Yamaha Dragstar Xvs250 Uputstvo Manual
Yamaha Dragstar Xvs250 Uputstvo Manual
Yamaha Dragstar Xvs250 Uputstvo Manual
Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to the motor-
WARNING cycle operator, a bystander, or a person inspecting or repairing the motorcycle.
A CAUTION indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage to the motor-
CAUTION: cycle.
● This manual should be considered a permanent part of this motorcycle and should remain with it even if the motorcycle
is subsequently sold.
● Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most
current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle
and this manual. If you have any questions concerning this manual, please consult your Yamaha dealer.
©2003 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
1st edition, May 2003
All rights reserved.
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
is expressly prohibited.
Printed in Japan.
SAFETY INFORMATION ..................1-1 OPERATION AND IMPORTANT Adjusting the brake pedal
RIDING POINTS................................. 5-1 position and free play ............... 6-17
DESCRIPTION ..................................2-1 Starting a cold engine .................... 5-1 Adjusting the rear brake
Left view ..........................................2-1 Starting a warm engine .................. 5-2 light switch ................................ 6-18
Right view ........................................2-2 Shifting ........................................... 5-2 Checking the front brake pads
Controls and instruments.................2-3 Tips for reducing fuel and rear brake shoes ............... 6-19
consumption ............................... 5-3 Checking the brake fluid level ...... 6-19
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL Engine break-in .............................. 5-4 Changing the brake fluid .............. 6-20
FUNCTIONS .......................................3-1 Parking ........................................... 5-4 Drive chain slack .......................... 6-21
Main switch/steering lock ................3-1 Lubricating the drive chain ........... 6-22
Indicator and warning lights ............3-2 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND Checking and lubricating the
Speedometer unit ...........................3-3 MINOR REPAIR ................................. 6-1 cables ....................................... 6-23
Self-diagnosis device ......................3-3 Owner’s tool kit ............................... 6-1 Checking and lubricating the
Anti-theft alarm (optional) ...............3-3 Periodic maintenance and throttle grip and cable ............... 6-23
Handlebar switches ........................3-4 lubrication chart .......................... 6-2 Checking and lubricating the
Clutch lever .....................................3-5 Removing and installing panels ..... 6-5 brake and shift pedals .............. 6-24
Shift pedal .......................................3-5 Checking the spark plugs ............... 6-6 Checking and lubricating the
Brake lever .....................................3-6 Engine oil and oil filter element ...... 6-8 brake and clutch levers ............ 6-24
Brake pedal ....................................3-6 Cleaning the air filter element ...... 6-10 Checking and lubricating the
Fuel tank cap ..................................3-6 Adjusting the carburetor ............... 6-11 sidestand .................................. 6-24
Fuel .................................................3-7 Adjusting the engine idling Checking the front fork ................. 6-25
Fuel cock ........................................3-8 speed ........................................ 6-12 Checking the steering .................. 6-25
Starter (choke) lever .......................3-9 Adjusting the throttle cable Checking the wheel bearings ....... 6-26
Helmet holder .................................3-9 free play .................................... 6-12 Battery ......................................... 6-26
Adjusting the shock absorber Adjusting the valve clearance ...... 6-13 Replacing the fuses ..................... 6-28
assemblies ................................3-10 Tires ............................................. 6-13 Replacing the headlight bulb ....... 6-28
Sidestand ......................................3-10 Spoke wheels ............................... 6-15 Replacing the tail/brake
Ignition circuit cut-off system ........3-11 Adjusting the clutch lever light bulb ................................... 6-30
free play .................................... 6-15 Replacing a turn signal
PRE-OPERATION CHECKS ..............4-1 Adjusting the brake lever light bulb ................................... 6-30
Pre-operation check list ..................4-2 free play .................................... 6-16 Supporting the motorcycle ........... 6-31
Front wheel ...................................6-32
Rear wheel ...................................6-33
Troubleshooting ............................6-35
Troubleshooting chart ...................6-36
SPECIFICATIONS .............................8-1
Identification numbers ....................9-1
AND/OR WHEN MADE NECES- • Ride where other motorists can
SARY BY MECHANICAL CONDI- see you. Avoid riding in another
MOTORCYCLES ARE SINGLE TIONS. motorist’s blind spot.
1 TRACK VEHICLES. THEIR SAFE USE ● Many motorcycle accidents in-
AND OPERATION ARE DEPENDENT Safe riding volve inexperienced operators. In
UPON THE USE OF PROPER RIDING ● Always make pre-operation fact, many operators who have
TECHNIQUES AS WELL AS THE EX- checks. Careful checks may help been involved in accidents do not
PERTISE OF THE OPERATOR. EV- prevent an accident. even have a current motorcycle li-
ERY OPERATOR SHOULD KNOW ● This motorcycle is designed to car- cense.
THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ry the operator and a passenger. • Make sure that you are qualified
BEFORE RIDING THIS MOTOR- ● The failure of motorists to detect and that you only lend your
CYCLE. and recognize motorcycles in traf- motorcycle to other qualified op-
HE OR SHE SHOULD: fic is the predominating cause of erators.
● OBTAIN THOROUGH INSTRUC- automobile/motorcycle accidents. • Know your skills and limits.
TIONS FROM A COMPETENT Many accidents have been caused Staying within your limits may
SOURCE ON ALL ASPECTS OF by an automobile driver who did help you to avoid an accident.
MOTORCYCLE OPERATION. not see the motorcycle. Making • We recommend that you prac-
● OBSERVE THE WARNINGS AND yourself conspicuous appears to tice riding your motorcycle
MAINTENANCE REQUIRE- be very effective in reducing the where there is no traffic until you
MENTS IN THE OWNER’S MAN- chance of this type of accident. have become thoroughly famil-
UAL. Therefore: iar with the motorcycle and all of
● OBTAIN QUALIFIED TRAINING • Wear a brightly colored jacket. its controls.
IN SAFE AND PROPER RIDING • Use extra caution when ap- ● Many motorcycle accidents have
TECHNIQUES. proaching and passing through been caused by error of the motor-
● OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL TECH- intersections, since intersec- cycle operator. A typical error
NICAL SERVICE AS INDICATED tions are the most likely places made by the operator is veering
BY THE OWNER’S MANUAL for motorcycle accidents to oc-
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wide on a turn due to EXCESSIVE ● This motorcycle is designed for on- cause burns. Always wear protec-
SPEED or undercornering (insuffi- road use only, therefore, it is not tive clothing that covers your legs,
cient lean angle for the speed). suitable for off-road use. ankles, and feet.
• Always obey the speed limit and ● Passengers should also observe 1
never travel faster than warrant- Protective apparel the precautions mentioned above.
ed by road and traffic conditions. The majority of fatalities from motor-
• Always signal before turning or cycle accidents are the result of head Modifications
changing lanes. Make sure that injuries. The use of a safety helmet is Modifications made to this motorcycle
other motorists can see you. the single most critical factor in the pre- not approved by Yamaha, or the re-
● The posture of the operator and vention or reduction of head injuries. moval of original equipment, may ren-
passenger is important for proper ● Always wear an approved helmet. der the motorcycle unsafe for use and
control. ● Wear a face shield or goggles. may cause severe personal injury.
• The operator should keep both Wind in your unprotected eyes Modifications may also make your
hands on the handlebar and could contribute to an impairment motorcycle illegal to use.
both feet on the operator foot- of vision which could delay seeing
rests during operation to main- a hazard. Loading and accessories
tain control of the motorcycle. ● The use of a jacket, heavy boots, Adding accessories or cargo to your
• The passenger should always trousers, gloves, etc., is effective in motorcycle can adversely affect stabili-
hold onto the operator, seat preventing or reducing abrasions ty and handling if the weight distribution
strap, or grab bar, if equipped, or lacerations. of the motorcycle is changed. To avoid
with both hands and keep both ● Never wear loose-fitting clothes, the possibility of an accident, use ex-
feet on the passenger footrests. otherwise they could catch on the treme caution when adding cargo or
• Never carry a passenger unless control levers, footrests, or wheels accessories to your motorcycle. Use
he or she can firmly place both and cause injury or an accident. extra care when riding a motorcycle
feet on the passenger footrests. ● Never touch the engine or exhaust that has added cargo or accessories.
● Never ride under the influence of system during or after operation. Here are some general guidelines to
alcohol or other drugs. They become very hot and can follow if loading cargo or adding acces-
sories to your motorcycle:
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Loading Accessories are added to the handlebar or
The total weight of the operator, pas- Genuine Yamaha accessories have front fork area, they must be as
senger, accessories and cargo must been specifically designed for use on lightweight as possible and
1 not exceed the maximum load limit of this motorcycle. Since Yamaha cannot should be kept to a minimum.
180 kg (397 lb). When loading within test all other accessories that may be • Bulky or large accessories may
this weight limit, keep the following in available, you must personally be re- seriously affect the stability of
mind: sponsible for the proper selection, in- the motorcycle due to aerody-
● Cargo and accessory weight stallation and use of non-Yamaha namic effects. Wind may at-
should be kept as low and close to accessories. Use extreme caution tempt to lift the motorcycle, or
the motorcycle as possible. Make when selecting and installing any ac- the motorcycle may become un-
sure to distribute the weight as cessories. stable in cross winds. These ac-
evenly as possible on both sides of Keep the following guidelines in mind, cessories may also cause
the motorcycle to minimize imbal- as well as those provided under “Load- instability when passing or being
ance or instability. ing” when mounting accessories. passed by large vehicles.
