhat limited use to date, primarily in western Europe.
Fig. 5 Wyoming-modified Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute (IITRI) compression test fixture: size comparison with standard IITRI
and Wyoming-modified Celanese compression test fixtures.
The fixture is shown in Fig. 8. It incorporates I-shaped lateral supports like the ASTM D 695-15 fixture,73 but that is where the
similarity ends. The specimen, rather than being an untabbed dogbone specimen, is straight-sided and tabbed. Actually an
untabbed straight-sided specimen is used to measure modulus, and the tabbed specimen for determining compressive strength.
The specified 4.8 mm gage length between tabs is too short to accommodate a strain gage. The gage length is very short to prevent
gross buckling since a specimen only 1 mm thick is specified. The untabbed specimen cannot be loaded to failure because it will
end-crush prematurely. Having to test two specimens rather than one is inefficient. Also, a complete stress–strain curve to failure
cannot be obtained. Nevertheless, this test method is currently very popular, the fixture being very small and relatively inexpensive,
and the strength and modulus results obtained being very comparable to those measured using the shear-loading fixtures.51,61,79
Also, there is no inherent reason why a thicker specimen with a longer gage length cannot be tested in this fixture, as demonstrated
by Adams and Lewis61 and Westberg and Abdallah.79
Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth, TX, has long been a leading proponent of its use.80 Its popularity has always been limited,
however, because of the very large size of the specimen, typically 560 mm long and 25 mm wide, which consumes considerable
test material. Also, fabricating a honeycomb core sandwich beam requires special knowledge and skill, which is lacking in most
testing laboratories and the resulting specimen is relatively expensive.
In spite of these criticisms, this test method was finally standardized by ASTM, by including it as Method C in ASTM D 3410-16
at the same time that the IITRI compression test was added as Method B.55 However, just a few years later it was removed from this
standard and established as a separate standard, viz., ASTM D 5467-97.81 It has not gained much more popularity since then.
As an aside, Hofer and Rao74 used almost exactly the same sandwich beam compression specimen as a comparison method
when introducing their IITRI compression test fixture in 1977, 10 years before the sandwich beam and the IITRI compression test
methods became part of ASTM D 3410-16.
A short sandwich panel loaded in edgewise compression has also been standardized.82 While it does primarily test the
compressive strength of the composite face sheets, which are laterally supported against buckling by the honeycomb core, this test
has mostly been used to evaluate the sandwich panel rather than specifically the face sheets.
Fig. 8 Modified ASTM D 695-15 compression test fixture and specimen (all dimensions in millimeter).
One of the most significant early works was that performed at the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) in England.66–68 The
concept was to adhesively bond the ends of a thickness-tapered unidirectional composite into slots machined in aluminum
blocks. An unknown but significant amount (perhaps 20%) of the applied force was shear-transferred through the adhesive bonds
into the specimen, while the remaining force was transmitted by direct bearing of the aluminum blocks on the ends of the
specimen. While this test method never became very popular, and was never standardized, it did offer useful concepts for future
Hsiao et al.69 attempted to use a modified version of the IITRI compression test fixture in a combined loading mode. A specified
amount offered was applied in the conventional shear-loading manner through the wedge grips, and then spacers were inserted at
the ends of the wedges so that additional loading would be primarily end-loading. They were able to generate higher compressive
strengths than when using the conventional IITRI fixture.
Actually the original IITRI fixture incorporated grooves and bars at the outer ends of the grips. Their purpose is now somewhat
obscure. They may have been intended to constrain the pairs of grips to move as a unit when gripping the specimen. However, a
more popular concept is that they were to be used to end-load the specimen in combination with the shear-loading wedge grips.
Even with the limited number of current IITRI fixtures that do have these end-loading bars, they are not used regularly. The author
is not aware of any systematic studies of their use.
An end-loading fixture had been developed at the University of Wyoming in the early 1980s76 for use in testing relatively low
strength composites (of the order of 800 MPa or less), such as sheet molding compounds (SMC). It was termed the Wyoming end-
load, side-support (ELSS) compression test fixture and was used extensively for the next 15 years, although it was never stan-
dardized. It utilized a straight-sided, untabbed specimen. The specimen was lightly clamped between the smooth steel blocks of
the fixture to prevent gross buckling. The gage section (unsupported length) was typically 12.7 mm. This fixture performs very well
when used with low strength materials. It was not intended for use with high strength materials, but could have been if specimen
tabs were added. Without tabs the specimen would have end-crushed.
