230 600 3.975 S2 Shorter Edge S5 Shorter Edge: Mulim 0.36 FCK B Xulim (d-0.42 Xulim)

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Analysis & Design of Simply Supported

I) Dimension & Specification

Beam Slab Load
Width of Beam b Depth of
Beam D (mm) Length (m) Slab Designation Span

S2 Shorter Edge
230 600 3.975
S5 Shorter Edge
Clear Cover d' Depth d P
B1 (mm) (mm)
40 560 P1 P2
fck fy 10 12
20 415
III) Analysis
Reaction at Left Support 81.53 KN Point of Maximum BM 2.68
Reaction at Right Support 73.49 KN Maximum BM (M) 69.72
IV) Design of Beam
Mumax = 1.5*M 104.58 KNm
Design as Singly Reinforced
xulim = (700/1100+0.87*fy) x d 268.30 mm
Mulim =0.36*fck*b*xulim*(d-0.42*xulim) 198.74 KNm (Since Mumax < Mulim)
Ast required for flexure 569.78 mm2
Provide Ast= 569.78
Astmin = 0.85*b*d/fy 263.81 mm2
Provide 12 mm dia bars No. of bars 6 at bottom
gn of Simply Supported Beams
II) Load Calculation

d Wall Load (KN/m)

Wall Wall Weight Total Load
Load Height thickness Type Wall Load (KN/m)
(KN/m) (m) (mm)
7.48 3 230 Brick Wall 13.8 3.45 30.45 KN/m
Point Loads

P3 x1 x2 x3
12 KN 1.2 1.3 2 m 34 KN



max < Mulim)


at bottom
Loads (KN/m) Length (m)
Thickness of Slab
Slab designation Longer Edge
(mm) Dead Load Live Load Floor Finish Total Load (Ly)

S2 130 3.25 2 1.5 6.75 3.975
S3 130 3.25 2 1.5 6.75 2.66
S4 130 3.25 2 1.5 6.75 2.55
S5 130 3.25 2 1.5 6.75 2.63
S6 130 3.25 2 1.5 6.75 1.63
S7 130 3.25 2 1.5 6.75 2.655
Stair 230 5.75 2 1 8.75 3.05
Length (m) Load Distribution (KN/m)
Shorter Edge Ly/Lx Spanning
(Lx) Longer Shorter
Direction Direction
0 0
3.325 1.20 Two Way 5.88 7.48
3.5 0.76 Two Way 9.54 7.88
2 1.28 Two Way 3.09 4.50
2.54 1.04 Two Way 5.51 5.72
1.28 1.27 Two Way 1.98 2.88
1.885 1.41 Two Way 2.15 4.24
2.63 1.16 One Way 0.00 11.51

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