Omr t1
Omr t1
Omr t1
This document assumes:
• A basic familiarity with Microsoft Windows NT, 9x, 2000, or XP
• A basic familiarity with Microsoft Excel 97, 2000, or XP
• An understanding of your department’s examination system
Format Conventions
The following format conventions are used in this document:
Computer input that you type is shown in a bold
Courier font
Computer output, menu names and options, Save, Go to, Refresh
buttons, URLs are shown in a Courier font
Text that you must replace is shown in italics Enter your username
Computer keys that you must press are in a bold <Enter>, <n>, <N>, </>
Courier font and enclosed in angle brackets
Notes and warnings are displayed in a shaded area. Example text like this
For more details about the use of the Multiquest software, consult its online help system:
• From the Help menu, select Contents or Search.
All users of the OMR should consult the OMR web pages for the latest information about:
• How to register to use the service, costs, and the Service Level Agreement
• The latest timetable of action and events
• How to obtain and install the Speedwell Multiquest software
• Dates and booking arrangements for OMR training sessions
• Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and how to get further help
• Updates to the service and to this document
• Question types not covered in this document (for instance, EMIQs)
Format Conventions .................................................................................................. 1
Related documentation and getting help ................................................................. 1
Task 1 Multiquest files and security ............................................................ 3
Task 2 Creating a candidate list (Excel)...................................................... 4
Task 3 Exporting a candidate list (Excel).................................................... 7
Task 4 Setting a new exam in Multiquest.................................................... 8
Task 5 Copying the response files to floppy disk...................................... 15
Task 6 Filling in the master answer sheet ................................................. 16
Task 7 Providing instructions to students................................................. 18
Task 8 The marking and return of the examination ................................ 19
Task 9 Copying response files to the Multiquest filing system................ 20
Task 10 Correcting unscanned student responses...................................... 21
Task 11 Generating reports.......................................................................... 23
Task 12 Adjusting exam scores and withdrawing questions ..................... 26
Task 13 Exporting results to Excel .............................................................. 28
Task 14 Archiving the examination ............................................................. 31
Task 15 Setting sub-exams (optional).......................................................... 32
Task 16 Reporting sub-exams (optional)..................................................... 33
Appendix A Consistent exam names................................................................. A-1
Appendix B Request form ................................................................................. B-1
Appendix C Timetable of events ....................................................................... C-1
Example files
This document uses prepared example files, which it assumes are stored on the PC. If you are
doing this practical in a training room in the Computer Centre, these files are stored in the
folder C:\User\Multiquest. If you want to do the practical on your own system, you
need to download these files from
Warning Since the files used by Multiquest contain confidential exam data, it is essential
that they are stored in a secure location. Such files on a PC or network drive
must be in a restricted-access folder, with appropriate file permissions
protected by a confidential password. When setting up your Multiquest folder
structure you are strongly advised to involve your department’s Computer
Support Officer and read the additional information on security and backup at
Note You may find it easier to work in Details view (select from the View menu).
Warning The OMR Service requires the addition of three trailing zeros to 5-digit candidate
numbers. Fewer than 8-digits in candidate number fields in Multiquest, or in the
candidate number box on master or student answer sheets, will result in serious
errors (the entire exam or papers will not scan).
Multiquest also needs the candidates’ name in a single field (column) in the form:
Surname Forename Middlenames
Therefore, the candidate list for export to Multiquest should look as follows:
Candidate No. Candidate Name
00045000 SPARROW Anne Frances
If the data already looks as above then proceed to Task 3 on page 7. If, however, the
candidate list for export to Multiquest looks as follows:
Candidate No. Surname Forename Middlenames
00045 SPARROW Anne Frances
2.5 Copy the 5-digit candidate numbers onto the sheet Your Work, concatenating them
with 3 trailing zeros as you do so, as follows:
In the sheet Your Work, click in cell A2 (the cell on the new worksheet to
receive the candidate number)
Click the Paste Function button. . Available Paste Functions are displayed.
Select Text and Concatenate, (Figure 3), then click on OK.
A wizard appears (Figure 3). Point to any empty grey part of the wizard dialog box
and pull it down and to the right of column D, so you can see columns A and B clearly.
In the wizard dialog, click in the box marked Text 1. Go to Sheet 1 and click
in cell A2 (which contains the 5-digit candidate number 00045).