● Shifting weights can create a sud- ● Never install accessories or carry • Certain accessories can dis-
den imbalance. Make sure that ac- cargo that would impair the perfor- place the operator from his or
cessories and cargo are securely mance of your motorcycle. Care- her normal riding position. This
attached to the motorcycle before fully inspect the accessory before improper position limits the free-
riding. Check accessory mounts using it to make sure that it does dom of movement of the opera-
and cargo restraints frequently. not in any way reduce ground tor and may limit control ability,
● Never attach any large or heavy clearance or cornering clearance, therefore, such accessories are
items to the handlebar, front fork, limit suspension travel, steering not recommended.
or front fender. These items, in- travel or control operation, or ob- ● Use caution when adding electri-
cluding such cargo as sleeping scure lights or reflectors. cal accessories. If electrical acces-
bags, duffel bags, or tents, can • Accessories fitted to the handle- sories exceed the capacity of the
create unstable handling or slow bar or the front fork area can motorcycle’s electrical system, an
steering response. create instability due to improper electric failure could result, which
weight distribution or aerody- could cause a dangerous loss of
namic changes. If accessories lights or engine power.
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Gasoline and exhaust gas • Do not park the motorcycle on a
● GASOLINE IS HIGHLY FLAMMA- slope or soft ground, otherwise it
BLE: may fall over.
• Always turn the engine off when • Do not park the motorcycle near 1
refueling. a flammable source (e.g. a kero-
• Take care not to spill any gaso- sene heater, or near an open
line on the engine or exhaust flame), otherwise it could catch
system when refueling. fire.
• Never refuel while smoking or in ● When transporting the motorcycle
the vicinity of an open flame. in another vehicle, make sure that
● Never start the engine or let it run it is kept upright and that the fuel
for any length of time in a closed cock is turned to “ON” or “RES” (for
area. The exhaust fumes are poi- vacuum type) / “OFF” (for manual
sonous and may cause loss of type). If it should lean over, gaso-
consciousness and death within a line may leak out of the carburetor
short time. Always operate your or fuel tank.
motorcycle in an area that has ad- ● If you should swallow any gaso-
equate ventilation. line, inhale a lot of gasoline vapor,
● Always turn the engine off before or allow gasoline to get into your
leaving the motorcycle unattended eyes, see your doctor immediately.
and remove the key from the main If any gasoline spills on your skin
switch. When parking the motor- or clothing, immediately wash the
cycle, note the following: affected area with soap and water
• The engine and exhaust system and change your clothes.
may be hot, therefore, park the
motorcycle in a place where pe-
destrians or children are not like-
ly to touch these hot areas.
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Left view
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Right view
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1. Push.
The main switch/steering lock controls 2. Turn.
the ignition and lighting systems, and is Push the key in, and then turn it to
used to lock the steering. The various “OFF” while still pushing it.
positions are described below. EWA10060
1. Push. WARNING
ON 2. Turn. Never turn the key to “OFF” or
All electrical systems are supplied with “LOCK” while the vehicle is moving,
1. Turn the handlebars all the way to
power, and the engine can be started. otherwise the electrical systems will
the left.
The key cannot be removed. be switched off, which may result in
2. Push the key in from the “OFF” po-
loss of control or an accident. Make
sition, and then turn it to “LOCK”
EAU10660 sure that the vehicle is stopped be-
OFF while still pushing it.
fore turning the key to “OFF” or
All electrical systems are off. The key 3. Remove the key.
can be removed.
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Neutral indicator light “ ”
This indicator light comes on when the
transmission is in the neutral position.
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1. Speedometer To prevent engine damage, be sure
2. Odometer to consult a Yamaha dealer as soon
3. Tripmeter as possible if this occurs.
4. Tripmeter reset knob
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Horn switch “ ”
Press this switch to sound the horn.
3 Light switch “ / / ”
Set this switch to “ ” to turn on the
1. Engine stop switch “ / ” auxiliary light, meter lighting and tail-
2. Light switch “ / / ” light. Set the switch to “ ” to turn on
3. Start switch “ ” the headlight also. Set the switch to “ ”
1. Pass switch “ ”
2. Dimmer switch “ / ” to turn off all the lights.
3. Turn signal switch “ / ”
Pass switch “ ”
4. Horn switch “ ” EAU12660
Press this switch to flash the headlight. Engine stop switch “ / ”
Set this switch to “ ” before starting
Dimmer switch “ / ” the engine. Set this switch to “ ” to
Set this switch to “ ” for the high stop the engine in case of an emergen-
beam and to “ ” for the low beam. cy, such as when the vehicle overturns
or when the throttle cable is stuck.
Turn signal switch “ / ” EAU12710
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The clutch lever is located at the left The shift pedal is located on the left
handlebar grip. To disengage the side of the engine and is used in com-
clutch, pull the lever toward the handle- bination with the clutch lever when
bar grip. To engage the clutch, release shifting the gears of the 5-speed con-
the lever. The lever should be pulled stant-mesh transmission equipped on
rapidly and released slowly for smooth this motorcycle.
clutch operation.
