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Fuel Cells and Their Applications

Presentation · June 2012

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2579.0482


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1 author:

M. Ghouse
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology


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Fuel Cells and Their Applications
Energy Research Institute
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
17th June 2012
Figure 1. Conventional Fuel Cell Plant

-Difference between Electrolysis and Fuel Cells

Fig 7. Power System Efficiencies
Electrolysis: Obtaining hydrogen from water: The Basis for a Solar-Hydrogen Economy

This project involves a fascinating experiment in electrochemistry that illustrates several important energy
related processes, and provides an ideal context for discussion of several issues related to electricity generation
Demonstrated in 1839 by Sir William Grove
The principals involved have not changed since, but the
materials and cell configurations have
Fuel cell: An electrochemical device, which converts
chemical energy to electrical energy without
combustion and has its fuel & / or oxidant supplied
This encompasses a wide array of devices
Five commonly accepted categories
Classified by the electrolyte used
Some Salient features of Fuel Cells
•Overall Efficency (η%) =75-80% (40%Elec.+40%Ther.)
• Highly efficient in full load and part load operation
• Low pollution levels
• Minimum water requirements
• No major moving parts
•Flexible in fuel use
•Quick installation
• H2/O2 systems produce drinking quality water
•Low maintenance
•No transmission losses
•High co-generation potential.
Fig. 1 Comparison of Energy Transformation Processes in a Diesel
Generator and Fuel Cell
Fuel Cells – History
How Does a Fuel Cell Work
“Cold combustion” (Fuel cell)
•Controlled reaction (no flame)
•Direct conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy
Fuel Electricity
Efficiency: 50%

Fuel Heat Movement Electricity

Efficiency: 25%

“Warm combustion” (heat engine /motor/ via turbine)

• Uncontrolled reaction
• Released energy is transferred to a working medium (water, water vapor)

Fuel Cells

A Device that Converts Hydrogen to Electricity

A Fuel cell is like a battery but with constant fuel and oxidant supply.



FUEL CELL DC electricity


• Most familiar is the hydrogen oxygen fuel cell:
– Cathode:
O2 + 4 e- + 2 H2O 4 OH-
– Anode:
2 H2 + 4 OH- 4 H2O + 4 e-
– Overall:
2 H2 + O2 2 H2O
• Current must be routed
externally to be used
• PEMFC has the greatest
immediate potential

Fig 2. Basic principals of a H2-O2 fuel Cell (AFC)

Fig.3a A Single PAFC Cell Assembly
Fig 4. Schematic Diagram of a Basic Fuel Cell
Fuel Cells

A Simple PEM Fuel Cell Combines hydrogen and oxygen in a

chemical reaction, producing water
and releasing energy.

Fig.3b Schematic of PAFC Single Cell
Fig 5. Schematic of a Single Fuel Cell
Fig.1 Schematic of Alkaline Fuel Cell (PEMFC)
PEM Fuel Cells

PEM Fuel Cell – Electrochemical Reaction

Anode: 2H2 → 4H+ + 4e- (oxidation)
Cathode: O2 + 4e- → 2O2-
2O2- + 4H+ → 2H2O
O2 + 4e- + 4H+ → 2H2O (l) (reduction)
Overall reaction: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O (l)

1. Oxidation of hydrogen
ΔH = - 286 kJ/mol
2. Reduction of oxygen

Theoretical Voltage per single fuel cell: 1.23 V

Usable Voltage per fuel cell: (0.6 … 0.9 Volt DC)
Fuel Cells

Fuel Cell Types

Polymer Electrolyte
Phosphoric Acid Membrane

Types of Fuel Cells

Molten Carbonate Direct

Direct Methanol

Solid Oxide

Why PAFC ?
•To utilize the natural resources of the kingdom
of Saudi Arabia.
• Ability to use impure H2 Obtained from natural
gas or methanol reformers as a fuel and air to
use as an oxidant
• High tolerance to Fuel impurities like Sulfur
• No noble metals
• Relatively simple reformer technology and
compatibility with Hydrocarbons Water
management is not required
Fuel cells are typically classified by the type of electrolyte they use

Fuel Cell Type Temperature, ◦C Applications Advantages

Proton 50 - 100 Appliances, Zero emissions
exchange Transportation, potential, Compact
membrane Home power Low maintenance,
PEMFC generation High current density
Solid-oxide 500 - 1000 Space Low emission, High
SOFC applications efficiency, compact
Alkali 50 – 200 Space Reliability, Zero
AFC applications emissions potential
Molten 650 Large vehicles, ~80% efficiency, low
Carbonate distributed power, emission, quiet, >10
MCFC CHP generating MW
Phosphoric 220 CHP generating ~80% efficiency, low
acid systems emission, quiet, >10
Fig. 6. Schematic of a Single PAFC Cell
But there is no such thing as a free lunch
• Hydrogen must be produced, stored, and distributed
– This requires electricity for electrolysis of water
– Solar power is being perused for this application
• Construction of a PEMFC requires:
– Platinum catalyst
– Exotic membrane materials
– Carbon electrodes
– Polymers
– Copper for wiring
• Low voltages necessitate fuel cell “stacking”
• And, lets not forget the biggest potential difficulty with
using hydrogen as a fuel
Table 1 Major Types of Fuel Cells

