Lect20FuelCells-2012 (Compatibility Mode)
Lect20FuelCells-2012 (Compatibility Mode)
Lect20FuelCells-2012 (Compatibility Mode)
Fuelcell isanelectrochemicalenergyconversion device.Itconvertsthechemicalenergyofthefuel (e.g.hydrogen)directlyintoelectricalenergy.Fuel andoxidizingagent(oxygen)arecontinuouslyand separatelysuppliedtothetwoelectrodesofthecell, atwhichtheyundergoreaction Efficiencyofelectricitygenerationusingheatengine limitedbyCarnotcycleefficiency(3545%). Fuelcellproductionisnotsubjecttothislimitations (60%practicaland83%theoreticalmaximum). MainIssues:Slowreactionratesleadingtolow currentsandpower;sourceofinputfuel.
SergioCapareda BAEN,TAMU
Principles: 1. Two platinum electrodes are immersed in a well-conducting electrolyte (KOH or H2SO4) 2. One electrode (-ve) is supplied with hydrogen while the other electrode is supplied with oxygen (+ve). 3. An electrical potential difference of 0.9 1.2 volts can be measured between the two electrodes. Negative Electrode 2Had 2H+ + 2ePositive Electrode O2 + 2H+ + 2e- H2O For every molecule of H2 consumed, two electrons pass from the negative to the positive electrode, where they react with adsorbed O2. Water is produced by this reaction.
Overall Reaction H2 + O2 H2O Electrical Efficiency
electrical efficiency electricity produced HHV of fuel used
ProtonExchangeMembraneFuelCell(PEM) HighTemperatureProtonExchangeMembrane FuelCell(HTPEM) DirectMethanolFuelCells(DMFC) AlkalineElectrolyteFuelcells(AEFC) PhosphoricAcidFuelCells(PAFC) SolidOxideFuelCell(SOFC)(HighTemperature) MoltenCarbonateFuelCells(MCFC)(HT) RegenerativeFuelCell(RFC)
electrical efficiency
237.2 kJ / mol x100% 83% 285.8 kJ / mol 154 kJ / mol x100% 54% 285.8 kJ / mol
Free Energy In the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen, heat is released. In the electrochemical reaction between H2 and O2 in a fuel cell, electricity and heat are produced. Heat produced by combustion is not the same as electricity produced in a fuel cell. The difference is related to the Gibbs free energy. The HHV for the combustion of H2 is 285.8 kJ/mol, but the Gibbs free energy for the reaction, and therefore the maximum electricity produced by the fuel cell is only 237.2 kJ/mol. The difference, 48.6 kJ/mol appears as heat produced in the fuel cell.
AlkalineFuelCell(AFC) ZincAirFuelCell(ZAFC) ProtonicCeramicFuelCell(PCFC) MicrobialFuelCell(MFC) Others:biologicalfuelcells;metal/aircells; redoxflowcells;formicacidfuelcells,etc.
F.C. Type AFC PEMFC DMFC PAFC MCFC SOFC Mobile ion Temp.(oC) OHH+ H+ H+ CO32O250-200 30-100 20-90 ~220 ~650 100-1000 Applications
Space vehicles: (Apollo, shuttle) Lower power CHP
Portable electronic systems 200kW CHP systems Medium to large scale CHP All sizes of CHP up to MW
ChemistryofFuelCells:AcidElectrolyte (PEM)
Anodeside: 2H2 =>4H++4e Cathodeside: O2 +4H++4e =>2H2O Netreaction: 2H2+O2 =>2H2O Reverseofelectrolysis
Attheanode 2H2 +4OH 4H2O+4e Atthecathode O2 +4e +2H2O 4OH OH ionsmustbeabletopassthroughtheelectrolyte andtheremustbeelectricalcircuitfortheelectrons togofromtheanodetothecathode Twiceasmuchhydrogenisneededasoxygen
Petroleumproducts(gasoline,naptha,etc.) Coalandcoalgases(lignite,bituminouscoal) Naturalgas Propane Methanol Electrolysisofwater BiomassProducer/SynthesisGasfromPyrolysis andGasification(COandH2)
The actual fuel cell stack is the layered cubic structure in the center of the image