The clutch lever is equipped with a
clutch switch, which is part of the igni-
tion circuit cut-off system. (See page
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The brake lever is located at the right The brake pedal is on the right side of
To remove the fuel tank cap
handlebar grip. To apply the front the motorcycle. To apply the rear
Insert the key into the lock and turn it
brake, pull the lever toward the handle- brake, press down on the brake pedal.
1/4 turn clockwise. The lock will be re-
bar grip.
leased and the fuel tank cap can be re-
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● Do not overfill the fuel tank, oth- Use only unleaded gasoline. The use
erwise it may overflow when the of leaded gasoline will cause severe
fuel warms up and expands. damage to internal engine parts,
● Avoid spilling fuel on the hot en- such as the valves and piston rings,
gine. as well as to the exhaust system.
Your Yamaha engine has been de-
signed to use regular unleaded gaso-
line with a research octane number of
91 or higher. If knocking (or pinging) oc-
curs, use a gasoline of a different brand
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1. Pointed end positioned over “RES”
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If a malfunction is noted, have a
Yamaha dealer check the system be-
fore riding.
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The condition of a vehicle is the owner’s responsibility. Vital components can start to deteriorate quickly and unexpectedly,
even if the vehicle remains unused (for example, as a result of exposure to the elements). Any damage, fluid leakage or loss
of tire air pressure could have serious consequences. Therefore, it is very important, in addition to a thorough visual inspec-
tion, to check the following points before each ride.
Pre-operation checks should be made each time the vehicle is used. Such an inspection can be accomplished in a very short
time; and the added safety it assures is more than worth the time involved.
If any item in the Pre-operation check list is not working properly, have it inspected and repaired before operating
the vehicle.
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For maximum engine life, never ac-
celerate hard when the engine is
7. When the engine is warm, turn the 1. Shift pedal
starter (choke) off. 2. Neutral position
NOTE: Shifting gears lets you control the
The engine is warm when it responds amount of engine power available for
normally to the throttle with the starter starting off, accelerating, climbing hills,
(choke) turned off. etc.
The gear positions are shown in the il-
To shift the transmission into the neu-
tral position, press the shift pedal down
repeatedly until it reaches the end of its
travel, and then slightly raise it.
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Recommended shift points (for
Switzerland only)
The recommended shift points during
acceleration are shown in the table be-
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1 * Fuel line • Check fuel and vacuum hoses for cracks or damage. √ √ √ √ √
• Check condition.
√ √
2 Spark plugs • Clean and regap.
• Replace. √ √ 6
• Check valve clearance.
3 * Valves √ √ √ √
• Adjust.
• Clean. √ √
4 Air filter element
• Replace. √ √
• Check operation.
5 Clutch √ √ √ √ √
• Adjust.
• Check operation, fluid level and vehicle for fluid leakage. √ √ √ √ √ √
6 * Front brake
• Replace brake pads. Whenever worn to the limit
• Check operation and adjust brake pedal free play. √ √ √ √ √ √
7 * Rear brake
• Replace brake shoes. Whenever worn to the limit
• Check for cracks or damage. √ √ √ √ √
8 * Brake hose
• Replace. Every 4 years
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● The air filter needs more frequent service if you are riding in unusually wet or dusty areas.
● Hydraulic brake service
• Regularly check and, if necessary, correct the brake fluid level.
• Every two years replace the internal components of the brake master cylinder and caliper, and change the brake fluid.
• Replace the brake hoses every four years and if cracked or damaged.
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Panel A
2. Pull the rear of the panel out with 2. Turn the key counterclockwise to
the key inserted in the lock, and the original position, remove it, and
then slide the panel forward to re- then close the panel lock cover.
lease it in the front.
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1. Bolt
2. Clamp screw
3. Hose 1. Air filter element
2. Screw
2. Remove the air filter case cover by
removing the screws. 4. Lightly tap the air filter element to
remove most of the dust and dirt,
and then blow the remaining dirt
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Adjusting the valve clearance Tires Tire air pressure (measured on cold
The valve clearance changes with use, To maximize the performance, durabil- 0–90 kg (0–198 lb):
resulting in improper air-fuel mixture ity, and safe operation of your motor- Front:
and/or engine noise. To prevent this cycle, note the following points 175 kPa (25 psi) (1.75 kgf/cm²)
from occurring, the valve clearance regarding the specified tires. Rear:
must be adjusted by a Yamaha dealer 200 kPa (29 psi) (2.00 kgf/cm²)
90–180 kg (198–397 lb):
at the intervals specified in the periodic Tire air pressure Front:
maintenance and lubrication chart. The tire air pressure should be checked 225 kPa (33 psi) (2.25 kgf/cm²)
and, if necessary, adjusted before each Rear:
ride. 225 kPa (33 psi) (2.25 kgf/cm²)
EWA10500 Maximum load*:
WARNING 180 kg (397 lb)
* Total weight of rider, passenger, car-
● The tire air pressure must be go and accessories
checked and adjusted on cold
6 tires (i.e., when the temperature EWA11020
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play could be obtained as de- ver and the crankcase. Adjusting the brake lever free
scribed above, tighten the locknut play
and skip the rest of the procedure,
otherwise proceed as follows.
