Cicocure WB
Cicocure WB
Cicocure WB
Cicofloor WBFS-50 Technical Data Sheet
Water Based Concrete Curing Compound
Solvent Free Epoxy Floor Coating issue 07/Dec.17
Description Properties
Cicocure®WB is water based concrete curing Appearance white milky liquid
compound based on inorganic polymers. In Dry film appearance Clear, and white film
application, Cicocure®WB creates a regular and Specific gravity @ 25oC 1.01±0.01
continuous film on the fresh concrete surface PH 6.3±0.3
preventing loss of the concrete inner hydration Curing efficiency (water loss)
water, ensuring more efficient cement reaction, ASTM C156 0.25 Kg/m2
improving durability and reducing shrinkage. Coverage, m /l (sprayed) 4-5
Handling Precautions
Standards Compliance
Avoid close spraying with pressure on fresh
ASTM C 309 Type 1 class B, Type 2 class A
ASTM C 1315 Type 1 class A, Type 2 class A
Removal and Over Coating
Packaging Cicocure®WB will be slowly removed by physical
20 liter pails and 210 liter drums abrasion in normal traffic or exposure to UV light.
Breakdown of the film commences after about 30
Shelf Life & Storage days. To ensure complete removal use high
12 months shelf life when stored in its original pressured steam, or brush the cured surface by
containers under shaded area in a temperature hand steel brush before applying any overlay
within the range of 5oC to 50 oC. finishing item to ensure a good bond to the
concrete (recommended).
Limitation Precautions
Cicocure®WB should not be continuously stirred Health and Safety
in high shear pumps because this may cause a Cicocure®WB is non-hazardous. However, it
breakdown of the emulsion. If continuous should not be swallowed or allowed to come into
recirculation is necessary, the sprayer should be contact with skin or eyes. Suitable protective
fitted with a low shear diaphragm pump goggles and gloves should be worn. In the case of
contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of
Cleaning & Disposal water and seek medical advice. When contact
Spillages of Cicocure®WB should be hosed down with the skin is made, wash off immediately with
with large quantities of water or absorbed onto fine soap and water. If swallowed, seek medical
sand and disposed of in accordance with local attention immediately, do not induce vomiting.
Technical Support
CIC provides on-site assistance and consulting
services on projects when requested. Technical
data sheets on other CIC products and guidance
on their use are available on request.
CIC products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and sold subject to CIC's standard terms and conditions of sale. Whilst CIC
endeavors to ensure that any advice, information or recommendation given is correct, the company cannot accept any liability either directly or indirectly
arising from the use of its products, since the company has no control over the application of its products. Information contained in this document is given on
the best current knowledge. CIC's policy is one of continuous improvement and the company reserves the right to change the company products without
prior notice.
Head Office: Jeddah Towers Building, Sharafeyah – P.O Box 7232, Jeddah 21462
(+96612) 653-2152 – 6514414 – 6531622 Fax (+96612) 651-9230
Factories: Plant 1: AlKhomra - Jeddah Telefax (+96612) 6365190
Plant 2 Jubail (+96613) 3404771 – 3404772 Fax (+96613) 3404770
Aal Taher Group
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