Click in the box marked Text 2 and type “000” (it is necessary to include the
quotes otherwise 000 is treated as a numerical value and truncated).
Figure 4 – concatenating cells B2, C2 and D2 from Sheet 1, with spaces between
Click OK to finish. The result should be SPARROW Anne Frances in cell B2.
Copy the formula in cell B2 to cells B3:B6.
3.1 If the candidate list in Excel contains formulae (for instance, concatenation formulae
created in Task 2 on page 4), the data must first be copied to another worksheet as
values only. To do this in the example spreadsheet:
Select the Your Work sheet.
Select the entire candidate list (A1:B6) and from the Edit menu, choose Copy.
Select the Final Version sheet.
Click on cell A1 and from the Edit menu, choose Paste Special.
Choose Values and then click OK.
3.2 To save the example candidate list as a tab delimited text file:
Ensure the Final Version sheet is selected.
From the File menu, choose Save As.
In Save as type, select Text (Tab delimited) (as in Figure 5).
Warning You should prepare your response files (this task) and master answer sheet
(Task 6 on page 16) well in advance of the examination - although these will not
be required until after the exam it is wise to allow ample time for problems to be
Method In Multiquest, you will choose the exam style (here, 50 questions with 5 parts each) ,
set other options, import a tab delimited candidate list, and create the response files.
Comments The name of the exam should be in the following format:
Unit name Year of study Paper number Exam date
For instance, Sci 1 paper 1 220503
The exam name should be used consistently throughout and quoted on all materials
sent to Print Services (see Appendix A).
This document illustrates how to set up a 50 TFD MCQ examination, which allows
for up to 50 questions, each with up to five parts (A-E), each part to be marked True,
False or Don’t Know (TFD). An image of the answer sheet for this style of exam is
shown in Figure 18 on page 17.
You obtain answer sheets from Print Services on the Print Services Request Form
Part 1: Request for Student Answer Sheet supply (Appendix B).
Multiquest and the OMR machine need to be told how to interpret the machine-
readable answer sheets. This is achieved by the use of decodes, which are files
installed in the Multiquest program folder. Each style of examination, for instance,
50 TFD, requires its own decode. The available decodes are installed when
Multiquest is first installed on the PC and additional decodes may be copied to the
Multiquest program folder later (for instance, if a new style of answer sheet is
introduced then the appropriate decode for it must be obtained from the OMR pages
on the web at
Note The names of the decodes currently used in the University are shown below,
corresponding to the available styles of answer sheet.
Do not use decodes with names other than the above unless you understand why that
decode is installed on your PC and why and when you might use it.
The names of the decodes cannot be changed, although any department may use them.
1. Click New
2. Select a decode
3. Click New
Figure 6 – selecting the decode required to set up for your style of exam
4.3 Enter the exam details in the Select Sheet/Master Exam dialog box (Figure 7):
Enter the exam name in the form Unit name Year of study Paper number Date,
in this case Sci 1 paper 1 220503
In Column Heading, type Total.
This will be used as a column heading in various reports.
First Response should contain 1.
Responses in an exam are always numbered from 1, this being the first response
on the first paper.
In Number of Responses, type 250
See the explanation of this field in the note below.
Note Be careful when setting the Number of Responses. This tells the OMR machine
how far down the answer sheet it needs to read. A response is a single answer given
by the candidate. A question on the paper may have five parts, in which case there are
five responses to that question. So, if your exam has 50 questions, each with 5 parts
(A-E, each of which may be answered T, F or D), the number of responses is
50 x 5 =250 (even though the questions may be numbered from 1 to 50 on the paper).
This tells the machine to read the first 250 positions on the answer sheet grid and then
stop (see the example answer sheet, Figure 18 on page 17).
If you set only 40 questions, each with 5 options, the machine needs to know to stop
reading when it has reached the point on the answer sheet at the end of
40 x 5 = 200 positions on the answer sheet grid (i.e., up to part E of question 40).
However, if you set 40 questions but decide only to have 4 parts to each question
(A-D), the number of responses is the same as if you had set 5 parts (A-E), i.e.:
40 x 5 = 200. This is because the machine still counts along all the possible positions
on the answer sheet grid (whether or not they are used for answers) and will know it
has reached part E of question 40 at this stage.
If you set question with only 4 parts, A-D, ensure the students are told that they
must not make any mark under option E on their answer sheet.