4. Fully turn the adjusting bolt at the
clutch lever in direction (a) to loos-
en the clutch cable.
5. Loosen the locknut at the crank-
1. Locknut
2. Brake lever free play adjusting screw
3. Brake lever free play
The brake lever free play should mea-
sure 5.0–8.0 mm (0.20–0.31 in) as
shown. Periodically check the brake le-
ver free play and, if necessary, adjust it
1. Locknut as follows.
2. Clutch lever free play adjusting nut 1. Loosen the locknut at the brake le-
6. To increase the clutch lever free 2. To increase the brake lever free
play, turn the adjusting nut in direc- play, turn the adjusting screw in di-
tion (a). To decrease the clutch le- rection (a). To decrease the brake
ver free play, turn the adjusting nut lever free play, turn the adjusting
in direction (b). screw in direction (b).
3. Tighten the locknut.
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Brake pedal position After adjusting the brake pedal posi-
The top of the brake pedal should be tion, the brake pedal free play must
positioned approximately 76.6 mm be adjusted.
(3.02 in) above the top of the footrest as
shown. Periodically check the brake
pedal position and, if necessary, adjust
it as follows.
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The brake pedal free play should mea- obtained as described, have a Adjusting the rear brake light
sure 20.0–30.0 mm (0.79–1.18 in) at Yamaha dealer make this ad- switch
the brake pedal end. Periodically check justment.
the brake pedal free play and, if neces- ● After adjusting the brake pedal
sary, adjust it as follows. free play, check the operation of
To increase the brake pedal free play, the brake light.
turn the adjusting nut at the brake rod in
direction (a). To decrease the brake
pedal free play, turn the adjusting nut in
direction (b).
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Checking the front brake pads peared, have a Yamaha dealer replace Checking the brake fluid level
and rear brake shoes the brake pads as a set. Front brake
The front brake pads and the rear brake
shoes must be checked for wear at the EAU22540
Front brake pads
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make sure that the top of the mas- denly, have a Yamaha dealer Changing the brake fluid
ter cylinder is level by turning the check the cause. Have a Yamaha dealer change the
handlebars. brake fluid at the intervals specified in
● Use only the recommended quality the NOTE after the periodic mainte-
brake fluid, otherwise the rubber nance and lubrication chart. In addition,
seals may deteriorate, causing have the oil seals of the brake master
leakage and poor braking perfor- cylinder and caliper as well as the
mance. brake hose replaced at the intervals
listed below or whenever they are dam-
Recommended brake fluid: aged or leaking.
DOT 4 ● Oil seals: Replace every two
● Refill with the same type of brake ● Brake hose: Replace every four
fluid. Mixing fluids may result in a years.
harmful chemical reaction and 6
lead to poor braking performance.
● Be careful that water does not en-
ter the master cylinder when refill-
ing. Water will significantly lower
the boiling point of the fluid and
may result in vapor lock.
● Brake fluid may deteriorate paint-
ed surfaces or plastic parts. Al-
ways clean up spilled fluid
● As the brake pads wear, it is nor-
mal for the brake fluid level to grad-
ually go down. However, if the
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To check the drive chain slack
1. Place the motorcycle on a level
surface and hold it in an upright po-
sition. 1. Drive chain slack 1. Axle nut
2. Locknut
NOTE: 4. If the drive chain slack is incorrect, 3. Brake pedal free play adjusting nut
When checking and adjusting the drive adjust it as follows.
chain slack, the motorcycle should be 2. To tighten the drive chain, turn the
positioned straight up and there should EAU22821 adjusting nut at each end of the
be no weight on it. To adjust the drive chain slack swingarm in direction (a). To loos-
1. Loosen the brake pedal free play en the drive chain, turn the adjust-
2. Shift the transmission into the neu- adjusting nut, axle nut, and locknut ing nut at each end of the
tral position. at each end of the swingarm. swingarm in direction (b), and then
3. Move the rear wheel by pushing
push the rear wheel forward.
the motorcycle to locate the tight-
est portion of the drive chain, and NOTE:
then measure the drive chain slack Using the alignment marks on each
as shown. side of the swingarm, make sure that
both adjusting nuts are in the same po-
Drive chain slack: sition for proper wheel alignment.