Type Operating Anode Electrolyte Cathode

Temp. oC

PEMFC 40-90 Pt/C+ Polymer Pt/C+

AFC 65-200 Pt/Pd+ 85-100% Pt/Pd+
PAFC 200 Pt/C+P 97-100% Pt/C+
MCFC 650 Ni / Cr L/K/Na NiO
SOFC 1000 NiO- Y2O3/ZrO2 Sr-Doped
YSZ Stabilized LaMnO3
Fig 8 Various Types of Fuel Cells
Hydrogen can be produced from a wide range of feedstocks, and any hydrogen-rich material can serve as a
possible fuel source for fuel cells. Hydrocarbon fuels, novel feedstocks such as landfill gas, anaerobic digester
gas, and biomass can also produce hydrogen, as can compounds containing no carbon, such as ammonia or
borohydride. The vast majority of today’s hydrogen is produced via steam reformation of natural gas (95% in
the U.S., roughly 48% globally), but alternative sources such as biogas are growing in popularity.
Hydrocarbon fuels – methanol, ethanol, natural gas, petroleum distillates, liquid propane, and gasified coal –
can yield hydrogen in a process called reforming. Natural gas, the feedstock of choice for most of today’s mass-
produced hydrogen, contains methane (CH4) that can be used to produce hydrogen via a thermal process
known as steam-methane reformation. In steam-methane reforming, methane reacts with steam in the
presence of a catalyst to produce hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and a relatively small amount of carbon
dioxide. Steam reforming is endothermic, meaning heat must be supplied to the process for the reaction to
proceed. The process is approximately 72 percent efficient. This type of reforming works similarly for other
hydrocarbon fuels, combining the fuel with steam by vaporizing them together at high
temperatures. Hydrogen is then separated out using membranes. Another type of reformer is the partial
oxidation (POX) reformer. Some CO2 is emitted in the reforming process, but the emissions of NOX, SOX,
particulates, and other smog producing agents are cut to zero.
Water Electrolysis
When an electric current is introduced to water (H2O), hydrogen and oxygen are separated, with hydrogen
forming at the cathode and oxygen forming at the anode. Electricity can be provided from any source, but
using solar and wind energy to electrolyze water provides the cleanest pathway to produce hydrogen. This
model is being used in some hydrogen refueling stations and in renewable energy storage systems that utilize
Another method to generate hydrogen is with bacteria and algae. Cyanobacteria, an abundant single-celled
organism, produce hydrogen through its normal metabolic function. Cyanobacteria can grow in the air or
water, and contain enzymes that absorb sunlight for energy and split the molecules of water, thus producing
hydrogen. Since cyanobacteria take water and synthesize it to hydrogen, the waste emitted is more water,
which becomes food for the next metabolism. Sodium borohydride (NaBH4) is an inorganic compound that can
dissolve in water in the absence of a base. Hydrogen can be generated through catalytic decomposition.
Hydrogen Basics
Hydrogen: No.1 on the periodic table
Fuel cells run on hydrogen, the simplest element and most plentiful gas in the universe.
Hydrogen is a diatomic element, meaning that in its liquid and solid states,
hydrogen naturally forms into pairs of atoms, which is why hydrogen is often
referred to as “H2”. Hydrogen is the lightest element, yet it has the highest energy
content per unit weight of all fuels. Hydrogen’s energy density is 52,000 Btu/lb.,
which is three times greater than that of gasoline.

In nature, hydrogen is never found on its own; it is always combined into molecules
with other elements, typically oxygen and carbon. Hydrogen can be extracted from
virtually any hydrogen-containing compound, including both renewable and
non-renewable resources. Regardless of the fuel source, fuel cells utilize hydrogen
with little to no polluting emissions, making hydrogen the ultimate clean energy carrier.
The Element Hydrogen
Atomic Number: 1
Atomic Weight: 1.00794
Melting Point: 13.81 K (-259.34°C or -434.81°F)
Boiling Point: 20.28 K (-252.87°C or -423.17°F)
Density: 0.00008988 grams per cubic centimeter
Phase at Room Temperature: Gas
Element Classification: Non-metal
Period Number: 1 Group Number: 1 Group Name: none
What's in a name? From the Greek words hydro and genes, which
together mean "water forming."
Fuel cells have the potential to slip into every kind of electronic device. A
few applications could include:
*Cars- as stated before, fuel cells the size of a printer could provide enough juice
to power as well (if not better than) a combustion engine. Slightly larger units are
already in place in several bus systems across the United States. The hydrogen for
both forms of transportation may be provided through propane, methanol or
natural gas.

*Personal Devices (Laptops, cell phones, hearing aides) - fuel cells have the
tremendous potential to get into every electronic device we come in contact with.
Fuel cells offer the possibility of laptops and cell phones with energy life
measured in days or weeks, rather than hours. The fuel cell is scalable, which
means it can go small enough to power medical devices that normally require
battery replacement.

*Stationary Power Production and Backup- larger-scale fuel cells could allow
every city to have its own power station, rather than a centralized power grid.
Power generation could become so decentralized that each housing development
or apartment complex could be self-sustained with its own power. This would
drastically cut down on pollution and ugly power lines. Hospitals and airports
could (some already do) have backup power supplies that kick in, in the event of
a power failure.
Fig 8 PEMFC Assembly
Fuel Cells
Many applications require more voltage than one single
fuel cell delivers

Fuel Cells are stacked in series:

Hydrogen Production

Where does the hydrogen come from?

H2 H2

Oil or Gas Reformer Hydrogen bottles

H2 H2

Hydrogen bottles
Solar panel Electrolyzer

H2 H2

Algae / Biochemical / Catalytic Hydrogen bottles

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Safety and Conclusions

- No ignition or heat sources

- Don’t inhale the hydrogen or blow - into
the balloons
- Wear safety glasses at all times
- Keep the hydrogen balloons above head
level as much as practical
Hydrogen Safety

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