In 1996, some 15 years later, recognizing the value both of using an untabbed specimen and combined loading, researchers at
the University of Wyoming48 added flame-sprayed gripping surfaces and a few other minor refinements to the ELSS fixture, as
shown in Fig. 3. Increased bolt torques were used so that a combined loading rather than pure end-loading was achieved. The
straight-sided untabbed specimen was retained. The intention was to test [90/0] laminates in compression successfully, and then
to “back out” the unidirectional ply axial compressive strength, as discussed previously in Section The fixture has been
renamed the Wyoming CLC test fixture and is receiving considerable attention in the late 1990s.48,59
Test Methods for Mechanical Properties 23
There may be a greater number of test methods for determining the shear properties of a composite material than for any other
property. Yet, at the present time, there is relatively little general concern about shear-testing anomalies. Most investigators have
their own preferred method, and relatively few comparisons of experimental results have been made. However, the few com-
parison studies that have been performed indicate that there can be a considerable variation in the results obtained, particularly for
shear strength, as will be discussed.
processing method anticipated, may not be a form that can be fabricated using the material of interest, and are difficult to grip
properly for testing. Since basic unidirectional composite shear properties are to be generated, the tube should be wound with
fibers oriented axially or circumferentially (hoop-wound). It is difficult to wind fibers axially, and relatively simple to hoop-wind
them. But a thin-walled hoop-wound tube is very weak in bending (the composite being subjected to a local transverse normal
tensile stress). The tube may be damaged, or even broken, during attachment of end-fittings or strain instrumentation. If the
torsional loading is not well-aligned axially, bending and hence transverse tensile stresses can be induced. The composite is then
being subjected to a combined in-plane shear and transverse tensile loading, which will lead to premature failure. Unfortunately, it
is difficult to detect this induced bending without extensive strain instrumentation. The observed fracture surfaces look very similar
between pure shear and transverse tensile loading also.
As a result of these difficulties, torsion testing of thin-walled composite tubes is not a popular shear test method.
Fig. 9 Iosipescu shear test fixture and test specimen (all dimensions in mm). (a) Iosipescu shear specimen in the Wyoming shear test fixture.
(b) Iosipescu shear specimen. Reproduced from ASTM D 5379-12, 2012. Test Method for Shear Properties of Composite Materials by the
V-Notched Beam Method. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
A very promising modification of the two-rail shear fixture was introduced in the late 1990s.22,100 Roughened rails are clamped
onto the specimen, but the bolts do not pass through the specimen, thus eliminating the need for clearance holes, and the
associated preparation cost. The fixture is shown in Fig. 11. It essentially eliminates the slipping problem. While less research has
been performed on the three-rail shear fixture, the problems are very similar.
Fig. 10 Two-rail and three-rail shear test fixture configurations. Reproduced from ASTM D 4255-15a, 2015. Guide for Testing In-Plane Shear
Properties of Composite Laminates. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
Unfortunately, axial and transverse stresses are also induced in each ply, leading to the potential for premature failure due to
these combined stresses. As discussed previously relative to the torsion of a thin-walled tube test, failure modes induced by such
combined stress effects are difficult to detect.
Equally detrimental to this test method is the fact that interlaminar shear stresses are also induced between plies, which are
amplified at the edges of the specimen. These stresses can be visualized as being induced by the “scissoring” deformation as each
ply attempts to reorient in the direction of applied loading, adjacent plies rotating in opposite directions. Thus the laminate may
fail in this interlaminar shear mode rather than the intended in-plane mode.
In general, although this is an ASTM standard test method, it is of questionable validity because of the complex stress state in
the specimen. Nevertheless, perhaps because it is sanctioned by ASTM, it remains as a relatively popular shear-test method
undoubtedly due to the simple specimen configuration and no need for special fixturing.
Test Methods for Mechanical Properties 27
Fig. 12 Double notch shear test fixture and specimen. Reproduced from ASTM D 3846-08, 2015. Test Method for In-Plane Shear Strength of
Reinforced Plastics. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
of the support and loading cylinders, and the loading cylinder in particular, and increasing the span length-to-specimen thickness
ratio to about eight, the parabolic distribution of shear stress across the thickness of the specimen predicted by simple beam theory
could be approximated very well in the regions between the loading and support cylinders.102 Correspondingly, the specimens did
fail in a shear mode. Thus, with these modifications, ASTM D 2344-16 has become a technically acceptable, as well as popular,
shear-test method.
Flexural testing (bend testing) of composite materials, like tensile testing as discussed in Section 7.2.5, is relatively noncontroversial,
at least at the present time. Flexural testing, like the short beam shear testing discussed previously in Section, is popular
because it is relatively simple to conduct, using simple specimens. It is questionable as a basic composite material properties test since
the specimen is subjected to a combination of nonuniform stresses, viz., maximum tension at the lower surface, maximum
Test Methods for Mechanical Properties 29
compression at the upper surface, and maximum interlaminar shear at the midplane. Elsewhere the beam is in a combined stress
state of normal and shear stresses. Thus, failure can be in tension, compression, shear, or a combination of these stresses.