30.0–40.0 mm (1.18–1.57 in)
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Recommended lubricant:
Engine oil
Damage to the outer sheath may in-
terfere with proper cable operation
and will cause the inner cable to
rust. Replace a damaged cable as
soon as possible to prevent unsafe
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5KRE2.book Page 24 Monday, June 23, 2003 3:32 PM
Checking and lubricating the Checking and lubricating the Checking and lubricating the
brake and shift pedals brake and clutch levers sidestand
The operation of the brake and shift The operation of the brake and clutch The operation of the sidestand should
pedals should be checked before each levers should be checked before each be checked before each ride, and the
ride, and the pedal pivots should be lu- ride, and the lever pivots should be lu- sidestand pivot and metal-to-metal 6
bricated if necessary. bricated if necessary. contact surfaces should be lubricated if
Recommended lubricant: Recommended lubricant: EWA10730
Recommended lubricant:
Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur-
pose grease)
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1. Battery
Never attempt to remove the battery
cell seals, as this would permanent-
ly damage the battery.
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Do not use a fuse of a higher amper-
age rating than recommended to
avoid causing extensive damage to 6
1. Main fuse
2. Spare main fuse
the electrical system and possibly a
1. Screw
3. Headlight fuse fire.
4. Ignition fuse 2. Disconnect the headlight coupler,
3. Turn the key to “ON” and turn on
5. Signaling system fuse and then remove the bulb cover.
the electrical circuit in question to
6. Carburetor heater fuse
check if the device operates.
7. Spare fuse
4. If the fuse immediately blows
If a fuse is blown, replace it as follows. again, have a Yamaha dealer
1. Turn the key to “OFF” and turn off check the electrical system.
the electrical circuit in question.
2. Remove the blown fuse, and then
install a new fuse of the specified
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5KRE2.book Page 29 Monday, June 23, 2003 3:32 PM
Headlight bulbs get very hot. There-
fore, keep flammable products away 1. Do not touch the glass part of the bulb.
6 from a lit headlight bulb, and do not 5. Install the headlight bulb cover,
touch the bulb until it has cooled and then connect the coupler.
down. 6. Install the headlight unit by install-
4. Place a new headlight bulb into po- ing the screws.
sition, and then secure it with the 7. Have a Yamaha dealer adjust the
1. Headlight bulb cover bulb holder. headlight beam if necessary.
3. Unhook the headlight bulb holder, CAUTION:
and then remove the defective
bulb. Do not touch the glass part of the
headlight bulb to keep it free from
oil, otherwise the transparency of
the glass, the luminosity of the bulb,
and the bulb life will be adversely af-
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● It is advisable to have a Yamaha
dealer service the wheel.
● Securely support the motor-
cycle so that there is no danger 1. Front wheel axle pinch bolt
of it falling over. 2. Rubber cap
3. Wheel axle
1. Disconnect the speedometer ca-
ble from the front wheel. 4. Lift the front wheel off the ground
according to the procedure on 1. Speedometer gear unit
page 6-31. 6
5. Pull the wheel axle out, and then 2. Lift the wheel up between the fork
remove the wheel. legs.
Make sure that there is enough space
Do not apply the brake after the between the brake pads before insert-
wheel has been removed together ing the brake disc and that the slot in
with the brake disc, otherwise the the speedometer gear unit fits over the
1. Speedometer cable brake pads will be forced shut. retainer on the fork leg.
2. Loosen the front wheel axle pinch
3. Remove the rubber cap, and then
loosen the wheel axle.
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5KRE2.book Page 33 Monday, June 23, 2003 3:32 PM
Rear wheel
To remove the rear wheel
● It is advisable to have a Yamaha
dealer service the wheel.
● Securely support the motor-
1. Speedometer gear unit retainer cycle so that there is no danger
of it falling over.
3. Insert the wheel axle.
4. Lower the front wheel so that it is 1. Loosen the axle nut and the brake
on the ground. torque rod nut at the brake shoe
5. Tighten the wheel axle and front plate.
6 wheel axle pinch bolt to the speci-
fied torques, and then install the
rubber cap.
Tightening torques:
Wheel axle:
59 Nm (5.9 m·kgf, 43 ft·lbf)
Front wheel axle pinch bolt:
20 Nm (2.0 m·kgf, 14 ft·lbf)
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5KRE2.book Page 35 Monday, June 23, 2003 3:32 PM
Although Yamaha motorcycles receive
a thorough inspection before shipment
from the factory, trouble may occur dur-
ing operation. Any problem in the fuel,
compression, or ignition systems, for
example, can cause poor starting and
loss of power.
The following troubleshooting chart
represents a quick and easy procedure
for checking these vital systems your-
self. However, should your motorcycle
require any repair, take it to a Yamaha
dealer, whose skilled technicians have
6 the necessary tools, experience, and
know-how to service the motorcycle
Use only genuine Yamaha replace-
ment parts. Imitation parts may look like
Yamaha parts, but they are often inferi-
or, have a shorter service life and can
lead to expensive repair bills.
