Project Title: Project ID: Contract No.: Client: Contractor

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Project Title :

Project ID :
Contract No. :
Client :
Contractor :

Laying and compaction of

Excavation Cum
Aggregate Cum

Manhole Ave. Depth for Pipe Pipe Length Net Length

S. No Dwg Ref Rev. Line Road Manhole Type GL IL Depth Excavation & Tranch Width % of Work Done Excavation Cum % of Work Done Aggregate
Dia Type Dia (m) (m)
Bedding for Pipe

1.80 Lin-3/2 GW -0694 9.54 7.28 2.26

1.80 Lin-3/2 GW -0693 10.02 7.37 2.65 2.71 2.46 500 mm 500 35.10 33.30 1.50 100% 135.11 100% 12.49

1.80 Lin-3/2 GW -0693 10.02 7.37 2.65 -

1.80 Lin-3/2 GW -0692 10.46 7.47 2.99 3.07 2.82 500 mm 500 39.50 37.70 1.50 100% 173.61 100% 14.14

1.80 Lin-3/1 GW -0688 10.08 7.86 2.22 - -

1.80 Lin-3/1 GW -0689 9.16 7.73 1.43 2.08 1.83 500 mm 49.60 47.80 1.50 100% 148.78 100% 17.93

G.Total 124.20 118.80 457.50 44.55

Project Title :
Project ID :
Contract No. :
Client :

Stabilization Sqm
S. No Dwg Ref Rev. Line Road From To Type Width
% of Work Done Qty

Lin-3/2 35.10 1.50 100% 52.65

Lin-3/2 -
Lin-3/2 39.50 1.50 100% 59.25

Lin-3/1 -
Lin-3/1 49.60 1.50 100% 74.40

124.20 186.30

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