4.4 Use the Define button to look up the Grade Scheme and only create a new one if
necessary. A grade scheme shows the scores needed to a get a First, Upper Second
etc. It is used only in reporting and helps to show the spread of degree classes
(Figure 8)
Note If you want to set up sub-exams (optional), you should do so at this point by
following the instructions in Task 15 on page 32.
4.7 Click OK. You are now asked to save the new response files. Proceed as below.
Navigate to the folder in which you wish to save the files (eg,
Supply a filename (eg: Sci 1 paper 1 220503). Multiquest creates three
response files with that name and extensions .RES, .RST and .RSX.
Note The name given to the response files (Figure 9) should be the same as the exam name
you supplied to Multiquest in step 4.3 on page 9.
Click on Save. You will then see the window shown in Figure 10 and can
import the candidate list you exported from Excel in Task 3 on page 7.
Note The choices made up to now can be changed before the exam is taken by using
File/New, selecting the exam name from the list and clicking Edit. The set up after
this point (i.e., the candidate list) cannot be changed, so the exam would need to be set
up from scratch to incorporate new candidates. Candidates who have withdrawn can just
be marked as absentees on the printed candidate listings prepared for Print Services.
Note If you can’t see the candidates file, either you are looking in the wrong place or you
did not save the Excel file as a text (tab delimited) file. If you can see the file but
can’t open it, this is because the exported worksheet is still open in Excel and must be
closed before Multiquest can use the file.
4.9 You are now presented with three successive windows.
In the first window (Figure 12), choose Delimited then Next.
First row
Not comma
In the third window (Figure 14), leave Auto set and and click Finish.
Note If you see the error message Field name missing this is because you exported
columns from your Excel worksheet that do not have column headers. You can
proceed by clicking Back, unselecting First row contains field names.
Then, in step 4.10 on page 14, match the incoming unlabelled fields (Field 1, etc.)
When done, click OK. You will see the imported list of candidates (Figure 16).
Click OK again.
4.11 Close Multiquest.
5.1 Open Windows Explorer or My Computer and locate the three response files that
have been created (Figure 17 - in Computer Centre Training Rooms these will be in
C:\User\Multiquest\02_03\Vets\Sci_1). The response files all have the
same filename (the name of the exam) but different extensions (.RES, .RST and .RSX).
Figure 17 – using Windows Explorer or My Computer to locate and copy the response files
Note If you are on a training course you may also wish to copy and take away with you the
practice candidate list (Sci 1 candidates.xls) and the three practice
populated response files named Sci 2 paper 2 270503 which are in the folder
Keep the master answer sheet securely in the department. After the exam, send it to
Print Services along with all the student answer sheets and floppy disk containing the
unpopulated response files. The master answer sheet is fed through the OMR
machine at the start of marking.
Warning It is essential that no text or other marks are written outside the boxes on the
master answer sheet or the paper will be invalidated. Take care not to damage
the black track marks down the right hand side, or to dog-ear the page corners.
6.1 See Figure 18, page 17. You would fill in the following details:
• Master Answer Sheet in the Candidate Name box
• Name of the exam – the same as the exam filename,
for instance, Sci 1 paper 1 220503
• Candidate Number. The master is always 00000000. Enter the digits and
cross through the numbers as shown in the figure
• Unit code or programme name
• Exam date
6.2 For each question, mark each option A-E correctly as True or False by making a
horizontal line though T or F with an HB pencil. The machine will read ink but if any
mistakes are made in pen they will be difficult to rectify.
Note If you have only 40 questions and have used an exam style with up to 50 questions,
leave the last 10 questions blank. If questions have only 4 parts (A-D) then leave
option E blank on the master answer sheet. The OMR machine knows how many
questions to expect from the Number of Responses you specified in step 4.3
on page 9.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OR
Figure 18 - 50 TDF Answer sheet (filled in as a master answer sheet, with question 1 completed)
Warning If the forms are badly treated, or if students are poorly instructed in how to fill
in the answer sheets, the number of errors that pause the OMR machine and
require operator intervention will be large. Scanning times in excess of 15
minutes will be charged extra. For further details see
7.1 Examine the answer sheet shown in Figure 18 on page 17. For each question,
students should mark each option A-E as True or False or Don’t know by
making a horizontal line though T or F or D with an HB pencil.