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Troubleshooting chart
Keep away open flames and do not smoke while checking or working on the fuel system.
1. Fuel
There is enough fuel. Check the compression.
Check the fuel level in
the fuel tank.
The engine does not start.
There is no fuel. Supply fuel.
Check the compression.
2. Compression
There is compression. Check the ignition.
Operate the electric starter.
Have a Yamaha dealer
There is no compression.
check the vehicle.
3. Ignition Wipe off with a dry cloth and correct the Open the throttle halfway and operate
spark plug gaps, or replace the spark plugs. the electric starter.
Remove the spark plugs
and check the electrodes.
The engine does not start.
Dry Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.
Check the battery.
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Dimensions: Engine oil: Carburetor:
Overall length: Type: Manufacturer:
2320 mm (91.3 in) SAE10W30 or SAE10W40 or SAE15W40 MIKUNI
Overall width: or SAE20W40 or SAE20W50 Type x quantity:
910 mm (35.8 in) BDS26 x 1
Overall height: -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 ˚C Spark plug(s):
1075 mm (42.3 in) Manufacturer/model:
Seat height: SAE 10W-30
670 mm (26.4 in) SAE 10W-40 Manufacturer/model:
Wheelbase: DENSO/U20FSR-U
1530 mm (60.2 in) SAE 15W-40 Spark plug gap:
Ground clearance: 0.6–0.7 mm (0.024–0.028 in)
SAE 20W-40
150 mm (5.91 in) Clutch:
Minimum turning radius: SAE 20W-50 Clutch type:
2900 mm (114.2 in) Wet, multiple-disc
Weight: Transmission:
With oil and fuel: Recommended engine oil grade:
Primary reduction system:
159.0 kg (351 lb) API service SE, SF, SG type or higher
Spur gear
Engine oil quantity:
Engine: Primary reduction ratio:
Without oil filter element replacement:
Engine type: 72/23 (3.130)
1.40 L (1.48 US qt) (1.23 Imp.qt)
Air cooled 4-stroke, SOHC Secondary reduction system:
With oil filter element replacement:
Cylinder arrangement: Chain drive
1.60 L (1.69 US qt) (1.41 Imp.qt)
V-type 2-cylinder Secondary reduction ratio:
Air filter:
8 Air filter element:
56/20 (2.800)
249.0 cm³ (15.19 cu.in) Transmission type:
Dry element
Bore × stroke: Constant mesh 5-speed
49.0 × 66.0 mm (1.93 × 2.60 in) Fuel: Operation:
Compression ratio: Recommended fuel:
Left foot operation
10.00 :1 Regular unleaded gasoline only
Gear ratio:
Starting system: Fuel tank capacity:
Electric starter 11.0 L (2.91 US gal) (2.42 Imp.gal)
37/14 (2.643)
Lubrication system: Fuel reserve amount:
Wet sump 3.4 L (0.90 US gal) (0.75 Imp.gal)
32/19 (1.684)
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5KRE2.book Page 2 Monday, June 23, 2003 3:32 PM
3rd: (Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo and Rear brake:
29/23 (1.261) accessories) Type:
4th: Tire air pressure (measured on cold Drum brake
26/26 (1.000) tires): Operation:
5th: Loading condition: Right foot operation
23/28 (0.821) 0–90 kg (0–198 lb) Front suspension:
Chassis: Front: Type:
Frame type: 175 kPa (25 psi) (1.75 kgf/cm²) Telescopic fork
Double cradle Rear: Spring/shock absorber type:
Caster angle: 200 kPa (29 psi) (2.00 kgf/cm²) Coil spring/oil damper
35.0 ° Loading condition: Wheel travel:
Trail: 90–180 kg (198–397 lb) 140.0 mm (5.51 in)
135.0 mm (5.31 in) Front: Rear suspension:
Front tire: 225 kPa (33 psi) (2.25 kgf/cm²) Type:
Type: Rear: Swingarm
With tube 225 kPa (33 psi) (2.25 kgf/cm²) Spring/shock absorber type:
Size: Front wheel: Coil spring/oil damper
80/100-18M/C 47P Wheel type: Wheel travel:
Manufacturer/model: Spoke wheel 100.0 mm (3.94 in)
CHENG SHIN/C-916 Rim size: Electrical system:
Manufacturer/model: 18x1.60 Ignition system:
IRC/MARBELLA NF27 Rear wheel: Transistorized coil ignition (digital)
Rear tire: Wheel type: Charging system:
Type: Spoke wheel A.C. magneto 8
With tube Rim size: Battery:
Size: 15M/C x MT3.00 Model:
130/90-15M/C 66P Front brake: GT6B-3
Manufacturer/model: Type: Voltage, capacity:
CHENG SHIN/C-915 Single disc brake 12 V, 6.0 Ah
Manufacturer/model: Operation: Headlight:
IRC/MARBELLA NR31 Right hand operation Bulb type:
Loading: Recommended fluid: Halogen bulb
Maximum load: Dot 4
180 kg (397 lb)
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Bulb voltage, wattage x quantity:
12 V, 60 W/55.0 W × 1
Tail/brake light:
12 V, 5 W/21.0 W × 1
Front turn signal light:
12 V, 21.0 W × 2
Rear turn signal light:
12 V, 21.0 W × 2
Auxiliary light:
12 V, 4.0 W × 1
Meter lighting:
12 V, 1.7 W × 1
Neutral indicator light:
12 V, 1.7 W × 1
High beam indicator light:
12 V, 1.7 W × 1
Turn signal indicator light:
12 V, 1.7 W × 1
Engine trouble warning light:
12 V, 1.7 W × 1
Main fuse:
8 30.0 A
Headlight fuse:
15.0 A
Signaling system fuse:
10.0 A
Ignition fuse:
10.0 A
Carburetor heater fuse:
10.0 A
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EAU26351 EAU26381 EAU26400
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Model label
1. Model label