Either solid laminates or sandwich beams are commonly tested, and there are ASTM standards for both, as will be discussed in
Section Both three- and four-point loading are used, as defined in the standards. This nomenclature is a bit misleading,
although universally used. A “three-point loading” beam specimen is actually loaded in the center by a single load, and supported
near each end. Thus technically it should be termed “single-point loading.” But it never is. Correspondingly, for four-point
loading, two loads are applied symmetrically with respect to the center of the beam length, and the beam is supported near each
end. With four-point loading it is conventional to use either “quarter-point loading” or “third-point loading,” i.e., the two loads
are applied either at one-quarter of the support span length from each support, or at one-third of the span length.
There is some controversy as to whether three- or four-point loading is “better.” To achieve the same bending stresses at the
center of the beam, the same force must be applied at the single loading point as for the double loading points, if quarter-point
loading is used. For third-point loading, the required double point loading is less, by one-third, than either of the two previous
cases. This is beneficial in terms of local damage problems.
For three-point loading, the maximum bending stresses occur only at the center section of the beam, increasing linearly inward
from the support points. For four-point loading, the bending stresses are constant between the two loading points. Thus, for
quarter-point loading, the center one-half of the beam is in constant bending, while for third-point loading only one-third of the
beam is in constant bending.
In summary, perhaps the four-point configuration with three-point loading is the most desirable, because of the reduction in
contact stresses on the beam. Nevertheless, quarter-point loading and also single-point loading are being used at least equally as
often at the present time.75
Alternatively, one or more strain gages can be bonded to one or both surfaces of the beam, at points of known bending
moment. Single-element gages are typically used, Poisson’s ratio in flexure not usually being of interest.
A multiaxial stress state is often an undesirable test condition when determining basic composite material properties, as previously
discussed. However, actual structural components are often subjected to combined stresses, and many types of failure criteria
(defining either yielding or fracture) have been developed, in an attempt to predict when the component will fail. These criteria
utilize the basic tensile, compressive, and shear properties defined in previous sections.
Unfortunately, no universal, or even generally accepted, failure criterion has yet been developed. This problem is not unique to
composites, however; there are no universal criteria for metals and other materials either.
While the theoretical development of failure criteria has proliferated since the 19th century, very few multiaxial stress
experimental results are yet available for verification purposes. Such testing is both time-consuming and costly, and limited test
equipment has been developed.
Multiaxial loading can be either 2D (biaxial) or three-dimensional (3D) (triaxial). Either tubes or flat plates can be tested in
either case.
pressures must be relatively high if they are to induce an interlaminar normal compressive stress of any significance. It is not
practical to achieve significant tensile stresses (e.g., applying a vacuum would induce insignificant interlaminar normal stress).
The internal and external pressures in turn induce proportional circumferential stresses, just as for biaxial testing. By varying the
ratio of internal to external pressure, the desired level of circumferential stress can be achieved. However, the interlaminar normal
stress will vary from a stress equal to the internal pressure on the inside surface of the tube to a stress equal to the external pressure
on the outside surface. If the internal and external pressures are equal, the induced circumferential stress will be zero. Thus the
versatility of the tube test for triaxial loading is somewhat limited.
As an alternative, a 3D cruciform specimen can be used, i.e., the specimen has pairs of arms protruding in three perpendicular
directions. Any combination of tension and compression loading can be applied to the three pairs of arms, thus permitting the
generation of a totally general stress state.
The usual data presentation format is a 3D plot of axial normal (s1) stress versus transverse normal (s2) stress, versus
interlaminar normal stress s3. If data for all eight octants of the plot are generated, the resulting failure envelop is a 3D surface,
every point on this surface representing a combination of s1, s2, and s3 that will cause failure.
The combined stress-failure criteria discussed in Section 7.2.9 predict failure based upon the local 2D or 3D stress state at a point.
In contrast, fracture mechanics predicts failure based upon the stress intensity or strain energy density at the tip of a preexisting
crack in the material being sufficient to cause that crack to grow.