Note It is important that students use pencil (HB preferred) to mark the answer sheet as
this allows errors to be corrected easily using a rubber.
7.2 A common reason for the OMR machine to reject an entire student answer sheet is
failure by the student to correctly fill in their candidate number.
It is crucial that
students fill in Current University 5-digit
the ‘candidate 0 2 4 6 8 0 0 0 candidate numbers must be
number’ box expanded to 8 digits by
correctly. adding trailing zeros and
marking these on the grid. If
For example, a any candidate number
student with the column is empty the answer
candidate sheet will be rejected by the
number 02468 OMR machine.
would fill in the
box thus:
8.1 After the exam, hand deliver to Print Services (in a box to avoid damage):
• The Master Answer Sheet, marked up as described in Task 6 on page 16.
• All completed Student Answer Sheets
• A floppy disk, labelled as shown in Task 5 on page 15, containing the
unpopulated response files created in Task 4 on page 8.
• Two printed listings of candidates (one in candidate number
order, the other in candidate name order), with absentees clearly marked.
These can be printed from the Excel file exported during Task 3 on page 7.
• A completed Print Services Request Form Part 2: Scanning of Answer
Sheets (Appendix B)
Note There is a Print Services Job Number (4 digits) on the Print Services Request Form. It is
essential to use the same Job Number (i.e., the same multi-part form) when requesting a
supply of answer sheets for an exam (by completing Part 1) and when requesting scanning
of the answer sheets for that exam (by completing Part 2 of the same Request Form
whose Part 1 was used to order the answer sheets for that particular examination).
Note The exam data is not kept long term by Print Services. It is the department's
responsibility to securely store and archive the files. Loss of electronic files may
require re-scanning of the student answer sheets at the department's expense.
9.1 Use Windows Explorer or My Computer to copy the three populated response
files (.RES, .RST and .RSX) to the appropriate examination folder in your
Multiquest filing system, overwriting the unpopulated versions.
9.2 It is advisable to take an interim archive copy (backup) at this stage. For further
information on archiving, see
9.3 Lock away or reformat the floppy disk when the files have been copied.
Note To enable easy identification of scanning errors, Print Services will put a ring in
black ink on the student answer sheet around affected Question Number(s).
Warning All manually-entered corrections should be noted and signed on the reverse of
the student’s answer sheet.
10.2 Select the candidate whose unscanned responses you want to enter manually, e.g.:
10462000, INCH, Stephanie
10.3 With the required candidate selected, press <Enter> or click on the Resps button to
open the candidate data window (Figure 21), which is a grid of that candidate’s
responses (Question numbers X Question parts)
Note Data errors will show as > and in a different colour (by default, red).
10.4 Click on the Next Error button to quickly find the first data error (unscanned
response) within the record of the candidate that is currently displayed.
Note Candidate data can be searched for errors or for changes from the Search menu.
Figure 22 – searching for candidates, candidate errors, and changes to candidate data
11.1 If it is not already open in Multiquest, open the populated response file, e.g.:
\Multiquest\02_03\Vets\Sci_2\Sci 2 paper 2 270503.RES.
You will see the columns of students’ numbers and names. If you wish to report on only
selected candidates, double click the check box next to their numbers (Figure 23).
Figure 23 – to report on selected candidates, double-click the check box to the left
11.2 Prior to generating reports it is advisable to check the weight given to particular responses.
Note Print Services set up the marking scheme for each exam when its Master answer sheet is
scanned, according to the preference you expressed on the Request Form Part 2:
Scanning of Answer Sheets. The score is 1 for each correct answer and 0 for
each wrong or don’t know answer, unless you asked for negative marking (in which
case the score is –1 for each wrong answer, with don’t know still scored as 0).
To check the marking scheme:
Click the Scores button. You will see the Correct Answers window and
can view (or adjust) the mark given for correct, incorrect and don’t know
answers (as described further in Task 12.3 on page 27).
When finished, click Cancel (or OK to accept any changes you made).
Figure 27 – candidate listing report. Note the zoom and page buttons (bottom left)
Absentee Report
Check this against the absentee list sent in to Print Services. If they do not tally
an answer sheet may have been lost.
Performance Breakdown Report
This is a detailed report that can run to hundreds of pages. It is not
recommended that it is printed.
Score Distribution Histogram.
Correct Answers Report
This shows the responses on the master answer sheet.