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Air filter element, cleaning .................... 6-10 Front fork, checking...............................6-25 Rear brake light switch, adjusting ......... 6-18
Anti-theft alarm (optional) ....................... 3-3 Fuel .........................................................3-7 S
B Fuel cock.................................................3-8 Safety information................................... 1-1
Battery .................................................. 6-26 Fuel consumption, tips for reducing ........5-3 Self-diagnosis device.............................. 3-3
Brake and clutch levers, checking Fuel tank cap...........................................3-6 Shifting.................................................... 5-2
and lubricating .................................... 6-24 Fuses, replacing....................................6-28 Shift pedal............................................... 3-5
Brake and shift pedals, checking H Shock absorber assemblies,
and lubricating .................................... 6-24 Handlebar switches .................................3-4 adjusting ............................................. 3-10
Brake fluid, changing ............................ 6-20 Headlight bulb, replacing.......................6-28 Sidestand.............................................. 3-10
Brake fluid level, checking .................... 6-19 Helmet holder..........................................3-9 Sidestand, checking and lubricating ..... 6-24
Brake lever ............................................. 3-6 High beam indicator light.........................3-2 Spark plugs, checking............................. 6-6
Brake lever free play, adjusting ............ 6-16 Horn switch .............................................3-4 Specifications.......................................... 8-1
Brake pads and shoes, checking.......... 6-19 I Speedometer unit ................................... 3-3
Brake pedal ............................................ 3-6 Identification numbers .............................9-1 Starter (choke) lever ............................... 3-9
Brake pedal position and free play, Ignition circuit cut-off system .................3-11 Starting a cold engine ............................. 5-1
adjusting ............................................. 6-17 Indicator and warning lights ....................3-2 Start switch ............................................. 3-4
C K Steering, checking ................................ 6-25
Cables, checking and lubricating.......... 6-23 Key identification number........................9-1 Storage ................................................... 7-3
Carburetor, adjusting ............................ 6-11 L Supporting the motorcycle .................... 6-31
Care........................................................ 7-1 Light switch .............................................3-4 T
Clutch lever............................................. 3-5 M Tail/brake light bulb, replacing .............. 6-30
Clutch lever free play, adjusting ........... 6-15 Main switch/steering lock ........................3-1 Throttle cable free play, adjusting......... 6-12
D Model label..............................................9-2 Throttle grip and cable, checking
Dimmer switch ........................................ 3-4 N and lubricating .................................... 6-23
Drive chain, lubricating ......................... 6-22 Tires...................................................... 6-13
Neutral indicator light ..............................3-2
Drive chain slack .................................. 6-21 Tool kit .................................................... 6-1
E Troubleshooting .................................... 6-35
Panels, removing and installing ..............6-5
Engine break-in ...................................... 5-4 Troubleshooting chart ........................... 6-36
Parking ....................................................5-4
Engine idling speed .............................. 6-12 Turn signal indicator light ........................ 3-2
Part locations ..........................................2-1
Engine oil and oil filter element............... 6-8 Turn signal light bulb, replacing ............ 6-30
Pass switch .............................................3-4
Engine, starting a warm.......................... 5-2 Turn signal switch ................................... 3-4
Periodic maintenance and
Engine stop switch.................................. 3-4 lubrication chart.....................................6-2
Engine trouble warning light ................... 3-2 Valve clearance, adjusting.................... 6-13
Pre-operation check list...........................4-2
Vehicle identification number .................. 9-1
Wheel bearings, checking..................... 6-26
Wheel (front) ......................................... 6-32
Wheel (rear) .......................................... 6-33
Wheels .................................................. 6-15