MES 3.0 Fuel Cell System from Fuel Cell Store (San Diego, CA) Details: 1. Weight = 30 lbs 2. Output = 3 kW 3. Cost = $20,500 Other Data a. V= 72-114V b. H2 = 39 Ln/min c. H2 = 0.02 kg/hr d. Purity = 4.5 std e. O2 from Air f. H2 P = 0.5 bar g. T = Max 63oC h. 120 cells i. 61 cm2 area j. Ambient P k. Ambient T 4. Type: PEM Fuel Cell Stack 5. Valves and blowers controlled by microprocessor 6. Fuel: Connect to source of hydrogen
Given:Compressedhydrogencylinderwithacapacityof6000 literswithpurityof99.99999%.Thecostofthishydrogen cylinderis$100+$14/monthrental+$20deliverycost($134). A1kWfuelcellsystemhasH2 consumptionrateof15liters/hr. Required:CostperkWhr Solution a. HrsofUse=6000L/15L/hr=400hrs b. Thus, $ $134
kWhr 1kWx400hrs $0.335 / kWh
Diagram of SOFC and Steam Turbine Combined Cycle
Moreefficientthancombustionengines Smallsystemscanbeasefficientaslargeones Simplicity veryfewmovingpartsleadingtohigh reliabilityandlonglastingsystems Lowemissions byproductispurewater Silence veryquietevenwithfuelprocessingunit
Cost CO2 iscoproducedwithH2 aswellandmaycontributeto increasedconcentrationinatmosphere
CoreofFC:electrodes,electrolyteandbipolar plate. Othercomponentparts:
Pumpsorblowers,compressors,intercoolers Powerconditioning,DC/ACinverter Electricmotors,fuelstorage,fuelprocessing systems,desulphurisation systems Controlvalves,pressureregulators,controller Coolingsystems,heatexchangers,preheaters
Aerospaceapplications Auxiliarypowerunitsforlightdutyvehicles, trucks,shipsandairplanes Portableapplicationsandlighttraction Stationaryapplications Fuelcellsforbuildings Transportationapplications
The solar array produced electricity to supply the electric motor and electrolyzer during daytime. The electrolyzer produces hydrogen and oxygen that are stored on tanks on board. During night time, the fuel cell is fed with H2 and O2 and delivers the electric power for the electric motor of the propulsion system.
However, before the power system could be tested thoroughly, the aircraft crashed during a test flight in 2003 due to unexpected wind conditions.
The Spider Lion vehicle weighs 2.5 kg (5.6 lbs) and in November 2005, it conducted a flight of 3 hrs and 19 minutes, consuming 15 g of H2. the 100 W fuel cell system was designed by NRL and come components developed by Protonex. The UAV was used to simulate tests to acquire data on performance and efficiency. The long-term goal is the development of an efficient fuel-cell propulsion system for long-endurance (8-24hrs) mini-UAV applications, something which cannot be achieved with current battery technology.
Controller = $3,000
Efficiency Calculations
Outputpower=1200Watts=1200J/s Inputenergy=15Liters/minofpurehydrogen ConversionintoJ/s
Input Power ( J / s ) J 15 L m3 142MJ 0.0899kg 1x106 J 1 min x x 3191 x x x MJ s min 1000 L kg 60s m3
Willdependonthepriceofinputfuelused(e.g. hydrogen) Highinitialcapitalcost(notnecessarilythe novelmetalslikeplatinum) SolidOxideFuelcellappearstobethemost promisingtechnologyforsmallelectricpower plantsover1kW(buthightemperaturecanbe anissue) PEFCisthemostpracticalifH2 economyistobe supportedbythegovernment.
Efficiency=output/input Efficiency=1200/3191x100%=37.6%
EnergyPolicyActof2005includesthefirsttaxincentive forfuelcellpowerplants(atleast30%conversion efficiencyrequirement) Cost(1960s1970sSpaceProgram=$600,000/kW) CurrentCost=$4,500/kW (comparedwithdiesel generatorof$8001,500/kWandnaturalgasturbineat $400/kW) DOEformedtheSolidStateEnergyConversionAlliance (SECA)withthegoalofproducingsolidstatefuelcell modulethatwouldcostnomorethan$400/kW