Item Analysis Report.
In the Print Reports window (the one that lists the available reports) the
Options button (bottom left) allows you to alter characteristics of the report.
11.6 Change the Options of the Item Analysis Report to simplify the information
displayed and preview it again to see the changes. The recommended settings are:
Deselect Item Discrimination
Deselect Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient
Deselect Thirds Analysis Table.
11.7 Change the Options of the Candidate Listing report to alter the data sort
order and the columns (fields) shown. For instance:
Sort the candidates by their Score.
Delete the column Total Raw Score.
Add the column Total Percentage.
Preview the report again to see the changes.
11.8 When finished, close the Preview and Print Reports windows.
Warning Adjustments to the marking scheme should be done before final reports are
printed or data is exported from Multiquest to applications such as Excel.
12.2 To adjust the master marking scheme, click the Scores button.
Note If you wish to export only certain candidates, double click the check box next to their
candidate numbers and then export Selected Candidates
13.3 Ensure that the export will be to a comma-delimited file (or another type of your choice):
Click on the Record button to view the record layout options (Figure 31)
Ensure that Variable Length Fields and Export field names
as first row are checked.
Ensure that the Field Delimiter is set to Comma, then click OK.
Note To keep this export layout, click Save as and give a name to the layout. In future,
you will be able to select it from the Standard Layouts drop down list.
2. Set to text
14.1 Once you have finalised changes to the Multiquest response files and generated any
required Excel files of results, archive copies of at least the following files should be
created (or updated):
• The three Mulitquest response files for the exam (.RES, .RST and .RSX)
• Excel files (.XLS) containing finalised results
Note Two backup archive copies of populated response files should be kept (e.g. on CD)
and, preferably, stored in separate locations. Any copies on CD (or other removable
media) must be kept locked away and should be clearly labelled.
14.2 You may wish to tidy up the examination folder in your Multiquest filing system,
deleting any transitional files (e.g., export/import files).
Warning Remember that Windows delete commands do not fully erase data and may
preserve a copy in the Recycle Bin. It is advisable to reformat floppy disks used
to transport files used by Multiquest, or use a secure file deletion program to
completely destroy the files. The same considerations apply if a PC and/or
removable hard disk used for examination purposes is repurposed or scrapped.
You should define your sub-exams at the time of setting up the exam
(as described in Task 4 on page 8, creating the sub-exams at the end of step 4.6 on
page 11). However, here you will add a sub-exam retrospectively.
15.1 In Multiquest’s Available Sheets/Exam Styles window (to get there, click
the New button), select the main exam for which you want to create sub-exams, for
instance, Sci 1 paper 1 220503.
15.2 Assume this is an exam with 40 questions of 5 options each, giving 200 responses in
all. The first 100 responses will be on anatomy, the last 100 on physiology. Click on
the New button and define the first sub-exam (anatomy), as follows:
Enter the name of the new sub-exam in the Name box on the right-hand side of
the screen, e.g., Section 1 of 2 Anatomy. This naming system will
prove invaluable on subsequent reports.
In Column Heading, type Total.
First Response should be 1.
Number of responses in this sub-exam is 100 (the first 20 questions of
5 parts each – for 4-part questions see the Warning on page 8).
Leave the Weighted Score Range (Percentage) as 0 – 100.
Choose the same grade scheme as you have used for the main exam.
Click the Save button. The newly defined sub-exam appears in the list on the
left-hand side of the screen below and to the right of the parent exam.
15.3 Repeat the above for physiology, making sure you create it as a sub-exam of Sci 1
paper 1 220503. The first response for this sub-section of the examination is
101, and the sub-exam has 100 responses (Figure 35).
16.1 In Multiquest open the populated response file for the exam.
You will see the columns of students’ numbers and names.
16.2 If you wish to report on only selected candidates, double click the check box next to
their names.
16.3 Click on the Print icon. On the Exam drop down list you will see the main exam
and its sub-exams (Figure 36). Select the sub-exam whose results you wish to see.
Tel: 9976
Appendix B
Appendix C Timetable of events
For example, the end of unit examination (May/June) would have this progression.
20 If any student answer sheets were returned with minor Task 10 on page 21
errors (affected Question Numbers ringed in black),
members of academic staff must use informed
judgement to decide how treat these unscanned
responses and the Multiquest Resps facility used to
manually correct the candidate data.