Of primary interest for composite materials is the Mode I fracture toughness.114 Fatigue delamination growth is addressed in
ASTM D 6115-97,115 which uses the double-cantilevered beam sample to determine the fatigue cycles required for propagation of
an existing delamination as a function of cyclic strain energy release rate. The mixed-mode fixture of Crews and Reeder113 has been
codified as ASTM D6671.116 The Mode II end-notch flexure (ENF) sample was developed into ASTM D 7905,117 incorporating an
edge crack in a 3-point bend configuration. The DCB test features stable crack growth (crack growth will cease after the available
elastic energy drops below the threshold required for the crack to propagate). However, the configuration of the ENF sample
renders the growth unstable, i.e., the crack will fully propagate (to the zone underneath the loading nose), once the available
energy exceeds the threshold.105 Very little work has been accomplished with Mode III. An edge crack torsion (ECT) specimen was
under examination by ASTM in the late 1990s.118 However, there are currently no active nor proposed new methods in ASTM for
Mode III testing.
A brief caution about the low rate of moisture absorption and desorption of moisture in polymers and polymer-matrix com-
posites, and the problems this can cause, was given in Section This is one major problem, however, there are also other
potential problems, and corresponding precautions to be taken when conditioning and testing composite materials.
Fig. 16 Mixed-mode interlaminar fracture toughness specimen and test fixture.(a) Test specimen and loading. (b) Schematic diagram of
apparatus. After Crews Jr., J.H., Reeder, J.R., 1988. A mixed-mode bending apparatus for delamination testing. NASA Technical Memorandum
100662. Hampton, VA: NASA-Langley Research Center.
continue to propagate inward. Assuming that moisture is entering the material from all surfaces of the composite, then only when
two moisture propagation fronts meet will the moisture reverse direction and propagate back out of the material. In even a
relatively thin composite (e.g., 2 mm thick) at room temperature, the total dry-out process can thus take weeks or months,
depending upon the type of polymer, i.e., its moisture diffusivity.32
On the other hand, since moisture absorption in most polymers is slow, brief exposures to high humidity air or liquid water
result in relatively little, perhaps a negligible amount of, moisture weight gain. Thus, for example, there is usually no cause for
concern with the brief exposures to water during specimen cutting operations.
Moisture diffusivity is a strong function of temperature, and therefore moisture absorption can be minimized by keeping the
exposure temperature low. Correspondingly, absorption and dry out can be hastened by elevating the exposure temperature. The
same general principles apply to other absorbing fluids also, for example, gasoline, hydraulic fluid, and solvents in general,
assuming of course that the fluid does not chemically attack the polymer.
34 Test Methods for Mechanical Properties
Both moisture and temperature reduce the stiffness of the polymer, and usually the strength as well. The possible exception is
when the polymer is very brittle in the room temperature and dry condition. Then moisture and/or an increase in temperature can
soften the polymer, making it less sensitive to local stress concentrations, and thus making it appear to be stronger. Correspondingly,
the matrix-dominated properties of the composite, for example, transverse tensile strength and shear strength, can also increase.
7.2.12 Conclusions
The mechanical testing of composite materials has matured significantly during the 1990s. This is because the increasingly
sophisticated uses of composite materials have dictated the need for a much greater variety of measured properties, and a need for
Test Methods for Mechanical Properties 35
greater accuracy. Hence, many new test methods have emerged since the mid-1980s. Sufficient time has now elapsed for the
composites industry to assess most of these, and to establish preferred procedures. As a result, the state-of-the-art of mechanical test
methods is now stabilizing. Thus the guidelines presented in this chapter should remain generally applicable for some time to come.
See also: 7.1 Introduction to Mechanical Testing. 7.3 Saint-Venant End Effects for Anisotropic Materials. 7.4 Size Effects in Composites. 7.5
Fiber Test Methods. 7.6 Computed Tomography of Composites. 7.7 Backing-Out Composite Lamina Strengths from Cross-Ply Testing. 7.8
Environmental Durability of Polymer Matrix Composites. 7.10 Radiographic Inspection of Composite Materials. 7.12 Thermal Nondestructive
Evaluation of Composite Materials and Structures. 7.14 Acoustic Emission Analysis. 7.15 Adhesive Bonding of Composite Structures. 7.18
Smart Composite Materials Systems
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Further Reading
Adams, D.F., Finley, G.A., 1996. Experimental study of thickness-tapered unidirectional composite compression specimens, Experimental Mechanics 36 (4), 345–352.
Komanduri, R., 1993. Machining fiber-reinforced composites, Mechanical Engineering 115 (4), 58–64.
Lau, W.S., Lee, W.B., 1991. A comparison between EDIVI wire-cut and laser cutting of carbon fibre composite materials, Materials & Manufacturing Processes 6 (2), 331–342.
Vishay Measurements Group. Stress analysis strain gages. Available at: http://www.vishaypg.com/micro-measurements/stress-analysis-strain-gages/
Relevant Websites
ASTM International.
Composite Materials Handbook (CMH-17).
Instron, Inc.
MTS Systems Corporation.
Society for Experimental Mechanics.
Wyoming Test Fixture.